Active Directory Domain Service?

Dec 5, 2009

Windows Vista Ultimate 64; Office 2007 Professional Plus; Epson NX510 All in one Printer, is default printer under Printers. Will print test page and document saved on desktop. Will not print a saved or new doc. Document goes to "Not Responding" when print command is used. Do a esc to clear, then Print properties box opens. In drop down menu no printer shown, click on drop down menu arrow and printer is shown, highlight and click ok, nothing happens, does not enter it. Click on find printer get the following "Active Directory Domain Services is currently unavailible".

Do a quick print command, "Windows cannot print due to a problem with the current printer setup." Click ok, next window comes up "Print Setup" shows as No Default Printer, Printers list the Epson NX510 Series, highlight it but Set as Default Printer will not activate, (remains grayed out), click options- "Word cannot bring up the properties dialog because the printer returned an error"....

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Active Directory Domain Services Currently Not Available?

May 22, 2008

I have tried just about everything to resolve this. Running Windows Vista Ultimate 64 bit and this occurs anytime I try to browse for computers or printers.

Network is set to "Private"
Network discovery "On"
File Sharing "On"
Firewall "Disabled"
LLTD "Installed"

I have read that I need to setup a DNS server, however, I never did this in XP and never had a problem browsing for computers/hardware. What am I missing? What services are necessary for AD?

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Shows To Update XML Core Service 4.0 Service Pack 2 (KB936181)

Apr 6, 2008

I have a vista HP set to recive auto update .This morning it shows to update XML core service 4.0 service pack 2 (KB936181) I did the update and few second later it shows the same update I did this 3 times and restarted the computer and it is still shows to update the same thing over and over.

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The User Profile Service Service Failed The Login

Jan 24, 2010

I have the following error message when trying to login to vista on my laptop:

The User Profile Service service failed the login.

User profile cannot be loaded.

Just before the problem happened I was working to remove the Anti Virus Live virus from my laptop via the forum.

Two things I did within the hour of the problem happening are:

1. I ran the malware removal program OTL

See step 5 at (

2. I cleared and set system restore's cash-

as instructed in post#23 on my thread

(Anti Virus Live on my Laptop - Page 2 - Tech Support Forum)

Further details-I can and am able to login to Safe Mode I do not have a program called System Restore in the System Tools folder In Safe Mode I was able to change my password, but in normal mode I get the same error message I did windows updates and then tried to remove some of those updates, with only a few files that wouldn't allow me to delete them. Thank you for visiting my thread. If anyone has any ideas on how I can fix my problem it would be great to hear about them.

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Windows Search Service And Indexing Service Do Not Work

Jul 23, 2007

Also my Windows Search service does not start. When I try to start it, I get these errors in the event log:

1. "The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.

The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. (0x8004117f)"

2. "The Windows Search Service has failed to created the new system catalog. Internal error <4,0x8004117f>."

I'm totally lost as how to solve this problem. I spent hours on the web trying to find a solution, with no luck sofar. Anyone here who has a clue how to solve this one?

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Can Not Log Into Domain

Aug 5, 2008

I just imaged my computer with Vista 64-bit, I can not log into it after joining the domain and restarting it. I get the follwoing error "The security database on the server dose not have a computer account for this workstation trust relationship"

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The Specified Service Does Not Exist As An Installed Service. (0x80070424)

Sep 13, 2009

currently i have been trying to backup my computer using complete backup on my windows vista ultimate but every time i try when i click the button it says

(X) The backup application could not start due to an internal Error:

The specified service does not exist as an installed service. (0x80070424)

Please check your system configuration and try again.

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Service That Fails To Start (Bonjour Service)

Apr 16, 2008

I use Vista Ultimate 64.

For the past few weeks I've been having an issue with an Apple made service called "Bonjour Service". That service is used in several pieces of software including iTunes (which I do not use) but also some Adobe applications (Version Cue for example) and the font management utility I use which is Extensis Suitcase 11.0.1 for Windows.

Both Version Cue and Suitcase depend on the Bonjour Service to work and I have had no issues with it for months but recently, the Bonjour Service stopped working and would not start anymore. It now gives this error message when trying to start it:

"('Bonjour Service' failed to start. Verify that you have sufficient privileges to start system services."

My user account is an admin account so privileges is not an issue. I had made no changes to my system myself before the Bonjour service began to "refuse" starting but I remember that I installed a few Windows updates a couple days prior. My machine is always on and I don't re-boot everyday.

So I was wondering if anyone has heard of the issue and knows how I might fix it or if anyone can give me pointers on how I my start trouble shooting this and find what started preventing the Bonjour Service from starting. FWIW, the Windows Firewall is already off and turning off my anti-virus doesn't help (Eset NOD32).

