Log In User Settings Corrupted

Dec 16, 2007

when i attempt to log in by typing my password i get 2 messages. Windows cannot load the locally stored profiles. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or corrupted settings.Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a temporary profile. Changes you make will not exist after you log off and then, i get booted onto a generic desktop where i can then access most of the files from my own desktop by going into the my computer, clicking on drive C, then clicking on Documents/Settings, then my name, then Desktop where most of the things from my old desktop are residing. the one thing i really want to access is my Outlook which contains several different calendars that i need to look at, but when i click on that it doesn't recognize who i am and i get a generic Outlook.

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C:Documents And Settings - User Local Settings Disappeared

Apr 1, 2006

I found images in Windows Picture and Fax viewer that I want to delete. I can delete them one-by-one, but that takes time. I went to Disk Cleanup up and deleted all Temp and Temp internet files, but the images are still there. I checked Properties of the images for the file names, went to Win Explorer, but only found C:Documents and Settingsuser, there was no subfolder for Local Settings and, obviously nothing after that. I did a Search in Explorer, including hidden files and folders, for the file names and the searches resulted in nothing. I am back to deleting one-by-one, but my concern is, Where did everything from Local Settings on go to. BTW, I also run Skybot, Adaware and Norton virus weekly

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Lost Settings, New User Made In Documents And Settings

Apr 29, 2010

When I started up it says Win.ini corrupt. Then it starts up as a new user losing track of Favorites and Start Menu and Desktop Icons, Display and Folder attributes. Under
Documents and Settings it has added Dave.U5R2D5 in addition to Dave which still has all the information. I tried switching the 2 Filenames to get back to what it used to be but gave an error message and didn't do it and started another new file.Is there some way to use the old Dave file?

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Access To Files But Application And Settings Are Corrupted

Sep 25, 2006


HELP!! I went to install some VPN software on my desktop (Dell Dimension 2350; Windows XP; P4/2GHz; 1GB RAM) and the next thing you know, my OS won't boot. I think I corrupted my registry (again).

"Missing dll NWGINA.DLL. Either replace or contact your system administrator" is the error message that I gOt on a black screen after all attempts at reboot & startup: boot from Windows XP CD, fiddled around with CMOS a little, made every attempt to boot to Windows XP and came up empty.

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Corrupted Internet Explorer And LAN Settings Greyed Out

Mar 20, 2009

Like many I had problems with the antivirusxp virus. Using the recommended Malware program seemed to help at first, however yesterday my Internet Explorer became corrupted. When I click on LAN settings, all the boxes are greyed out. So I assume that I'll need to reinstall Internet Explorer. I've had the pc for 4 years & cannot find the installation discs. So my question is: If I download IE onto a cd & reinstall it, will this rectify my problem?

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Aug 7, 2009

Over the last few days, i am facing problem of user profile corrupt message coming by using Windows XP on my Laptop. It's seem that local user profile got corrupted as showing messaging in beginning. "Windows cannot load the locally stored profile. Possible causes of this error include insufficient security rights or a corrupt local profile. If this problem persists, contact your network administrator. DETAIL - An I/O operation initiated by the registry failed unrecoverably. The registry could not read in, or write out, or flush, one of the files that contain the system's image of the registry."

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Delete Corrupted User Account That's Always Logged On

Jul 7, 2007

I have found out that I have a corrupted user account. I have created a new account and am trying to now delete corrupted account but I can't as it always stays logged on. When I start the computer it goes straight to the corrupted account and will only let me switch users.

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Missing Documents/pictures/corrupted User Accounts?

Dec 29, 2008

My wifes laptop(which had 3 yrs of mba coursework on it) has just had her user acct corrupted/no documents/no pics.i tried recuva and it said not to restore files to c drive,so i restored them to a usb drive.problem is they just look like shortcuts.my son was surfing the net when mozilla went down abrubtly.when he tried to go back on mozilla it crashed 3x.he then restarted and thats when my wifes account came up corrupted and w/missing files+pics.it now has the windows default wallpaper.

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Edit Specific User Settings Only?

Jun 13, 2008

I am trying to completely lock down anything from running on a specific user account, except for 1 program which auto runs on boot.. I'v been able to lock the system down pretty well with the group policy editor.. but is there anything similiar to this that will edit specific user settings only? Or make my admin account not affected by the group policy editor?

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Accesing Old User Documents & Settings?

Mar 14, 2006

I recently replaced my motherboard which because my new one is a different chipset than my old one, required me to repair my windows install. Rather than do that and possibly lose a bunch of stuff in My Documents folder and my extensive Favorites I opted to just do a new install on another partition. So far everything has worked fine but when I tried to get into my old Admin files in my "Documents & Settings" Folder it gave me a red x and said Access Denied.

