Aero Icons Missing From Quick Launch

Jun 24, 2008

My video card died, and I had to use an old card with very limited memory. The emergency card did not support Aero. I installed a new ATI card with 512 MB onboard memory (a Radeon HD2600Pro AGP 8X card) which supports Vista. I got the Aero scheme back - transparency, etc., but the icons on the quick
launch bar for 3D viewing of open windows or desktop are gone. Is there a way to get them back?

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Quick Launch Bar Icons Not Showing

Apr 16, 2009

My system has been behaving erratically these past few days. I have just installed critical updates for windows vista basic 32bit and at restart, some of my quick launch bars icons were showing blanks. I have tried several system restores without much joy there. Trojan and virus scans have also drawn a blank.

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Change Icons On Quick Launch Task Bar?

Jan 2, 2009

I drag program icons to quick launch taskbar and they are the usual icon only smaller. the big blue W for word though turns into some nondescript thing. anyway to get the big blue W? also I dragged some folders like documents, etc and they all look the same (little tiny folders). anyway to visually differentiate them> I know one can mouse over and see what they are, but perhaps there is a way to use text?sure is nice to have a completely icon free desktop now.

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How Do Make The Quick Launch Icons Larger?

Feb 16, 2009

How do I make the Quick Launch icons larger?

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Set Up Taskbar Two Rows In Heighth With The Quick Launch Icons

Feb 4, 2010

I normally set up my taskbar two rows in heighth with the quick launch icons on the far left. This leaves the middle section for the "open tabs". I recently did a clean reinstall (restored an image) and somewhere in that process or the ensuing windows updates, the taskbar layout got all screwed up and I am unable to make it right. This is what is there now (with the task bar unlocked so the "dotted section divider lines" are visible: On the far left next to the Start button is the first set of divider lines.

(Normally, the quick launch icons are to the left of this line). To the right of the divider lines are the "tabs" for open windows. Then to the right of these are the second set of divider lines, followed by the quick launch icons, followed by the third set of divider lines. To the right of the third set is an address tool bar I installed and then the notification area. I have searched through the microsoft site and found nothing that helps me with this. This anomoly has happened before (sometime ago with XP) and somehow I fixed it by "fiddling around". My curse in life is that I am not able to live with these little annoyances.

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Posible To Keep The Quick Launch Icons In A Specific Layout?

Jun 13, 2010

I have moved the task bar tot he right side of the screen. I have a number of applications which I have 'loaded' onto the quick launch section of the task bar. Now, aside from the fact that Microsoft seems to have different icons for it's products in Vista and XP (and the confusion that is causing), is the small minor detail that the vista task bar seems to reorganize at random. I've set up two columns of icons, with tasks "lumped" together in rows according to my own preferences. (mail washer next to the email program, the MP3 tag program next to the music player, spider solitaire next to the connection icon in the top row, and so forth)

But the spontaneous reorganization is a real PITA. I want to click on the "next" program in the day's activities, and instead of agent being under the browser(on row 4) it is now on row 7 in the left column. Yeah, I know, "so what?" Well, it is mocrosoft, and it just works, but does anyone know if this spontaneity be reined in, short of changing operating systems?

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Disappearing Quick Launch

Mar 27, 2008

quick launch was working OK btu then yesterday suddenly my machien froze and the quick launch disappeared. I restarted my machine and yet it was still missing. the odd thing was all my logins and passwords were dleted as well. i went to the properties section and ticked quick launch hit apply nothing happened. it ok and still nothing happened. so i went back into properties and it was untick even though i had ticked it hit apply and ok. it seems it will not register the accpetance. i have restarted my machine several times
btu nothi seems to bring it back

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HP Quick Launch Buttons

Aug 23, 2009

I checked the Users Guide and found reference to the mute volume control button but no where did it indicate how to change any settings.

How do I fix this?

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Quick Launch Linking To Another HDD

Sep 19, 2007

I have my music on a separate hard drive to the rest of windows. If I drag this drive from within My Computer, to the quick launch tool bar to create a short cut. All works fine. I click it, it loads up my music drive and away I go.

Upon restarting, clicking the same quick launch icon does nothing/ sod all/ zilch.
The HDD is internal and is working flawlessly. It can me accessed from within My Computer just fine. When selecting a music file it'll load WMP and play it's heart out. It has the same target as before restart - K: So how come the short cut doesn't work once restarting?

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Remove Quick Launch Buttons?

May 6, 2008

I have HP Compaq 6710b Vista. I am trying to remove Quick Launch buttons, because they annoy me. Have tried everything, including uninstalling the QLB software Update: I have tried searching the registry for anything QLB-related, but only found following two locations:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows DefenderSoftware
ExplorersDisabled RunKeyRun

These are just Disabled or Adjusted properties, and probably of no use. So to me it appears that there is nothing I can do using registry. Tried searching the hard drive for "qlb" or "quick launch", but apart from some folders and system log files, also little help (There were two folders "QLB" and "QLBTEMP" in C:/SWSetup. I tried removing these folders, and restarting computer, but QL buttons still work)....................

