Conexant HD Audio: Volume Control Doesn't Work

Jun 7, 2008

Ever since I tried to install Service Pack 1 (which seemed to require driver updates before it could be installed), the sound on my laptop has refused to work. The volume control doesn't work and insists that there is no audio output device, whereas the Device Manager says that the Conexant HD Audio device is there, but that the drivers are not installed... but when I try to reinstall the drivers, it tells me that the installation has 'failed', but doesn't tell me why.

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Audio Red Cross - Conexant HD Audio

Dec 18, 2008

"no audi device installed, in volume mixer"

Im trying to help a friend fix their sound on their HP Compaq Presario F500 (2EA)Laptop. They have the annoying red cross over the audio icon on the bottom right hand corner of the screen (No Volume Mixer).

I have tried numerous things like:-

- Completely uninstalled the (Conexant High Definition) drivers in device manager, restarted and let Vista install them again.
- Downloaded latest drivers from RealTek,, and also HP
- Unfortunately their are no system restore points before the problem happened.

I have a sneaking suspision that either Windows Update installed something that is clashing with this problem or I herd that Itunes may have somethign to do with it (Which was installed near the time).

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Audio Doesn't Work

Aug 6, 2008

I have onboard sound with an asus m2n sli deluxe mobo. I am dual-booting xp and vista and my speakers work on my xp partition. I have them set as the default device and when I test them they work but when I try to listen to music or any audio it doesn't work.

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Realtek Audio Drive Doesn't Work

May 15, 2010

I was cleaning my computer and accidently uninstalled my realtek audio drive. I immediately re downloaded and installed it but now my sound doesnt work. My sound icon isnt X'd out or anything, I'm just not getting sound. I'm sorry if I'm not providing enough information, ummm... lets see if I can give more info... I think it might have something to do with the fact that I'm using an HD TV screen and my sound comes through that... but I dontknow how to fix it.

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Creative X-Fi Audio Console Doesn't Work Properly

Aug 17, 2009

Prior to formatting my computer my soundcard and its software worked perfectly however after i formatted, my creative audio console doesnt really work properly. For example. Before if i adjusted the master volume in the audio console, it would synronise and adjust the volume in the default windows sound mixer now it doesnt. Secondly before if i plugged in headphones the sound would autmatically go through the headphones and mute the speakers. Now if i open the console and go to the headphones section, I have mute speakers checked and automatically enable headphone settings checked and if i plug in my headphones, sound still comes out of speakers but if i press test in the audio console, the test lady voice comes through the headphones whilst other sounds still continues through the speakers. I have reinstalled the drivers twice now and updated the drivers.

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Change The Volume From The Taskbar, A Window Pops Up Saying "Volume Control Applet Is Not Responding"

Apr 13, 2009

No sound: it's just not working, and whenever I try to change the volume from the taskbar, a window pops up saying "Volume Control Applet is not responding". Also when I right-click on the sound icon and go to 'playback devices' and then go to the recording tab, it freezes (the window) and says "Windows Shell Common dll is not responding. (I don't know if this is related but my iTunes isn't working, I double-click to listen but the little time bar at the top doesn't move at all, but the window does not freeze)

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Volume Control Gone From Taskbar

Feb 17, 2010

Am not skillful, but would like volume control returned to taskbar. Currently have volume, but it is too loud.If you can fix it, tell me how. Remember I am NOT skillfull.

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Lost Volume Control Icon

Mar 23, 2008

I lost the volume control icon in the notification area. When I go to properties for the notification area the volume check box is grayed out. I've also looked in the Creative software but there is no option that I can find for the volume control icon. Any ideas on how to get it back?

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Volume Control Icon Can't Removed

Jul 11, 2009

Not sure if this is a Vista problem or some type of malware or IM downloaded icon. The icon appeared after one of my kids was on PC. Do not know if she was in an IM program or not. The "volume control" icon can not be removed. Can't right or left click to get info or even move or delete it. Can't find any associated program that was installed in the last 2 days. Anyone ever have or seen this problem?

