Dial Up And Remote Connection

Jul 25, 2005

I'm trying to set up a remote connection so I can control and troubleshoot my other computer from my house, we both use dial up and windows xp is this feasible? What is the program that I want to look at? I've searched around but there isn't much mention of dialup anymore these days and we both cannot get any type of broadband

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Dial Up Connection Cable Having No Dial Tone

Nov 8, 2007

At present I connect to my broadband ISP using a wireless router. So that I can keep a previous email address active I need to log on to an old Pay As You Go dial up connection at least once every 60 days . I have set up the the connection in 'Network connection' in the control panel but get the error " no dial tone " when i try to use it, Should i be disconnecting the router and plugging in the phone cable to the PC directly as we did in pre broadband, dial up only days . Advise please on how to best ' cable ' the set up

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Using Remote Assistance To Dial Other Computer From Mine?

May 31, 2007

Is there anyway I can dial into a friends computer from mine? We both have Windows XP and she is having a simple computer error that I KNOW I can fix if I had access to her computer. She lives too far away for me to go to her computer, and I do not want her to be ripped off by calling a repair shop. But she cannot grasp the steps I am giving her to fix it.

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Remote Desktop Connection - Can Ping The Remote

Oct 12, 2005

I have two different computers both running Windows XP professional. I am trying to connect to one remotely using the Remote Desktop Connection. I have enabled the remote computer for remote logins but for some reason I cannot connect with it. I get the error message that the client could not connect to the remote session. I have 50 other computers on this network all set up the same way and have never had a problem. Everything seems to be configured exactly the same. I can ping the remote computer.

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Dial-up Connection Is Too Big

Feb 25, 2006

dial up connection of windows xp is too big i cant find how to resize as normal?

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Getting Pop-up Dial-up Connection Box

Dec 11, 2005

I keep getting this pop-up "Dial-up Connection" box. I have cable internet connection and it's very annoying. Something has infiltrated my computer any ideas how to stop it?

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Dial-Up Connection Box Keeps Coming Up

Jun 26, 2005

My Dial-up connection box keeps coming up when I am away from my computer. I had it set for auto connect in the past, but it would go on line buy it self, so I had to change that. This started after I up graded to windows XP

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Default Connection Seems To Be Dial Up

Jul 20, 2005

I have an XP laptop that has both a dial up and an ethernet location. When at work I use an ethernet cable to check e-mail and connect to the internet. When at home I use a mindspring dial up. When I am at work with my ethernet connection, whenever I try to get onto the internet I get a message saying that I am offline. A get a message asking me to connect or cancel. When I connect, it does take me to the correct page. This happens all of the time. I can connect to each page every time I get this message but is seems to think I am in dial up mode.

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Keep Dial Up Connection After Logging Off

Aug 2, 2003

loose dial-up connection, after you log off your computer simply add this string to your registry, and your computer will keep your connection after you log off, and switch user until you disconnect it Standard Warning: You really should back up your system before making any changes to your registry

1. Open Registry Editor
2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsNTCurrentVersionWinlogon.
3. Click

Add String Value within the Edit menu.4. Type KeepRasConnections in the dialog box, and select REG_SZ as theData Type.5. Click OK.6. In the next dialog box, type 1 and click OK.7. Close the Registry Editor

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Slow Dsl Connection Like Dial Up

Feb 3, 2007

Right now I can't afford to get more memory so I was just wondering what I could do
to get faster internet speed.Its almost like I have dial up!! Is there any program out there that will boost internet connections? I went to the control panel and deleted any unused programs and cleaned out the computer temp and other files this morning... (or does memory have anything to do with speed?

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2000 Pro-can't Get A Dial Up Connection

May 30, 2006

Windows 2000 Pro.I have put in a dial up connection many times manually. So I no how to do it, however
my pastor broght his computer to me cause he knows I no some about computers and I wasa going to put on some spyware and adware programs etc for him. This computer came from his house in a diffent town so I was going to put my dial up connection in it so I could get on the internet to get the update etc. Anyway here is what happens

I go to make a new connection and do all the right things and it comes up and say (it won't let me get all the way through it before it says) The Internet connection wizard could not set up a dial-up networking connection fro the microsoft ISP referral server. The C:ProgramFilesInternetExplorerConnection wizard ICWIP.DUN file may be missing or corrupt. and I can't get any farther.

