My Music Icon Lost?

Aug 22, 2005

the my music icon in my documents somehow lost it's note... now it just looks
like a regular folder. in properties it won't let me alter the icon i was.

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Lost IE Icon And Sound Controls Icon From Taskbar?

Nov 7, 2006

no IE icon on desktop or in programs. i have internet access through verizon. i recently got windows update to install IE7 in the hope that would restore the icon/program but the only way i can access the internet is via the verizon browser. i clearly installed IE7 because now the "sidebar" of my verizon browser says that "sidebar i currently not compatible with IE7...". so why can't i get the IE7 icon in my program list or desktop?

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Lost: My Music, My Video, My Pictures Icons

Aug 27, 2005

This is a bit weird and I have a feeling it's something that will have to be adjusted in the registry...

I have my My Documents on my physical second D: drive while all my programs and the OS are on the C: drive. In the My Documents folder is the My Music, My Video, My Pictures folders that XP automatically assigns icons for and doesn't allow you to change the look of them.

I had been backing up this internal 60GB D:My Documents to an external 120GB USB drive. I decided to put the external one into the computer because I bought another external 160GB drive for backup.

OK, everything is fine, but the icons for My Music, My Video, My Pictures folders that XP automatically assigns are no more, they are just plain looking folders, but I can't customize them because these are the special folders that XP assigns for their specific use.

Does any one know what might have happened? Is it possible that the different serial number of the drive, or something else may have messed things up?

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Save The Icon Order Of Music Folders In Documents

Apr 11, 2010

I have one question. Is it possible to save the order of my music folders (and files!) in My Music folder. What I mean is that I'm going to transfer all of my music (55 GB) on external HDD and then back to freshly installed Windows 7. And what I would like is that my order of folder is sorted as I did it in Win XP, and NOT by alphabetical order or something else. I have really huge collection and organizing it like it is now would be a nightmare. I do not want music to be sorted like: ATB, Coldplay, Linkin Park, Trance; but in my order (like Coldplay, Linkin Park, ATB, Trance). I wonder if thumbs.db hidden file has to do something with order of the icons (I guess not ) So is it possible or not?

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Lost Start Menu Items - Icons For Music

Oct 15, 2007

I lost the My Music and My Pictures icons on the start menu. I moved My Documents and was prompted to move the current items. I said (stupidly) yes. I noticed I had 2 music and picture folders in My Documents. I deleted the Folders that had been moved when I reloacated. When I went back to the start menu, My Music and My Pictures were gone. I looked in properties, and the two items were selected. I went to the registry and the entries for music and pictures were gone in UserShellFolders and ShellFolders. I recreated the entries. After all of this, there are still no icons for Music and Pictures on the start menu.

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Lost AVG Icon In Tray

Oct 11, 2009

Two AVG icons were in the tray - the normal one and one that said it was scanning - which was constant. I searched and found an answer to someone else's problem which was to exit the "normal" one and both would disappear. They did but the AVG icon is completely gone from the tray. I thought it would re-appear on its own.I can run it from the desktop icon but I'd like it back in the tray.

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Lost Volume Control Icon

Apr 2, 2005

I have lost my volume control icon as a result i cannot change my volume, The icons on my computer don't work so i have been using the icon on my tool bar but its suddenly gone and i cannot change volume thru the control panel

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Lost Hard Disk Icon

Dec 16, 2006

I was tinkering with my computer the other night. And this morning this came up:My hard Disk Icon(The One in My Computer when you open it, showing your computer contents, your hard drive, etc) was replaced by the one that windows shows when it does not recognize a file.When I tried to fix it, it became worse. Now when I double click one of my hard drives it will now not open but goes directly to the search function for that drive.My hard disk icon or whatever it is called, and b.) Double clicking the hard drive will now open it instead of the search function.I wanted to print screen the problem, so that you guys could see it but I don't know where the print screen image is located.

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Lost Task Bar Icon For Desktop - Can't Remember

May 7, 2008

This is a very simple matter. I have always had an icon on my taskbar for accessing my desktop that I use quite often. Its been there so long that I can't remember if I put it there or if it came that way on the computer. Tonight, the icon had changed and when I clicked on it, I got the little flashlight and asked if I wanted to search. Grrrr. Not the end of the world but I would really like to have it back.