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Software Doesn't Work, "Windows Hostprocess Doesn't Work"

Apr 21, 2009

I have had Windows Vista 64 for 2 Months now and of that period of time it worked soundly for about 2 Weeks. I am NOT an irresponsible User, I don't just delete Data, I know a little something about computing, I don't visit or download from dubious sites etc.

1) Without any reason software suddently doesn't work.
a) I installed a Antivirussoftware - after 3 Weeks it suddently didn't work any more (Kaspersky) I couldn't reinstall it.
b) I installed a new Antivirussoftware - after 5 days it didn't work anymore.
c) 4 days later I started to get errormessages "Windows Defender doesn't work any more" - "Windows Hostprocess doesn't work anymore"

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Realtek Hd Audio Not Showing Up In Control Panel

Nov 14, 2008

I recently just tried plugging in an old pair of speakers that i've had for some time, and they worked fine. I then decided that i'd just make sure everything worked fine if i wanted to switch back to my headset, so i went into Control Panel -> Sound and saw both my speakers and headset there. I double clicked on the realtek audio out part that was my speakers, and assumed that selecting the disable option (a drop down box that said "device usage" next to it) would just switch to my headset, since just double clicking on my headset did nothing. Well, now it just completely got rid of the driver from that list and i can't get my speakers to work.

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Audio Doesn't Record Right

Mar 1, 2008

When I use programs such as sound recorders or capture cards, the audio doesn't record right. It records as if I were using a microphone. How could this be when there is no microphone plugged it? The weird part is that I can hear myself and other things in the background of the recordings. Is there a setting that would change it so that it records from the actual source?

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Control Panel Doesn't Appear After TV Card Adding

Apr 2, 2008

Since yesterday I had this problem accessing the Control Panel in Vista, the

only thing I changed to the system was adding a Hauppauge TV Card. What

would happen is that when you clicked on Control Panel nothing would be

visible where the categories would normally appear, and sometimes it would ..

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Vista Doesn't Matter Control Processor

Jun 23, 2009

I like the CPU speed control in Power-->Advaanced settings, with precision to 1%. We've always had it in IBm Thinkpads, since IBm sold it to China which rebranded it as Lenovo, I switched to American HP. Regular Windows, not taylored by IBM, was never aware of Thinkpads unique internals. Now with Vista it doesn't matter, i can control processor and I CAN SEE & HEAR RESULTS! Suppose fan is blowing and my hand can feel warm air flowing from vents, I tested it several times when I switch from CPU 100% to 25%, fan slows down stops, air gets cooler, and fan is often stopped which gives me some peace in temrs of reliability. A hot computer is bound to sustain permanent damage, heat is the biggest killer of electronics. So I switch to 100% when running CAD & Graphics/Video apps, 25% when writing articles, 10% when reading/browsign plain text, of course I don't annoy myself by clicking switches and playign with this instead of real work.

But still i appreciate this control, because I my profession is electroncis-related I just like this type of clock frequency control. IBM also provided us with automatic CPU, automatic PCI bus or fixed PCI bus frequency, optical drive turn-off time in addiiton to harddisk timer found for real techies who get deep into hardware, we don't have that in Vista but I don't care. I have a real quiet laptop now despite its gigantic 17inch display and hardware meant for hard-core CAD, Graphics & Gaming, you don't alway sneed processor toiling hard in summer heat, only asking for potential fan damage-->CPU damage, so thsi control is nice....

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User Account Control And Mouse Doesn't Function Properly

May 28, 2008

I have recently started to transition to Vista (dual booting with XPPro). One problem that I'm having is that my ergo mouse (EvoluentVertical Mouse) uses a driver that runs as an application, not aservice (I think). It has a tray icon, but that can be hidden via the options. The problem is that every time it's software runs at startup (the application launches via the Startup start menu group) the UAC kicks off and ask for consent for it to run. Normally you only see this when you install something or if you try to access a high level admin type tool, as I understand it.Is there some way to permanently consent to this application running at startup? If the application isn't running the mouse doesn't function properly. I tried using the compatibility option to have it run with administrator privileges, but that didn't make any difference.

