Getting Errors After Converting From Fat32 To Ntfs?

Oct 1, 2005

i used to have win98se before and then i upgraded to winxp pro but fat32 was still there. i used fat32 for quite a while but then i had to use ntfs due to file size limits (2gb) and so i needed to convert fat32 to ntfs. i did that using convert command from cmd prompt. it didnt do it from windows, it said it needs to restart and then do it, so it did thatafter the first reboot windows didn't load up, instead i just got no signal error on my monitor. i tried turning on/off the system but this time not even the boot up details showed up - i just got "no signal" error straight from the restart.

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Converting NTFS To FAT32: Mac Reads Ntfs?

Nov 26, 2006

I have 2 internal HDDs, and 3 external HDDs. However, the recent addition of a Mac by my sister has forced me to be able to share the external HDDs between computers. I understand that the Mac OSX reads/not writes NTFS but will read/write FAT32. Having been advised by other senior Windows users many years back, all my HDDs are in NTFS. I have found no solution to convert NTFS back to FAT32. Does anyone know if you can do so; without damage/corruption? There is much family pictures, common music in these external HDDs; so needless to say, they are precious

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Not Converting FAT32 To NTFS

Dec 12, 2005

Having read the article found here...http// I made the bootable floppy ( I hope) with BOOTITNG.EXE as suggested. The article then says I should boot this floppy...this is where I am stuck. I am a little hesitant as to how I can do this. I don't want to mess this up. The remainder of the instructions in this article seem so simple once I get past the 'boot this floppy' part.

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Converting Fat32 To NTFS: Only Format In Fat?

Jun 19, 2005

Been trying to reformat my harddrive, format goes well but it will only format it to the fat32 and i want it in the ntfs. now i have tried to convert using the cmd command butit tell me it will convert then restart and for a few seconds it will tell me that it is going to convert may take a few minutes then a few seconds later windows will start and its not converted over. i have the windows xp service pk 2 upgrade cd i tried using that but it never gives me a choice on wwhich file system to use. i know the option is there thou because i installed xp on my mother's as an upgrade from win me and it ask me if i wanted to convert.

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Any Benefit Of Converting Fat32 To Ntfs?

Aug 2, 2005

I am using Win2000 on both my business laptop and my home desktop. On the desktop, because I loaded Win2000, I chose to use NTFS ... I was told that works better with a home network. The laptop came loaded and is using FAT32.Is there a benefit to switching the laptop over to NTFS and can it be done without losing all my files and being a hassle?

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Converting FAT32 To NTFS In WinXP

Apr 14, 2005

I've heard that when burning DVD ISO files to you HD, you need to have NTFS file system, is this true?I bought a new laptop running XP and it has FAT32 file structure. Is there any what to convert this to NTFS without loosing information and reformatting?

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Converting NTFS File System To FAT32

Dec 16, 2004

How to convert a NTFS file system to FAT32

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Converting File System From Fat32 To NTFS

Oct 18, 2004

To convert your drive or partition from fat32 to ntfs, type the following at Start Run (assuming it's drive c:): CONVERT C: /FS:NTFS. If you are asked if you want to dismount the drive, you must answer yes. Alternatively, you can use a utility such as Partition Magic.

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Converting 200gb HD From FAT32 To NTFS Is Taking Too Long?

Feb 24, 2007

i have an IDE 200 gb HD and 185gb of i think is used there is 43000 files on it i started the conversion using partition magic and it started DOS to do the coversion and now its stuck at the point where is says coverting file system: thats was 30 hours ago and its still the same.the pc didnt freez the curesr in the DOS window is blinking and when i open task manager it says the DOS is running but but there is no CPU usage in task manager for DOS or partition magici cant access MY_Computer too

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Converting FAT32 To NTFS Without Formatting The Drive/partition?

Aug 9, 2005

With W98/W95B you could easily use a tool to convert FAT16 to FAT32 from within windows and not lose the data (most of the time anyhow) that was on that drive/partition.Is there any tool to convert FAT32 to NTFS without wiping (formatting) the drive/partition? I haven't been able to locate any tools to do this with and so far have been moving/copying the data I want to save on a partition to another partition and then right clicking the partition I want to convert and choosing FORMAT to NTFS instead.

