Can No Longer Use Mozilla

Aug 16, 2005

I used Mozilla as my browser until I upgraded to Windows xp a few days ago. I can no longer use Mozilla because all the icons are gone and there are strange, overlapping words for what used to be the menu bar. When I click on one, such as "bookmarks," I get nothing but a solid black box open on my screen. I am okay with using Internet Explorer, but I would like to be able to import my bookmarks from Mozilla.

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Mozilla FireFox- Instead Of IE

Feb 20, 2005

Im using FireFox instead of IE now. But everytime I start the program it takes some time to start. A lot longer then IE does... Why is that and is there a way to fix that

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Gif Animation Os Ie And Mozilla

Jul 21, 2005

the following URL displays an animated gif image when viewed on RedHat 9.0 and windows 2000 in both IE 6, firefox and mozilla. It does not view on any of my three windows xp machines using IE 6 or firefox

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Mozilla Firefox Always Crash

Jan 15, 2010

how to fix this mozila firefox crashing

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Mozilla Firefox Is Freezing

Apr 22, 2010

Mozilla Firefox freezing on me. I keep shutting down and rebooting, I have tried uninstalling and einstalling version 3.63. I have also tried system restore Often it doesn't load properly I just get the minimised box and cannot get it to full size.I am at my wit's end. have avast antivirus and zone alarm firewall free versions of both.

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Uninstall Mozilla Firefox?

Aug 21, 2005

I tried to uninstall Mozilla using the uninstall icon (as it is not appearing in add/remove programme window) I am getting msg.

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Uninstall Mozilla Firefox

Aug 22, 2005

While I tried to uninstall mozilla thro the uninstall icon of its main folder in C, (It is not appearing under add/remove programme I get an error msg.

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New Tab Is Opened With Mozilla Firefox

Oct 27, 2007

If I press the "home" button, the active window goes "home" but a new tab is opened with "Mozilla Firefox Start Page" in it. This happens every time I press the "home" button.
Can I stop it opening the new tab?

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Running Mozilla - IE Not Working

Feb 23, 2005

Virus scan gets busy when I have IE open (I'm running mozilla right now). Here's the hijack this! log file.

Logfile of HijackThis v1.97.7
Scan saved at 2:20:00 PM, on 2/23/2005
Platform: Windows XP SP1 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.2800.1106)

Running processes:

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AIM - Mozilla - Media Monkey - IE

Aug 24, 2005

(for example neverwinter nights) heading- nwn.exe - Application Error body- The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000005). Click on OK to terminate the application.that message is comming up whenvever i start most of my applications ( neverwinter nights, sims 2, Rise of nations, norton anti virus, and many others) doesnt come up for AIM, mozilla, media monkey, and IE I have tried deleting all temp files and the such using CCLEANER, I did a spyware search with ADaware and Spybot, installed directx 9.0c, and updated my video card drivers... unfortunatly reformating is not an option. if anybody could help me out it would be much appreatied(or how ever you spell it)

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Firefox Mozilla- Remove Just One Website

Sep 23, 2006

How to remove just one website from the history of Mozilla Firefox not all of them, just one or more

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Want To Make Mozilla Firefox Default

Aug 4, 2007

I have internet explorer as default browser and want to make mozilla firefox default. Ive downloaded mozilla firefox easily enough but I cant see how to make it default in place of IE. Ive also tried to delete the Mozilla Firefox download in order to try again, but will not let me delete as I dont have sufficient admin acess, which surprises me as its always been my computer.

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Mozilla Firefox- Deletion Option Is Not There

Aug 26, 2005

On the Mozilla Firefox browser I have a blank toolbar right below the two toolbars that I specified. The deletion option is not there. How would I get rid of that extra toolbar

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Mozilla Firefox Ebay Tools

Nov 9, 2005

I love MF but I cannot use it because I sell on Ebay and it won't let me use any of the tools for formating. Fonts, color etc. and I need that for description purposes. So I guess I will have to go back to IE and fight all the crap unless someone has another suggestion. I have Windows xp home edition.

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Mozilla Firefox Browser Having No English

Sep 2, 2006

I am using the Mozilla Firefox browser and aside from security/virus issues I also wanted this browser because somewhere along the line, I read somewhere that it had a spell checker. I have looked through their extensions website but didn't find an English dictionary, found several languages out there but not English.

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Problem With You Tube On Mozilla Firefox!

May 27, 2008

i open Internet on firefox the page shows the promoted videos with empty boxes instead of pictures. below each box is the heading discribing what the video is about. if i click on the featured videos i get the same thing. no pictures in the boxes. i tried asking through the Internet general help questions but had no internet explorer i don't have this problem. i use mozilla firefox most of the time. it seems to be alittle faster than internet explorer.i even did a uninstall- reinstall of mozilla firefox.

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Click On The X On Mozilla Firefox No Result

Nov 1, 2006

using Mozilla firefox as my default browser. I have developed a problem wherein when I click on the x in the upper right corner, or the minus sign or the enlarge box, I get no response. I can still easily shut firefox down through File> exit or through task manager (end Task) but not throughthe upper right signs. I uninstalled firefox 1.5 which I had been using and installed firefox 2.0 but the same things happen.