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Dial Up Connection / Small Screen Comes Up

Mar 30, 2007

When I click on a link which asks me to send an email, a small screen comes up headed New Messages. The From and To fields are already filled in correctly when it appears but when I type my message/request/whatever, along comes another screen headed Dial Up Connection and then Connect btinternet.com (my ISV.) My name again is correctly filled in with a space saying if I want to change this password what password? to enter it in space provided.

I have tried every known password which I have ever used and when I press to connect, another little screen pops up telling me that it is 'unable to establish connection.' how to get around this? I end up copying and pasting the original link into my btYahoo mail box and sending it that way. A tad long winded

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Change The Settings For Dial Up Connection

Aug 24, 2005

I am trying to set up a dialup connection with xp pro. The modem is on com3 but the connection wizzard defaults to com1. I can not find how to change the settings for the dial up connection. My isp is on strike so their tech support could not help.

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Dial Up Connection Connecting And Disconnecting

Sep 3, 2005

I have a Gateway 560GE 3.0 GHZ Windows XP. I don't understand what is going on with my computer connecting to the internet. It will usually connect ok in the morning but in the afternoon it won't connect at all, I use AOL or People PC to connect & neither one will connect. With People PC I get the error #721. I have McAfee spyware and Norton Internet Security 2005 on my computer

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Faster Browsing With Dial-up Connection?

Aug 16, 2005

Is there a way to set my computer up to browse the internet with greater speed?I know, I should get cable right?

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Dial Up Networking Connection Disappears

Dec 17, 2006

XP Pro SP2. In Network Connections folder I had an icon for a dial-up connection (which I use), a LAN connection (for wired NIC), A Wireless connection (for built in wireless card), and a 1394 connection (firewire port that XP likes to list as a connection). The NIC, wireless, and 1394 I keep set to disabled when I'm not using them. I enabled the wireless card and set up ad-hoc connection to another laptop with built-in wireless, so I could transfer some files between the two.

After I was finished, I disabled the wireless connection again. My dial-up networking connection disappeared from the Network Connections folder, and it's shortcut icon on desktop disappeared. It still showed in IE Intenet Options, and I could dial-up from there, but when I did, no computer icons appear in the taskbar, leaving me no way to disconnect except by pulling the phone cord............

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Pro Won`t Format: Dial-up Connection Very Slow?

Nov 22, 2006

I`m on a dial-up connection at the moment and each page takes ages to load. Plus I`m being nagged to get off the PC. Also, sorry if this topic is being posted in the wrong place.Anyway, my PC decided it would be fun to revert to default settings (not a BIOS issue) every time I booted it up, so I decided to reinstall XP Pro, since it was due for a reinstallation anyway.

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Dial Up Connection / Explorer Automatically Dials My ISP

Jun 29, 2005

When I open up Explorer it automatically dials my ISP and when I close it I get asked if I want to sign off of my ISP. This is a great feature. When I open Firefox it dials but it doesn't ask me to sign off when I close it. Is there a way to make it do the same thing for Firefox?

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Software For Increase Speed Of Dial Up Connection

Feb 17, 2007

Using a dial up connection to connect to internet. Its realy tiring and irritating to wait for web pages to appear, some times it will take ages for some sites like cnet, yahoo, so please anyone can show me a software which can speed up my existing connection by saving history or something like that.

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Dial Up Connection After Clicking Froze Up - Shut Down

Jan 26, 2009

Has begun to occasionally blue screen a few minutes after initiating a dial-up connection. One time it simply froze up after clicking the dial-up connection, had to shut down and reatart. Debug log at end of this post names four Conexant modem drivers and then memory corruption. Have run memtest for 15 hours with no errors. Have uninstalled modem from device manager and reinstalled with new drivers. Tried 2 different sets of drivers, the ones from the manufacturer and ones from Windows update. (Which I normally would never put a Windows Update driver on a computer, but I was trying everything I could think of.) Then ran XP driver verifier on all drivers. It is not hot or overheating, all fans are clean and functional, and am running temp monitor program to verify. Could it simply be that the modem is on it's way out, or what should my next troubleshooting step be? ....

