Delete Right-click/dragging To Recycle Bin But Fail

Jun 23, 2009

I have a failed download icon on my desktop. I've tried to delete it using right-click/dragging to recycle bin but they each fail. (It just says "deleting 0 bytes" & continues forever.) I've tried to use Disk Cleaners "Delete Doctor" (which has worked once before) but now will not work. I've Refreshed & rebooted by system countless times. I've tried the Registry Edit (Run: regedit) but I'm unsure which file to delete. How do I know I'm deleting the right file? I'm using Vista Home Premium (32-bit).

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How Do Create A Right Click Option For Empty Recycle Bin?

Dec 22, 2008

I've read a few topics that talk about editing the Recycle Bin right-click menu, but I don't care about that. What I want to do is to be able to right-click any folder, on the desktop, etc. and have the option of emptying my recycle bin. I had a registry tweak in XP and I tried it in Vista just to see if it would work, but no good. I know it can be done via a registry setting but I'm not too familiar with Vista's system registry locations yet.

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Delete 4 Files From My Recycle Bin

Apr 14, 2008

I have 4 episodes of a show in my recycle bin - each episode is 1/2 hour long. I try to delete them, but I get a message saying Calculating time remaining and it just keeps showing that and never gives me a time or deletes the items. It says the speed is 0 bytes / sec. Any idea how I can get rid of these files?

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Could't Delete The Recycle Bin Icon

Nov 25, 2008

I could not possibly delete the Recycle Bin icon from screen because there was no "delete" option. Now, two friends contacted me frantically because they could not find the icon...obviously, they had right-clicked and then clicked the "delete" option instead of "empty" option.

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Recycle Bin Cannot Delete Restore

Apr 15, 2009

I have 4 files present in my recycle bin ending with the .dat extension. I cannot delete, restore or do anything with these files without causing a hang. Any other file present there causes no problems. Any attempt to empty the bin causes a hang however I can delete individual files no problem except for these 4 files.

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No Delete Option In Recycle Bin Menu

Dec 19, 2008

Weirdest thing I noticed recently that when I right-click on my recycle bin, there is no "delete". I didn't make any changes that I am aware of I have researched online and can't find anything at all.

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Recycle Bin :: Unable To Delete A Particular Folder

Mar 23, 2008

I can still delete all other kinds of files & folders except that particular folder.

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Delete Files Recycle Forever

Mar 28, 2008

so when I delete something it goes to the recycle bin. When I delete something from the recycle bin it is gone forever. -THINK AGAIN- I deleted somthing from the recycle bin and got it back a few days later...I also found a ton so stuff I was told was "deleted" forever by Windows. I brought it back (using some uber-simple free program) just to see it it was really there (not just a file name) I was able to open it and read it as well as continue to edit it... This is PROBLEMATIC; some of these files contain sensitive data such as SSNs', medical info, and other stuff that I had believed to be "deleted" and wasn't. Why is it still on there and how do I delete it FOREVER? (Without drilling holes in my HD) >>I'm packing a Dell XPS 1530 running a home edition of Microsoft Vista

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Mail: Right Click On Spam Email To Delete

Mar 25, 2009

1- I put my email into Vista mail works great but now I can only get my email by going through vista mail. If I go to It says NO MESSAGES, but there are because I can get them when I go into vista mail.

Also I got an email from a trusted sender and Vista mail pt it throug to spam and said it could have been phishing, I am 100% it was not. I right clicked on the email and put it in trusted sender. Why didVista mail do that Finally I hate how when I go into vista ,mail even if I right click on an email It will open it (so say I right click on a spam email to delete it, vista mail will open it?

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Mail: No Option For Delete In The Right Click Menu

Nov 23, 2009

In the folder "indexed file locations" there are a lot of old emails I thought were deleted from my system. When I try to delete one or more of them, there is no option for delete in the right click menu. How can I get rid of the old emails as none of them have any importance to me?

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Every Left Click Or Highlight Prompts Delete Function

May 7, 2008

I've come across an annoying bug with Vista, occassionally when I left click on an item I get the delete prompt on the selected item. The bug is unpredictable and happens and then goes away. I will just be working left click and the permission dialog to delete pops up. Left click NO on the permission dialog recalls the delete function and starts a vicions loop that seems to fail after a large number of NO clicks. It also seems to occur when a higlight is made to select a menu item.

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Dragging The Mouse Cursor Across A Window

Mar 26, 2008

I have a new laptop that came with Windows Vista. I recent had to format the hard drive and re-install Vista. That went pretty smoothly. Problem is that sometimes while dragging the mouse cursor across a window, Vista tries to hold the mouse cursor in the center of the window and and mouse movements scroll the window, not move the mouse cursor. How do I turn this feature off? I never want a window to scroll unless I explicitly grab and move a scroll bar.

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Dragging URLs To Desktop Not Working.

