CD/DVD Drives Not Working

Mar 23, 2008

since upgrading to Vista Home Premium I am no longer able to write to either of my SONY DVD RW AW_G170A CD/DVD Drives, trying to save a file tells me Incorrect function followed by, you do not have access to the folder'D:'. or 'E:'. See your administrator for access to this folder, or with other applications Im told the disc is not formatted, as I am the only administrator and the CDDVD's

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DVD/Cd ROM Drives Not Working.

Feb 22, 2009

After performing a "Disc Check" I find that my 2 DVD/Cd ROM drives have stopped working. Device manager in control panel shows the following. "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged (code 19)"

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Usb Drives Not Working

Nov 30, 2008

I have vista home premium with service pack 1. I bought a new external hard drive with usb. western digital my book. It wouldn't install correct drivers it so I returned it and got a maxtor OneTouch4. Vista can't install the correct drivers for this either. Lists it in the device manager as Unknown device with a excamation by it. If I goto the disk manager i see it as drive 1 with no letter assigned. When clicking to try to change it I get an error that says to refresh or reboot. I did both and no change. The disk manager sees the correct size of disk. but I can't assign a drive letter. In device manger under disks i do have the maxtor drive showing that its installed. But under unknown devicices there is one listed. And it goes away if I unlug the usb to the drive. I take the usb drive to xp and it works as soon as i plug it in. Two different brand store bought externals didn't work. I've uninstalled and reinstalled the disks and unknown device with no luck. The little icon in the bottom right that says safely remove hardware when i click it shows the maxtor drive connected.

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Cd/dvd Drives Not Working Properly

Aug 6, 2008

i have just made my self a new pc with a asus crosshair mobo , amd 6400 X2 (black edition) 2 gig of crucial ram and a 800x pci gfx card and vista ultimate 64bit. the install went well after building , the cd/dvd drives were working well on xp and just before they stopped working i burnt about 10 cd with them , now they wont work at all, i try ed looking for fixes and have flashed the firmware and deleted the reg as it seems to work for some . but not me!

i removed one of the drives and changed the ide lead , this did not fix it. it seems to be able to see dvd films , but will not read cd or data dvd,s. and when i try burning a cd with nero 8 i put a blank disc in and try burning , it spits the disc out and tells me i need a empty cd although its says its a blank cd in the drive! the drive is visible in device manager and when i do put a disc in the drive spins up and trys to run the disc , some times locking up the pc at boot if its left in

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Two Hard Drives Separate, Raid Hard Drives

Feb 24, 2009

I have a Dell computer, had it about three weeks. I have two hard drives in a serial ATA Raid 0 stripe 500GB each. They are controlled by Intel matrix storage manager software. I want to have the two hard drives separate, like drive C and Drive D In the Bios I have two choices ATA or Raid, I have tried both ways to have them separate, however still can't. I have to say that I found this forum by chance, by goodness I am glad I did with drivers for my scanner and printer.

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Is There A Way To Install On An Old PC That Has No DVD Drives?

Apr 8, 2009

I have an old Dell Dimension 8250 test PC that I would like to install Vista onto. However, it has no DVD drives. I cannot even boot from external USB drives (3.5" disk drive, external HDDs, and DVD burner drive -- CMOS doesn't see them and found out PC doesn't support bootable USB devices). However, I do have enough HDD space (30 GB free on second partition) to copy Vista DVD (or make an ISO file) onto it through network (will take a while).

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Merging Two Drives Into One?

Apr 6, 2008

I've just got my new computer (Windows Vista Ultimate) and despite it coming with just one hard drive (if I'm not mistaken), when I open Computer, it displays two different hard drives: "OS_Install (C [102 GB free of 231 GB]" and "New Volume (D [465 GB free of 465 GB]".

Anyway, how, instead of working with this bizarre set-up, could I "merge" C: and D: into one hard drive (in Windows Explorer's eyes, at least) so that I do not have files arbitrarily split into two?

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Both Hard Drives Quite Hot

Mar 7, 2009

Was just checking some information in my pc, and i noticed both of the Hard drives were quite hot, theres no problems with the fans or anything in there so im not sure if theres a problem or they just get like that. The pc has been on for alot of the day and alot has been installed on it since they are new.

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CD/DVD Drives Not Showing

Mar 23, 2008

Why doesnt my CD/DVD drives show up in My Computer?! Everytime I reinstall VISTA it appears, but after a while theyre not there? And when I put XP on the machine, it never happens. Only in VISTA, first I thought theyre not supported but when I first install VISTA theyre there...then as I said...give it a month and they dont show up and when I put a disc in nothing happens and I cant even type in their location ex. D:/ WHY?

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DVD Drives Go Missing 64 Sp2

Jul 20, 2009

I have been plagued with this problem on my Desktop, wherein the DVD drives go missing at random time intervals.

