Bypass Open With Lookup Web Service

Apr 3, 2008

When opening up a file in windows that does not already have a registered file association you are prompted if you would like to specify what file to use to open the file or if you would like to use a web service.  The web service is a great idea for the average computer user but for advanced users, you likely already know what you want to open the file with. 

With the help of a registry change you can disable the web service lookup and bypass that screen entirely.  Instead you will be taken directly to the list of applications on your computer you can open the file with.

To get started click on the Start Button and type in regedit to start up registry editor. Then navigate to the key below....

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Windows Was Unable To Open Service WdiServiceHost For Writing On Local Computer

Feb 19, 2009

Anyone know a fix for the error Windows was unable to open service WdiServiceHost for writing on local computer

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Can Bypass The First Screen?

Sep 19, 2009

When I boot my Vista laptop, the first screen that appears is a blueish screen with a single square box in the middle that contains an orange flower. Underneath that orange box is my user name. I have to click that orange box to get the 2nd screen that contains the password text box.

For a single user, the first screen is not necessary and just requires an extra mouse click. I want to bypass that screen and have the password entry screen be the first screen to appear. Is there any trick to do that? I do want to retain the password screen in case someone steals my laptop.

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How To Bypass TCP/IP Connection

Mar 23, 2008

I want to know if there is any way to bypass the TCP/IP connection limitations in Vista Home premium as of jan 2008? Event ID 4226. I know in the past there were patches out there but none of them work anymore. I am not encouraging any P2P here but it's anoying to download at 20K/sec when you have a P2P group/server between friends to excahnge huge files for work! Microsoft maybe thought about the pirates.. but what about the honest people that need loads of connections for work and can't get them open ?Let me know if someone has a new patch or idea.

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Password Bypass?

Jul 25, 2009

tell me a safe way to get around a password on my fathers computer. He took a stroke 7 months ago and now he cannot remember his password. I know a little about computers but I'm pretty sure he had some important files and documents on there for work and things like that which i don't want to risk losing. Could someone either tell me an idiot proof way to do it or at least tell me if i take it to a local repair shop if they should know how to do it?

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Bypass Account At Start Up?

Mar 23, 2008

I would like to bypass the start up question where windows asks me whether I want to log in as administrator or guest. I am the only person who uses my computer so I dont need this function. Is there a way to have my computer bypass this at start up and go straight to my account without having to log on? Better still I dont need accounts at all. I just want to turn the computer on and have it go straight to my desktop.

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Bypass Flashing Bios On Startup

Oct 17, 2009

I would like to know if it is possible to bypass the BIOS flashing on initial start up?

I know that it will not speedup loading into the desktop but I would personally prefer to not see the BIOS.

If it is possible could you post the procedures for disabling the start up BIOS flash.

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How Recover Or Bypass Password To Restart?

Mar 23, 2008

friend bought a used computer with windows xp professional, has had it a bout a month and changed nothing, used the user administrator account as was no password needed today she turned it on anad it asked for a password to get into the account, never has before, so now she cant even open anything. How can she recover or bypass this password to get started again.

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Forgot AMI BIOS Password- How To Bypass?

Sep 24, 2009

I forgot my bios password. Ive searched a few places online and found some soloutions. Backdoor passwords- I've a host of these i need to try. Press delete during PSOT. Crossing jumpers?- Not sure how or where to find these so im not sure if id try without some detailed tutorial or pictures. And then theres software that will find it,personally id rather use the software but ive as of yet to come across any.

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Copying Files To Disk Bypass

Mar 23, 2008

I try to install an application (Windows Installer), the wizard Installation opens smoothly, but when you start copying Files to disk bypasses the following error: "The system administrator has set policies to prevent this installation" What could be the problem? I have Windows Vista Home Edition and i'm the 'Administrator'!

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How To Bypass Firewall On Side For Remote Connection...

Feb 25, 2009

i need a way to connect to my home computer from school but the firewall is restricting incoming connections from RDC so i cant get any feedback. I have admin access (dont ask) and have disabled the local firewall but it still blocks the connection so the firewall on the server must be blocking it. Is there software I could install like logmein which would let me do it but doesn't need a webpage to use ( and doesn't get stopped by a firewall?

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How Do Bypass Switch User Screen To Login As Another?

Feb 26, 2008

Whenever someone in my family walks away from using the computer with Windows Vista, after the Screen Saver, I'm always taken to a screen that allows only the last user to log back in, but when someone else wants to log in, they need to hit the "Switch User" button to go back to the regular login screen. Can I have the computer just go back to showing all the user's names (so I don't have to click the "Switch User" button to login as me). I would like this to work, just as XP did... so if the last person who used the computer has to log back in, s/he would just have to click their name again...just like XP did.

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Shows To Update XML Core Service 4.0 Service Pack 2 (KB936181)

Apr 6, 2008

I have a vista HP set to recive auto update .This morning it shows to update XML core service 4.0 service pack 2 (KB936181) I did the update and few second later it shows the same update I did this 3 times and restarted the computer and it is still shows to update the same thing over and over.