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Cant Log On - Cycles To Log Off - Retrieving User Settings

Aug 2, 2005

When I try to log on the dialog box cycles through "retrieving user settings"... "logging off"... "saving user settings"... and then returns me to a log in screen. The log in screen is more like an NT screen with fields for user ID and password rather than the XP screen with a button for my users. I have tried my ID, "XP" and "Administrator" with similar results. I installed xp service pack 2 about a week ago. Just before this occured the computer reported "lost or damaged clusters on startup and I allowed it to go through the repair process. The only file listed as damaged had nothing to do with start up [thumbs.db in my pictures]

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User Settings Lost Each Reboot

Apr 19, 2005

tonight i was playing a game and for some unknown reason it unexpectedly quit, i was a bit annoyed so i switched off the computer without shutting it down properly. but when i switched it back on a few hours later it started up normally, but then when i logged onto my username (out of 4) it started up to the default settings for a user, for example background changed to acer one, start menu favourites lost and internet explorer settings lost (eg. favourites, icons). And to make things worse, i found out later that when i went into my documents from the start menu, all of my files were not there. but after further exploration, all my files were still there but were in my folder in the documents and settings folder. but it must have started up my username from a TEMP folder in the Documents and Setting folder. Also when i log into any of the other 3 user names, all the settings are how they are supposed to be and nothing is different. please help!!! sorry if this was too longer message but i couldn't condense it any more!

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User Settings - Possible Trojan Or Virus?

May 10, 2009

I've seen a bunch of threads where people say they login to the computer and it won't let them open their user settings, or it does but their desktop items are gone. Long story short, everyone was told to create a new User and copy the setting over from the c:documents and settings. What happens if the files aren't there? I have rolled my mouse over the c: drive and it shows that my file size is still the same and that my files should be there. But when I do a search for them or try and find the files, they aren't there?

All of the items from my desktop, start menu (including system restore) are gone. If I search for system restore in the help settings I can run it.. But running it back further than I was having the issue still doesn't fix it?

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Home Edition - 4 User Settings

Jan 24, 2005

I have Windows XP home edition and on one of the 4 user settings I get the message the WinCtlAd.exe failed to execute. I also get WinCtlAdAlt.exe failed.
In the task manager they seem to be trying to run repeatedly using 100% of the cpu. What are these files? Are they part of Windows or are the something malicious that I can delete? I have the urge to delete them but I hesitant to do so until I get some expert advice.

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Standardizing Multiple User Settings In XP - .bat File

May 30, 2008

Is anyone privy to any application or even a .bat file that can create identical settings for multiple users not on a domain?

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System Freezes When Loading User's Settings?

Jun 21, 2009

I am using multiple user accounts in WinXP so I enter a password every time to log-in. when the pc is turned on, win boots to the log-in screen, I enter the password, press OK and then the whole process freezes on the screen saying: "Welcome, loading user's settings..."once, I was waiting for 30 minutes and nothing happend. still that screen, I can move with mouse, but there is no clock sign next to the mouse cursor. HDD light on my PC case is not blinking, it seems to me like HDD thinks it has nothing to do.I can solve this only with reseting PC (using the reset button). no ctrl+alt+delete or something.after reboot it works just always fine. password, OK, loading and I am in.

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User Folders In Documents And Settings Are Disappeared?

Dec 28, 2004

I had a registry problem, in that when I booted up my laptop, it said a hive file for the SOFTWARE key was damaged. I fixed this by going into recovery console and restoring the registry backup. So now Windows starts again and everything is good. All of my files are still in tact. However, my settings are all gone. Even though my files are on the hard drive, the appearance of everything is as if Windows has just been installed. In Documents and Settings, the reason is revealed.

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Startup Error For Personal User Settings

Aug 11, 2008

This has been an intermittent problem but becoming more constant. When I log in with my password (I am the only user on computer), if the hour glass doesn't come up immediately after pressing "enter", the computer then loads with the default profile settings instead of my own. If I immediately restart the computer (either after if is loaded or I shut down the computer while it is loading), I can log in & my user settings load properly. When this problem occurs, occasionally a window will pop-up after I enter my password at log-in, with something to the effect of user environment, personal settings unable to load due to insufficient memory. Also I do not know if this is related, but when I try to error check & is scheduled to start when the computer restarts, it usually states that it has been canceled after I have restarted the computer & doesn't go into a full scan. The reason I say that this might be related is that this is also an intermittent problem & seems to only occur when I'm having above problem (which is usually what prompts me to want to check scan). At other times, it seems to work okay. I have an HP dv8135 laptop, winXP media edition sp3, AMD 64, 2 GB RAM, ATI Mobility Radeon Xpress 200 (with updated driver), TrendMicroPro 2008, & Acronis True Image 11.

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Gpedit Settings For Single User Not For Administrator

Oct 15, 2007

Well I am having Windows xp pro with sp 2. and I want to apply hide drives settings for the other users rather than the admin account. so please let me know if I can restrict the single user with the help of Gpedit.

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Delete Orphan User Remnants From Documents & Settings

Jul 28, 2010

I had one machine that has gone out on loan during repairs and it now has several orphaned User folders under Documents & Settings, which did not have security set on them, have been emptied, but I would like to cleanup the mess. Logged in as Administrator and in safe mode I cannot delete these. I think this is one of those naming issues where the real name is not what's showing?? something like that. how do I ditch these I figure i might could slave it to a Win7 system, take over the files, then delete. that's a lotta work so if there's a quick way, that's better

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User Profile On Pro Disappeared -folder In Documents And Settings Gone

Jul 26, 2008

one of the user profiles in Windows XP Pro has disappeared. I cannot recover the files because the folder in Documents and Settings has disappeared too. I am running a virus scan now

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Unable To Find Documents & Settings And User Files?

