Cannot Get Out Of Admin

Sep 7, 2009

Running XP. Installed wireless internet and used the admin side. Now I cannot get out of Admin. Start button has no place to highlite to switch users. You can log off but it just reboots system right back into the admin. side. Been to Users account and it states Guest is turned on but cannot highlite it.

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Admin Account Lost Admin Privileges

Aug 3, 2007

I installed a few programs last night and I lost all my admin privileges. I'm using an account that has admin rights, and yet these happened:

- run button in the start menu has disappeared.
- turn off button has also disappeared; I can only log off
- I cannot run the task manager when I press ctrl-alt-del
- some sys tray applications stopped being started up with the windows (skype, msn messenger, icq, adobe lightroom, daemontools)
- when I load Adobe Photoshop CS2, I get this message that says "You are not allowed to continue because your account does not have administrator privileges".
- I'm sure there're more things waiting to be discovered................

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No Admin Privilages On Any Account Even Admin Account

Aug 30, 2008

OK here I go with the problem- to start, there are no admin privilages on any account even the admin account. The guest account has been blocked and when you get to the welcome page bit there are no user names, so currently we are having to press alt, ctrl, del twice to get a weird boxy thing up to sign in. Now I have a problem because I have been given a new version of XP to install on my PC but I can't do it.I have no idea if that makes any sense to any one out there, but I would really apreciate any help or even suggestions, I am a desperate woman lol.To top things off I think I may have just downloaded a virus that isn't being picked up by my virus scanner

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How To Get On Admin Account

Feb 25, 2008

Is there any way to get on admin account if your not an admin on that computer.

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No More Admin Accounts In Pro

Mar 22, 2007

I've got a user accounts issue. Recently I noticed my main user account (the only one besides the default ones) has lost admin rights. I don't know why, but it could be because I changed its name recently, via userpasswords2. I didn't change it's account type though. Still, if I open up the user accounts panel, it now says it's a guest account.Now that wouldn't be much of an issue, if only the admin account wasn't disabled. And of course I can't enable it, because I don't have the rights. Safe mode didn't help either, and I can't do a system restore.

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Do Not Have Admin Password?

Apr 28, 2005

Is there another way to go into a machine if you do not have the admin password? The former user changed the password and did not pass it on. Is there a way to bypass this and access the machine?

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Lost Xp Admin Password

Oct 16, 2007

I lost XP ADMIN PASSWORD, How do i reset?

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Lost Admin Password ...

May 12, 2008

i have lost admin password i would like to reinstall windows XP but we can't because the operating diskettes we have are older than the updates that have been automated on the machine by microsoft. Can anyone help me decode the admin password or override it? Or help me find a way to reinstall windows xp ?

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Can't Access Old Admin Files

Mar 23, 2007

I used Window's XP's System Recovery tool to do a system recovery. It was NOT a full system recovery so my old files are in tact. However, the new system admin, Owner, cannot access files from the old system admin. The folders for all of the other users on the computer found in Documents and Settings are accessible. Just not the old admin, that folder gives a 'permission denied' error

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No More Administrator Rights Used To Be Admin Though

Apr 19, 2008

I am running windows XP on an IBM T42. I used to be the administrator on this machine, though I set up a separate log in with all admin privileges. Using this account, I used to be able to install, uninstall etc. A week or so ago, I noticed that I was no longer able to uninstall anything using this account. The system kept saying that I needed to be logged on as admin.

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Auto Login For Admin

Aug 2, 2005

How can I make XP automatically login in the Admin when the computer starts?

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Let The Admin Pc To Access To The Client's Pc?

Mar 7, 2006

I am now doing cybercafe for my final project.

i type this command at the admin pc at command prompt

shutdown /s /m \mymachine_name

Why when i type this command it tell me that is access denied

May i know that how can i let the admin pc to access to the client's pc?

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Can't Access Admin Account

Jul 29, 2008

I'm running xp sp2 on my laptop. I was having trouble getting Inet Explorer 7 to run ( I use Mozilla) so I created a new user account to see if it would work there. . I gave it admin privileges and a password. Now, my other admin account is gone and I can't access any admin files from my new account. I reviewed the forums and found this is a common problem but I couldn't find any resolution for my specific problem. Please help! I would hate to erase my hardrive and re-install windows! I have too many files that I'd hate to lose.

