Problem With Dial Up - Connect - Disconnect

Jun 30, 2005

I began having a problem with the dial-up "connect to" function it was
disconnecting OK but I couldn't reopen the connection again for several
minutes afterward because the Properties window would show whenever I
clicked the ISP link So I tried to restore the system, but for the first time ever, any of the restore points I try, all I get after it goes through the process is a
message "Could not restore to.There are quite a few restore points and
none of them work.First, what would cause this? Then, what should I do about it?

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Cannot Connect To The Net Using Dial Up

Sep 19, 2007

It keeps on saying that the port is in use by another application or somethin of that nature even when there are no other applications running.and only essential process' are running.

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Cannot Connect To Internet Using Dial-up Modem

Aug 14, 2007

I am trying to set up an internet connection via a dial-up modem. When I go to my Connection Wizard and follow through the steps I get to the section to "Connect using a dial-up modem" but it is GREYED OUT. The one directly below it is greyed out as well. Can anyone help with this? Been trying everything for the past few weeks but nothing works. Need to get my connection moving in order to start university courses.

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Dial Up Connection - Cannot Uncheck The Connect Using Broadband Listing

Jun 14, 2006

I went to set up a new dial up connection in XP.I went to connection wizard, I click next, I check connect to the internet, I click next, I check set up my connection manually and click next. On the how do you want to connect to the internet page, connect using a broad band connection is allready checked and the other choices are greyed out. I cannot uncheck the connect using broadband listing. Every time I try this it is the same thing.

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Dial Up Connection Cable Having No Dial Tone

Nov 8, 2007

At present I connect to my broadband ISP using a wireless router. So that I can keep a previous email address active I need to log on to an old Pay As You Go dial up connection at least once every 60 days . I have set up the the connection in 'Network connection' in the control panel but get the error " no dial tone " when i try to use it, Should i be disconnecting the router and plugging in the phone cable to the PC directly as we did in pre broadband, dial up only days . Advise please on how to best ' cable ' the set up

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Not Allow Me To Disconnect Internet

Dec 6, 2005

I have always been able to disable my internet connections by simply going to Start - Connect To - and right clicking the connection and clicking disable. Well recently it will not allow me to do this. I get this error message titled Error Disabling Connection "It is not possible to disable the connection at this time. The connection may be using one or more protocols that do not support Plug and Play, or it may have been initiated by another user or the system account." This began happening right after I hooked up a USB mp3 player to the computer, so I am thinking that this may have caused the problem. When it automatically loaded the drivers it came up with a message that said that the drivers had not passed windows xp testing but I went ahead and loaded them anyway. The mp3 player does work fine though.

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DSL Disconnect - Won't Allow Connection

Jun 26, 2005

The oddest thing. About every Wed and either Sat or Sun. The DSL connection or something in Windows won't allow connection, and I can't access online. I have to restart the computer, then all is well until Wed. or Sat/Sun. I've called SBC/Global and they can't find anything. It seems to be a timing thing that resets to Wed and Sat/Sun. I've been keeping track. This started a couple of months ago. Has anyone else encounted this? What to do. Everything goes back to normal when I restart.

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Cannot Disconnect Mapped Drive

Jan 26, 2007

I can't disconnect some drives that are mapped on a WinXP Pro workstation. I wanted to remove the drive mapping names as they were badly outdated and so deleted the registry key. where the entries were found and then rebooted.Now the connections show up as "Disconnected Network Drive" but all still work. However, I can't disconnect any of them and the "Disconnected Network Drive" will not update to the name of the machine/share even when I go into the share and use it. Really, this is a test machine because I wanted to apply a reg via policyto clear out the strings on logon/logoff so that these were fixed all over the company. I don't understand why this thing is misbehaving though, the key get's recreated and has the name of one machine, but not the others.

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Finished On Internet - Disconnect

May 23, 2006

I have finished on the internet and disconnect , I may be playing a game or just working offline , suddenly what ever i am doing dissapears and my internet dial up box appears and asks if i want to reconnect , i say no and it goes for a couple of minits and then its back , does any one know how to stop this happening ,happens at least 10 every half hour ,it just keeps interrupting ,

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Internet Connection Seems To Disconnect Frequently

May 10, 2005

I am running windows XP and I have a BT Voyager 100 adsl modem.The internet connection seems to disconnect frequently although when i check its status it says it is still connected.The only way to get the connection back is to restart the computer.Also when this happens other programs stop responding and the computer sometimes freezes up.I've run anti-virus and anti-spyware software and they haven't come up with anything.I have quizzed but about but they seem to have run out of ideas.