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Dial Up Connection - Cannot Uncheck The Connect Using Broadband Listing

Jun 14, 2006

I went to set up a new dial up connection in XP.I went to connection wizard, I click next, I check connect to the internet, I click next, I check set up my connection manually and click next. On the how do you want to connect to the internet page, connect using a broad band connection is allready checked and the other choices are greyed out. I cannot uncheck the connect using broadband listing. Every time I try this it is the same thing.

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Dial-up Connection Taking Long Time To Load AOL

Sep 3, 2007

I have a winXP desktop which takes about 5 minutes to load AOL dial-up. Any ideas what would cause this?

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Dial Up Connection Partially Load The Internet Explorer Page From Favorites

Oct 26, 2007

I have put my Internet Explorer favorites on the start menu. When I click start, then favorites, and then click on a link, sometimes it will dial up and go to that particular web page as it should, it will only partially load the Internet Explorer page. It doesn't dial up and just locks at that point. When that happens I have to dial up my ISP directly, then open Internet Explorer, go to my favorites menu from there and then to the link I want

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Remote Desktop Connection: "virtual Private Network Connection"?

Jul 11, 2005

I've been trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my home computer to my office network's machines. I've followed all the instructions except for the part where it talks about getting a "virtual private network connection". Not sure if I have this part done right. Not even sure if this is the problem. Is there something that needs to be set up before being able to connect from a home computer to an office machine?

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Using Remote Desktop Connection For 2 PCs With 10/100 Lan?

Feb 8, 2006

What's Remote Desktop Connection and how can I use it ? (I have to 2 PC + 10/100 LAN)

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Using The Remote Desktop Connection Via Internet?

Sep 22, 2005

Can you only use remote desktop connection over a LAN or WAN? Is it possible to use it over internet with 2 pc's having a broadband connection if you get the ip address of the 2 pc's?

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Using Remote Desktop Connection For 14 Computers?

Aug 10, 2005

We have one server and 14 computers here at where I work. Some of the people want to connect to their computer from home. I would like to use the remote
desktop connection integrated with windows xp just because its easy to use. I tried to connect to my computer and got the server, how can I basically select the computer that I want to connect to.

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Ports To Be Used In Remote Desktop Connection?

Aug 3, 2005

tell me what ports I need to setup through a firewall to get Remote Desktop Connection working.

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Remote Desktop Connection In Home SP2

Mar 20, 2006

I am having the hardest time using remote desktop over my network.Everytime i try to remote to my pc downstairs (the name of this computer is downstairs) I get an error message "Client could not connect to remote computer". I have xp home on both pc's, with remote desktop connection enabled on the windows xp firewalls, and all the remote services enabled.

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Remote Desktop Connection After Reboot

Apr 26, 2010

I have a Win XP Sp3 pc sitting on the school network to which I do RDC using the SSH tunnel with putty. It works fine and I can connect to it with no problem. The problem arises when I reboot the computer. I am unable to connect to the machine unless a local login has been done first. After a local login, I am able to see winlogin in the RDC window and go ahead from there. This is a big problem as I have to be around the machine when an update that requires a reboot is performed. Other pcs sitting on the same network do not have this problem.

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Remote Assistance Connection Could Not Be Established

Jul 27, 2005

I am trying to conned to a novice computer. Both of us are using Win XP Home. I am on Road Runner cable and the novice is on Comcast. He does not have a firewall other than the built-in one and we have tried it with this disabled. He does NOT have a router or wireless system. He only has the cable modem going to his computer. I am behind a router and have windows firewall disabled. From what I have read it should make no difference that I, as the one responding to the email invitation, am behind a router.What are the possible causes and solutions for this common error about "host name not resolved" when the inviter (novice) is NOT behind a router?

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