System Wont Load User Profiles In Normal Mode?

Jul 10, 2009

Windows cannot load the users profile but logged you on with the default ETC..happens for ALL users on PC. I have tried renaming ntuser.dat and creating a new profile but none work. It will let me in Safe Mode.

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User Profiles Will Not Load

Dec 19, 2004

Does anyone know why, when I click a user name, I get an error message "windows can not load users profile settings. But will load default settings because the file is being used by another process"? Was recieving error message about virt mem last week. Couldn't increase paging file (maxed-384mb). But, changed settings to 1000/1000 max/min to stop virt mem message. Now, I'm the only one who can log on without the computer freezing and that's the message I get. I'm the administrator. The default settings are set to my daughters user name. My user name is password protected and my family all use the computer. We only use it for surfing-email and IMing. Don't run many programs. Why is my memory being used up? Ran adaware, SpyBot. Have Spyware Blaster.Mcafee firewall/virus protection. All clean.

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No Access To User Profiles / Hardware Profiles / Search

Sep 6, 2007

I have no idea what is up! I have no access to user profiles, search doe not work. Cannot access hardware settings. I have no viruses or infections. I don't know where to start! I get crackling from my speakers. What is going on? My desktop is possessed!

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Multiple User Profiles Effecting The System

Apr 19, 2007

We are running windows XP SP2 on a large domain. We have recently had several users login in that are somehow getting new profiles. This seems to be affecting only the XP machines. Roaming profiles are not being used. We have been editing the registry and repointing to their original profiles, deleting the newly created profiles and this returns their original desktop and solves the problem temporarily, but it continues to happen.

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Multiple User Profiles/folders When System Rebooted

Feb 13, 2006

I did more than one system restore and each time the process created a new user folder. I first thought all my settings were lost but since discovered I had several new user folders and the computer was no longer using my original folder when I logged in.

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System Start Normal Mode Even Set As Safe Mode

Oct 13, 2009

Went into msconfig and set up safe boot on restart.PC will not load in safe mode or in normal mode it just keeps looping back to the same screen.I have tried all the options on the screen.Is their anyway to get back to msconfig.I have the XP setup disk.

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System Freeze In Safe Mode And Normal Mode

Sep 29, 2008

Ran smitfraud and rebooted but my computer keeps freezing both in safe mode and normal. I tried last good configuration but the same thing happened. Either just a black screen with the mouse icon or frozen on the long list.

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System Running In Normal Mode

Dec 21, 2006

After installing my new e6600, eVGA 680i mobo and OCZ DDR2 1000 ram today I reformatted my 300gig Maxtor SATA drive, once i got done reformatting I tried to boot into windows but I got the blue screen of death instead saying: The error message said to disable bios cache and/or boot into safe mode, both of which had no effect and I am fucking stumped as shit, someone please help me out here, I am so eager to try out my new stuff and it is really pissing me off. EDIT: And I have also already tried reinstalling windows once again, and the I have a MSDN copy so it is before SP1 or SP2 and I think that might be my problem, but I have no clue how to update as of now in this condition.

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Start System In Normal Mode

Oct 18, 2006

Came home to a black screen, so i turned it off via power button. tried to turn it back on, got as far as windows xp logo and then it restarted itself. That restart it took me into dos mode saying windows couldn't start because of named a few reasons like new hard/software. Gave the options to start in safe mode, safe mode with networking, safe mode custom (or something like that), starting windows in the last configuration that worked, or start windows normally.I tried them all, it won't start.It simply keeps rebooting and showing me the same message.

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XP-Home User Accounts Vs User Profiles

Nov 2, 2006

I am having some issues with trying to share files on my home network.My first questions is,are the names listed in user accounts, (in the control panel under user accounts) have to be the same as user profiles listed under my computer in order to share files on my home network?

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System Restore Wont Work In Both Normal And Safe Mode?

Sep 24, 2009

I tried System Restore a week ago, but it didn't work. It ran but at the end I got the error message that it didn't complete and couldn't restore to the earlier point. It displayed the red "X." I deleted all of the restore points and set the amount of store to the maximum and set a new restore point. Still it didn't complete. I also ran Malwarebytes - it couldn't find any issues.I tried it in Safe Mode and it worked - it set the new point and renamed three files - two of them were Norton files, the third I didn't recognize. I set a new point and again it DID NOT COMPLETE - I got the same error message!

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SP2 Only Start In Safe Mode: System Wont Boot In Normal?