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Safely Disconnect Device Icon

Sep 22, 2005

Whenever I "safely disconnect" any USB device (mainly a memory stick or mp3) the icon in the taskbar just disappears, without the appearance of the notification that actually tells you that you can safely remove the device. How can I recover this notification?.

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Installed Sp2: Kazaa Wont Connect/ Waited Long To Connect?

Mar 1, 2005

hi everybody.every since i install sp2 on my pc ,kazaa lite has a problem with keeps trying connecting but it reemains on trying, even if i let for 2 hours

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IN6 Weatherbug, Widgets Will Not Connect, Firefox WILL CONNECT

Apr 8, 2006

I shut down system restore and went into safe mode to clean out spyware,ect. In safe mode, spybot,i used ewiedo,smit,adware. i dont recall but i think spybot was the only program to find an item. When i rebooted in normal XP, i have been unable to connect IE6,Weatherbug,Widgets to my wireless connection. However Firefox is connecting pretty good,atlhough my wireless program is funny, its telling me there is no internet connection as i surf I tried 'internet options' such as resetting IE, i tried that scannow command. again, i dont have the system restore option to use. but also yahoo widgets are not connectiong nor weathebug.

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Cannot Connect To Internet But Can Connect To Router

Aug 6, 2008

I'm setting up my friends home network. They have 2 PCs connected via ethernet and one laptop on wireless. The router is a wireless router / modem from 2wire. PC number 2 and the laptop both connect with no issues. PC number 1 is weird though. I can go to and it opens up the router system page and I can go through and change and view settings. However when I try to go to any websites it immediately goes to "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage." I have tried netscape and the iTunes store and nothing can connect to the web. I have linux ubuntu on a Live CD and I can boot from that and it connects to the internet just fine.

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Dial-up Connection Is Too Big

Feb 25, 2006

dial up connection of windows xp is too big i cant find how to resize as normal?

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Getting Pop-up Dial-up Connection Box

Dec 11, 2005

I keep getting this pop-up "Dial-up Connection" box. I have cable internet connection and it's very annoying. Something has infiltrated my computer any ideas how to stop it?

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No Dial Tone For Fax

Oct 4, 2009

I had my laptop serviced by the manufacturer. I had the hard disk restored from backup and I ran into a problem with the fax which had not existed before the service. I am trying to establish whether the problem is with the hardware which requires to send the laptop back. I have one phone line which I split into two by inserting 2 RJ11 cables into a dual connector: one goes to the phone, one to the laptop/fax. I use one device at a time, of course. When I try to fax from the laptop I don't get a dial tone. I also noticed that as long as the fax line is inserted into the connector, the phone does not get a dial tone either; when I disconnect the fax cable, the phone tone comes back.

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Dial-Up Connection Box Keeps Coming Up

Jun 26, 2005

My Dial-up connection box keeps coming up when I am away from my computer. I had it set for auto connect in the past, but it would go on line buy it self, so I had to change that. This started after I up graded to windows XP

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Dial Up And Remote Connection

Jul 25, 2005

I'm trying to set up a remote connection so I can control and troubleshoot my other computer from my house, we both use dial up and windows xp is this feasible? What is the program that I want to look at? I've searched around but there isn't much mention of dialup anymore these days and we both cannot get any type of broadband

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Default Connection Seems To Be Dial Up

Jul 20, 2005

I have an XP laptop that has both a dial up and an ethernet location. When at work I use an ethernet cable to check e-mail and connect to the internet. When at home I use a mindspring dial up. When I am at work with my ethernet connection, whenever I try to get onto the internet I get a message saying that I am offline. A get a message asking me to connect or cancel. When I connect, it does take me to the correct page. This happens all of the time. I can connect to each page every time I get this message but is seems to think I am in dial up mode.

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Keep Dial Up Connection After Logging Off

Aug 2, 2003

loose dial-up connection, after you log off your computer simply add this string to your registry, and your computer will keep your connection after you log off, and switch user until you disconnect it Standard Warning: You really should back up your system before making any changes to your registry

1. Open Registry Editor
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon.
3. Click

Add String Value within the Edit menu.4. Type KeepRasConnections in the dialog box, and select REG_SZ as theData Type.5. Click OK.6. In the next dialog box, type 1 and click OK.7. Close the Registry Editor

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Faster Dial Up: Like Onspeed In The UK?