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Activation Key Is Still Active From My Other Hdd

Jan 13, 2009

I recieved my new hard drive in the mail today and so excited I switched out my 250gb for my new 750gb without reformating or anything. So, now I am not sure what to do because it says my activation key is still active from my other hdd. Oh and if it helps I went from 32bit on 250 to 64bit on the 750. I bought Vista Ultimate in 2007, so I have the RTM version of it.

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Permission For Active X

May 12, 2010

Every time I go to a certain web site I get a banner across the top of the page saying something like "This site has been blocked from downloading Active X control" Every time I have to click the banner and give permission. I know the site and would like to give it permanent permission. Can I do that?

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Not Allow 2 Active Connection

Feb 6, 2009

i has a machine that already connected to LAN which has access to internet, and i try to make another dialup connection on top of this LAN. and after dialup is connected, all my internet connectivity is loss, include LAN, until reboot the machine to get the internet connectivity back. Is there a issue in Vista ?

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Logging Into Domain

Jun 5, 2008

I'm setting up a new Windows Server 2003 server for my company, with a
mixture of XP and Vista machines connecting to the server. I have created a
domain, and I can connect all my XP machines to the domain just fine.

The trouble with Vista is that whenever I try to log into the domain, the
screen comes up with an error:

"The User Profile Service failed the login. User profile cannot be loaded."

Unfortunitely I'm not a major networking guru, so I can't really figure out
what Vista is expecting here just to connect to a domain. I assumed that
something this basic in networking wouldn't have been so complicated.

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Can Not Join To Domain

Mar 8, 2010

Why does it take so long for Vista to join a domain? I have a vista pro machine. Locally everything works fine local user signs on builds the desktop quickly. From the local profile I join a domain. It finds the domain quickly, then asks to reboot.. I reboot sign on as the admin of the domain.. Next step is to build the desktop for the user I'm signing on as.. It just sits on the welcome screen spinning. I do not experience this problem on XP machines joining this same domain. I've also tested it on a Windows 7 machine and did not experience this problem.. I can't figure out why it takes so long on Vista.. I actually never get to the point of building the desktop..I don't really see any hard drive activity either?

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Cannot Add Computer To Domain

Mar 23, 2008

I can successfully add a Windows XP Professional computer to my domain. Windows 2003 small business server hosts my windows domain. I cannot add a Windows Vista ultimate computer to my domain. The error message reports that DNS cannot find the domain controller. When I ping the domain controller, the replies successfully return.

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How To Join To Domain

Mar 23, 2008

I have a desktop computer currently running Windows Server 2003 Enterprise edition act as server and a couple of desktop computer running windows SP for my network. Recently I bought a wifi router and change all my wired LAN to wireless LAN. All of the wireless connection works fine accept when I use my notebook running windows vista home premium , was unable to join to the domain at my windows 2003. On my vista notebook, I try to goto the system properties but couldn't fine the network setting button that says joining a domain (like the button on windows XP). there's only a button available to rename the computer. my question is: how to join to my domain using vista home premium.

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How To Delete A Second Active Partition

Jun 30, 2008

Due to a very touchy "Crysis" I had to create a second partition and load

vista64 entirely on its own.

While this worked well,, am at a bit of a loss how to delete it,

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Two Active Network Connections

May 18, 2008

I have a network with two computers, one with XP and the other one with Vista Ultimate. Both computers are wired to a Lynksys router. Before the Vista installation, I had no problem. Now, when I boot and try to go on the net, I got an error message "There is more than one active network connection on this computer."

Th only but cumbersome solution I found was to go in "Network ans sharing Center" where there was not only my private network but also an "unindentified public network". I had to disable the local connection for it then go to diagnose and repair in order to reinstall the local area connection. After that, everything is fine ... until the next reboot.

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Templates Not Working: Do Need Active X?

Jul 29, 2009

I've been trying to download some templates from the Window Vista web site and I keep getting the message that either I don't have Office 2003 (which I do) or that I don't have Active X. I've gone to different web sites and each has something for me to download, but I don't want to download the wrong thing. I seem to remember months ago trying to do something with Active X, but the little blurb at the top of my screen flashed so fast I couldn't read what it said. Do I need Active X?

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Adding Computer To A Domain

Mar 23, 2008

One of my users has Windows Vista Home Premium. I want to add the computer to my domain hosted by Windows 2003 small business server. I cannot find the feature to add the computer to the domain. The usual location is the "Computer name" tab of properties of "My Computer" in Windows XP Professional

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Domain Security Policy?

Oct 8, 2009

We are running at my work 2 workgroups. My CoWorker and I are on a domain and need to connect to one of the servers on the workgroup using a simulation program. We get access denied error messages in the simulator program. Windows Explorer connects just fine to the workgroup server though.

We think there is a problem with the password security policy on the workgroup not being up to standard of my domain's security policy. The password to log into the server causes an error message saying the password is "too long, too short, or not complex enough." when we try to create a user account.