Mar 23, 2008

When I drag a URL from a browser to my Vista Ultimate Desktop, it creates an icon, but clicking on that icon brings up a file location and not the web site. Older Bookmarks or Shortcuts I saved from before this Vista machine, work fine. But ones created by dragging a link or url from a Browser to the desktop don't work.

When I bring up in any browser, and drag the link to the desktop, then clicking on the shortcut on the desktop (or in a folder too) I get the following (I've replaced my name):
file:///C:/Users/My%Name/Documents/Desktop/Welcome%20to%20the%20Montgomery%20County%20Maryland%20Website.URL The properties of the shortcut show no Web tab. The Location in the General Tab shows "C:UsersMy Name....[etc.]. It does show to open with my browser. The Details Tab shows the Folder Path as "C:Users...[etc.] and finally! The Computer is listed as the correct URL web address I have seen other discussions on dragging and dropping to the Vista Desktop not working listed on this site (found using Google) but couldn't bring them up in the search from within this Support site.

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Create A Shortcut Of The Music Folder By Dragging It

May 4, 2008

I've just tried to create a shortcut of the Music folder by dragging it to the desktop, but instead vista places a duplicate (not a copy or a shortcut) of the folder to the desktop. It gets better, i then decided to delete what i thought was the music folder shortcut located on the desktop and hastily clicked the yes
button to trash it. I'm assuming the file names were too big for the bin, and lost over 1300 songs! I'm just after some answers as to why vista does this? Just FYI, the right way to get it off your desktop is to drag it back to it's default folder.

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Editing "business" And Click/delete Redundant Line Breaks As Often As There're Lines In A Document

Jun 10, 2009

When I type a long article in Notepad & paste into WindowsMail line breaks become messed up, forcing me to go back to editing "business" and click/delete redundant line breaks as often as there're lines in a document, if it's 1000 lines, go ahead and spend time clicking for an hour! This make plain text editor unworkable In Vista +WindowsMail environment, due to weird linebreaks handling. Why do I claim it to be weird? BECAUSE IT WAS PERFECT IN WindowsXP. I could create a simple ad/artcile in Notepad, copy/paste into OutloookExpress --> Newsgroup posting or Email, and no linebreaks stupidity. Another hemorrhoid in Vista, sometimes I have a forbidden thought: If WinXP could live for another 10 years albeit with security updates & new hardware drivers that would be nice. When I hear "Vista" it causes heartburn.

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Microsoft Wireless Keyboard: Don't Work Until I Go Into Properties And Click On Them And Then Click Ok

Apr 18, 2008

I have a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse which work really well but when I reboot, the keyboard shortcuts that I have programmed don't work until I go into properties and click on them and then click ok. The keys then work ok until I reboot again.Is there any way that I can programme the changes so they are the default programmes whenever I reboot. The software loaded fine and I clicked on apply and save when I originally set the keys.....I have a HP Pavilion DV6700 Laptop with windows visa home premium which is about one month old.

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IE 8: Right-click On The Sidebar Icon In The Notification Area And Click Exit

Mar 20, 2009

It seems that I'm not the only one who had the Windows Sidebar no longer working after installing the new release of Internet Explorer. After spending a lot of time trying to find a solution, here is the way I have solve the problem. Now the sidebar is just working fine. This behavior is observed if the XML registration is missing in the system. To fix the problem, use the following steps:

* Close Windows Sidebar. To do so, right-click on the Sidebar icon in the Notification area and click Exit

* Open an elevated Command Prompt window. To do so, click Start, click All Programs, click Accessories, right-click Command Prompt, and then click Run as administrator.

* In the Command Prompt window, type the following and press ENTER:

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Fail 2 Appear

May 17, 2010

Meanwhile, trans ocean, halaburtion, and the u.s.a. m.m.s. fail 2 appear at the hearing! just fyi!

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Fail To Launch IE6

Jun 30, 2009

After uninstall CA and install McAfee My laptop cannot launch internet explorer 8, just not response. Also I try change home page from control panel-> internet option, but fail, it automatic reset homr page to microsoft sites. I can only launch the IE8 in safe mode.

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Updates Fail

Mar 4, 2010

Removed a number of viruses, Trojans and other malware from the machine. It now fails on any attempt to do updates. It does the download, makes a restore point, says it's starting the installation, then fails.

Failure codes include (but are not limited to) 80070490, 80246007, 80070016
and C000013A.

The first one is the one that occurs most often. In addition, updates which the update history shows as having been installed successfully are now being shown as needing to be installed again. I've tried several of the KB article fixes, but haven't had any success. It looks like I've reached the repair install option, but the owner of the machine hasn't located their installation DVD yet.

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USB Connections Fail

Jan 15, 2009

Quote: Vista has major problems with USB. Google and you will see thousands of people suffering similar problems. Microsoft just do not seem able to fix the USB problems in Vista My problem is that just occasionally my USB connections fail (disconnect) for no apparent reason.............