Nov 30, 2005

I am working on a Dell GX280 which had issues with its heatsink. Also, at the same time the machine continues to not boot up. It freezes at the Windows XP logo screen. It will not go any further. We think that when the fan started racing the user got worried, pulled the power cord and maybe did damage.However Im still working on fixing it. I can boot up into safe mode, I have disabled all non microsoft items in services and all items in start up and I continue to have the same problem, freezing at start up.

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System Runs Fine In Safe Mode But Blue Screen In Normal

Jul 10, 2008

i have windows home xp edtion on parkard safe mode it is fine,but when on normal bootup mode it will hang up after 2mins aprox(then restart saying crit error,check hardware etc and being to dump files kernel),on a blue screen.

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Vanished Data From Harddrive - System Restore In Normal - Safe Mode

Dec 25, 2007

After starting my pc i noticed what 99% of data in my hard disk has vanished. it used to be only a 1GB free space there and now it shows 38,8 out of 39 GB. I tried system restore in normal and safe mode. .Thorough description of situation:
PC runs on Windows Xp SP2. It has 2 hard drives where the biggest one is paritioned into three drives: one for Windows installation, second was used for installation files of other programs (I kept Program Files folder there) and the alst one was dedicated for data storage. So the problem occured with the second drive. and as a result i do not have most of my programs running.

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User Profiles In XP

May 28, 2006

I'm having a problem on my parents' computer. They each have a separate user profile, but for some reason flash player only works on Internet Explorer on one of them. What could cause this and are there any possible solutions?

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Get Rid Of Multiple Profiles Per User

Jul 9, 2005

on my home pc I have 3 profiles for each user under documents and settings. the first is user name the second is username.compter name and the third is user name.000 I was told by someone this could be a virus. I ran macafee and no virus found also use spybot ad-aware and reg mech.

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Rying To Set Up User Profiles With XP Pro

Sep 6, 2005

Trying to set up user profiles with XP pro. I have 2 set up, both administrators, with full rights. Both password protected. But when pc boots, it boots to my profile, without any options to log on to the other account.

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Way To Disable User Profiles

Aug 5, 2005

Lots of schools need to run one desktop for all users. Not a standard default user template. But to actually disable user profiles like you could in windows 98. With 2600 users xp takes to long to login when it has to create a profile each time because we use a security program that freezes the desktop and dismisses any changes to the c: once rebooted.Does anyone know of a way to disable user profiles or assign a profile where
everyone uses it and a new local one is not created

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Home User Profiles

Jun 15, 2005

I'm using XP Home edition and have set up user profiles with passwords. They at one point they were able to log onto the Internet from their accounts. Now they are unable to access anything other than their own documents. Any ideas what happened and how to fix this? The virus software is up to date and the scanner runs clean, although the sytem overall seems slower.

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AD Domain And User Profiles

Jul 1, 2005

When logging users onto a workstation that is part of an Active Directory Domain on a SBS2000 controlled network I am having the following problem: unless the user or user's group is part of the local Administrators group the profile will not be loaded or updated correctly, especially as concerns desktop wallpaper or drive mappings.what am I missing in my group policy or security settings to let any member of the Domain Users group update their profile?

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Virus - Browser Issues In Safe Mode/hangs In Normal Mode?

Dec 23, 2008

computer was in blue screen. Unplugged and rebooted. Hung at Starting Windows. Unplugged again and rebooted. Selected user and continued on. Hung after desktop image was downloaded and normal desktop was presented. If I moved the cursor to the task bar, got hour glass. Could not get task manager to appear and could not start any program.Booted in safe mode with networking.

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Monitor Display Issues-distorted View On Normal Mode But Fine On Safe Mode

Jul 26, 2005

we cant change the display depth below 16bit. we can only see windows in safe mode it just shows a garbled screen in normal mode

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Removing User Profiles - Consolidate Into Just One

Oct 16, 2006

A friend is running Windows XP Home Edition with SP2. They currently have 4 Windows XP user profiles setup. They want to remove 3 of the profiles and consolidate into just one. Is it just a matter of going to Control Panel and removing the other three profiles or is there more to it than that?

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Migrated User Profiles Not Applied

Aug 1, 2005

I recently migrated numerous user profiles from XP SP2 workstations in an NT domain to new XP SP2 desktops in an SBS 2003 domain. The original workstations were formatted FAT32. The new workstations are NTFS.I logged on to the old workstations as the Domain Admin and copied the user profiles on each machine to the server. I then deployed the new system, logged on as the users to create the folder structure, then logged on as the Domain Admin, and overwrote the new local profiles with the copies stored on the server. When logging on as the user without local admin rights, none of the users settings were applied. If the user was made a local admin,then the correct settings were applied.I checked permissions and ownership of the files in the profiles. I had to assign ownership of the files to the user as the domain administrator was listed as owner. The permissions were correct

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Power Schemes Across User Profiles

Apr 5, 2005

How do you copy power schemes for one profile (the Admin or Setup profile) across all profiles that log on to that machine. Users are created in the standard folders under documents and settings, however their windows settings seem to be setup via some sort of profile creation script that windows uses. I have tried copying profile information from the setup profile to default and all users profiles... but it seems to make no difference. What I am looking to do is to keep all users profiles constantly ON, instead of standby after 20 min without changing each profile each time a new one is created.