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ACTIVE Forums For Speech, Or Has It Died?

Aug 3, 2009

My interest in Vista Speech is limited to finding out why I am having trouble getting _consistent_ speed/accuracy out of it. By accuracy I mean at least 98%, preferably 99%. By speed I mean at least 80 wpm. (plain everyday words, not technical words)

I normally speak at 160 wpm, so if I speak for two minutes, 320 words get changed to text. Of the 320 words, I expect 3 words to need correction, which takes another two minutes for me to do. 320 / 4 = 80 wpm on average...........

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Running Vista Active Window

Aug 5, 2009

Running Vista Home Prem 32bit Normally when working with Windows when you do something that opens a new Window, that new Window opens in the forefront. However that is not so in my case, the new Window opens behind and at times I don't even know the new Window has opened because it is behind and hidden from view. Is there a setting that you set to make the new Window open in front of all others?

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Active X Controls And Plug Ins To Run"

Aug 4, 2008

Every time I try and do something open browser, email, etc. A box pops up saying " Do you want to allow software such as Active X controls and plug ins to run" I know it is just a setting some where but I can't find it. So asking for some help in locating this setting so I can stop the box from popping up all the time. running Vista home premium X64.

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Domain Account Locked Out Repeatedly

Mar 23, 2008

We have a Windows Server 2003 active directory domain, ISA server with VPN, and one Windows Vista client. The Vista owner calls me every time he wants to connect with VPN, and tells me that he cannot. Looking in Active Directory shows me, that his domain user account is locked out. When I unlock the account he is able to login. It seems that something (a service? office 2007?) does try to authenticate with wrong credentials, and locks his account every time it can.

I have the default settings for the account lockout policy, threshold of 3, and 0 for lockout duration. This problem is really annoying so much, that I think about to tell him to uninstall Vista and install XP again. The XP users don't have this problem at all. I've looked around in the web and found some other users that have the same problem. But I found no solution for it.

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Cannot Connect To Server 2003 Domain

Apr 1, 2008

I'm currently trying to connect my laptop which has Vista Business 32-bit to my Poweredge T105 which is running Server 2003 RC2. I get this error when running Network ID:

"Your computer could not be joined to the domain because the following error occured:
An attempt to resolve the DNS name of a DC in the domain being joined has failed. Please verify this client is configured to reach a DNS server thatcan resolve DNS names in the target domain."

The domain name I'm using is a live domain and worked fine when I connected my XP desktop to it. Not sure why it won't connect. Although it is on a different network (name) it can see the shared folder on the

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Create Rule For Every User Of That Domain?

Mar 23, 2008

Is it possible to create one rule to handle this rather than a rule for every user of that domain?

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Making PC Member Of Domain-Profile?

Jun 18, 2008

I need to go to a branch office and make several Vista machines members of our corporate domain (they were set up as stand alone machines because we did not a a VPN at the branch office, but now we do). When I make the machines members of the domain, what issues will I run into copying profile settings (documents, printers, etc) into their domain account from their non-domain account.

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Domain Authentication Fails On To RDP Attempt

Mar 23, 2008

Here is a Vista Remote Desktop problem we are having. It affects every Vista machine I have seen on our network. I believe this is going to be a tough one? Remote machine? Vista Enterprise on Windows 2003 AD network. Local machine? Vista, any version, domain member or not, connecting from within the network. When trying to complete the Remote Desktop connection using a domain account, the user gets the following error:???No authority could be contacted for authentication. For assistance, contact your system administrator or technical support.??? If the local (client) machine is running XP, no problem. If you use an account local to the remote Vista machine, no problem (not surprisingly). Strangest of all, if I try to make the connection from a machine outside of our network, no problem.(Normally the firewall would block that, but I temporarily allowed RDP from anywhere.)

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Enterprise Drops From Windows AD Domain

Aug 21, 2008

I've got a production network that I'm test Windows Vista x64 Enterprise on. I'm at my witts end with this problem: I add the Vista PC to the Windows domain. The computer performs the tasks and then tells me it needs to reboot. Upon rebooting it immeadiately drops itself from Active Directory (Windows 2003 SP2 R2 based domain).

Oddly, the computer account in active directory is still there. The Vista client drops itself, but the server side thinks everything is fine. What the heck is causing this? There are no issues with IPv4 connectivity. (We don't use IPv6...) The server shows that the PC and the users are connecting to the domain securely, and without issues (pass security audits). The Vista Client (Enterprise x64) just drops itself from Active Directory.

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Joined To Windows 2003 Domain?

Mar 29, 2008

which edition of Vista is for networks and can be joined to windows 2003 domain?

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Workgroup Don't Connect Internal Domain

Apr 22, 2009

I have 64 bit Vista Home Premium, can I connect to a domain. I see I can connect to a Workgroup, but I don't see a way to connect to my internal domain

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