Can't Finde "view Change

May 5, 2008

Just recently the file names on all of my pictures have disappeared. Can't find anything in "view" to change them. Not looking for the file extensions, just the names that I gave to all the files.

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Change Folder View Templates

Feb 1, 2010

Can anyone tell me if I can change the templates used to display folders in Vista.

I've searched the forums and discovered plenty of tutorials about the problem of Vista remembering the template used and how to change which template is used.

But that is not what I want. I actually want to change the template itself (In an ideal world I'd like to create new templates), but at the minimum I'd like to change what the existing templates show.

For example, I have a number of Sound FX files and for those, I'd like the template to show the length of the clip. Similarly, I do not use Ratings, and have no use for them or Genres or track numbers, but I would like file size. For Images, I again never use Ratings, or tags (I use Adobe Lightroom to catalog my images as I have thousands) but I would like to see file type and modification date!

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Can Change The View In Windows Explorer

May 16, 2009

My Windows Explorer has had the most annoying set of attributes, ever since I got Vista and I can't find a way to change them. When I open a folder, the files always want to default to a large icon view with a preview screen. I change them by customizing the folder and they sometimes change back. Some folders aren't customizable at all. Every folder is defaulted to be a pictures folder, but I want all folders to be just files.

If I want a pictures folder, of which I only have a few, I should be able to set only those folders as pictures. The windows folders don't need a Rating column or a Date Taken column. I want the details. My C: drive and Windows folder views are unchangeable other than manually setting the columns on and off. Then they change right back. Where can I change the default view of all folders?

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Areo The View Doesn't Change

Jun 5, 2008

Just wondering if there is a fix for this. I have aero on but when I go to the " windows color and appearence " then click on " Open classic appearence properties for more color options " . I click on Windows Aero and the view doesn't change it shows the windows basic view not the aero view.

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Change Right Pane View Fails

Feb 19, 2009

My habit is i have to inspect the files' date deleted in recycle bin before i permanently erase them. Each time, i need to change the right pane View from Tiles to Details, and Vista NEVER remember this action like XP.

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When Resize A Window And Change The View Style

Apr 10, 2008

When I resize a Window and change the view style, that Vista Home Premium actually keep those settings and does not keep changing the Window position and view every time I reopen the window and after a reboot as well. It is actually starting to drive me mad with frustration.....

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Window Change View To Extended Tiles

Dec 29, 2007

i was installing the Windows Mobile Device Center and i discover that my computer window change his View to Extended Tiles before that it was just Tiles and i was able to see free disk space meter and other things. now when its changed to Extended Tiles i cannot see anything moreover the icons of the drives! also every icon the a whole line! i tried to change it back to Tiles with no success.

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USB Scanner UMAX Astra Can Not Finde The Driver

May 6, 2009

I got an USB scanner UMAX astra 1220U that works well in XP. but I can`tfind the driver for vista. does anyone has succeeded in using the astra 1220U on vista and let me know

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Windows Photo Gallery: Change The View Back To Only Showing One Photo

Apr 2, 2008

when I first started with Vista, Photo Gallery would show only the photo i clicked on. Now when i click on any photo it shows all the photos i created since I was born. how to change the view back to only showing one photo?

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How To Change Permanently The "Text Size" Under "View"?

Jun 2, 2008

Under the path > WM > View > Text Size, I can select four (4) different sizes from its default setting "Medium". Now, that works "just fine"...but ONLY while a session of WM remains active! Indeed, as soon as WM is being shut down and relaunched, this previously altered setting (eg. to "Larger") will have reverted back to its initial default (ie. in my case it's "Medium")! So can someone kindly advise me now how I could alter this specific setting to...permanent?

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View A Cd?

Apr 3, 2008

how to view a cd in my computer

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SP1: Can't View Inbox

Jun 29, 2008

Installed SP1 late last week and I'm quite unhappy with it. Stupid SP turned all the start up items and proccesses on, that I'd spent weeks filtering through and turning off. I've turned off pretty much everything, yet my computer takes about twice as long to boot up as before. I HATE that stupid icon they've used to replace the hourglass, because it's ALWAYS there.

In addition, the newest oddity is only the 1st person to login can get their hotmail without a reboot. If I login under my username and get hotmail, then my wife switches user and tries to get her hotmail she can login, but can't view her inbox. The opposite is true if she logs in first and I switch user. Who knows what else this SP screwed up but I haven't found yet. Anybody else have this issue and figure out a fix?

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Unable To View Web Cam

Oct 19, 2009

I have been looking at this remote web cam for several years, I now have Vista and I am unable to access. Here is the webcam: Netarts Bay Web Cam

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Cant View Any Flash In IE?

Aug 18, 2008

i seem to be having issues trying to watch a Internet flick or any other kind of flash /video files? when it tells me too download adobe, and i do, nothing happens, i know im an idiot but what am i missing here?

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How To Remotely View Another PC?

Feb 6, 2010

I'm looking for info on the best way to remotely view another PC. I know how to setup a RDP connection, but I'm wondering if there is a more efficient "view only" solution. What I'd like to do is walk around a room with a tablet PC, and have what is on my screen copied to a separate desktop PC in the same room. The desktop PC would be projecting to a screen using an LCD projector. FWIW, this is the only way I can think of to use a wireless lcd tablet that also connects to an LCD projector. I have a wireless tablet (Wacom Graphire) that almost does this, but the tablet itself just has a grey surface to write on. I have to look up at the projector screen to see what I'm writing.

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How To View The Product Key In Vista?