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Safe Mode - Couldn't Delete Normal Mode Suckers

Dec 18, 2004

but i think i posted this in the other area before. i had some bugs i couldn't delete in normal mode, so im like oh kay, easy, go in safe and delete the suckers. i restart my computer and f8, and try to go into safe mode, said something about your computer was shut down incorrectly or power lost and some files are missing now.

so im like, ummmmmmmmmmm... how do i get round this. so, i restarted my computer and put it in to the (Last Known Good Configuration), i know, i went to Run>msconfig>Boot.ini>tick /SAFEBOOT and restart my computer, not knowing this was one of the biggest mistakes i've ever done. it starts and it runs a little big and boooom!!! blue screen pops up and this is what it says, "a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damange to your computer....

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Delete Administer Log On Profile , Now Can't Get Into Other User Profiles?

Dec 31, 2006

Just reformated xp pro and on start up I was logged on as administrater every time I booted up , I have other users on computer and it kept defaulting to the administrater, so I made the fatal error of deleting the administrater profile and now I can't get into any user profile, anyone know of a fix for this problem?

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How To Change The Memory Setting User Profiles

Aug 19, 2005

I change the memory setting in my user profiles in..-- mcm

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User Profiles Being Renamed To Include Computer Name

Aug 29, 2005

I recently had to do a system recovery on WinXP, and when it was complete, it had renamed all my user profiles to: [USERNAME].[Computer Name] rather than just username.IE: C:Docume~1JohnDoe.My_Computer instead of C:Docume~1JohnDoe
Unfortunately, all my settings, documents, financial files, etc are located under the original JohnDoe folder (still present).How can I redirect the JohnDoe log-in to look at the JohnDoe folder rather than JohnDoe.My_Computer?(side note, I set up my computer to share, and when I put in the computer name, I spelled it slightly different than the original. I have changed it back to the original spelling, but with no success. I have also deleted the new folder, just to have it recreated at log in!)

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Windows Xp Will Not Start In Safe Mode/normal Mode

Sep 17, 2009

An infinite loop it seems. i was trying to start my pc in safe mode, to delete a .exe file from C:WindowsSystem32 which was suggested by a post to fix the "windows not genuine problem". To be able to do that, i ran msconfig and selected /safeboot under BOOT.INI tab. now everytime i try to reboot my pc it asks me to select an operating system (windows xp pro/microsft windows) if i select windows xp then it asks me to select a startup mode (safe/normal/last successful) and then no matter what i select it will reboot it self, and do the same again. If i select microsoft windows (instead of xp) then it shows MS Windows 98 screen and then goes into DOS prompt. from what i have read in some of the threads is that, i have a virus which is preventing my pc to boot in to safe mode, and because i have selected /safeboot from msconfig windows will only boot in safe mode, meaning i am stuck. the workaround these threads were suggesting was to find the boot.ini file and rename it to something else, which would fix the problem, because this file holds the info about in which mode your pc should boot. i tried to rename this file from command prompt (i cant get into windows, thats why), using "ren c:oot.ini boot.ini" but it says file name invalid. i think this is because its a hidden file. then i tried "attrib -h boot.ini", but it says attrib cannot be used in DOS mode.

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Wont Boot In Safe Mode Or Normal Mode?

May 3, 2005

I went into MSCONFIG and checked the box to go into safe mode so i could run some virus scans and adware scans and stuff like that. Now when it gets to the desktop it has the window that says Loading Windows and then after like 2-3 min. it says password is incorrect and that i should retype it and becarefull of caps lock and stuff like that. The thing is don't have a password. It does this when i boot normally too but it lets me hit ok and hit Cancel without a password entered.

All of a sudden it tries logging me in automatically when I start up but the thing is i dont need to log in. So I try to go back into normal mode and Ican't. I hit F8 during startup and went to the Boot Normally option but it still does to safe mode. What do I do? How do I log on or how do I get rid of this password thing? One more thing, the window that tells me the password is wrong has an OK box but theres no mouse on the screen for me to click it and I can't use the keyboard to select it.

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