Mass Name Change

Jan 12, 2008

is there a way to change a bunch of files extensions without going through each one?

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USB Mass Storage Device

Sep 17, 2005

Should this be disabled in Win Xp Home under device manager. If I enable it I get the Safe to remove Hardware icon in the system tray? Lower rt corner of screen. Another thing, if I enable the device, I get 4 generic disks listed under "Disk Drive" in device manager.

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USB Mass Storage Not Visible In Explorer Or PC?

Aug 20, 2005

I have upgraded my PC (motherboard, HD, Processor, RAM and DVD drive) not much else left is there Anyway, I can see the USB mass storage device in "Device Manager" and all is well but I can't see it in Explorere or My PC. If I unplug it and reconnect it gets found and installed with the "new software is installed and running correctly" message.

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No Drivers For Mass Storage Device

Jun 15, 2005

I'm having problems with 2 of my computers recognizing USB mass storage devices. They used to work just fine but not any more. When I plug them in (I've tried my Palm - have program to recognize it as a drive - and a new card reader and my camera) I get a message that new hardware is found (mass storage device) but then it takes me to the Found New Hardware Wizard and none of the choices I select (Install Automatically, search web, etc) find any drivers. The crazy thing is, though, that when it did work, the first time I plugged them in the Found New Hardware Wizard didn't come up but it installed what it needed automatically. I'm thinking there is a corrupt driver and was wondering if there was a way to get just that driver back without reinstalling Windows. Also, what's strange is that two of my computers work this way. My one (other) computer accepts everything just fine.

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USB Mass Storage Device Not Working (USB Drive)?

Mar 24, 2006

I have an external USB 2.0 case with a 160GB HD that was working just fine until a couple of days ago when I stopped the drive and unplugged it from the PC. Next time I connected the drive to the same PC, I got a message saying "There was a problem installing your device" and in the Properties window for the device a Code 10 appears. I connected the same drive to a different computer and it is working perfectly. I uninstalled the device and reinstalled it again but the problem still persists.

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Error Ejecting USB Mass Storage Device

Sep 6, 2010

Yeah, I know, I've read all the Google results about "open files" and "locking handles" too, but bear with me and keep reading.This is on a WinXP Pro SP3 desktop, current with all critical updates. I have a laptop HDD that I've installed in an external case for USB 2.0 connection to my PC. It connects to the PC as drive letter D:. It works fine backing up my data until it comes time to disconnect it. Then, when I try to Safely Remove Hardware, I get the error msg in the topic title, along with "The device 'Initio 0M9AT00 USB Device' cannot be stopped because a program is still accessing it." So I fire up Unlocker 1.9.0 and it says "No Locking handle found." Then I fire up Process Explorer v12.04 and Search for D: - I get the result "0 matching items." So WinXP thinks some program is still accessing it, but what? I need some other ideas or tools to figure out what is going on. Up to this point, I've just been shutting down all open application programs and pulling the USB cable and one more interesting tidbit - when I connect this same HDD to my Win7 x64 laptop and click on safely remove hardware, Win7 releases the device properly and I can safely remove it.

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Mass Deleting / Saving Firefox Bookmarks

Aug 24, 2007

I figured out how to backup my massive amount of firefox bookmarks into a html file on my cp. I'm going to be transfering computers so I plan on saving this file on a cd or a flash drive and then opening it up on my new laptop. Problem is, my family will be keeping this cp so I need to clean out the massive amount of bookmarks I've got.How I can do this without having to tediously right click everyone away?

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Unable To Set Mass Per Folder View Options?

Aug 12, 2006

I have my Audio Files in a folder Called Mp3s, Which contains subfolders of genres which then contains subfolders of artists/albums etc. Now, For My Computer I have veiw settings to Detail / Groups.For the rest of the computer I have View Settings to List. However for the specific D:/MP3 Folder I would like to Have Details and my own columns. How do I set it so that I can have all my folders in D:/MP3 Are in Detail + my colums view without Overwriting the defualt all use list..?

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USB Mass Storage Device Detected / REBOOTS

Jan 20, 2006

I am attempting to use a USB DVD writer (LG GSA-4167BA)When I connect it I get the message "USB new mass storage device" pause screen goes black - REBOOT.Thats it every time wether it is started up connected or not.I have XP with SP2 and all the updates, Plug and Play is started just cant get any futher.Works perfectly on my friends XP system (of course!!)