Dec 23, 2008

Though we have got free software which can let us view the product key in Vista;

Is there a way to view the product key within vista? For Ex: Inside any registry key

or in any system file?

Where is the product key located in the OS?

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How Do I View Defragmentation Process?

Mar 27, 2009

How do I view the progress of a HD Defrag in Windows Vista Home Prmium SP1 x64. In Win XP you could watch the progress by clicking on the window while the drive was being defragged.

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Does SP1 Fix Folder View Setttings

Mar 23, 2008

i just wanted to know if Vista SP1 finally fixes the folder view settings ? Does SP 1 finally end all the folders being rearranged ?

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Cannot View Downloaded Emails

Jul 29, 2009

I have Windows Mail set to download email from Google locally via POP3. It has been working great and I've been receiving all of my emails, no problem. Yesterday, Windows Mail started getting really slow when it came to reading messages. It may take it 2-30 seconds for an email (which has already been downloaded locally) to show up in my preview pane.

I did go through the steps are running wmutil151 and "SlowWinmail_Fix" (clears the blocked site list), which I found in this forum. I also opened Windows Calendar for a few minutes. None of them seemed to have an impact on the situation. I moved the mail folder to a different drive. No impact.

Today the problem changed and worsened. Now when I select a message, (existing or a fresh inbox message), the preview pane (only) will gray slightly for the same period of time, then turn the normal white, and no message is displayed. If I double click on a message, after the delay, it comes up, again with a blank body (the headers are all there at the top).

Messages with attachments will show the attachments, but when you double click on them, it pops up with an error box, "Windows cannot find ''. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. A third party tool ('Windows Mail Attachment Extractor') can pull down those same attachements, no problem. System is Windows Vista, 32 bit mode. Plenty of hard drive space left. The only significant recent change was the upgrade to Firefox 3.5. Antivirus software is AVG.

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Recycle Bin Right Pane View

Feb 23, 2009

I have a habit to see the date of delete of the files in recycle bin before i permanently erase them. Each time i open the recycle bin folder, the right pane view is always in Tiles mode, even i have changed it to Details mode. Vista has totally no memory about this. That is not something very difficult but i do not know why xp can do it, but vista cant !

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Unable To View Options

Mar 12, 2009

I have tried to have files open in a uniform way, I have not been able to do this with the Windows Vista Control Panel. Under "view" I would prefer a "List" rather than large or medium sized Icons. I have tried checking various boxes under Folder Options but have not been able to standardize a list view.

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Can Not View All Folders/files

Aug 2, 2009

I turned off User Account Control but in Explorer I still can't open Documents and Settings and a number of other folders. How can I configure Vista so that I can view any folder/file I want , as I could in XP ?

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Full Screen View On IE

Jun 17, 2008

how can i get my internet short cuts to load full screen instead of the small size? i click on the properties button and don't see any options for or run: normal window, minimized, maximized. all my short cut icon don't have this but my regular IE icon does. my internet short cuts used for going to favorite web sites prior to this i had reset IE to factory settings cuz of dsl issues, befor i reset all my shortcuts would load full screen.

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Can't View The Files On The Cd After Burning

May 10, 2009

I have cd with all the pics from my son't first year on it. I don't have these files saved anywhere except for the cd anymore. I opened it once today because I got some more files that I needed to see if they were on it. There were some that weren't. So, I went to burn them and noticed that I actually didn't want some of the temp files waiting to be burned on there. So, I canceled it. Then I went to open the cd again to redo which ones I wanted to burn. Now, I can't view the files on the cd anymore. It just says drag files to add them to the disk.

When I right click on the drive in my computer I can browze with Infran that I have installed. But, not even half of the pictures are there. The disk was not made on a vista computer. But, I don't think that is the issue because it opened just before all of this happened. My dh also has vista and I tried to open it on his. It says the disk may be corrupt or needs to be formatted. I tried to format it. But, it says it will erase the files. Not that I know what it was before. But, right now it says that there is 89.9mb used and 612mb free. But, nothing will open when I open folder to view files. Please tell me the pics are not lost.

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View KHz On Audio Files?

Apr 18, 2008

how is Microsoft recommending I view KHz (sample rate) on my audio files?

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Connecting XP : Cannot View Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have been having trouble networking my two computers. My XP computer can view files on my Vista computer, but my Vista computer cannot view files on my XP computer. I have been trying for weeks to fix this, but everytime I try to view my XP computer from my Vista computer I get the following message:"\Computer4 is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied.

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How To View The Size Of A Folder

Jun 7, 2008

how can I view the size of folders, without having to r-mouse --> proparties. is it plausible to see this in the 'details-classification' in windows explorer?

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View Bar Keeps Coming Back

Oct 1, 2009

I am using Vista Mail. Why does the view bar not stay hidden?

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Restricting Folder View

Apr 1, 2009

When I am looking at the files in a folder view window, is there any way to restrict the files displayed to be only of a certain extension (.DOC for example)?

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Cannot View The Newspapers At Ancestry

Jun 16, 2008

I cannot view the newspapers at ancestry as I get an error up. I have downloaded the viewer but I get an error up on the page,If I switch to the basic viewer it works but is a poor image.

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View Thumbnails Of .MOV Files?

Mar 12, 2010

It is extremely frustrating to transfer all of my iphone videos taken on my phone to my pc and not have the still first second of the movie as an image so that I can know what they are and organize the movies. view thumbnails of .MOV files with VISTA so that i dont have to click on all of my movies to see what they are and organize them.

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