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Protecting Admin Account - How?

Oct 2, 2005

I wish to protect my admin account and set up another account with administrative like features and import my other programmes and of course go online. I have heard that by setting up an account such as this can prevent most virus programmes from completely penetrating your system - is this true? anyway how do i go about this in a straightforward way? any links for tututorials are welcomed as usual.

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Cannot Access - Admin Account

Sep 30, 2007

When I'm logged in to my computer, I cannot access anything. Like I'm restricted by the Administrator account. So, first thing is I log in as administrator in safe mode and the same thing happens. Wont let me change the accounts or anything.

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How To Rename Admin Account On Pc

May 23, 2010

how to rename my admin account on my pc

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How To Turn On The Admin Account?

Aug 31, 2006

I had set it up with the Admin Account turned on. Then for some odd reason, it just quit working and instead, it logs onto her son's old account and all the settings are different. When I start in Safe Mode, I can see the Admin Account as a choice, but not in Full Mode. I know there is a trick to it, but haven't used it for so long I have forgotten what it is. What is the trick?

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By Pass My Admin Password?

Jul 28, 2010

Could anyone tell me how to bypass my admin password? I know it's not the keyboard because I've already tried a new one.

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Admin Accounts Won't Login

Aug 25, 2008

One of the office computers never had a password for the administrator account, and it was the only account ever used by everyone. We set a password and created a limited user account. Now when the admin account is attempted to be logged into the message: " incorrect parameters" appears. However the limited account will log in fine. When the system is started in safe mode, the admin account can be logged into.I expect that a malware/trojen/whatever may be the culprit. Prior to the issue, Spybot removed 526 problems, but 25 needed a reboot before Spybot could remove them. I ran hijack this and saved the log before any "cleaning" of the system began.

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Can't Access Admin Functions

Sep 26, 2007

I have a similar issue to what was already stated. i had two accounts on my computer... one mine the admin and second a guest account my house mates. some how with out realising what an idiot i was i managed to change my profile from admin to normal user. However this is where things get a little different that above cause no longer is my profile shown on the computer. When i log on it doesnt give the option to even pick between the two account it only shows the guest account. Secondly it doesnt show it in normal xp fashion but shows it with a grey security box (such as work profile) with only my guest account name present. I have tried to manually type other user name and password in but it doesnt recognise it.

i can log in with the guest account but cant change anythign cause it isnt admin. it also doestn give the otpion anymore that when logging off to swtich user. it just turns off. its as though my own profile is no longer present or hidden and i cant find it anymore. I have seen it in the computer management area under users and groups but because im still under the non admin profile cant access it.

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How To Recover Pro Admin - Password

Sep 8, 2006

got a new (used) computer on log in, it is set up with my user, but I would like to have my password as I am the Administrato of the computer. Is there and way I find it?

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Deleted Admin Account On XP

Oct 2, 2008

There was a "guest" Account, and an account that said "Owner". No "Administrator" account.I bought this as a "beater" PC to keep in the rec room, storage for pics, tunes and games etc It was a used PC from a Dell repair shop, in "original working order", and I'm starting to wonder if the guy that worked there didn't use it for target practice with his programming gun.Anyhow, our 15-year-old-going-on-40 thought she would start chatting with classmates after we went to bed, and a-HA! Busted. So I, in all my *finite* wisdom, thought I would get the best of the situation and delete all user accounts, and put in a fresh Admin password. I Was Wrong.I triumphantly deleted the account labeled "Owner", thinking the pc would default to "Administrator" login screen, if not bypassing the Welcome Screen altogether.So, I rebooted and, much to my chagrin, the Welcome Screen showed up alright, but with NO USERS to click on. Nothing. No "Guest", no "User", No "Owner", and no "Administrator"- the entire right side of the Welcome Screen is a BLANK "list".

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Win. XP, Log In/log Out Problem, + Forgotten Admin Pass.

Oct 16, 2009

I can't log in to windows, if i try it just logs out right away.
Same in "safe"mode.

