I am on an administrator account Windows XP Professional. I have JRE 5.0 update 8 installed, yet when I try to go to websites that use it with either Mozilla Firefox or with Internet Explorer, it tells me 'you need to install this plugin. I click install, and it starts an install JRE 5 update 6 or 7, different half the time but then it tells me You already have this installed. So I hit refresh, and it asks me to install it again.
I recently replaced MSJVM with Sun Java. I want to ask if the Java Plug-in Control Panel 1.3.1_02 is supposed to be removed. In the Add/Remove programs
I have Java on my computer, but when I click on certain buttons to submit something on a webpage in IE, the webpages won't open. All my other hyperlinks will work when I click on them. I thought this was a java problem because when I put my mouse on the buttons to click them, I see a "javascript" code on the bottom bar of IE. I have set all the settings to "default" in IE. This only happens on the buttons that I hit when I am entering info for some online form, such as to book a ticket
Built recording studio computer. Mobo Intel DP35 DP, Intel Core2, 4 GB ram,Geforce video card, M-Audio Delta sound card, Windows Xp home w/SP2 Had troubles with screen going blank every 15 minutes. Replaced screen, and video card and finally removed hard drive and formatted it to remove everything including OS. Reinstalled HD and attempted clean install of WinXp Cd w/SP2 In the middle of install I get error setup can not copy the file PLUGIN.OCX how I can complete install of WinXP
I can't install JAVA on my computer. I get error 1722 from java. I have followed everything on the page regarding how to get around this problem but with no success. The log says (in Swedish):tgrd: patchjre, plats: C:ProgramDelade filerJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105patch-jre1.6.0_03.b05patchjre.exe, kommando: -s "C:ProgramJavajre1.6.0_03" (tgrd=action, plats=place, Delade filer=shared files) I really need java! I have tried so many things now and I really hope someone out there can help me.
I'm using the Mozilla Firefox browser, and when I try to download anything, the browser stores it as a "download", but it won't allow it to be installed...Is there probably a setting a need to change somewhere?
I uninstalled old JRE and tried to reinstall. It will download the installer but then it never starts. I have tried cleaning registry using ccleaner. I have tried downloading off line version but I get an errer about datacab1 may be corrupt. Any help would be appreciated.
I uninstalled Java a while back so I could install the latest version and now I can't even reinstall it. Says "Error applying transformations. Verify that the specified transform paths are valid."
I have been trying to install Java from Sun Microsystems and am constantly getting this message: "The installer cannot continue with the current internet connection settings" Is there a settingI even disabled my internet connections to install without any luck.
I got the upgrade from ME to XP this past weekend. The Java Plug-In from Sun Microsystems is required to be able to generate the mailing labels online. When I try to create a label I get that security bar up top. I do click on it and choose "Install Active X Control" but I keep getting the following error message, "The installer cannot proceed
I have window xp and i cant install the new java update it says something about it already being install but i remove basically everything. Related to java but one thing i still see is java auto updater any advice thanks.
Been having a problem with java using 100% cpu so uninstalled java 1.6.0_05 and downloaded the offline installer for JRE 1.6.0_06. Also got rid of java entries in the registry,
I keep getting an error 25099 unzipping core files failed when I try to install the latest java update. I can't find any java runtime on my pc. I am running xp sp3 on an e- machine t3504. I recently removed sun office and it apparently removed java as well.
I cant install JAVA! I downloaded the Java from the Java site. Then I run it a pop-up lets me know its "Downloading Java Installer". As soon as the Downloading Finishes the box closes and nothing happens.
I have tried endless # of times but whenever i try to download/install Java, the installation thing starts and then almost within 20 seconds I get a dialog box with the following text:
This installation package could not be opened. Verify that the package exists and that you can access it, or contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package.
I was trying to rid myself of the parite.B virus i deleted a java file of some sort. When I went back in to register (again) some dll's using cmd I was successful with all of them except the java one. I unistall it and reinstall it and it wont uninstall blaming a bad installation and missing file to be able to do that, when I try to reinstall over the top of it and i download etc."another version has already been installed and that installation will now cease.In fact along those same lines there are two other programs that will not let me uninstall them due to a missing or corrupt (but apparently necessary) file. one of those is Office 2007,
System: Dell Inspiron 9300 2Ghz Centrino w/ 2G memory Window XP Pro with SP2 I believe. Brand new system out of the box preloaded from vendor not Dell, but an integrator.
I have tried to load Adobe from the web and manual download file. XP just sits there and looks at me. NOTHING.
Sun Java 1.5 from web says load active X control (yellow bar at top of browser) click on it and windows Installer Window opens says preparing to install and stays there forever. Multiple JAVA.exe sessions running in task manager and ca not end task with any of them.
Well when i go to install this i get this error http://img187.imageshack.us/img187/1951/untitledan4.jpg Any idea how to fix it? This is really important as i cant install java and i really need it for school
Installed by clicking the "installing missing plugin" strip on top of the browser then it didnt work so i tried installing manually the process went throught but Java is still a "missing plugin" in firefox i opened up IE it's working perfectly fine.
I can't remember what I done a few years ago when I had an issue with XP and Yahoo Mess. When Yahoo Messenger is started it goes to a java download. But when it is installed it doesnt work. My friend is having the same problem I had. This is now on a Dell computer with Macafee and xp of course.
When I try to install Java, I get the following error message:Error 1304.Error writing to file C:Program FilesCommon FilesJavaUpdateBase Imagesjre1.6.0.b105 patch-jre1.6.0_05.b13launcher.exe. Verify that you have access to that directory Well I go to that directory and double-click it, and I get the following messsage:Windows cannot access the specified device, path or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to acces the item.
Hoping to find someone who will help me with building 3 or 4 barts PE plugins most of them dont require installation into the windows registry >>> they are small exe programs / example= orthos, core temp monitor, S&M stress tester,
Everest Home Edition PC Wizard Sensorsview Pro
once I can get the bootable ISO made with these programs I will make available to anyone for downloading >>>>> should be an awesome computer builders too and overclocking assistant
Ever since I bought my laptop a couple of years ago I have had this annoying screen pop up every time the computer starts up entitled Avance AC '97 Audio Setup (4.70) Maintenance Complete..in the window itself it reads.... Installation wizard has finished performing maintenance operations on Avance AC'97.restart computer now or later
Im using FireFox instead of IE now. But everytime I start the program it takes some time to start. A lot longer then IE does... Why is that and is there a way to fix that
I used Mozilla as my browser until I upgraded to Windows xp a few days ago. I can no longer use Mozilla because all the icons are gone and there are strange, overlapping words for what used to be the menu bar. When I click on one, such as "bookmarks," I get nothing but a solid black box open on my screen. I am okay with using Internet Explorer, but I would like to be able to import my bookmarks from Mozilla.
the following URL displays an animated gif image when viewed on RedHat 9.0 and windows 2000 in both IE 6, firefox and mozilla. It does not view on any of my three windows xp machines using IE 6 or firefox