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Quick Launch Shortcut Keys

Feb 11, 2007

If you are a big Quick Launch user this is a cool tip for you. Instead of clicking on the shortcut icons, hold down the Windows key and then press the shortcut number.  This works for the first 10 shortcuts.

For example, to start the first quick launch shortcut press and hold Windows Key + 1.

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Quick Launch Toolbar Submenu Creation

Feb 7, 2010

I would like to have a shortcut to my C: drive in my Quick Launch toolbar act as a menu with subfolders after clicking the chevrons. I have already tried the various ways of adding the shortcut to the toolbar, but they all seem to open C: in a new window as opposed to operating as a menu a la the All Programs menu. Is there some option that I have to tinker with in order to get it to work the way I want to?

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Lost Windows Quick Launch Toolbar

Mar 10, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium on my computer and just recently I lost my Quick Launch toolbar. I tried re-activating it by right clicking on the toolbar area and selecting it from properties but nothing happens. Tried rebooting the computer as well and nothing. It seems it totally erased from my system. Now, I read through some of the other posts before and saw that going back to a previous restore point would work for most people but my computer wont let me, it gives me the "unspecified error" thing every time. I'm running Norton 2008 on my PC and I saw that for some other person that was the issue. how they fixed their problem. How exactly or what exactly did you disactivate from your Norton to allow for the restore point option to work?

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Unlock The Taskbar, Show Quick Launch

Apr 1, 2009

A friend of mine doesn't have a computer at home, and uses one at the Senior Center every day. Since they're public computers, all the settings are reset to defaults when they're rebooted, which happens automatically overnight even if nobody does it manually. He was talking about having to change settings to the way he likes them every day -- unlock the taskbar, show Quick Launch, set the font face and size in WordPad, set the margins on Page Setup, allow active content to run from local files in IE,... It amused me to write a little app that changed all these settings to the way he liked them, using CreateProcess to start up apps, and SendMessage to send keystrokes and mouse clicks to them. I gave it to him so he could put it on his flash drive and run it when he got to the Senior Center every morning. When he watched it running, popping up app windows and changing their settings, he asked me, "So you have something that records keystrokes, and now you're just playing them back?"

His question sort of intrigued me. I heard of something like this a few years ago, somebody I talked to at Yahoo chess was running long joke messages through the chat area. He said he had something that would record his keystrokes and save them as "macros", and play them back. Apparently there's shareware out there that does this kind of thing, but as you might guess from what I've already said, I write computer programs for fun, and with shareware, somebody else gets to have all the fun. Besides that, I never put shareware on my computer anyway, because of the possibility that it contains viruses or worms or whatever. I've fiddled around some, trying to figure out how to record keystrokes and mouse clicks. First I tried to use SetCapture, but as soon as the mouse clicks on something outside the app window that has the capture, it loses the capture. Then I tried setting up a transparent window over the whole screen and passing on all mouse clicks and keystrokes to the window that would receive it if my transparent window weren't there, but that didn't work either, because windows react differently to input if they're covered up by another window, even if it's transparent.....

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Vista Home Premium - Quick Launch Toolbar

Oct 11, 2009

On my quick launch toolbar, I accedently moved it to the side of my
screen and somehow the icons for my programs on the toolbar moved to the
middle of the toolbar and the icons showing "open programs" moved to the
left of the toolbar. It used to be reversed - programs icons on the
left and open programs in the middle. How do I get that back the way it

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Uac Registry Editor During Startup Hp Quick Launch Buttons

Jan 2, 2008

which program exactly do i need to uninstall to get rid of this pesky window popping up. I saw the explanation and in the forum between ken and poopsie

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Quick Aero Speed Tip

Jan 30, 2007

The transparent glass in Windows Vista computer can look very nice. However, on some computers that have underpowered video adapters will see a performance hit when running the transparent glass effect.  One way to speed up Windows Vista and still get the benefits of aero, such as flip 3D and taskbar thumbnails, is to disable glass transparency.

Click on the desktop and select Personalize...

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Aero Is Missing FromThemes

Jul 7, 2009

I have Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 64 bit. My Windows Experience is currently 4.0. I have an ATI Radeon HD 3400 Series with up to date drivers. When I first got this laptop, Aero was enabled. Somewhere along the way, it has disappeared from my options. If I go to Personalize->Window Color and Appearance I get the old style Appearance Settings dialog box pops up and I cannot check transparency I cannot run a system restore as it does not go back far enough. I am not running in power saving mode and the Desktop Window Manager Session Manager service is running. I'm so frustrated as I have been working on this practically all day.

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Windows Aero Is Missing X84 Ultimate Edition

Jun 5, 2008

I am not able to find windows aero theme in under color scheme while i am using the same version of windows in my office and windows aero is there. Pls let me know how can i get windows aero in my home PC

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Windows Aero Missing In Color Scheme Section

Feb 22, 2009

I have a Hp Pavillion computer with windows vista home premium and somehow I could not get Windows Aero to work. When I first had this computer, I had Windows Aero running with all the translucent effects.So I do know that my computer is compliant with windows aero but its somehow disabled. My computer automatically changed to windows vista basic.

