How To Stop Norton Fron Blocking Acess To Internet?
Jul 10, 2005
when i was installing a program called googlearth Norton recommend that i i block this program to the internet but now i fine this program need to connect to the to stop Norton fron blocking acess to the internet.
i just want to know if there is some way i can curb the kid's use on the pc and xbox. some software maybe? i just want to block the internet access after a certain time. the reason being is that as they are older i some times go to bed before they do and therefore have no way of monitoring the access.
Recently Zone Alarm is blocking all of my internet access. If I leave the computer on for a long period of time(>6 hours), zone alarm will block all internet connection w/o notifying me. If I restart the computer or turn off ZA i get internet back. I have the free of of ZA. any suggestion?
I have just installed pc tools firewall plus which works great one small problem is when I start Cabos I get a message saying that my Firewall is blocking Java access to the internet could anyone tell me how I can remedy this. I have turned off my Windows Firewall.
I'm working on a computer that is blocking internet access to IE and firefox. Looks to me like the owner attempted to clear things up but left some remnants of a hijacker I can't find. When I open IE I notice the info bar redirecting me to C:windows escan't make out the full path then I get the page cannot be displayed message.
To be very clear, I can send and recieve email, I can ping and get a response, and I can also get online and able to browse in safe mode. So the connection is not completely down. Only when I am logged into a user account does this happen. Here is a HJT log. I restored a backup so one of you may get a better feeling as to what is going on. I am aware of the trojan infection of services32.exe as well as a couple other hijackers. However, when I remove all the baddies I see there is still no internet..........
I think that I have a virus which is stopping me from 1) Installing Norton Internet Security 2005 properly, and 2) Stopping me from accessing all anti-virus related sites, for example -,,, and when i tried to download AVG 6.0 from another site which was unrelated to antivirus, I found that I could access the site but the download failed.
Bit of a long story but here are the highlightsAdded spare memory stick and PC booted up OK Closed down PC, fixed cover on, tried to reboot but failed, got message from Windows saying system files corrupt Found process on Microsoft KB and carried this out. Only difference being that I was able to use XP from a second drive to do some of the copying which saved me from going in to Recovery Console all the time Last step in the process is to do a system restore but I get a message that this was not able to complete Tried several restore points
The motherboard in my old HP computer died and I have got 40 GB worth of data on the hard drive that is still working.I got a new XP computer and added the old hard drive as a slave, to get the data out, but apparently the old XP program is locking me out. How do I get around this block, so that I can get onto the old data, to save it, and get it ready to be reformatted, for use in another computer?
I researched the internet and every where I turn someome is sending me to: Kelly's Korner @!.htm. I did go to this website and downloaded the taskbar fix it link, however when I went to run it off my desktop, NORTON caught it and popped up that it was a MALICIOUS THREAT or something regarding MALICIOUS.
We get the server cannot be found message. If we now reboot, everything is up and running again (until the next time). This happens almost every day. Worked with the Verizon On Line techs and they found that my modem and associated equipment is in fine working order, and speculated that the problem is probably in my computer. I tried several possible fixes from some local experts (cleaning out the Explorer cache, running Spy-Bot, Ad-Aware, Norton anti-virus, Microsoft Anti-Spyware, etc.) to no avail.
Has anyone tried the new "Norton Internet Security 2007" product with Windows XP Pro?I read a good review on it at the website and I am trying to decide if I want to buy it? I will be using it with my laptop computer which I use with a wireless router with built-in firewall. I am mainly concerned with Viruses, Spyware, Adware, and wireless security.I know that previous version of Norton Internet Security have gotten bad reviews, buy it looks like they got their act together on this one.
We have an XP Dell 8200 computer with service pack 2 security update. We would like to get Registry Mechanic however we currently have the following on our computer: Norton Internet Security 2005, Webroot Spysweeper, Ad Aware SE professional edition, We are seriously concerned about compatibility issues. Should we be so concerned
My wife just got an Gateway M320S notebook with WinXP Pro, SP2. It also has a built-in wireless card. From the very first bootup, it took several minutes. First I thought it was the Norton Internet Security 2005 that came pre-installed, but when I disabled all of it's elements in msconfig, it doesn't boot any faster. I have a Linksys WRT54G wireless router in my home, and the notebook has a built-in wireless card. The internal card is set for 802.11.b., and my router is set to "Mixed" (because I have a PDA that
I have a nightmare with my notebook which is installed with Norton Internet Security.On booting up the notebook, a triangular icon(inside with an exclamation mark or an X)appeared on the bottom right bar. The icon appeared with a message to warn me of spyware attack. On clicking the icon, it took me to IE for or I also found my IE is installed with a 'Security Toolbar 7.1'.
In the Control Panel, I found a program 'Internet Explorer Secure Bar' which I wanted to delete. However, once I click the 'change/move' button to delete the program, it required me to reboot before deleting but on reboot, no deletion of the program took place. I want to know how to delete the program.I also want to know how to delete the icon on the right bottom.
I had Windows ME and upgraded to XP via the upgrade disk. All went well and I was asked to uninstall Norton Internet Security before installing again to take "make it work again" in the new environment.I am trying to reinstall but for some reason, the NAV install window keeps telling me there is an existing copy of NAV that I have to remove before I can install again.I've searched through the normal areas but am having no luck. These include the Add/Remove facility, Windows Explorer, and the Search facility.
I have windows xp home edition with Norton antivirus protection. I got a message recently that Norton blocked an attempt to invade my pc. It was a fake site that looked like Internet Explore virus protection, and it said to start scan now. I didn't and just closed it and thought everything was fine. The next day I tried to log on and it just went back to the log on screen. It said logging off. I kept on trying and it did the same thing over and over. It was like something was blocking me logging on.
