My new Toshiba laptop, am cleaning the what, the junk outta it. Somehow my old GTWY desktop had like 500 fonts and was slowing the machine, finally removed 125 or so and its OK.BUT The Toshiba has TWO separate directorys chock full of fonts, most of them duplicates! Each has its own directory with a slightly diff name
i would like know how to printer all fonts, not full fonts but full fonts in one or two paper!?(not printer each fonts in every one pages) its too many
I only wanted to keep 3 or 4 fonts on my computer so I drag n dropped my Fonts folder to my D drive (CD burner). I decided not to do this after all and figured I'd delete the temporary folder from my D drive but it will not remove 2 of the fonts: arialbi and micross, so now I'm stuck with a temporary folder in my D drive. I booted up in safe mode and tried to delete them and can't do it that way, either. How do I get rid of this temporary folder?
Somehow over the last couple of days my Control Panel/Fonts folder has forgotten it's supposed to display Details view and every time I open it.I get that awful useless icon view.This is true whether I open the folder from Control Panel, My Computer or Explorer.I have all my other folders set to Details view and I've tried several methods to make the Fonts setting stick Closing the Fonts folder by various desperate shift-clicking and control-clicking of the Close icon in the top right;Running the "increase remembered folder settings to 8000" Registry script from Kellys Korner.Nothing has worked so far.
My computer has win xp home and win office xp. Recently I downloaded some additional fonts from a website. After downloading the download is sitting on my desktop as a compressed file. My problem is after unzipping the file I don't seem to be able to get it loaded in to the win. font file..Doesn't seem overly difficult but has me stumped.
I am getting annoyed. My fonts have been highlighted for so long. And its not because I changed the theme, its always like this, even on the regular XP theme.. Is there anyway I can fix this?
I have utilized the Windows XP Multilingual User Interface Pack to change from English to Hebrew. My problem is, at startup, the desktop shows the icons very well, but the writing is terrible. I am trying to determine how to change to a better font so I can read the letters.
My wife told me today, "The computer in my classroom has so many more cute fonts than ours at home."Seeing that as a challenge, I went online, found hundreds of fonts, installed them all on the computer, and made her happy.Since then I have noticed that some website's fonts don't appear right in Firefox or IE6. For example, the subject headings at are a smaller, scraggly, hard to read font now. Cross checking on my laptop, the fonts look perfect there.So how can I determine which font that I installed was the one to mess up my browsers?
One day, not sure how, I pushed some key while on a credit card website and all of a sudden the font became very small (like half the size of this) !! It affected every site I go to. I don't really know how to explain it, but I can't read most websites anymore including this one.
Fonts are way too Small and the choice of Colors I can hardly see to Read anything here anymore! Sometimes,some things are just best left alone I know ever who did all this worked hard and meant well
I am currently having a lot of difficulties figuring out what went wrong with the fonts of task boxes of on my WINodws XP. The fonts in tasks boxes, messenge boxes, BWlauncher, and even the words on the installation of FIrefox appear to me like blocks. I don't know how do change them back.
I change the font for my emails? I know I can change them on an individual basis, email by email; but I'd like to know where I can find the controller. Like why do I have to have Ariel as a font?
1.How do I change the fonts of the folders and files showing in Windows Explorer so that they are bold?2. How do I change the title bar at the very top of an application to become a little wider? I made the mistake of surveying accessibility options and this bar became too narrow and I can't seem to get it back to its original width?3. Finally, it seems that only the newsgroups to which I subscribe in Outlook Express are currently listed in bold type. How can I get my Local Folders to appear the same way?
When I log off and back on, my desktop icons and the fonts are all 800X600 instead of 1280X1024. I can change it back but it only lasts until my next shut down and restart.
computer have been in some other font other then one that is actually readable (seems somewhat simialar to the wingdings font, all characters are squares and triangle and stuff like that) Anyways I got most of it back by going through the desktop properties--> and into the advanced appearence, but some of them are still in that weird font even after changing all the availible ones to the default. Things like the xp logon screen, the part of google where you enter the text and the task bar. I searched google in most of the threads I've read claim that this shouldn't even exist because they say that when you change the active window font, it also changes the start menu font, but I've fixed the start menu font but the taskbar font is still all weird
This is my very first post. I hate to bother you so I looked under "Search" using "Global IME Japanese" twice and got totally unrelated virus issues twice so am now forced to bother you. I have Compaq Presario 500 Series Desktop with Windows Home Xp and Service Packs and was able to read Japanese articles on the internet until recently in my Herculean efforts to get rid of BSPlayer that just wouldn't leave, I probably got rid of all my Japanese and Chinese fonts as well so now when I go to Japanese websites all I get are little squares. When I go into Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, Supplemental Language Support, Install files for east Asian Languages, I get a message that what is being downloaded is not as new as what I have, but what I have isn't working, obviously, so I command to over-ride previous IME's and download anyway and in a few minutes I get a message saying that it's not possible to download the Japanese Chinese and Korean language IME (they come in one package.) No further explanation. This is my very first post so I'll be checking for a reply.
I downloaded a couple of new fonts, an ocr-b and one that looks like handwriting. They are in a folder called fonts that I thought was associated with Windows/fonts but apparently is not. My question is, should they be in the Windows/fonts subfolder? How can they be imported into Microsoft Word? Well that's two questions, actually.
I bought a used computer and monitor for my niece. They work fine, running xp. BUT the icons and fonts on the desktop are incredibly fuzzy. The photo used as the background is clear and crisp. It is only the icons and icon text that are fuzzy. I tried going to properties>appearnce>advanced, but the font is tahoma and 8. Went to properties>appearance>effects and fade effect is checked, also shadows, dragging contect, hide underlined letters. The edge smoothing was unchecked, so I tried standard>no change in fuzziness; tried clear type>no change in fuzziness.What am I missing?
If I try to change the font in an email message by highlighting the word and clicking tools the font from the drop down menu, I get the following error message. An error has ocurred in this dialog. Error: 501 Permission denied.
while I was in the diplay settings of the control panel, I accidentally changed the DPI from normal to the highest in windows XP -now the fonts are so small that I can't change it again-any.
I recently uninstalled what I thought were some unnecessary fonts on my XP SP2 notebook, but began having serious display problems in some apps and dialog boxes, the text being either much too small or large.I've trimmed the Fonts folder in the past with no problems, but this time I seem to have majorly screwed the pooch. Even after reinstalling all fonts, the problems persist.
Somehow my daughter has gotten several of the Asian fonts on her computer. In Wordpad and WordPerfect they come up at the beginning of her font list as Arial Unicode MS, @MingLui, @NSimSun, @PMingLui and @SimSun. I have tried deleting them but they are write-protected.When you go to the font list the fonts are all there but many of them are invisible. I have tried uninstalling Office and reinstalling it but to no avail. I uninstalled it tonight but figured I would try and solve the deletion problem before reinstalling - in case they are connected.