I found instructions how to solve this here:
(Under : Logon - Logoff loop, also caused by BlazeFind )
But as i said in topic, i have forgotten my admin password so i cant use the " Recovery Console"
What to do?

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Lost Admin Password .. Can't Get Into System

Oct 26, 2006

i bought a used laptop w/XP installed and registered. but can't get into system because doesn't have the Admin password Don't want to reinstall everything because we don't have the XP disk. That, too, is gone.

The laptop is useable, but runs like a 400MHz. Slow for 2.4GHz. Takes several minutes to boot up and every window lags. Can do minor stuff such as defrag and shutting off several XP "bells and whistles", but it really needs a serious tune-up. Several of the start-up programs need to be shut off or removed. Also needs its reg cleaned. Also need to check the BIOS. Can't do it cuz it won't let me in.

Is there any way to nullify the passwords? I know on certain pc's, all I have to do is remove and reinstall a pin on the motherboard. This is an HP 2.4GHZ Celeron laptop.

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Logon Password XP - No Admin Setup

Sep 10, 2005

My PC is currently setup with 3 different users with no passwords needed.

How would I change that so a password is needed to logon to XP.

I don't think admin is setup eithre.

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Finding IIS:not In Services.msc Or In Admin Section?

Oct 25, 2008

I have been looking around on computer looking for IIS for a long time and i still cant find it,I have Windows XP Home edition sp3, its not in services.msc or in the admin section of the control panel.

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Not Able To Access Cmd Prompt Admin Restrict

Feb 24, 2007

When i try to launch some applications and aloso the command prompt, im being denied access. Noone could have changed anything im positive and im the only one who uses this computer ever. Would a reinstall fix the problem? and also as a side question can i reinstall windows and save all the data that on the computer does a reinstall of windows without formatting just overwrite the system or if i reinstall will i have to reinstall everything because ive been having other misc problems and id like the reinstall if i dont have to backup or copy all my info

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Repair Asks For Admin Password Which Never Set

Sep 23, 2009

I read elsewhere that I should initiate a repair of the OS with the original CD. The problem is to do that it is asking me for an admin password I never set

Keep in mind:I have no access to reboot with the original motherboard(fried) I have 4 Legal copies of XP on 4 computers (including the fried one) I have lost the disk and the XP serial number for that machine. I still have 2 OEM and one Upgrade XP disks So Eventually I am going to have to deal with the serial number issue I think (hope not) System 7 is not an option I need to fix this now and I do not want and illegal copy of the beta

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Reset User Account - Admin

May 19, 2005

My XP now consists of multiple accounts. I want to make it to be just one without any passwords whatsoever ( I am the admin). So I just delete all accounts leaving the admin one or is there any way to reset everything?

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Can't Access Admin Account To Fix Driver

Jul 13, 2008

im tired of watching silent videos from Internet. im pretty decent at looking up information on the web but i couldnt provide this time so bare with me as this is my first time posting anything in any forum. i have a computer that my download happy stepmom screwed up and crashed. it worked great untill she went crazy and spent 10-16 hours a day everyday on myspace and she evidently followed every lead from myspace to download something. a total of about 100 gb worth of downloads. and then it crashed when i was on vacation. and because she couldnt get off myspace for a week untill i got home she did a system recovery herself without any technical knowledge or experience. and ever since then there has been no sound. she had me try to fix it once but she had withdraws after about 30 minutes and kicked me off to go download more crap. she moved out and i finally have unrestricted time allowances. four months later with no way of backing up all my music videos documents and almost legal programs i cant seem to log on to the admin account to replace the driver manually.

xp home legacy with downloaded sp2
and as for a list of programs...way to extensive to list.

when i boot into safe mode the screen pops up with the user account and the admin account(no password) but when i click on the admin account it says "loading personal settings" and then thats it i have control of the mouse up untill a time several hours later. but it never leaves that screen. when i click on the user account the thing logs right in. i figured since the user account has admin abilities i could delete the defective driver manually but it says i dont have rights to do that.

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Deleted ADMIN Account - How To Retrieve

Nov 23, 2008

how do you get your administrative account back if you changed it to restricted? is that even possible? i cant do/download anything now!

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