Have Extra Partition On My Harddrive - Don't Know Where It Came From

Nov 2, 2006

for some unkown reason, I have another local disk on in my computer. Instead of my 'C' and my 'd' for recovery, I know have a 'e' local disk. It's 1 gig and about 600 mb used.There are four main folders, CLSetup, Documents and Settings, Program Files and Windows. Also a file call ntldr. In the programs folder there is common files and windows media player. in the documents and settings folder, there is defaut user, local service and networkservice. In the CLSetup folder, there is AP_Pack, inside that, 00, inside that, several files. Of course there are files in all the other folders too.

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Partition Second Harddrive To Current Hard Drive

Oct 2, 2009

My computer came with a 80gb HD with windows xp pro.. I had took a 180gb hd from another comp. that was running windows xp home and connected it as a slave drive. A window popped warning me that vital info. would be deleted in order to format/ partition the second drive (180gb HD). Was this a mistake doing it in this manner? If not...How would I go about using the whole "180gb" and not just the 35gb it's only allowing me to use. And is there any way to move files so that they will be protected?

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Recover A Deleted Partition On External Harddrive

Dec 19, 2005

Whilst trying to reformat one hard drive i didnt realise that an external hardrive was still connected. Noticing a second harddrive on the screen i just thought that xp was being weird. and like an idiot i deleted the partiton before realising. Now the drive dosnt show in my computer.What steps can i take to make this drive accessible again?

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Will Not Boot Harddrive Without Boot Flop - Hidden Partition Corrupted

Aug 26, 2005

I cloned a hard drive which had Windows XP on it (the hard drive was going
out) and the new hard drive would not boot unless I booted first to a floippy with boot.ini, ntldr, and ntdetect.com. Have tried recovery console and everything else I can think of, but the system WILL NOT boot to the hard drive. I checked the boot.ini file for improper boot, but everything looks The old hard drive had two partitions on it, but the hidden partition was corrupt so I deleted it. I changed the boot.ini file settings accordingly.

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Harddrive Is Split In To Many Drives - Formatting Harddrive

Aug 29, 2006

I know what to do but i am bit curious on the formatting bit. I have 2 hard drives, Harddrive "A" has all the window/program files as well as other programs like games and documents. Harddrive B is where i keep all my big files like videos and movies of course i want to format harddrive A but the thing is that harddrive is split in to 3 drives (C:, G:, F. I dont mind formating the c drive since it is all windows/program files but i dont really want to get rid of the G/F drive. I kno you can format the harddrive through the installation process of windows but i was wondering if it is possilbe to just to format the C: during that process or does it only format the whole harddrive

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Reformated Harddrive - HardDrive Possibly Dying

Jul 30, 2007

I reformatted my hard drive due to OS issues, I was running a trial version of Server 2003 along with XP Pro, and I had to get rid of Server 2003 because it was conflicting with XP Pro, and so the only way to do that was by reformatting both hard drives including XP Pro because Server 2003 was acting as the dominant OS, so I backed up all my ****, and reinstalled XP Pro, but now I get this hard drive problem that it says only 51 Gigs are remaining on a 250GB Hard drive, when the only thing installed on that hard drive is XP pro and maybe 15 applications, I tried using every program I can think of to find hidden files that equal a huge size but nothing shows up

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Data Disappeared From HardDrive - Harddrive Partitions

May 26, 2008

My computer operated windows XP sp2, and have 3 hard drives conntected
1. HD 0 is 160 GB divided into 2 partiotions, one 20 GB containing the system the other 140 Gb containes data directories and film directories2. HD 1 is 120 Gb connected through mobile rack and also contains data directories and film directories3. HD 2 is 200 Gb connected through mobile rack and contains only film directories.Untill thursday night everything was perfect, but when i I opened my computer friday morning i found the following1. HD 0 second partition all film directories completly disappeared and the free space is 40 Gb instead of the original 50 Gb

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Lost Half Harddrive - 300GB Harddrive

Oct 1, 2009

I got a trojan that attached to my browser. I managed to get rid of it by system restore.A few days later I noticed I only had 127 GB of my 300GB harddrive showing.I did manage to find the missing space though Disk Management. It was showing 170GB as unallocated space. I named it E: and formatted it.It now shows in My Computer as New Volume E: When I open E:I get 2 folders, Recycler and System volume Information. SVI will not open. It gives me an error, ESystem Volume Information is not accessable, access is denied.I am trying to find a way to either resize E: to 1GB or smaller and move that 169 GB back to C: or get rid of E: altogether and put all the missing space back on C:

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Formatting Harddrive - Partitions Harddrive

May 23, 2005

about two yrs ago my dad made a massive mistake of making two partitions on my laptop, and giving the C: only 2gigs of the partition, and the D: 28-29gigs. I wanted to format my computer completely anyways, and would like to know how i can format my computer and merge these two partitions. I have the formatting disks, but it never goes to a screen asking me about my partitions, it just formats everything on my C: (my default drive), but keeps everything on my D: intact (games, files, etc.).