Feb 19, 2005

I currently use a UK dial up connection with Connectfree to access the internet; generally without any problems. There now appear to be a number of "faster dial up" applications available (all at a cost of course) that claim to enhance speeds on average by a factor of X5. For example - Onspeed in the UK. Does anyone have any experience of any of these applications or know of any similar applications that are free. At the end of the day, I assume it is only a packet compression tool?

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Upgrade SP1 Home SP2 - Dial Up To DSL

Jul 11, 2005

I've been an XP Home SP1 user for quite a while now. I've been hesitant to upgrade to SP2, because I've heard that some common software does not work properly on SP2. Is there any truth to this? Should I stop worrying and just upgrade? Note that my typical usage includes Eudora email, Mozilla web browser,MS Office Pro 2003, some rudementary Eclipse/Java and Visual C++ programming, Norton AV 2005, and Adaware.Also of note is that I am about to change my Internet service from dial-up to DSL, so perhaps there are some firewall considerations.

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Turn Off Dial Up Sounds

Dec 27, 2004

Is there any way to turn off the dialup sound on win xp when you try to connect to the internet on a dell computer? I went in to modems and turned off volume but I still get the sounds.

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Slow Dsl Connection Like Dial Up

Feb 3, 2007

Right now I can't afford to get more memory so I was just wondering what I could do
to get faster internet speed.Its almost like I have dial up!! Is there any program out there that will boost internet connections? I went to the control panel and deleted any unused programs and cleaned out the computer temp and other files this morning... (or does memory have anything to do with speed?

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Dial Up Re-dials After Inactivity

Jun 17, 2005

I have computers sharing ICS, it is set to drop the connection after 5 minutes of inactivity, which it does. But it dials back a few seconds later. I deselected redial if line dropped and lowered the redial attempts, but it still does it. What do I do? I’d like the computers to have dial on demand, but I would like the connection to be free when not needed. These computers don’t have permission to access Windows updates and I keep them spyware and virus free as best I can.

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2000 Pro-can't Get A Dial Up Connection

May 30, 2006

Windows 2000 Pro.I have put in a dial up connection many times manually. So I no how to do it, however
my pastor broght his computer to me cause he knows I no some about computers and I wasa going to put on some spyware and adware programs etc for him. This computer came from his house in a diffent town so I was going to put my dial up connection in it so I could get on the internet to get the update etc. Anyway here is what happens

I go to make a new connection and do all the right things and it comes up and say (it won't let me get all the way through it before it says) The Internet connection wizard could not set up a dial-up networking connection fro the microsoft ISP referral server. The C:ProgramFilesInternetExplorerConnection wizard ICWIP.DUN file may be missing or corrupt. and I can't get any farther.

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Service Pack 2 Necessary For Dial Up

Jun 21, 2005

Right now I have SP1, an activated firewall with Norton Anti-virus and blah blah blah. I'm not on a network, am only online on dial-up and just use this computer for boards like this, Live Journal, nothing fancy, no P2P stuff. Considering these things, how necessary would it be for me to get Service Pack 2 and why?

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Faster Dial-up Download?

Feb 15, 2005

I've tried tiscali and tesco IPS (currently tesco), with both IE and firefox. Modem is 56K yet downloads are between 5-6K. I've looked at the 'about;config' for firefox yet that seems to be for broadband users only.

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Dial Up Connection / Small Screen Comes Up

Mar 30, 2007

When I click on a link which asks me to send an email, a small screen comes up headed New Messages. The From and To fields are already filled in correctly when it appears but when I type my message/request/whatever, along comes another screen headed Dial Up Connection and then Connect (my ISV.) My name again is correctly filled in with a space saying if I want to change this password what password? to enter it in space provided.

I have tried every known password which I have ever used and when I press to connect, another little screen pops up telling me that it is 'unable to establish connection.' how to get around this? I end up copying and pasting the original link into my btYahoo mail box and sending it that way. A tad long winded

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Change The Settings For Dial Up Connection

Aug 24, 2005

I am trying to set up a dialup connection with xp pro. The modem is on com3 but the connection wizzard defaults to com1. I can not find how to change the settings for the dial up connection. My isp is on strike so their tech support could not help.

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