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Licensing Key - Business Mass Install Operating Systems

Jun 28, 2008

I know that is how buisness mass install operating systems but how much do they run??

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Mass Storage Controller Error In Device Manager

Jun 11, 2006

Just re-installed xp.In device manager the yellow exclamation mark is beside the mass storage controller icon.

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Install BSOD - Setup Couldn't Determine Mass Storage Devices

Jul 15, 2008

So I had this awesome post and it was removed by ctrl z. Touch pads on laptops FTL I tell ya. I'm going to make this short and sweet. I'm using two 150gb raptor HDD's connected with SATA. I had windows vista ultimate x64 installed but I didn't like it so I decided to buy windows xp MCE 2005 and here is my problem I'm trying to do the install but it continues to give me the BSOD. Even after I read a thread about the same issue, I couldnt get pass the BSOD and the topic was locked so here I am.

My raid is set to auto detect but I dont have a raid setup since I'm allowing xp to do this for me. I did have one setup for vista but I deleted it thinking I needed to start fresh for xp am i right? I boot from CD and tried to hit F6 but nothing happens. I let it go and continue with the loading. Here's where I'm at now. Windows Setup Setup could not determine the type of one or more mass storage devices isntalled in your system, or you have chosen to manually specify an adapter. Currently , setup will load support for the following mass storage devices.....

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It's Mass Hysteria! Temp Files Found That Don't Exist - Spyware Removers Gone Wild

Apr 29, 2007

I was running The Cleaner for the first time and it found several files to delete that I can't seem to find on my system. It shows them to be temp files but I like to be sure so I went searching for them. They're not visible. I've enabled the see all files so it should be there. But it's not. I did however find these files and am wondering why they would be found under IE5 which I haven't used now since the rebuild. And I don't think that was even under this hard drive! Is it safe to let it delete, or is that stuff I shouldn't delete?
C: Documents & Settings: User: Local Settings: Temporary Internet Files: Content.IE5: 3I1TVRX8, 4NM0HAS5, 7D8UQMOE, index.dat

Also I'm concerned by this message that keeps coming up saying Browser Help Objects have been detected - The following BHO has been added to your system: {BDF3E430~B101~42AD~A544~FADC6B084872} and I can either remove it or keep it. I ran a program called BHODemon to check it out and it found several BHO's but they were all legit. Could this all just be from a conflict from having SpywareGuard and Spybot both on my machine? Spybot seem to be going crazy asking if I want to change things. I can't stop them from popping back up when I close one another comes up. The error messages are always different too which is really confusing.

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This Device Cannot Start Code 10 USB Mass Storage Device

Jul 21, 2005

I've been using a Buslink 40G disk-to-go for about 2 years and love it. Today I plugged it into the USB port and the drive did not display. I've searched forums half the night since this drive contains financial data that hasn't been backed up for a month (yes, bad practice, I know) and I need to get it working. I've uninstalled, reinstalled, updated drivers, removed and reinstalled drivers, rolled back drivers and tried everything short of bios changes I've seen recommended.

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Clean Profile Change / Name Change

Sep 18, 2005

I have one user with a laptop (windows xp pro). he initially signed on to the laptop as jsmith. This was fine except the username he has at work and the email address he has is he would like to have his laptop signon as pjsmith rather than jsmith.I would like to simply create the user new (pjsmith), copy the old (jsmith) profile to the new (pjsmith) profile and then delete the old (jsmith). I have tested this on another machine and it doesn't work so well.

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How To Change The Ip

Dec 9, 2006

I have tried everything from ipconfig /release and renew,to the Network connections to unplugging my modem for a few hours. IS THERE ANY PROGRAM THAT CHANGES YOUR IP ADDRESS?

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Change Pro CD Key Into Pro SP2?

Feb 20, 2008

I recently tried to reinstall windows onto my SONY VAIO FS295XP, the laptop does not come with any discs unfortunately so I used a slip-streamed copy from my desktop machine to install (also felt it would save time), unforunately my desktop machine has SP2 and the laptop doesn't recognise the key on the back of it as valid for the SP2 version I was trying to install, anyone know how to transfer the Base key into an SP2 key

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How To Change IP?