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Installed Sp1 Update Can't Work Audio

Oct 30, 2009

Installed the SP1 update and now my audio is gone help

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Windows Audio Won't Work, Error 1075

Apr 17, 2008

Upgraded a client's Toshiba Vista Ultimate to SP1. Now the audio won't work. The Windows Audio Sevice is set to "Automatic" but when I try to start it, I get this error: Error 1075: The dependency service is not started or is marked for deletion.

All dependent services are running. And if I check the Event viewer, I also see: Event 7003. The Windows Audio Service depends the following service: MMCSS. This service might not be installed.

I don't know that service and don't see it listed in the MMC. I also see this problem in Google from some others. Is it a common problem? Right now client has no sound...just a red X over the volume icon down in the sys tray.

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Multi-boot: Audio Work Video Is Not Available

Jul 29, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64-bit and Windows 7 installed and use the standard Microsoft boot manager from Windows 7 to dual boot. Each operating system is in the first primary partition of a hard drive. No problems. However, I think I need reinstall WinXP so that I can view some old AVI files that use the Intel IV50 codec. For some reason Vista does not like the AVI files and best I can tell the codec add-in only works under WinXP Media Player. What is the best way/program that will allow me to boot either Vista, Windows 7 or Windows XP OR is there a magic bullet to view and convert the old AVI files. I have tried Format Factory and come up empty. No matter what I try the audio works but the video is not available.

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Control Panel Simply Don't Work

Dec 30, 2009

The Power Options on my control panel simply don't work, no matter what setting I choose. Turning of my screen, sleep and hibernate ignore every setting.

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Media Player Classic: Audio Doesnt Work

Aug 28, 2008

Something weird just happened. I was downloading entourage season 2 i was watching the episodes that were completed early and they worked fine. Finally when the torrent finished downloading, i moved the files to from the completed folder to my tv shows. And now the audio doesnt work. I tried playing some other files and they all work fine. But entorage season 2 doesnt work, even the files that worked earlier dont anymore?

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Control Panel Did Not Work, Windows Services

Jul 29, 2009

Ive been running my Vista hiccup free for about a year when all of the sudden a bunch of errors started appearing. In order to get to my login screen after boot took 45 minutes for some reason and was a pain I dealt with. Now I have a bigger problem

-The control panel did not work and whenever vista loaded a ton of errors arose.
-This came from windows services not being able to start and this therefore did not allow windows to check if it was genuine.
-After a week, windows went into limited mode where I only have a blackscreen and access to the internet, nothing else. Microsoft support gave me no help and the problem cannot be fixed without re-installing Vista. No problem i thought.
-Popped in the original vista dvd and changed the bios to boot from CD. This is where the problem lies.
-When I do this, it does nothing with the dvd, I wait 45 minutes until my login screen appears and I am back into limited mode. I want to re-install vista but cannot boot from cd/ dvd.

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Indexing Does Not Work "control Panel

Dec 24, 2008

Indexing does not work and "in Control Panel, the Advanced tab is unavailable. The tab appears dimmed, and you cannot select it. Additionally, the Windows Desktop Search service does not start." I have tried several fixes suggested in the MS KB and in this forum but none helped me - all of the fixes seem to be pre-SP1.

My Vista system is: Factory Installed Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1 with all updates on Gateway 4 core processor and less than three months in use. When I start Wsearch manually it terminates in about 3 seconds then repeats this in a loop till I disable the service. Tries to remove old catalog and create new one - Fails One error is 0x80040D23 (Event ID 3026)- insufficient system resources. - Hard to believe with 600GB disk and 6GB memory! Also Event IDs 1008, 1015, 1004 1008 and 7024, 7031 and finally 0x80071a91 appear in varous dialog boxes. Event ID 1006: The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error <7, 0x80071a91, Failed to save Crawl Scope Manager changes:

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TV Doesn't Work Again

Mar 23, 2008

I just bought a Hp 8300 with the Windows media center running Vista. If I try and watch the TV, it will pause and need to restart the computer to use the computer. It just locks up. Hp Tech support had me install new drivers, then they had me do the reinstall to original settings.. It worked until I tried to record, then it locked up again and the TV doesn't work again. It will lock up after watching the TV about 15 seconds. I returned the computer and got another one, it does the same thing, Tech support told me I had a bad tuner (on 2 computers?) they sent me a new tuner, that didn't work. Then they said I needed to reinstall the factory settings from the disk, they sent that to me and that did not fix the problem. The computer did not come with a new monitor and I am using a Sony flatscreen, its about 4 years old. Is that my problem? I'm going to take the computer to the store and let them see if they can make it work with a new monitor.

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CD/DVD Doesn't Work

Sep 20, 2009

My CD/DVD drive won't read any discs i put in it.

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IE8 Doesn't Work

Aug 1, 2009

My laptop use internet explorer 8. Recently, IE8 haven't saved images file in Internet Temporary folder, it saved only cookies, password. So I cannot access offline wed pages in History tab.

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Re-installed Ultimate: Remote Control Wont Work Anymore

May 24, 2008

I have this remote control,I just re-installed VIsta Ultimate, and now this remote control is not working anymore.. it was working fine before I did the comes w/no driver, so short of disconnecting and connecting the transmitter again to a USB port not sure what more I can do.. it used to work fine not just with Windows Media Center but also with Rhapsody and other stuff, now it does not work at all... I just put new batteries in it... when I press a button on the remote the green light on the remote goes on and the red light on the transmitter also goes on.. so it's definitely not a battery problem..

(I know there's another, more specialized ng for this question in hierarchy, but I'm posting thru google now and can't find that group (posting thru google for now b/c also have not been able to retrieve all prefs/info (i.e., passwords) for my news client (Thunderbird).

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Control Panel Home View Running Admin Did Not Work

Jan 1, 2010

I have the following problem: My Control Panel keeps using the Classic View instead of the Control Panel Home view. I checked the tutorial about this subject: I tried the second way (Through the Registry: Through a Download), as i have Vista Home Premium, but when I right-click the Restore_Default_CP_View, it doesn't show Merge (actually, I'm not sure, because I don't have an enlish version...). The other way (The Manual Way) doesn't work either, because I don't have the file HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesExplorer. When I click Policies, it only shows one more folder, called system. The Explorer file doesn't seem to be there. I tried running as administrator, but that didn't work either.

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Taskbar Doesn't Work.

Apr 21, 2008

My taskbar doesn't seem to work.

i can't click anything in my quick launch or any open programs. i can only click on the start menu orb and that's it.

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Search Doesn't Seem To Work

May 3, 2008

Vista search doesn't seem to work at all on my computer. Indexing Options (from the Control Panel) says that 34,894 items are indexed and Indexing Options lists Microsoft Office Outlook, Offline Files, and Start Menu and Users in the Included Locations and the Exclude column shows "Default" Opposite Users in the Included locations. If I go to Advanced in Indexing Options and check various common file types like .doc and .xls they are marked (the box is checked) for index file names and contents. if I go to a folder that has a bunch of .xls file and type in the search box the start of a file name that I can plainly see in the list of files in that folder, the full list of files in that folder collapses to a list of one extraneous file that isn't at all what I'm looking for. I have just re-built
the index and still have the sam problem. Needless to say search for file content doesn't work either - since I can't even search for file names.

if I click on Start > Control Panel -- click on Programs -- under Programs and features -- click on. Turn Windows features on or off" -- the box next to ???Indexing Service??? is unchecked. That doesn't make sense to me because the Indexing Options has indexed things.

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Autoplay Doesn't Work

Jun 25, 2008

I just did a clean install on my dell with vista home premium (32). Everything works fine except no music CDs, DVDs, or software CDs will autoplay. I've changed the settings in CP to different selections and it still doesn't work.

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USB 2.0 Built In Doesn't Work

Aug 29, 2009

i have problem here... my USB 2.0 built in doesn't work on my vista ultimate... but it works on my XP sp2 and we tried it to my cousins vista it works also... but on mine it doesnt work.

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