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The User Profile Service Service Failed The Login

Jan 24, 2010

I have the following error message when trying to login to vista on my laptop:

The User Profile Service service failed the login.

User profile cannot be loaded.

Just before the problem happened I was working to remove the Anti Virus Live virus from my laptop via the forum.

Two things I did within the hour of the problem happening are:

1. I ran the malware removal program OTL

See step 5 at (

2. I cleared and set system restore's cash-

as instructed in post#23 on my thread

(Anti Virus Live on my Laptop - Page 2 - Tech Support Forum)

Further details-I can and am able to login to Safe Mode I do not have a program called System Restore in the System Tools folder In Safe Mode I was able to change my password, but in normal mode I get the same error message I did windows updates and then tried to remove some of those updates, with only a few files that wouldn't allow me to delete them. Thank you for visiting my thread. If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix my problem it would be great to hear about them.

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Windows Search Service And Indexing Service Do Not Work

Jul 23, 2007

Also my Windows Search service does not start. When I try to start it, I get these errors in the event log:

1. "The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.

The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. (0x8004117f)"

2. "The Windows Search Service has failed to created the new system catalog. Internal error <4,0x8004117f>."

I'm totally lost as how to solve this problem. I spent hours on the web trying to find a solution, with no luck sofar. Anyone here who has a clue how to solve this one?

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The Specified Service Does Not Exist As An Installed Service. (0x80070424)

Sep 13, 2009

currently i have been trying to backup my computer using complete backup on my windows vista ultimate but every time i try when i click the button it says

(X) The backup application could not start due to an internal Error:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service. (0x80070424)

Please check your system configuration and try again.

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Service That Fails To Start (Bonjour Service)

Apr 16, 2008

I use Vista Ultimate 64.

For the past few weeks I've been having an issue with an Apple made service called "Bonjour Service". That service is used in several pieces of software including iTunes (which I do not use) but also some Adobe applications (Version Cue for example) and the font management utility I use which is Extensis Suitcase 11.0.1 for Windows.

Both Version Cue and Suitcase depend on the Bonjour Service to work and I have had no issues with it for months but recently, the Bonjour Service stopped working and would not start anymore. It now gives this error message when trying to start it:

"('Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

My user account is an admin account so privileges is not an issue. I had made no changes to my system myself before the Bonjour service began to "refuse" starting but I remember that I installed a few Windows updates a couple days prior. My machine is always on and I don't re-boot everyday.

So I was wondering if anyone has heard of the issue and knows how I might fix it or if anyone can give me pointers on how I my start trouble shooting this and find what started preventing the Bonjour Service from starting. FWIW, the Windows Firewall is already off and turning off my anti-virus doesn't help (Eset NOD32).

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Cannot Open A .dat File And Cannot Set An Association To Open

Apr 3, 2008

Using Vista Home Premium with SP1. I cannot open a .dat file and cannot set an association to open it because .dat is not listed in the Set Association menu. How do I get .dat listed so that I can set an association to it?

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Open Winmail And Found Did Not Open

Nov 30, 2009

Outlook 2007 installed,and working fine. I needed to open winmail and found that it did not open. Found it running in taskman, but there is no winmail program window available.
I have tried:

1)delete winmail reg entries
2)delete winmail storage folders
3)rename winmail.exe file....

None of the above worked. Specifically, the results of points above:

1)started winmail after deleting reg entries,just remade them,is all.
2)ditto for point 2
3)nothing happens when double click renamed winmail.exe...

I dont want to use another program. I needed to visually advise someone about adding signatures,but winmail did not start. Yes I could do an internet search, but that is not the point-winmail is broken somehow and I wish to fix it.

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, Outlook 07 And Exchange 03: Open Outlook It Says, Cannot Open The Default E-mail Folders

Mar 23, 2008

When I boot up in the morning, I have to wait 20 to 30 mins before Outlook 07 will connect to my Exchange 2003 server. Until then, when I try to open Outlook it says, cannot open the default e-mail folders. And it suggests there is a network issue or that the Exchange server is down. These are not the case. The Exchange server is up and there are no network issues. I have many other computers attached to the network and none of them have this issue. Some our XP Pro/Office 07, some are XP Pro/Office 2003. The big difference with my machine is that it is Vista.

After about 20 to 30 minutes, wow! it connects! And then it's good for the rest of the day. I usually only minimize Outlook after I actually get it open so the connection is maintained throughout the day. I'm not sure what would happen if I closed it completely. But one thing is for sure, every morning, it takes 20 to 30 minutes before it will connect. Eventually, it always connects.