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Replaced 5gig Harddrive With 20 Gig Harddrive

Feb 19, 2005

Recently upgraded my laptop to windows XP from ME. I first replaced my 5 gig hard drive with a 20 gig hard drive. I added another 128 memory module for a total of 256. For an old machine it really hums now. Three minor problems are bugging me though. 1. I lost the sounds from my modem. The modem works fine except for no sound. I assume that the sound is from the unimodem half-duplex audio device that is located on the Lucent winmodem. I have checked everything. The system says that it is working correctly. I cannot even find the driver for this on microsoft . I thought if I could load a new driver it might work. No such thing. 2. System restore didn't work until I erased all the memory points and reloaded the program. Now if I open siystem restore and click on "settings" or "help" System restore shuts down. I assume it is corrupted and would like to reload it.

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How To Make Second Partition Bootable / Restore Hd Image When Partition Is Too Small?

Aug 16, 2005

How do I make the second partition, which includes all files from another hard drive, pretend that it is the main partition? I want to simulate the second partition being my main one for a while.


How do I resize system partitions?

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Want To Create A Secondary Partition, But Added All Space On Primary Partition

Nov 16, 2007

I have my Windows format disc and I want to create another partition with it. I tried to create one, but it said something like "You have no more space to create another partition because you used up all your space on your Windows primary partition". See, when I reformatted my computer a while back I just created 1 partition for Windows and applied all the space onto that partition.

If there is a way I could remove some space off of my Windows primary partition and create another partition with the space I removed. I want to do this so I can put general things in my other partition such as documents, music, etc. and just leave the other partition for Windows and programs.

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Remove Partition & Add Space To System Drive & A Diff Partition

Apr 22, 2007

What are the steps needed to access one of my partitions, delete it, then use 1/2 the space and apply to system drive and the other 1/2 to another partition?

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NTFS Partition Filled Up / Finding Reason To Keep FAT32 Partition?

Feb 5, 2008

I bought a new computer.It appears to have been partitioned into a NTFS format and FAT32 format.The default drive for my documents & my pictures etc is the NTFS which I have been using happily. It is Media Centre Edition so I also have a few large files (>4GB) - though I dont keep them long term.NTFS partition has fulled up - but I cant move my large files to other partition to free up space

I've done a little bit of reading but my question is "Should I reformat the FAT32 to make it more of use to me?".I cant really see the need arising to access older OS files, except .JPG's (photo's I had on my old Windows ME Comp) or "Should I move all my smaller files (documents and photo's) to the FAT32 partition and use the NTFS drive for the bigger files?"

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Formatting Primary Partition Without Extended Logical Partition

Nov 23, 2008

My hard disk arrangement is C(primary partition FAT32)for Windows XP
D(extended logical FAT32) for non-os data (movies, pictures etc..)
F(primary NTFS) for Vista..
I am formatting F: and then C: through XP installation CD
(and C->NTFS from FAT32)
is this ok???
will D: be accessible after installing XP on C???

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Can I Take Space A Extended Partition And Give It To A Primary Partition

Dec 31, 2009

I would like to know if it´s possible to take free space from an extended partition and redistribute it to a primary partition using partition magic 8.0..both partitions are NTFS

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Partition Error Trying To Reinstall XP: No Valid System Partition?

Jul 7, 2010

Now I am having multiple new problems. I want to completely erase the hard drive and install a new version of XP Home, not Pro. At the beginning of the installation process, it gathers system info. Immediately it responds with "no valid system partition" and the only option is to exit from the process. How can I get past this to complete the installation?

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How To Buy Extra License?

Jul 7, 2005

Is it possible to buy a License on its own for XP pro

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Extra Bar On The Toolbar?