1> Checked the BIOS, both drives are shown (Tried the NATIVE and LEGACY settings)
2> Checked the cables and power supply ( Have put in a new PATA IDE cable for good measure)
3> Updated to SP2 thinking it would have a fix!
Searched Google and tried these Solutions
4> Uninstalled 3rd party Dvd writing software, which i had installed after discovering this problem. (Never had installed iTunes, roxio or zune software)
5> Checked registry values at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlClass{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
There were no Upper or lower Filters entries.
6> Tried the Auto Fix at "" this doesn't work as it says Computer settings already match.
7> Then tried the auto Fix it.................

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Drives Not Showing Up

Aug 29, 2008

i've googled this issue all over, and though i've found many people with the same problem, none of their 'fixes' have worked for me. hopefully you guys can come up with something (without reinstalling vista again!) to make it work. as a note, i'm running Ultimate x64 and all of my hardware specs are more than enough and i'm pretty positive that's not the issue.

suddenly, in the middle of normal usage, my drives were no longer recognized by my computer (optical and virtual drives). they do not show up in "Computer" or disk management. they are recognized by the BIOS. i had DaemonTools installed at the time, it was the latest version; i've read that could be an issue. i have absolutely no idea how to get my drives recognized again - i've got some work i really need to get done and haven't been able to fix this............

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UAC And Comparable For Usb Drives

Apr 9, 2009

Std user is running Vista Business with 4 GB RAM installed in an HP xw4400 workstation.I recently upgraded our small staff (10 employees) from WinXP Pro to Vista Business. I am handling all the griping about UAC, but had one question about USB ports I don't know the answer to.One of our researchers uses a pendrive in a USB port and constantly gets the UAC prompt. I know how to use the Properties of a program to have it run as an Administrator, but is there something comparable for USB drives?

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Advice On Blu Ray Drives

Jul 7, 2008

im looking into buying a blu ray drive in the next few months but i want one so that i can burn all my data currently on all my dvds. Not too bothered about playing high def movies atm coz i dont have any. I was looking at this one but i dont know whether or not it will write to dual layer 50gb disks. Pioneer BDR-202BK 4x BD-R/RE Blu-Ray Serial ATA Dual Layer DVD Writer - Black. also if i just plug it straight into my pc, will vista be able to burn to it? ie in windows media player?

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Pc Does Not Recognize Dvd Drives

Jul 31, 2009

pc does not recognize my dvd drives,i have windows vista 32 bit,i went into help and support,which advised to go into devise manager and check to see if the dvd drives are listed which they are, then to right click on the dvd drives,properties, and click the troubleshoot tab,then the attached box pops up and i dont know where to go from there,

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CD Drives Missing

Dec 3, 2008

I was going to remove some items to cd (burn) to get it off the disk Recovery Drive and found that my 2 CD drives are missing. I have not changed anything recently and cant seem to find a driver either. I went to hp and tried a dl there with the results being another error message. Windows Vista Home Premium 32

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USB Drives Transfer Slowly

Mar 29, 2008

You Also Might Try Re-Formatting The External Hard Disk Drive With NTFS, As Most External Hard Disk Drives Come Pre-Configured 4 Windows XP And Older (Using FAT 32), Just Remember 2 Re-Format It Back 2 Fat 32, If You Ever Decide 2 Return 2 Windows XP Or Older.

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Flash Drives, ReadyBoost?

Mar 23, 2008

I've installed a couple of flash drives that are supposed to support ReadyBoost in Vista on a couple of my Vista computers, however I'm not seeing much on an increase in speed. I've looked at the Task Manager, but I'm not seeing any type of memory size increase either. How does this work? Would it be better to install more ram rather than this setup?

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Disable Autoplay For USB Drives

Jun 18, 2009

Is it possible for me to disable the autoplay option for my usb drives/thumb drives alone? I need the option of autoplay for my optical drives but i want to disable the same option for my usb drives to avoid viruses..

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Red X On Network Drives - Drive Not Available

Feb 24, 2010

this is really for windows 7 however I didn't see a group for that yet. We have replaced our old XP machines with Windows 7 and are now getting a red "X" on network drives. Some people don't have a problem and can access them and others get drive not available. How to fix? We have a Windows 2003 AD in mixed mode. Our people get their mapped drives from a batch file we created that looks like this: (net use p: \server1sharename /persistent:no) All servers and PC are up to date with all MS patches.

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Mapped Drives Become Inaccessible

Apr 2, 2007

I am running a small network. My workstations are running Vista ultimate and my server running Windows 2003 server. Under XP I had no problems accessing mapped drives but under Vista they become inaccessible after a period of time/inactivity.

This is how it is set up. I have a folder shared on my server called applications. I have it mapped as "P:Applications" on my Vista PC. In "stored user names and passwords" I have an entry \Server with the login details barry@home and the password. This is exactly the same as I had in XP. When I launch Vista the drives auto connect and I can access any of the files. However after a while when I click on a mapped drive icon I get the following error dialog box entitled: "Location is not available" The error message then reads: "P: is not accessible. Logon failure: unknown user name or password." If I reboot Vista the mapped drives work again so it doesn't look like it's a Server 2003 problem and this didn't happen under XP.