Aug 2, 2005

I just need to know if there is any way to change my IP. Recently I was infected with a worm virus that takes an IP and keeps coming back as long as the IP exists. My IP is also constantly being scanned while I am chatting and downloading from IRC. I dont want to know how to mask or hide my IP, I just want to know If I can completely change it.

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Change The Name That Is Registered In XP

Jun 29, 2005

I just baught a laptop only 6 months old. I want to be the registered owner of the XP Home edition thats on the laptop, cause the late owner are still registered in XP

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Change Retail Key To OEM Key?

Apr 9, 2010

the installation key is not Valid. I have the OEM key and I want to change it. I tried the tool (KeyUpdateTool_enu.exe) to change key. but it gives an error.
Then I used the registry edit method, and it doesn't accept the OEM key.

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Change My Administrators Welcome Name?

Jul 14, 2005

how to change my administrator account ?

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Advantages To The Change Over?

Feb 25, 2005

Presently I have Win ME and is ok. I'm tempted to go to XP but have been hearing some 'REAL HORROR' stories about it and especially with SP2...Is there a REAL advantage to do the switch or not and just hang onto what I've already got til I'm forced to

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Change Product Key

Jul 27, 2005

As you all know the new updat eis here as we all thought it would be I have a client with a license key which is not original I have now purchased a copy for her but how do i change the product key to a new one

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Change License Key

Jul 30, 2005

I've given for a time my notebook with WinXP Pro SP2 to a colleague.has reinstalled windows and since that I receive an error message log (Event viewer System Ivent id 10020)"The machine wide Default Launch and Activation security descriptor is invalid. It contains Access Control Entries with permissions that are
invalid. The requested action was therefore not performed. This security permission can be corrected using the Component Services administrative tool."And also the Microsoft Genuine "told" me that my license key is not valid. Is there any possibilities to set up both problems without reinstalling Windows XP with completely new copy.

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Change In Sp3 And Its Importance?

Aug 9, 2008

two questions--what's in SP3, and is it essential? Given Microsoft's track record, I'm reluctant to install SP3, so two questions: 1) what's in it? 2) does it contain anything essential?

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How To System Change Cd To Dvd Rom

Jun 11, 2010

AM already converted CD to DVD but not working DVD?

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Change Over To Windows Xp Pro

Aug 3, 2005

Presently I am using windows 2000, I would like to change over to windows xp pro , and all I have on hand is a new oem version of XP Pro. If I install this over windows 2000 will it be an option for an upgrade or wiull I lose all existing programs and informations?

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Got Ubuntu But Want Change To Xp

Sep 28, 2009

I have a pc which is running with ubuntu i want to change my os to xp i thought it would be as simple as just getting an xp disc and getting it to boot up and write over ubuntu but i have seen xp advertised on ebay and the guy says i have to format my hard drive before i load the cd could anyone advise me how i go about this so i can get to the stage where i insert xp disc and install

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Cant Change Wallpaper?

Jun 25, 2005

after an attack with some bad viruses or something,i noticed my option to change my wallpaper has disappeared? and im so sick of the wallpaper i have right now..

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Cannot Change Wallpaper

Jan 7, 2007

My desktop suddenly went the default XP blue and when i right clikc and go into the properties, the desktop tab is all disabled meaning i cant change it. I am running XP SP2. Before this happened i did find some malicious software on my pc that random installed itself from a website. I think this could have lead to it. Any ideas of how i could fix this? Attacked i have my hjt log file. Any help will be great. Also if anything else has come up from the log?

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Not Able To Change Wallpaper

Jan 26, 2007

I had a few adwares on my O.S. (win XP HE), but I managed to remove them all except for one little trace. I've tried many removal tools, but none seems to be helping with this last problem that is anoing me.I can't change my wallpaper. What actually happens is that when I try to scroll down the "Background" scrollbox at the "Display Properties". "Desktop" window.I believe it has something to do with policies, but windows xp Home Edition is very limited in what comes to policies and it has no editor. By regedit I couldn't find any policy key that would actually make me believe it was it. I already tried to google this issue, but I can't find anything concrete.The closest clue I have is that this was caused by a spyware installed to advertise a spyware software, which installed itself and changed my desktop wallpaper to a black image that said that I was infected with malware and I needed a spyware software to resolve the problem. The image also said something claiming it was from Microsoft and they suggested a product.

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