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Jun 27, 2008

I checked all the solutions for XP, and I tried (I suppose ) all of them, but I still cannot get chkdsk /f to work when I boot Vista Ultimate.

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Print Documents Fail

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Desktop with Windows Vista Ultimate and a Laptop With Windows Vista Home Premium. The Desktop has the printer connect via USB and the laptop is connect to network wireless. The laptop can access network shared files and also sees and installs printer. I then print a test page and it works great. However when I try to print any documents they fail to print. I tried intalling the printer on the laptop as a local printer then adding a local port and mapping it to the desktop \desktopprinter but get an access denied error.

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Fail To Access Microsoft

Mar 23, 2008

Four days ago, I purchased a brand new Acer laptop with Vista Home Premium pre-installed. I registerd the MAC address on my wireless LAN (using a Draytek Vigor 2600We router. I can reach quite a lot of websites either through IE or Opera, but cannot reach Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, Symantec and others. My laptop has 3Gb of RAM and an Intel core duo processor so it is more than adequate.

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SP1: Dead After Power Fail?

Mar 26, 2008

I had a power failure today, and was completely pleased with Vista SP1, about to write a favorable review over the previous Ubuntu install that was on this machine until the power went out. Now it's a brick. Restore doesn't work, and I'll have to reinstall everything...why build restore points and backups if they don't work? All I got was chkdsk autorunning and a blank screen... total BS.

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Will Second Installation Fail Validation?

Jul 11, 2008

I have an OEM version of Vista Home Premium x64. I would like to install another copy on a different hard drive on the same system. Will the second installation fail validation? Will the first installation become disabled? What kind of side effects can I expect?

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Fail To Dwonloading New Drivers

Jun 14, 2009

I want to run the Sims 3 but unfortunately my computer is not up to scratch. I believe i need a new video card ITS NOT THE DRIVERS i have tried dwonloading new drivers but they say they are up to date.I was wondering, are all graphics cards inbuilt these days or does it vary?Do i need to have a new one installed at a repairs shop?

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Offline Files Fail To Synchronize

Mar 23, 2008

I have my documents redirected to the server and therefore Vista has an offline copy of these files.

I notice that some files are failing to synchronize automatically, but will synchronize if I manually perform it.

For example:

An 767KB xls file changed in Vista requires a manual synchronization.A 1KB txt file will synchronize immediately.

Both files are in the same folder.

I also notice that Sync Center rarely updates the Offline Files status. The Last sync date could be days ago. It will update if I manually synchronize, but it won't update automatically.

If the user logs off or on, the xls file still won't synchronize. I notice this on both Vista RTM and SP1 beta machines.

XP machines will update the server share immediately.

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Crysis Fail To Menu, Crashes

Oct 22, 2009

This problem began to be noticed on vista, but the vista laptop was too slow to really get into crysis. Crashes such as this one occur on both. In additon, Crysis may also fail to menu, and be resumed with the resume game selection. This is a new win 7 system with a quad core AMD Phenom II at 3.2ghz, not overclocked, and a Diamond MM HD4890 video card also not overclocked. 4G OCX 1066 memory (dual channel) on an Asus M4A79 Deluxe MBD. Video driver is ATI's last release. I seem to remember that there might have been a reversion to an older copy of MSVCR80.dll in order to patch some ATI video drivers. The list at the bottom identifies the dash numbers I found on the system. The system was fully patched as of yesterday morning. Crysis has the Crysis update patches as well.

Problem Event Name: BEX
Application Name: Crysis.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 47d6d167
Fault Module Name: MSVCR80.dll...............

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FAIL TO SEND FAX With Windows Fax And Scan

Jun 5, 2008

PURPOSE: to send fax from my laptop
OS:vista sp1
SOFTWARE:win fax and scan
HARDWARE:think pad moden

and i am sure i have connected with a CAPABLE phone wire. the outcome: the document is pending by administrator.

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Repair, System To Fail To Reboot

Feb 6, 2009

Vista Home Prem x64 Raid 1 config, I had a failure of some sort that caused the system to fail to reboot. I booted the system from the Vista CD and performed a repair. Now, I am prompted to choose the Operating System in the in the Boot Manager. I now have 2 files, Windows Vista Home and Windows Vista (tm) Home Premium (recovered). If I choose the NON-recovered file the machine will not boot. If I choose the (recovered) file the machine boots and operates fine. I went to System maintenance and changed the default boot system to the (recovered) file. Now, when I reboot it still goes to the Boot Manager screen and waits a while before it finally boots to the (recovered) file. I would like to repair this machine to the way it used to work and not have the machine go thru the boot manager screen. I would also like to know how the (recovered) operating system got installed in the first place. How can I remove the defective one safely and return system to normal state?

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