Unable To Install - File Expired

Sep 16, 2009

Unable to install xp Pro. I have used various drives and this is the error message: System Setup Log- (C:windowssetuperr.log) Error: Installation Failed: D:1386asms. Error message: The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid. Fatal Error: One of the components that windows needs to continue setup could not be installed. The volume for a file has been externally altered so that the opened file is no longer valid.

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Service Pack 3 Won't Install - Expired ID?

Mar 14, 2010

After even using Microsoft's "Fix It" and Diagnostic tools,I get an automated e-mail
"Your ID seems to have expired or you have already completed this process before.Contact your support engineer so they can guide you through the appropriate next steps"

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Unable To Install NIC LAN Configuration For File & Printer Sharing?

Aug 4, 2005

During my network troubleshooting, I was checking my NIC configuration on my desktop to make sure that file and print sharing was enabled and realized that there is nothing installed, no clients, services, or protocols. When I try to install I got an error message that the file could not be found.This is strange because I get access to the internet.Is this possible?Could this be the reason my laptop cannot access the desktop? How I fix this?

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Monitor Drivers Unable To Install On Fresh Windows 2000 Install

Apr 18, 2005

HI, I just installed windows 2000 professional onto my computer. Everything works fine except that the resolution is really grainy. On some web sites I cannot even make out what the words are. I found out that when I go into my monitor settings in display properties I am unable to install the drivers for my monitor. Does anybody know a way in which I can get around this.

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PC Wont Boot Up Error Message:missing File Repair The File Using The Install Disc?

May 7, 2006

PC wont boot up any more , it says there could be a currupt or missing file , it says its config system and says it might be able to repair the file using the install disc. i have a System Recovery CD-ROM

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Ntprint.inf File - Cant Install Printer File Is Missing

Feb 10, 2007

I can't install my printer because this file is missing or not right. I tried another solution, but my RunOnce file is not missing. Can anyone help? Windows XP OS trying to install a HP D4160 printer.

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New OS Install, Some Drivers Missing / Unable To Install?

Jul 7, 2008

I just purchased a used Dell Dimension 4700, it came without the OS installed or the resource cd with all the drivers. I installed the OS this afternoon, but in the device manager serveral yellow ? came up. The flags are listed for the ethernet controller, multimedia audio controller, PCI modem, SM Bus controller, unknown device, and the video controller (vga compatible).

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BSOD Error/Unable To Re-install / New Install?

Dec 5, 2007

After suffering months of freezing PC and blue screens (primarily the dreaded kernel stack error. I have done tried all the recovery tricks from here and MS website, done chkdsk /f & /r repeatedly over four days without using the PC in between, and all the other stuff from here and Microsoft. Bought an expensive Reg cleaner and run it repeatedly. No luck. No recently installed soft or hardware. New Dell desktop. 1 year of trouble-free life until this. I now boot from the recovery XP CD (it includes SP2) to try to reformat the whole shebang and it gets as far as loading setup files OK, then as usual tries to start load windows installation and ... blue screen. STOP error 0x0000007B (OXF78D2524 OXC0000034, OX00000000, OX00000000).
Decided to buy a new HDD and install XP on that. (3 weeks from Dell!) and in machine. Old one disconnected. Tried installing XP from disk. It stalls at exactly the same moment as before (loads up preliminary files, gets to ""starting Windows" and then the dreaded blue screen with the same error message as before. 0X0000007B (OXF78D2524, 0XC0000034, 0X00000000, 0X00000000). So presumably not HD (although always good to have one). Have downloaded Memtest and run it for 24 hours. No RAM errors reported.

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Activation Expired

Jun 29, 2005

i'm using sp2 and activation has expired...so now everytime i boot the pc i can't login to win unless i activate it .i even can't access it in safe mode.....the problem is the product key i have i already in use and saved in their database

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Expired : Activate

Feb 9, 2007

activate my product and now is expired is a Windos XP now I can logon to my computer.

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Password Has Expired

Jul 30, 2008

windows password was going to expire in 14 days. I tried making a diffrent user account and even tried to figure out on my own how to get into the administrator account.

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Expired Credntials

Aug 17, 2005

I kept getting an "expired credntials" message" Since then it has not come on but I was wondering why it did come on in the first place,I was loggeg on as two users at the same time for some reason.