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Lost The Safely Remove Icon In The System Tray

Feb 4, 2009

This icon suddenly isn't showing up, so I have to shut down or risk damaging something to get my external USB devices disconnected from the system.Is there a place in XP Pro that I can enable it?

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Colors Blending - Lost My Volume Control Icon

Jan 23, 2005

The colors on my system are running. I've rebooted, as once before I had this problem.Words are hard to read because the colors are blending into one another.Ran System Check - Diagnostics and Utilities, and all passed.On my desktop, the titles of programs are hard to read.note; This page I am on is perfectly ine

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Downloaded IE7: Lost Or Can't Identify The Outlook Express Icon On Toolbar?

Nov 25, 2006

I just downloaded IE7 to my Dell XPS400. Everything appears to have gone well thus far with one exception. I have either lost or can't identify the Outlook Express Icon on the new toolbar.

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Put Windows Media Player Music To My Music Folder

Apr 24, 2007

Im mad that my My Music folder is empty, how do i put my windows media player music in it? whenever i download music i just go to "Add to windows media player", how do i bring that to "My music"

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Can Play Music / Can't Play Music Videos / Windows Media Player Cannot Play File / Specified Protocol Not Supported

Mar 6, 2006

I can play music, but can't play music videos.I get this error message:Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported. In the Open URL dialog, try opening the file using a different transport protocol (for example, "http:" or "rtsp:").I am also having problems with UPDATING Windows Media- I get a message saying I am missing some components. I cant go into the Microsoft updates webpage either- I get a message saying ''page cannot be displayed''

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Internet Explorer Icon - Shows Up As An Unknown File Icon

Aug 28, 2007

I was wondering how to fix this problem, the icon for internet explorer in the start menu shows up as an unknown file icon. The icon on the desktop for IE shows fine but when i try to click on it, it creates a shortcut for internet explorer. if click on IE from the start menu, it opens IE with no problems.

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Adding Own Icon To The Existing File And Folder Icon?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).

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System Showing Strange Icon In Icon Tray?

Aug 2, 2008

i had attached a snapshot of the icons in my icon tray..pass few days back i found this "X" icon in my tray and i cant remove it and also it doesnt display anything..

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Missing Display Icon In Control Icon?

Aug 30, 2005

After looking at the display settings and closing them, my icon disappeared. A file search on all *.cpl files show that the display.cpl file still exists
and I can create a shortcut to the desktop and run the program.But, I'd like my icon back.I believe the problem was created by having all my icons underlined so I only have to do a single Left click to bring up the program.

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Partition Icon Missing : System Placed An Other Icon By Itself?

Aug 30, 2007

I've winxp Home with SP2 system, yesterday my daughter had installed the program 'MS Plus' from the XP Installation CD which was not installed earlier in the machine. My OS is original, but to-day on opening the system I'm seeing that the icon of Hard Drive(E : Drive)to which the program was installed went missing and in its place another icon (which generally represents for any unidentified file) has taken its place.

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IE Icon And My Computer Icon Vanished From Desktop

Jan 14, 2009

I don't know what i did but my "IE" icon and "My Computer" Icon vanished from my desktop and start menue.

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Lost My Wallpaper, Lost Screen Saver

May 7, 2007

My wallpaper has disappeared even though it appears under display properities-themes. Under the desktop tab my wallpaper is set correctly. When I try to change the theme from modified theme to windows classic the change is not accepted. My screensaver was the picture slideshow and is now windows xp moves across the screen as the screensaver. When I try to change it back the change is not accepted.

This all started because I am trying to back up my computer to an external hard drive and keep getting error message "windows delay write failed". I tried updating the hard disk driver but there wasn't any update. While searching for fixes for that problem, I came across Panda Software online virus checker. I used it and it deleted a few viruses. They were all old, some may have only been unopened email attachments and they were all from 2001 and 2002. Two days later, I was using logmein - remote access and while rebooting (not the first reboot) I got the blue screen. Here's the error message.