My problem is is when I booted my comp up yesterday, norton comes up with some odd error about not being able to scan e-mail or instant messenger for viruses, and my internet on just this computer will not work. Now this happened with my other comp when the hard drive was failing. The computer will also at some reboots take forever to get into windows.Sometimes when I try to get into network connections or my computer, it will just hang or I get the flashlight icon scanning. I was able to back up most of my stuff, but when I tried to reformat, it kept saying to close all windows and I ended every program I could think of.I also tried a system restore to Saturday when it was working normal, but I have had no luck. Is it something with windows or is another HDD going? I'm thinking of just RMA'ing the HDD and do a whole new install. My only other option is to use a Linux Suse disk I have and boot from that and see if it works. Here are my specs:Athlon 64 3200+ | Asus A8N5X mobo | 5.1 surround soundcard | 2 GB Corsair PC3200 Ram| 250gig Hitachi Hdd/60 GB WD HDD | 420w PS | EVGA Geforce 7800GT | Logitec 5.1 surrond sound speakers w/subwoofer z-560
Having just updated to the Antispam version of NIS my System Restore now refuses to operate properly. I can open it (sometimes) but as soon as I try to do anything with it it hangs. Most other programs are not affected except as I close IE now, I get an error message "The instruction at "1x127cfb80" referenced memory at"0x0215ad58". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program." This may or may not be related.I tried removing NIS 2005 and System Restore came back to normal but having reinstalled - the problem now re-occurs. Symantec website is useless and I cannot find any telephone numbers.Has anyone else had a similar problem?
hi evrytime i type an address in ie7 address bar ie closes with this error iexplore.exe appver 7.0.6000.16414 modver 4.1.7039.0 offset 0000beecbookmarks and google work well any suggestionsalso at the same time recycle bin wont empty with right click i have to enter and delete.i have ran norton and pop up and spybot but still problem
This tweak works also if your Using Zone Alarm or Zone Alarm Pro V.3.7. I found out by applying this tweak for Nortons with my Zone Alarm program. If you are using Norton Internet Security 2002, and are experiencing slow start-up of XP. i.e. you can see the desktop with icons etc. but it takes 30-60sec before you can start using the computer.1. Click on start buttom.2. Select control panel3. Open “Network Connections”4. Under “LAN and High-Speed Internet”, right-click on your “Local Area Connection” and select “Properties”5. Under “General” tab, select “Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)” and select “Properties.6. Select “Use the following IP address:” 7. Under “IP address” enter following : 192.168.0.X (Replace X with a value between 1 and 254. If you have multiple computers, pick differnt numbers for each computer on your network)8.
sometimes if i stop using a browser window for about 10mins, the browser seems to stop seeing the internet (until i reboot). this happens with both internet explorer and firefox. it brings up 'cannot find server' etc, as if i had no active connection. although all my other programs are using the internet fine, MSN messenger, limewire, download managers etc i recently reinstalled, im running windows xp pro with SP2 and all the latest updates. and have internet explorer 6, and mozilla firefox 1.5. i have an ADSL connection thru a wireless router.
I just restored my laptop with Xp and the internet was fine, i installed Sp2 and it stopped working? i don't know if this is a common problem but i was so annoyed There is something wrong with either the proxy or the firewall so the troubleshooter says, but i have no proxy or a firewall.
I'm the administrator of my System. My younger brother watches porn over the internet. He has a separate user account. Is there any way by which i can prevent him from accessing the internet completely for a few days.
I am having such problems with my computer! I am sure that there are a million reasons why computers lock up, not blue screen of death, but rather just simply lock up. The screen stays on exactly what I am working on, but I can't do anything. The mouse is locked up, control alt delete doesn't work nothing works. It mostly happens while I am on the net, but sometimes happens in word also. I have checked RAM, heat and power supply and all of those things checked out fine. I added more RAM thinking that might be the problem but nop.
Just recently I've started to lose my USB cable modem connection while on standby. This was not occurring previously. Obviously some setting has gotten changed and I don't know how it happened, I'm relatively certain its in my Widows XP Home Edition software.By trial and error I have learned to reconnect by going to the control panel, network connections, right-clicking on the "Local area connection" heading" and clicking on "disable", which changes the status from "limited or no connection" to "disabled". I then right-click on the heading again and click on "enable". This causes a reconnection. Obviously, I would rather not have to go thru this process each time I go on standby.Since I have a USB connection, a tech advisor at another support forum has already had me do the following; Control Panel/System/Hardware/DeviceManager/ UniversalSerialBusControllers/PowerManagementtab(s) and uncheck each of the (4) options to shut down on standby to save power. For whatever reason,this didn't work, and now he's suggesting that I get an ethernet connection instead. I'm sure that would be superior and maybe solve the problem (and maybe not), but I don't have an ethernet card and I also may soon have to revert to a dial-up connection due to cost..I also confess to disabling the system timer [under system devices] but not knowing what that really meant. What I do know, however, is that the connection is still shutting down on standby.
I have a plain, blank screensaver enabled that is passworded. My roommates complain that when I leave and this screensaver becomes enabled, their internet stops working. We have cable internet and network through a simple router. My question is - is this really the case? Would my screensaver really cause their internet to slowdown/stop?? This is what they claim and it's beginning to get on my nerves.
I have Windows XP Home. When I click onto 'Internet Explorer' a window pops up flashing "VIRUS INFECTION" requesting download of spyware removal tool. When I click onto the 'scanner & remover' bar, "SPYWARE WIZARD WEB SITE" appears, requesting me to buy the software. There is no way for me to get out of this window, only by deleting at the red cross, top right corner. How to stop this automatic pop up happening? I have Spybot - Search & Destroy - which after running shows no spyware AVG 7.5 - Free Edition - which after running shows no virus.