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Advantage Of Converting FAT 32 To NTFS?

Jan 1, 2005

is there any advantage of converting my filesystem from FAT to NTFS?will it cause and problem to the existing data on my drive if i convert to NTFS from FAT?or if i convert back to FAT from NTFS if i dont like it??i want to convert drive e: to NTFS.but since i use both ME and Xp.once i convert to NTFS..i wont be able to access drive e: thru Win ME rite?

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Converting FAT To NTFS On LaCie 500Gb Ext. HD?

Feb 5, 2008

I'm running XP Pro; recently acquired a new LaCie 500Gb ext. HD and trying to convert the thing from FAT to NTFS.Keep getting message"Incorrect Volume Label"

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Converting From FAT 32 To NTFS: Finding The Backups?

Apr 8, 2007

I started the process of conversion to NTFS from FAT32 and I got a response that included: This conversion will also remove your previous operating system backup. Then: Convert may run if this volume is dismounted first. ALL OPENED HANDLES TO THIS VOLUME WOULD THEN BE INVALID (their caps). Would you like to force a dismount on this volume? What are opened handles? What happens when they are invalid?

And how do I find my backup(s)? I have a folder on my desktop Created Oct.29, 2006 that is faded and labeled _RESTORE. Properties shows that it is 1.21GB and has 951 files that are marked Read-only and Hidden but when I open the folder it shows only 4 files of 64KB dated 2002 and 2004. Is that folder related to backups?I want to create a current backup or restore point but I have only 5.15GB left free. Help, please.

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Transferring The Files While Converting From Fat 32 To NTFS?

Feb 25, 2006

I am currently running Fat32 and as noted in a previous post I am building a new computer. I have copied some files on to cds. What I would like to know (if someone has done this) is that can these files be transfered to the new build as I plan on going NTFS. Will they convert from fat32 to NTFS when copied from the disc or even work at all? Or just out of luck and have to start all over?

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Removing And Converting The Drive From Fat 32 To NTFS?

Jun 27, 2006

laptop comes with win xp home, and is formatted in fat32. also has a partition right down the middle of the HD. How would I remove the partition and convert to ntfs? will i lose any of the information or files if i do this?

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Converting Fat 32 To Ntfs Without Loosing The Data?

Dec 29, 2006

how can I convert my hard drive from fat 32 format to ntfs? without losing everything preferably

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Converting File System To NTFS?

Sep 10, 2005

Any strong views on the advisability of converting a FAT32 drive to NTFS, after upgrading from Win98se to WinXP Pro? And perhaps a word on the best and safest method to use if implementing this

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Converting External Hard Drive To Ntfs

Apr 7, 2007

I would like to convert my external hard drive to NTFS, can anyone give me some easy to follow instructions?

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Converting FAT 32 To NTFS Results In Incorrect Volume Label?

Nov 20, 2008

I've acquired an older Dell computer with the FAT 32 file system. I want to convert it to NTFS. I've found many articles with directions on how to do this but I'm having a real problem. After I go to Command Prompt and enter "convert c: /fs:ntfs, and hit enter, it tells me to enter the "volume label for the drive".I've tried many different combo's but always get the notice that I have "entered an incorrect volume label".

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Converting External Hard Disk From Fat 32 To NTFS Without Loosing Data?

Aug 5, 2007

I have an EXTERNAL HD. I formatted it in FAT a few months ago. Ever since then, my laptop PC was unable to recognize the unit, but the Mac (which is not working right now, unfortunately) never had a problem with it. When I connect it to my laptop PC via USB, the USB icon shows up and the "USB Mass Storage Device Properties" says the "device is working properly." But the folder doesn't show up in My Computer, and diskmgmt.msc says the device is "Unallocated." Hopefully that doesn't mean the unit crashed because I have some stuff on there.Without losing the data (that should be on it, unless it crashed), I want to convert this thing to NTFS. I did some Google searching, but the instructions on how to do this (they say use convert.exe) aren't working. Moreover, no one mentioned how to convert an External, secondary HD.

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First Had Win98 Fat32 Now Have Win Xp Ntfs?

Jun 3, 2006

Had Win98SE FAT32, now have WinXP NTFS Save a lot of data on cd's. copied data to new system, it only reads some of the info??? What did I do wrong?