Driver_IRQL_not _less_or_equal
stop:0x000000D1 (0x502F1F70, 0x00000002, 0x00000001, 0XF398B203)
VSDATANT.SYS - address F398B203 base at F3966000, Datestamp 4313a6c6

So I looked up vsdatant.sys which is located in system32 directory, and I changed the name of the driver to vsdatant.old but then my zonealarm stopped working so I changed it back.

How do I get my display working properly? Any ideas on the "write failed" error message?

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Lost Photos - Data Lost Writing On Cd

Jun 26, 2005

I have burned some photos onto a CD -R and have gone back into the cd drive but they are missing!! where have they gone. The photos were definitely burned on. I thought that once on a cd nothing could be lost.

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Audio CD Icon Will Not Return To CD/DVD Icon

Aug 19, 2005

problem setting the CD/DVD icon to return to it's normal icon in My Computer. It currently has the Audio CD icon. I've played an audio CD awhile ago and since then, the icon has remained. This icon is causing problems when I open a Data CD. When the Data CD is inserted the Audio icon emains. When I click on the icon, Media Player starts. I have disabled the auto-run or auto-play setting prior to this problem. I would have to right-click and select Open to get to the data files.

Under Windows Explorer, when I click on the icon, it shows the contents of
the data CD but the Audio icon is still present.

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Desktop Icon Not Using The Site Icon For IE?

Dec 6, 2004

Just wondering why when you drag an IE http short cut to the desktop, it does not display the site logo icon. Sometimes, they will show and others not. I have had them even come and go after different sessions. I log on to Internet both through work firewall and at home on network through firewall and in motels through open and firewall protected isps.

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Lost Icons + Lost Taskbar

Apr 20, 2008

when I switched on my computer when I got to the xp wellcome page inviting me to sign in i clicked sign the screen went priefly go's to my home page with no icons and no taskbar nothing, then go's back to the wellcome page again, every time i click sign in it happens again,help me!

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When I Hear Music I Cant Do Anything

Oct 6, 2007

I hear the music, sometimes i can even open taskmanger but i cant click, nor select others. Nothing, until the music ends.

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How To Get Rid Of My Pictures And My Music

Jul 26, 2005

I keep deleting "My Pictures" and "My Music" from "My Documents". Then they reappear. How can I get rid of them permanently?

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Can't Open Music

Jan 23, 2005

I'm using Windows XP and i don't know what i did but when i try to open a music file (mpeg) i get a error message = This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options control panel. Please help!!!!!!!! and also when i try to click the mail button for msn...i get a pop up that says Windows cannot open this file...what do you want to do....use the web...or choose myself.

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My Music Folder Gone

Jul 4, 2005

I accidently deleted the my music folder in My docs. I belive its a system folder and was wondering how to get the same system "My music" folder back.

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Cannot Delete Music File

Oct 15, 2005

I cannot delete any of the folders containing music on my WinXP SP2 box. Unlocker can not find any handles and Killbox fails to delete the file.

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Music And Pictures Corrupt ...

Nov 26, 2008

I will try to explain as well as I can. My friend has been having some slight computer problems lately so I went over to take a look. The first problem that the screen would get a lot of jibberish on it. Pixels or what ever. I tried a new cable and uninstalled and reinstalled the driver and no go. I installed a new driver and the same. Finally I tried a new video card and it worked great. That is just the first of the problem. I then noticed that one of his hdd on his raid 1 had gone bad so I took it out and got it replaced. In the meantime when I restarted his computer it did a disc check and did some things I had never seen before but it completed the check on the good disc. All seemed to be working well until a few days ago he said that his music was doing crazy things so I went over to take another look. I played a song and it would start in the middle of the song and play a whole nother song. I would play Queen and Celine would come on but it would start in the middle of one of her songs. Not all the songs are like that though. We never did count but I would venture to say at least half are still good. I then just out of curiosity went to his pictures and they also had problems. A couple of them would show up and the others would not. They still showed they had 1.6mb or 2mb in each folder for the pictures but nothing would show up. He mentioned something about some power surges but he is proteced with a battery backup ups from APC. What does it sound like to you?

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