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Explorer Indicate RED Cross On Drives

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista basic SP1 v.668 which mount on a laptop XP SP3 v.3264 two drive. The user name for the mount is the same user name I login to vista but witH Different password. After the XP returns from standby and I try the same Word 2007 file in the XP I get an error. Explorer indicate RED cross on the drives. When double-click I'm prompt to enter user name/password ( without the option to save password )

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Boot From 2 Hard Drives?

Feb 11, 2009

I have an Existing Vista install on HD1 and want to install Windows 7 on HD2.Was going to make HD2 the Primary Drive. Is there a way I can alternately boot to the HD1 Drive if I need to?

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Hard Drives - DMA And PIO Modes

May 2, 2008

I have recently upgraded to an Asus P5K-E motherboard. It support AHCPI SATA. I'm running Vista x64 on a Samsung HD753LJ 750GB drive. Shortly after installing I checked the Device Manager which showed the drive running in PIO Mode 4. I kept trying to set it back to DMA mode but to no avail. However, using HD Tune 2.55 it says my drive is running in UDMA Mode 8. I never knew it went that high.

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All Drives Shared, Cannot Access 1

Dec 15, 2008

I have multiple drives on my Vista machine, some are partitions. One drive it will not let me access thru the network, from an XP box, and another Vista box. All shared settings are the same on all the drives. I cant figure out how to access this 1 important drive from my network!

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Drives Aren't USB And Malfunctioning

Apr 30, 2008

When I first bought my laptop, which was pre-installed with Vista Home Premium all my UsB ports seemed to be operating at full speed, I could charge and load/unload my iPod as well as utilise my external hard drives at optimum speed. A few re-installations later, i get messages telling me that all my drives aren't USB 2.0 and on top of that, i get messages that my USB devices are malfunctioning!!

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2 Floppy Drives Showing?

Aug 26, 2008

I have a system running 32-bit Home Premium and noticed that when I open "My Computer" it shows two floppy drives - A: and B: - even though my system only has one floppy drive (and there's only one showing in BIOS setup). I tried uninstalling drive B:, but the next time I booted, it was reinstalled. I then tried uninstalling both floppies -- when I rebooted, the system promptly reinstalled A: and B:. Any suggestions on how to correct this? It's not a critical problem, since I have only used my floppy to boot hard drive diagnostics, but it is becoming a major irritant.

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Home Network: Able To Map The C Drives

Mar 23, 2008

i'm trying to network my laptop with my desktop via my modem. i cant seem to get it right. only thing i did so far was to access the public folder. i want to be able to map the C drives onto both machines.

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Dual Boot On Two Drives

May 9, 2008

I have 2 HD's. One has XP Pro, the other Vista Home Premium. I want to dual boot. I got Acronis and installed it's OS Selector. It only seems to recognize the OS on the first drive. I tried making another partition on the XP drive (since that is the one I am not wanted to reformat at the moment). I have enough space showing, 63GB but I could only get it to make a small 7GB partition

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VPN Established But Cant See Drives Or Network

Mar 23, 2008

I may be missing something here: like a server but I've read all I could about VPN's and I havent found any answer. I have a home network set up and working well and I established a VPN connection through my wireless router that I access my home machines while at work. Two PC's on the home network: 1 XP and the other Vista home Ultimate 64 bit. The VPN connects to the Vista PC. Once i connect I can't do anything! I can't see the drive even though I have it mapped. I know I cant run Remote Desktop Connection to see the machine b/c it's a Vista PC.

How do I actually take advantage of the VPN I've worked so hard in setting up? I want to see my full network and have all resources available to me from a remote location. Do I have to have a server?

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How To Get Vista To Recognize The Other 2 Drives?

May 27, 2008

I just installed Window's Vista Ultimate 64-bit on my new build. I have 3 arddrives installed (2 150gb and 1 640 gb). My BIOS reads all 3, but when vista is booted, I only have a C: drive available (one of my 150 gb). None of my drives are in a Raid array. how to get vista to recognize the other 2 drives?

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Searching Network Drives?

Jan 19, 2010

Still trying to figure out Vista as my work computer was recently upgraded from XP. In XP if I wanted to search a network drive for a file or folder with a partial known name, I'd use the search tool and it returned results fairly quickly. In Vista, the network admins have indexing disabled for the network because they don't want hundreds of computers constantly scanning for changes. Which is fine, but now when I want to find a file, I *think* this thing is scanning through every file, *name and contents* for my search term, which makes it far, far slower. In fact, in the time it took me to search this newsgroup, read about 10 posts, and then open this window to type my query, Explorer has still not located the document I want. (I know it exists because I was just looking at it from a coworker's screen.). I *could* just ask him what the path is, but that wouldn't be "teaching a man to fish" as it were.

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