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Installing Win Xp: Asking For Fat32 Or Ntfs?

Apr 1, 2005

I'm upgrading to XP Pro from 98se and a question has popped up whether I should leave the current file system in tact or switch to NTFS. Can someone explain to me what the difference is and whether I should switch?

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Convert FAT32 To NTFS

May 27, 2006

I'm trying to convert my external hard drives to NTFS from FAT32.I have used convert f:/fs:ntfs.I am getting this message:"The type of the file system is FAT32.""Enter current volume label for drive f:"

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NTFS External HD Is FAT32

Feb 22, 2007

XP installed recently is working well, but there's a problem. Startup was taking a long time, and once the black screen w/ XP logo came up, it soon went away and just left a blank black screen. This time I waited, and window came up saying system would do a disk check. It did so quickly, and message said "F" drive (external Seagate 160MB HD), is FAT32. When installing XP, I chose NTFS. There are many docs & files on the external HD. In addition to installing XP, also installed Office 2003, a newer version than what the word & excel docs on external HD were created in. Previous OS was WinMe, current RAM is 512, 1 MHz processor, Dell desktop. Once system did the disk check, it stayed on that screen, so I shut down, turned off the external HD, and restarted. Everything came up fine, and very quickly. Is it possible to convert any of the files on the external HD to NTFS? Or is there a way to access, edit those files that won't conflict with my new OS?

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How To Convert NTFS To FAT32

Sep 25, 2006

i have an old computer that has xp pro and i would like to put windows 95 on it but i can not because the file system NTFS is not supported by win 95 how can i convert the file system back to FAT32 to be able to use windows 95 is there any free programs or something that can do that?

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Convert To NTFS - FAT32

Dec 27, 2005

Yesterday I upgraded my old computer to Xp, but I did so on only one partition, and I left It at FAT 32 just to see if it would work. Now Iam going to convert to NTFS because everything went fine and now I just want to free up space and reformatt the hard drive, basically getting rid of all the information on it and starting fresh. I just want to know if I can reformatt, and the steps for doing so if I can.I only have one partition on this computer that is why I am concerned about the reformatting thing. I tried to formatt when it was still FAT32 but it was saying that i needed to close all remaining things that were using this system.? I am going to convert to NTFS reguardless I just want to free up all my disk space that is being stolen from the old 98 system files.

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Convert From FAT32 To NTFS

Sep 6, 2003

Convert from fat32 to ntfs:From the command line: CONVERT C: /FS:NTFSHowever, the best way in my opinion is a 3rd party product such as Partition Magic (version 7.0 or later). Lets you do everything from within the GUI and it's a delight to work with. Without Partition Magic, this is a one-way process (you cannot convert back to FAT without a reformat)

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NTFS Or FAT32: According To Overall Performance & Stability?

Aug 31, 2007

Which one is better(overall performance,stability....) for installing WinXPsp2 ?

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Changing From Fat32 To NTFS Without A Backup

Aug 22, 2005

I am running XP SP1 with Fat32 and having a dickens of a time getting a full back up, I mave an 80gig hard drive backing up about 65gig to an external 80 gig with usb.If I want to sit in front of the screen for 5 hours, I may be able to get it done when I'm prompted to go to another media because of file size limitations.I have in the past used Ghost but have never had confidence in it and now get errors with it; something about files are not the same size. Recently bought Backup My Pc and babysitting it is the problem there.If I change my file structure to NTFS without a back up, is there any risk and will this solve my back up problem. I'm nervous without a backup.

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NTFS Or FAT32: Difference And Better Selection?

Aug 30, 2005

I'm just curious if what is ideal for file system when formatting a hard drive is it NTFS or FAT32 the OS is WinXP Pro. Please explain it to me in a way that I can easily understand the difference and importance of the two. Many thanks for any replies.

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Unable To Format EXT HD From NTFS To FAT32?

Apr 25, 2008

Ive recently purchased a used 80gb external portable HD for use with my new USB car stereo head unit.The manufacturers state that the H/U will only recognize the FAT32 file system. Hence I went about formatting (it came formatted) the drive as it came with the NTFS system. When I prepare to format the drive via disk management, it only gives me the option of an NTFS format and no FAT32.

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