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Activation Window Expired

Mar 9, 2010

activate and there is a button that says Resolve Now. Press the button and you end up back at the login. I can boot into safe mode and get the same message. desktop in safe mode. I've tried using the install disk and repair Windows to no avail. I've also tried rolling back.

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Expired Activation : DO NO RECOGNIZE

Jul 23, 2005

I reloaded Windows XP Pro I was asked to activate, which I didn't do at that time. I lost my Internet connection and sound at the same time. I did a phone activation and I thought it went thru. I had a message to activate. I did the phone activation and was told DO NO RECOGNIZE THIS AS A VALID PRODUCT

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Password Expired: Reload XP?

Aug 7, 2009

The password w/XP expired. If I have to reload XP, will my folders and desktop be intact?

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Expired Certifcate Validity

Jul 26, 2005

I renew the validity of an expired certificate? Why would a certificate expire 3 years after being issued?

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Kerberos Ticket Expired

Jun 27, 2005

I'm getting events in the security log, similar to the following, about 1-20 times a day. I looked this up and it says that it is a "Kerberos ticket expired."

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Page Expired, Hit Refresh, Then Hit Try Again.

Mar 14, 2005

"Page has Expired" so I hit "Refresh" DING , then hit Retry and it reloads the page. This is a relatively new issue and have not installed any software recently.

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Uninstall And Reinstall / It's Expired Now

Oct 28, 2008

hHave everything backed up and now the bandits at dell want over $200 to "guide" me thru the process of the uninstall. The problem occurred while under warranty, but now it's expired. Any help for a neophyte is appreciated. Running XP Media centre edition and have disks. Also, have error message on task bar that master drive failed and have to rebuild the volume.

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Activation Trial Expired And No Clue What's Next

May 11, 2006

The install went fine, until I was prompted to activate. The key wouldn't work, obviously. It wasn't long until I found out why. One computer per key.Now the trial has ended
The OS uninstalls itself and I have to wait to get a legit copy before I can continue on with the work I have on my HDD. The uninstall program formats the entire drive, leaving me with NOTHING left.

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Expired Passwor: Dell Latitude 600's

Apr 23, 2009

My Dell Latitude 600's password has expired

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Macros With An Expired Or Revoked Signature

Aug 24, 2005

I have a Windows XP PC with MS Office XP. "This file contains macros with an expired or revoked signature.Running under High Security Level, these macros
will be disabled." whenever I opened MS Word and Outlook. We have not run any Windows updates or downloaded or installed anything. Basically nothing changed.

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Movieland Trial Expired Keeps Coming Up On Computer

Jan 15, 2006

wi ndows xp movieland trial expired keeps coming up on computer i want to know our to get it off

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Local Administrator Account Password Expired

Jul 16, 2008

Can anyone tell me what happens when the local administrator password on a PC Windows XP Pro/Windows 2000 Pro) is expired? From experience I know that you receive a prompt asking if you want to reset the password or not. Does this just pop-up forever or would you eventually be locked out of the local administrator account if the password wasn't reset? Is there any kind of official documentation about this out there? I've looked on TechNet but am not having much luck locating information. Also, does anyone know the registry key to set an expiration interval?

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Firewall Software - Norton Antivirus Expired

Jan 27, 2006

My Norton firewall is about to expire and I wanted to know if there was a more 'gamer' friendly firewall out there. Norton has caused me an endless stream of problems with my games since I got the damn thing and I would love to know if someone has better experience with a better firewall/antivirus.

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Activation Time Expired: PC Locked-up/get My Data Back?

Oct 20, 2006

If I RE-INSTALL XP again, will it give me 30 more days? All I need is a few hours, actually, because all I want is to get my stuff off the drive and be done with it...if we're able to do that, we'll probably subsequently give the machine away or sell it for cheap and let somebody else buy a copy of windows for it...so, if I were to re-install XP again, would it give me more time? Also, would there be a way to install the OS without formatting the whole drive (so that my files, pics, etc aren't written over)? If I were to install something like Windows ME, which I'm told doesn't need to be activated, could I retrieve my files THAT way? Or would it have to reformat the whole drive?

