I have always stayed away from the Cookies files. I just downloaded CCleaner and ran analyze and it listed many cookie files to delete. I have hundreds and hundreds of cookies in my system. What is your thinking on deleting the files CCleaner showed
Using XP Pro SP2.Windows explorer doesn't show c:documents and settings/jdl/cookies folder when opened from the start->programs menu.However, Start->Run with c:documents and settingsjdlcookies typed in opens the folder. Folder options->View has the "Show hidden folders" option checked.I do not have the windows xp disk since the program was loaded from a corporate server several years ago. I no longer work for that company.Any assistance would be appreciated. Not a big deal since I can access the folder. It may, however, indicate that other problems are afoot. I discovered this when Counterspy Ver. 2 Beta identified the cookie from CNET Networks, Inc., and I couldn't find it in Windows Explorer.
My OS is Wind. XPPro with Internet Explore 6.0 SP2 (Upgraded) I tried to get some additional pages from a web, but instead I had a notice that my computer does not have the necessary cookies
When I try to "select all delete" my cookies I get the following drop down. I can delete them one at a time but I have over fifty. How can I delete all except "index"?
system is set to automatically delete cookies. There's a couple of cookies I would like to keep permanently short of manual selective deletion, is there a way to protect them from deletion ?
When the cookies box pops up and I reject it, then sometimes I can't use the website. Well I went and added one of the websites to my privacy thing and clicked always allow but it still won't allow it. It is very annoying and I want to be able to use certain websites. Why isn't it working
when I go to the "My Weather" page it does not come up.(I get the old"cannot find server" page) I have been told this has to do with my "cookie" settings. How can I change my setting so that I may access this page again?
Am trying to clean out cookies, when done I get an index file that says there are 160kb in file that I cannot access.How do I access these to see what is there? It also says another program is usin this file and that I cannot access the file.
I try logging on to The TGforumz and it says my cookies must be on, so I assum that they are, try loggin in, it says you must restore cookies back to default setting or turn them on.how do I do That
i need your help for a little problem. Since i have install IE 7, i do not have acces to the "delete cookies" button in the "internet options" panel. Also, i cant manually delete cookies.I have try to fix it by activating the "ignore automatic cookies gestion" in the confidentiality panel but to no use.I'm using AVG free and even when i remove it, i still cant have acces to "delete cookies".
I keep getting 2 cookies from 3rd party web sites that interfere with my surfing. Other than changing the privacy settings to HIGH. which blocks cookies I want ?
when I double click nothing comes up even tho I've done searches previously. I think it might be something to do with Cookies but I don't know enough about them to solve the problem. My OS is Windows XP.
Suddenlly I have to enter my UserID and password on every site I frequent? This happened a week or so ago and it's a pain. Does this have something to do with cookies? If so, how do I change the settings so this doesn't happen?
Having deleted all cookies IE 6 "XP" friends computer does not allow her access to certain sites where before she had to log in, using her original password ,Tesco etc.
I got the urge to look at my "Cookies" file a to see if I should delete any of them. I went into "Explore" and could not find a folder listed anymore for Cookies( it was once there). My favorite sites recognize me when I return so cookies must be active.
I log on to a couple of sites and it says I need Cookies enabled to proceed, yet I know I do have Cookies enabled. This only happens on a couple of sites, Excite email for one. Other sites where I know I need Cookies are fine. Win XP.
the cookies of my browser have been enabled but so far on one certain site before i log into my banking account this message pops up.. on both my opera browser and IE "You do not have cookies enabled, please go into your browser's preferences and enable cookies so that Easy Web will function correctly" i enabled the cookies and restarted and it still continues to pop up with that message.
I have Windows XP and when I loaded my picture program for my digital camera it loaded quicktime onto our computer. Which disabled the cookie for one website that my father uses. I've tried everything in internet options to enable the cookies, I've lowered the privacy settings to allow all cookies, I've set everything to allow cookies, yet this site won't work. but there are other cookies on our computer, it's just this one website that will not let him log on. When the message pops up it says that either javascript and/or the cookies have been disabled... I know it is not the java because I reinstalled it and that's working just fine.
I recently reformatted my machine 3 times and every single one of those times something really odd has happened. Basically after a clean install and installing a nic so I could jump on the net, I would instantly go to Tomshardware.com with a fresh Internet Explorer and try to login but I get the error of:Error: Your browser cookies are not active. This is usually due to:(a) you have changed your browser cookie settings, in this case reset your browser cookie settings to their default configuration(b) you are running firewalls such as ZONE ALARM.In this case,adjust your firewall settings to allow cookies. For Zone Alarm info,
Not sure if this is the correct place to ask this question, or not, but I want to delete my cookies and temps. Can anyone tell me how to do this? I am running XP.
I have been receiving error messages that cookies have to be active. Well why aren't they? I need help in activating them. I have an EMACHINE and use XP.
everytime I close my browser, I.E. 6, my login names/i.d. for all sites are erased. Have to enter again and saving but not working. Have checked all settings that I can think of ? Ran spyware, anti-virus and registry fix.Running xpsp2.