Aug 19, 2009

I recently noticed that there is a thin bar above my toolbar on the bottom of the screen.It was never there before. This may be simple to fix, I just don't know how to get rid of it.Look at the toolbar on the bottom of the screen, you see the thin bar above it? That wasn't there before.How do I remove it?

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Partition Magic 8 Saying Completed New Partition But Not Showing Up?

Jul 25, 2005

My existing C: drive. First I was getting the "Error 983" error. Then I un-installed SP2 which was causing a gang of problems, freezing programs for a couple mins mostly. After I got it uninstalled I did a disk defrag, then a chkdsk /f. Now I have partitioned the drive using PM8 again and this time after the reboot it is telling me it is completed but once Windows XP reboots there is no new partition.

Im trying to install Suse Linux 9.0. But I really want to have 2 new partitions, one for Suse, and the other as a back up.

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How To Partition Drive Using Paragon Partition Manager 8 5?

Apr 9, 2010

what are the steps to create partition using Paragon Manager?

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NTFS Partition Thinks It Is FAT In Partition Magic?

May 1, 2005

I had perfectly working PC with XP Pro installed on a 160Gb Maxtor HDD.For no reason I error checked the hard drive, which the system did after rebooting, at the end of the test the system rebooted and announced that there was a error on the boot and boot.ini.Useing XP Emergency (on disk) I tried fixmbr which did nothing then I tried Fixboot. XP found the drive identified it as FAT and said that it was successfully fixed.The drive was FAT and is now unusable.Partition Magic sees it as a FAT drive as does XP when I switched the HDD into another machine.

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Split Primary Partition - Logical Partition

Aug 17, 2005

i plan to format my computer again and this time i plan to split my primary partition before i format. When i go to format i want to format only the active partition with windows in it.I have two questions. This trick does work right? the partition i created in windows using magic partition 8 won't be formated along with the active partition right? I plan to backup everything on my second partition.When i created the second partition i had two options. to either make it a logical partition or a primary partition. I chose primary partition. would that work?i plan to install windows xp pro sp2.

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Partition Setup - Partition Size When Copying HD's

May 3, 2006

Over a year ago when I setup my new system and before installing most of my APPS, I backed it up to a small HD. My Win Xp Pro MCE 2004 has become a little buggy (MY FAULT).How would I copy or clone the smaller HD over to my 80GB drive AND maintain the larger partitions? I have Ghost 2003 but I'm not sure if it permits me to set the partition size when copying HD's.

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Memory Upgrade - Need To Add An Extra Fan?

Jul 10, 2008

I have a custom pc with 512Mb of memory and want to add 1Gb to that.Ive already
check at Kingston,Crucial and Gigabyte sites and know I need a DDR-333 memory.
I have some questions though.

1.Will I need to add an extra fan to avoid higher temperature anywhere?

2.How can I know if my existing memory stick will work with the new one?

3.Do I need to change any configuration in my computer?

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Extra Memory Installed Right?

Feb 26, 2005

ive installed some extra memory i had 128mb i've now added another 128mb how can i tell if its installed right

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Shutting Down Extra Processes

Jan 23, 2005

Ive heard of people shutting down the extra processes to help speed things up. How do you know what you do and dont need?

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Extra Boot Options

May 27, 2006

How do I get rid of extra boot options?

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More Than One Operating Systems - Get Rid Of Extra

Aug 1, 2005

Needed to re install windows xp..........after mucking around for a day, I have now 3 Home editions and one setup, to choose from when I start up the computer........anyone got any idea how to remove the ones that I don't use, so I don't have to choose which one at start up?

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Extra Drive Letters

Nov 12, 2006

I'm running xp, and my c drive has now become c,f and g.when checking in disk management, there are no volume labels assigned. In Disk 0, it shows the three partitions (I've no clue why there are 3, is that standard?)39 MB FAT, 69.81 GB NTFS, and 4.64 GB FAT32.This happened after a failed software install that dell refused to help with (there's a shocker)It's just an annoyance, nothing more, but I would like to get it back to being just the c drive without risking losing anything in the process. Something I can do safely or just live with it?

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Cannot Get Rid Of Extra Large Icons

Nov 22, 2009

My daughter's laptop has extra large icons that I cannot get rid of. Also, when she goes to a website, that too is also very large and will not fit on the screen. I have tried to right click and adjust the icons but that does not get them back to normal. I have checked the dpi and that is as small as can be adjusted

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