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421 Service Not Available

Dec 13, 2009

Server Protocal.SMTP Server response 421 Service not available Closing transmission Port 465 Secure SSL Yes Server error 421 Error 0X800ccc0F

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Service Pack 2

Jun 9, 2009

When installing service pack 2, I get to the "Please read the license terms". The "Next" key at the bottom is not available for selecting ... it is grayed out. All I can do from this point is select cancel. I downloaded Windows6.0-KB948465-X64.exe. I have a 64-bit computer and am running Windows Vista Home Premium Version 6.0 (Build 6001: Service Park 1)

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Service Pack 2

Oct 21, 2009

Windows asked me to update to Service Pack 2 ( I have Vista Home Basic 32 bit). After the update, I cannot start my pc anymore. I always end up in a black screen with these texts

!0xc0190002!3937/47219 (Mahjong.exe)

1.Started Start Up repair - did not work. Froze at some point,Safe Mode - I still couldn't get in. It froze on "Loading Windows Files"

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Web Service Extensions And Allow 2.0

Feb 25, 2009

I'm trying to install ASP.NET 2.0 on Windows Vista home by following instructions on this page. The last instruction on this URL is "Go to Web Service Extensions and Allow ASP.NET 2.0 " Now I've tried my best but I cannot find Web Service Extensions in Windows Vista Home? Where are these located?

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How Delete Service?

Mar 25, 2009

I have a program that installs a service. Somehow the program stopped working and gives me a message that it can't communicate with its service. I checked in services and it's running OK. I decided to uninstall the program and re-install. However, after uninstalling the program, the service is still there and running. I would like to remove it and start from scratch. Is the only way to go in the registry and delete the appropriate key? I didn't see a way to uninstall or remove services otherwise.

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Service Hang

Jul 29, 2009

In my Problem and Solutions report I keep getting this ServiceHang repot. I deleted 67 of them and it seems I get one or two a day. It does not effect the performance of my computer however it is like a bug you want to get rid of.

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Service Pack 2 Not Available

Mar 13, 2010

I was wondering if I had the correct Service Packs. Under Windows Updates I can see them all going back to when I bought it. It shows 1 service pack update, KB948465 on 9/19/09. It does not show a 2nd. Under Windows Edition in my System (Control Panel) it shows Windows Home Premium and Service Pack 2.

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Disabled The Wrong Service!

Feb 3, 2010

After using perfmon to determine what applications were hogging my internet connection at 2am every morning I found that AeLookupSvc and Appinfo were the culprits. After looking up what they did and deciding that it would be ok to disable them (!!) I did so, and now any activity that requires administrative privileges either does not respond, or returns the error "C:Windowssystem32services.msc The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with it. Perfmon, services.msc, windows firewall, system restore, accessing my registry, none of it works. I can still run programs and serf the net, but anything that needs admin priv will not work. I guess what I need is some kind of workaround, I need to enable Appinfo without administrator privileges so I can get my administrator privileges back. Thanks for any help you can provide, Tim **SKIP the FOLLOWING if you just want to help for said issue** Now time for the RANT: Jesus I have never been so frustrated! I have never had a prolonged experience with something so clunky, so ridiculous, and coming highly touted from one of the largest corporations on the planet! This is only one (and the worst) of the many problems I've had. While playing warcraft I'll suffer from framerate issues with a powerful dual core until the cpu's decide "hey, he's got 6 fps, lets stop whatever we were doing and help him out" and my framerates will jump to 60. I spent an hour in the registry working on my latency issues, I spent 30 minutes in the registry fixing a fallout 3 console problem, svchost will decide to go surf the net in the middle of me doing something myself and lag the crap out of me. My computer has a mind of its own and rarely is it doing something I want to do too! If windows vista wiped my a$$ it would be a 47 step process and have to stop and ask my permission to ask my permission. I went to microsoft support for help, entered in my product i.d. in order to determine if I could get support help WITHOUT having to PAY $49, and it told me the number was for vista home premium 64 bit instead of the 32 bit I selected, well, ok, I went back and changed the option to 64 bit, re-entered the SAME exact i.d., it gave me a product i.d. format error......the same, copy/pasted i.d..... I went and did it two more times both ways including opening a new browser window laughing my ass off!!! Way to go microsoft! Your $230 billion dollar organization wants $49 from me to help me with your problems! I'm so glad I was so frustrated I laughed, otherwise my laptop would have traveled through the wall. ( I know, anger issues, but can you blame me?!?!) There's some more I could write if you're still reading, but my finger's are getting cold, I haven't typed this much since my senior design project.

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Downloading Service Packs

May 18, 2010

I recently received a response (in this forum) stating that it is possible
to download Windows Vista Service Packs 1 and 2 and have them available for
use by burning them to a CD. Sound great to me but I really need some
detailed help on how to do this. If I should be posting this to another
newsgroup, I would like to know which one.

(I amusing Windows Vista Home Premium.)

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Service (how To Delete) :: BTIKIJJX

Feb 6, 2009

I noticed a new service appreared in the services list. It is called BTIKIJJX, has no depencies and is strangely located under C:UsersCalabracheAppDataLocalTempBTIKIJJX.exe and the file does not exist anymore. Can I delete this service and how ?

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Service Pack 1 For Vista64

Mar 23, 2008

I may have missed something but I thought that MS would be releasing it to the masses in March. I keep looking at MS Download page and running Windows Update and hile there are "tips" on downloading, I can't find the file.

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