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Lost Bookmarks In Mozilla Firefox

Jun 15, 2010

My bookmarks and history have suddenly disappeared from the tool bar How do I get them back?

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Mozilla Firefox Bookmarks Location

Jan 7, 2005

I am looking for my bookmarks folder and cant seem to find it in win XP. where to locate it?

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Lost Bookmarks In Mozilla Firefox

Aug 14, 2005

I need help finding my bookmarks. I have read all the previous posts on the subject in the XP forums and nothing is working. I haven't found any file named BOOKMARKS.HTML , file is not found!. I have XP SP2. I just got up this morning and they were gone, They worked last night,cuz I entered about 5 new entries. Is it possible that one of these new entries was infected or something?

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Get Mozilla Firefox Address Bar Back Up?

Jul 30, 2010

how can I get the mozilla firefox address bar back up?

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Mozilla Firefox Would Hang/freeze While On The Net?

Apr 10, 2007

A few days ago Mozilla Firefox would hang/freeze while on the net. The hang/freeze would last only a few seconds to start with and go back to normal working behaviour but the hangs will extend to minutes then to a complete freeze. I use dial-up and noticed that after opening the browser data would be sent and received even when no inputs where made. Nothing was detected by AdAware Se, ZoneAlarm, Spybot S&D, F-Secure Blacklight, AVG 7.5 Virus or HiJackThis!.

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Unable To Restore Firefox Mozilla

Nov 8, 2009

Bought my daughter a new inspiron mini, it is only a month old.For starters it will no longer open Firefox. I reloaded Firefox and it still does the same thing, nothing happens, then a crash message from Mozilla.The machine is running real sluggish, and efforts to use "restore" are not working. I tried four different restore points, going back to the first and restore goes through the motions, reboots, then I get a message that say the machine was unable to restore, no changes were made.

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Blue Screen Crash While Using Mozilla Firefox

Aug 25, 2009

I have a blue screen cash while using Mozilla Firefox> I am uploading something from eventvwr.

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Internet Exlporer Works But Mozilla Firefox Nothing

Aug 4, 2006

I updated the site and now when I open Firefox it's just a blank page. No errors are displayed. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it's still the same. The Internet Exlporer works but I rather use Firefox.

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Mozilla, Fire Fox Browser And System Restore

Apr 11, 2006

I was surfing and I clicked on a link and it froze my pc. After that my Mozilla FoxFire browser froze as well. I cleaned the cache on the browser and when I went to open it, the browser asked for a profile like netscape does???? All of my bookmarks are gone. I thought to correct the problem with system restore but everytime I try to use it no matter how far back I go the pc can not use the restore points?

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Mozilla Shockwave Flash Illegal Operation

Jul 7, 2006

Resolved a SpySheriff problem yesterday through Security forum and now having a Mozilla problem, Techguy suggested a post here to try and resolve it.On XP SP2. Upgraded to newest Mozilla 2 days ago. Since then keep getting 'Illegal Operation in Plug-in Shockwave Flash' This pops up repeatedly and after few times being closed it shuts down Mozilla.

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Java Link Not Works In IE But Work In Mozilla

Aug 22, 2005

I have Java on my computer, but when I click on certain buttons to submit something on a webpage in IE, the webpages won't open. All my other hyperlinks will work when I click on them. I thought this was a java problem
because when I put my mouse on the buttons to click them, I see a "javascript" code on the bottom bar of IE. I have set all the settings to "default" in IE. This only happens on the buttons that I hit when I am
entering info for some online form, such as to book a ticket

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Install Java Plugin For Mozilla Firefor

Sep 12, 2006

I am on an administrator account Windows XP Professional. I have JRE 5.0 update 8 installed, yet when I try to go to websites that use it with either Mozilla Firefox or with Internet Explorer, it tells me 'you need to install this plugin. I click install, and it starts an install JRE 5 update 6 or 7, different half the time but then it tells me You already have this installed. So I hit refresh, and it asks me to install it again.

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Music In Mozilla Firefox To Play In Background

May 21, 2010

I use windows xp. When I open mozilla ms pacman music plays. I can go to any page I want but the music plays in the background. I mistakenly hit the solved key for this problem.

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Programs Open Very Slow IE 8 / Mozilla Firefox

Jun 2, 2009

I have a hp computer modle da193aaba754n I'm running windows xp home with 512mb ram 80 gig hard drive 2.53 processer i have a linksey network. It boots up ok but programs open vary slow (word xl) internet explorer8 is even slower i have tried mozilla firefox and its no better it takes me 2 to 5 minutes to get online. Shut down is pretty slow and I'll usually get a message that something is not responding latley when I boot up I get a box pop up for lela 3.1 saying it will fix my network i know its som kind of spyware i x out but how can i get rid of it? have run scan reg it finds problems fixes them but thay come back.

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