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Security Software Expired - Couldn't Access The Internet

Oct 29, 2006

My EZ security software expired and within a couple of days I couldn't access the Internet. I have since installed Norton 2006 and ran a scan but I still can't access. I can use Outlook Express OK though. I followed instructions off another site which is recommended before posting a HijackThis log. I ran the ATF Cleaner, then created a restore point. I then ran Ad-aware SE bt couldn't run the webupdate feature as I have no internet connection due to this problem. I ran the scan anyway. I then ran AVG Anti-spyware though again couldn't update the definition files because I couldn't connect due to the problem I have. I ran the scan anyway. I couldn't run the Panda Activescan because I again can't connect. I have attached the report from the AVG Anti-spyware scan along with the HijackThis report and uninstall_list. I am posting this from my friends PC so will have to go back and forward to do what you recommend.

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Unable To Install SP2

Mar 19, 2006

I am unable to install SP2.When installing from the web site receive an error message stating failure to install; system is unstable.When installing using the Wizard error message says access denied. I am using XP home edition.

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Unable To Install Any OS

Dec 17, 2005

I had some problems with my system that resulted in me wanting to format and reinstall Windows XP. I booted from the install CD and after the program loaded the drivers at the beginning, the program shut down during "Starting Windows" and I got a blue screen error. Your typical XP error, "Your computer has been shut down before any more harm is caused to it." and something about pci.sys and then a memory location at the bottom of the screen. I tried installing 2 different versions of Windows from 3 different CDs and all froze at the same with the same error. I also attempted to run a diagnostic program from the hard drive manufacturer (Seagate) which freezes whenever I run it (I get to a prompt but I'm unable to type anything). I was able to install Windows onto the hard drive fine when I hooked it into a friends' system but when I put the hard drive back in my system I got "Error loading the operating system." (I assume you need to install Windows on the system that will be using it? It ran fine when hooked into my friend's computer) So, here I am unable to load an OS onto my system and I have no clue as to why. My computer is a Dell Dimension 9100 P4 system.

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Unable To Install Xp

Jul 4, 2005

I am installing Windows XP-Home full Edition on a formatted hard drive (C). When I insert the XP CD into the CD ROM, it goes through a setup process, but continues to go through the same process over and over, restarting the computer and copying what seems to be the same files over and over. Is this
normal? If so, how many times does it take to complete the setup? Is there
another process?

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Unable To Install Hd?

May 29, 2006

I've just recently lost an old HDD to mechanical fault/corruption and so invested in a new 250GB one to replace it [including a switch from FAT32 to the NTFS file system]. I've been through the standard process of installing my copy of Windows XP Home SP2 and it seemed to work fine at first. An important point to note is that my %homedrive% (boot drive), on which my copy of Windows is installed is I:. I'm not as knowledgable when it comes to booting and system files as I am in other areas, and so I need help. I realised this straight away but thought little of it and went on installing my required drivers that came on the other CD I got when purchasing my computer originally (separate drivers CD to the Windows installation disk). For my graphics card drivers (NVIDIA GeForce 5300 drivers) [both latest downloaded version and version from my drivers CD], the installation causes an error just as it begins to install the files/components/etc.:
Windows - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive .
After multiple times of clicking any combination of the three options (Cancel; Try Again; Continue) I receive:
NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Display Drivers
There is not enough space on drive C: to extract this package.
Please free up 20.28MB and click retry.
[Clicking retry tosses back the Windows - No disk error again which in turn tosses back the NVIDIA Windows 2000/XP Display Drivers error etc.]
At was when I first came across this I realised some programs/operations I may wish to run in future will obviously run into problems such as this. I was searching for an easy way to rectify the problem by changing my boot drive letter to C:, though realising that without a full reformatting and reinstallation of Windows this would most likely cause major boot errors and such, and if not, problems with associations in the registry and etcetera...[I did find an article in the Windows Knowledge Base explaining this could be done but my computer told me otherwise] I'm more than prepared to reformat and re-install... But I don't understand how a drive letter is assigned in the first place. If anyone could please take the time to refer me to a resource that will describe how or give an explanation as to how I've ended up with my boot drive as I: and how to rectify, I would be very grateful! [I'm guessing it's because it's the last piece of hardware that was inserted into my computer and I followed the standard proceedure for Installing windows... But I couldn't say for sure.
I've also consulted the customer support section of the NVIDIA site, also google and this forum's search feature with little luck.

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