Aug 12, 2005

Alrite, ive got an emachines notebook running xp home on it. We bought it from best buy, and i guess they registered the computer to a 'valued customer' and its really annoying. Idk how the user name stuff works, but i think a while ago(not 100% positive cuz it was like 2 years ago) when we first got the computer i changed the admin 'valued customer' name to my name. but the 'my documents' folder defaulted to 'c:/documents and settings/valued customer' still. i fixed it by making a folder on c: with my name and made that folder the target location for the My Documents folder.

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Change Documents & Settings User Name To Match Changed Logon Name

Nov 28, 2006

two new computers a router and networked the home. I have the host computer and my children are each on wireless as clients. Both children can access internet, but only 1 can access printer. I actually figured out the problem that's huge as I'm a network idiot. My son's computer (can't use printer) is using my old computer with MY name on it. I am on the new computer with MY name on it. So when he tries to access the printer it doesn't know where to go. I have windows xp HOME and from what I see I can't change the name on his computer the folder immediately under documents & settings). I followed instructions to copy from one folder to another (ie, Mine to his) using a 3rd administrator account. I could copy any account but mine.

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Settings In A Limited User Account: Internet Wont Work?

Mar 25, 2006

I have created a second account for me (a limited on) in order not to use the lapton under the admin account. However, after I log-in to the limited, I can't connect to the internet. When I go the Network area in order to try and connect or set uo the connection to the Internet by setting up the connection I get a message saying that I do not have the right to change the settings. Where do I go in the admin account in odrer to set the connection to the Internet for the limited account?

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Corrupted User Profile And "My Documents Deleted"?

Jul 20, 2010

I was working on a project the other day... all day... (in XP) and that night when I had gotten to a satisfactory stopping point, I saved and closed. I then restarted into Win7 to do the facebook/email/news thing and then went and hung out with my roommates for a bit. Later, when I wanted to show off the progress on my project - a carefully crafted MIDI drum track in Cakewalk SONAR - I came back and restarted my computer into XP.

Well, I'm greeted at the log-on screen with an error along the lines of "windows cannot load your user profile..." and then spit into this brand new account that has assumed my name but has none of my settings. I immediately went for my project (which was in the My Documents folder, with everything else) but it was gone.

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Corrupted Registry Recovery - File Missing Or Corrupted

Jun 21, 2010

I am running Win XP Mediaa Center Edition 2005 and have just received a message on the second boot up page saying:
Windows cannot load because the following file is missing or corrupt:
You may attempt to recover or repair this file using the original Windows CD

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Accessing A User's "documents And Settings" When It's "protected"

Sep 9, 2005

I have my entire hard drive backed up to an image file. I had to format and put a new hard drive in my machine. All is fine and dandy, but when I try to access my user's folder in "documents and settings" on the mounted "image" all I get is "access is denied"

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Loading Settings Saving Settings Startup

Sep 11, 2004

I'm having a major problem with XP Home Edition. When I start my computer, I get the Loading Settings screen, which automatically switches to the Saving Settings screen and then goes back to Loading Settings, Saving Settings, etc, etc, (the "Windows XP Startup" and "Windows XP Shutdown" sounds repeat themselves one right after the other). By the way, I have the XP tweak that skips the Welcome and log on screens at startup since I'm the only person that uses the computer. I've tried Debugging, Safe Mode with Command Prompt, Restore To Last Working Settings and a few others, but nothing is working. I ran Spybot just before shutting down the computer the last time it worked and got the "Congratulations! Your system contains no spyware" message. When I restarted the computer, I started having this problem. I also have Norton Anti Virus 2004 and did a Live Update (manually) a few hours before this started happening.

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Temp Folder At C:Documents And Settings Admin Local Settings Temp

Jul 28, 2005

What is the "Temp" folder for which is at C:Documents and Settings Admin Local Settings Temp? Nothing seems to appear there while I use IE to browse.

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Boot Up Gets User Screen For User Selection Both Keyboard And Mouse Stop Working

Apr 13, 2005

I am trying to fix a friends computer my usual story. Once it gets to the user screen for user selection both keyboard and mouse stop working, its either they stop working or the computer freezes, i am not sure. Life still goes to the mouse as it still lights. The keyboad works fine in the bios but not at freezing point.

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Find Or Bypass Limited User Password W/out Reset Or Adjust User Screensaver?

Dec 27, 2005

For security reasons, Microsoft does not allow parents (computer administrators) to check on, maintain, adjust or otherwise enter their kids' (limited users) XP profiles without either resetting their passwords or waiting for them to come home and being confrontational about it.Ideally I would like to be able to log on to a limited user account from my administrator account without tampering with anyone's passwords-resetting them or otherwise. Actually, I have little interest in the (step) kids' personal life and stuff. Alternately, perhaps you may help me with my ultimate goal: limiting screensaver activity:

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