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Missing Icons In Help And IE7

May 13, 2008

I have windows Vista Home premium, the Icons in the Help section are missing, also when I use Internet Explorer 7 it is the same. For example, if I vist this page with IE 7, all the left side menu and the top of the page are boxes with a red X in them, and they are all inactive.

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Icons Missing

Feb 24, 2010

I've noticed that I am missing quite a few icons from Vista. After shifting files around on my NAS, I noticed that the Show Desktop and Outlook icons had defaulted and now my quick launch look like this: and the favourite links in folders such as My Documents look like this: All the icons still appear to work but obviously something has changed and I cannot believe that moving rather a lot of files can do it (I might add during the process Windows did stop responding and failed to update the display until it had finished)

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Missing Icons And Startup

Oct 31, 2007

I've been having a recurring problem with several games installed on my system; the program installs fine, but I end up without a desktop shortcut, and the program doesn't appear in the start menu's list of programs. With Bioshock, for example, I need to put the disc in the machine in order to launch the game - and on the occasions when I've installed demos, and have no such disc, there doesn't seem to be any way in which I can get the thing to start. Is this another one of these bizzarre user permission things?

Also - when I look through windows explorer there are two program files folders, when in XP there was only one; one called program files, which seems to contain operating system stuff, and one called 'program files86' which contains everything that I've installed on the machine myself. Would this be anything to do with it?

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Theme Icons Missing

Dec 6, 2008

So a while ago, I installed a theme. It was some Alienware theme, some friend had recommended it. After a few days, I got bored of it and reverted my theme back to the default Windows Vista thingie. It was later I discovered it hadn't fully gone back to normal. Some folders icons were displayed as the Alienware ones. Not all, but only some. And they were all in the same area, my Documents folder, strangely. Anyways, I left it at that and since then it has really been bothering me and I've decided to get rid of it. One thing I did was go to the folder properties, go to that customize section, and set the icon to default. This worked for some folders, to my joy but it didn't work on some.

Another thing I discovered is the folders are only displayed like that on my particular user account, not on another one. I have tried deleting the icon cache or something like that, and I've used some program called Winbubble or something but nothing's been working. Any possible fixes or theories or whatever are welcome. A system restore isn't possible, as this, as mentioned, was a while ago.

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Missing Icons In Taskbar

Jun 15, 2008

I have the same problems as a lot of people, also with my network and sound my internet security icon also disapeares. Ive tried the fix in the registry but it just happens again later. I can reboot and everything is back but after awhile they just disapear again. I know is has something to do with SP1 because i didnt have this problem untill installing it. Is there any perminent fixes out there. Or is just getting rid of sp1 the only good fix. Asus P4N-D, intel 8300, 4g crosair dom, 8800 GTS(X2), vista 32ultimate Kaspersky internet suite

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Missing WMP And IE7 Icons In Start Menu

Oct 9, 2007

Recently i installed Vista x64 Ultimate and as i remember in startall programs there are two icons of internet explorer (32 and 64 bit) and WMP icon. Now that icons are gone. Is that because Opera is my default browser and Gom and winamp are default media players? Of course i think that this is not problem. I remeber that i deleted that icons from quick lunch but deleting them from quick lunch doesn't mean deleting tham from start menu, right? Wmp and IE can be started directly by typing wmplayer and iexplore in search but i want that icons back in startall programs!

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Missing Taskbar & Desktop Icons

Feb 26, 2008

don't know how it's happened but 1 user account on the vista enabled pc has lost it's desktop icons & taskbar. vista reports missing dll files as


have done a system restore but that didn't cure it. other user accounts are not affected

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Missing Icons In Start Menu

Jan 9, 2009

my computer its nothing serious its just annoying and i want to fix it. the icons on the right side of the Start menu are now shown as folders and not the fancy one and i miss that, i was wondering if i can change them back? this all started a few days ago i think i caused it by doing something with CMD and some files showed up and i was deleting alot of them cause they looked like they were unnessasary, i think i deleted something that shouldnt of been deleted. now im just trying to figure out how to fix it with using system restore because i dont have the a restore point to fix that problem my restore points are deleted.

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Network And Volume Icons Gone Missing From System Tray

May 3, 2008

I can't get them back either by checking them in the Start Menu Properties as they are both grayed-out or by rebooting. I still have network & internet access and sound. Vista Ultimate SP1 x86.

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Missing Icons In Recently Opened Programs List

Aug 7, 2009

For some reason the icons are missing on some programs in the "recently opened programs" list. Ive tried right click start menu and uncheck->check under privacy. If i create a shortcut to the program on the desktop, the icon reappears in the start menu.

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Missing Flash Drive Icons In File Open / Save Dialog Box

Dec 10, 2009

PC has problem displaying flash drive icons correctly in file open and file save dialog boxes. There are 4 flash drives (Compact Flash, SD, Memory Stick, and xD/SM). The 4 drives'icons display fine from Windows Explorer but all 4 drive icons are missing in File Open and File Save dialog boxes. The problem exists in every application's file open and file save that I checked so I'm thinking it's a problem with Vista and not with specific application.

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