Your Recommendations On An Home To PRO Wipe And Install?

Aug 10, 2007

I have an HP dv1000 laptop that came with XP Home and am looking for ideas on how I can get the drivers out of it before I wipe it and install XP Pro.I haven't done one of these in a while and at least I know for sure that the drivers for laptops must be similar or the same as the original. The system may work with generic drivers, but is there an easier way than to update the drivers one by one?

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Clean Install Utility Recommendations

Jul 29, 2005

Just clean installed XP for the 3rd flippin time in 4 months. Before I load any programs onto the PC. I would welcome any advise as to recovery programs, utility and back up programs etc. that would be a help down the road in case of trouble. Also a recommendation for a good AV program. I used the free Grisoft AVG program last time around and it created some conflicts for me. I also have a firelight 40 g external HD I can use.

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Want To Wipe Pro And Install WIN 98

Jun 6, 2006

I want to wipe XP and install win 98...The computer is going to be connected to my network and simply used for MP3 storage and back-up as well as I am going to connect my scanner to it. When I go to CMD promt and type Format C: it tells me that everything will be erased, yes all well and good. I enter yes and then it tells me that another process is using the hard drive and cannot format. It tells me that I can disconnect the handle or something like that and I again enter yes. It then tells me that It can't disconnect. What the hell? It doesn't even work from Dos? When I tried to run a XP home edition from Boot, it getts hung up on Kernel debugging DLL...Then I have to restart. Anyone have answers. I just want to wipe the drive, format in fat 32 and install win 98.I am going to take the video card, audio card, HD and CD-ROM and throw it all onto a motherboard I have from my old computer: Celeron 1.1GHZ processor, 256 SD PC-133 RAM.

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Starting Up A New HP Computer Recommendations?

Jul 17, 2005

 Suggestions wanted for setting up a new HP PC with Windows XP Home....

What is best order for setting up the computer?

What not to do?

Should I download all the updates from Microsoft first?

Then what?

Some kind of backup?

Must have utilities/applications?

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Fresh Install Windows Home / Locking Up At End Of Install

Feb 14, 2005

I have two computers, one I use for gaming, the other for school. Both computers had 60gb Maxtor (school with lots of room, gaming with about 10 gb free). My school HD took a powder (the evil clicky noise of doom), but I was able to back up my files prior to that. Me being a quick thinker, I decide to upgrade my gamer puter to a 120gb (don't wanna go too nutso, as I am considering building a much superior computer), and put the good 60 gb in my old Athlon 700. Problem? I cannot get Windows XP Home to complete install on my gamer computer. (Athlon 700 installed just fine with 'good' 60gb).Gamer Computer: Athlon 1800+, 512MB DDR Ram 2100, KR7A Raid MOBO, GeForce3 Ti 200 (128MB DDR RAM), SB Audigy 2(AGP).

It is a RAID mobo, but i do not use the raid functionality, I did not have a problem before(I have my HD and my 2 roms on ide now). I go through the install steps, and I get to the very very end, where it states you are about to start Windows XP, and then it hangs, and thats it.I have tried to ensure there are no conflicts, I pulled out my sound card as well as my network card, and 're-seated' my video card and RAM. I have tried looking at using a winxp bootup floppy, booted into safe mode (the only error it detects is the missing RAID, no conflicts detected there). Heck, I even swapped out mouse and keyboard. I tried putting back the good 60gb back in the pc, and reformatting, but still get the same thing(sometimes the screen is black, sometimes the icky blue of xp, but that's it).I have no idea now. I did make sure that my bios was up to date before taking down the system originally, and it was, so no change was made there. Even swapped out the ribbon cables to ensure nothing was damaged on original removal.

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Finding Anti-spyware And Anti-virus Recommendations?

Aug 16, 2006

I've got a PC with Win XP SP2. I'm currently using Etrust antivirus and Windows Defender on it. But, I'm suspecting it's got virus and/or spyware that those two softwares are not detecting. Can anyone recommend me other good anti-spyware and antivirus software (preferably free)?

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Wipe Out The Drive

Sep 10, 2005

Home computer got too many virsuses to fix. Need to reformat hard drvie but our computer came preloaded with windows xp and no disks. Last time this happened had to spend $ at Best buy where we boutgh it for them to fix. They said the operating system is hidden somewhere i the system. Is there a way to extract this before I wipe out the drive? I can only start up in safe mode.

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Need To Wipe A Partition

Sep 25, 2009

DBAN will wipe drives, but won't allow me to leave teh recovery partition.I want to keep the FAT32 recovery partition intact.

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Home New Install

Apr 16, 2006

my old hard drive crashed and i got a new one.I have a vpr matrix computer i used the restore disk on the new hard drive. it loaded fine. but when i did the restart it would load the xp screen then the cpu would restart. i have no idea where to go from there. i tried to reinstall xp. from there i have no idea what to do.i know from the description i gave i will prob need to give you more info. anything you need just ask and i will try too find the answer.

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Wipe PC, Keep Selected Files

Jun 11, 2009

I'm currently in an architectural design class and it's getting to the time where my teacher likes to get a clean start on the next year computer-wise. Now he always just uninstalls select things and then reinstalls the better versions the next year. Now I was thinking, since these computers are a few years old, he should just format them entirely, speeding them up greatly and clearing out any old problems. And this is where the problem comes in, he wants to save past student's files and I can't think of a way to do this after doing a wipe leaving out the option of backing them up on a seperate drive.

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How To Wipe Hard Drive?

Dec 14, 2005

I just installed Windows XP Professional over Windows 2000 Professional but I would like to completely wipe my hard drive and just have Windows XP installed. Does anyone know of a program I can use to totally erase my hard drive and start overwith a clean drive? I used to use a FAT32 format but this computer uses NTFS.

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Wipe My Pc - Start Fresh

Oct 11, 2010

how do i wipe my pc so i can start fresh i have windows xp

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Want To Wipe Drive And Reinstall...says I Cant!!

Aug 10, 2005

I am currently running xp home and i am having major problems...i want to start all over and reinstall from scratch. When I get to setup it tells me that setup cannot continue because the version currently on my computer is newer than what I want to install (which is odd, it's the same program as far as I can tell!!) I want to do it anyway but when I try to boot from the doesnt seem to work.

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Home SP2 Install Won't Complete?

Jul 26, 2005

I cannot seem to install SP2. Every time I try, it freezes up somewhere in the middle. I just tried last night, and it never made it past the first message. Something like "Initializing installation". It doesn't sound like the hard drive is doing anything. When I try to cancel the install, it will then freeze on the "Cancelling Installation" message. The only way out is to "End Task". The furthest I got was one time when it seemed to finish installing, but when it rebooted, my system was at 640 x 480 resolution, and still at SP1! I then ran a System Restore and got back to where I originally was, minus a bunch of security patches, even though the point I restored should have already had those patches


-When trying to install, I let it run OVERNIGHT, so it has plenty of time to work.)

-System is clean of Spyware, Viruses, etc.

-System performance is pretty good, although I do get an occasional blue screen, hence the reason I'm finally trying to update.

Does anyone have any idea how to troubleshoot this?

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SP2 Install - Home CD Is Required

May 9, 2008

All of the SP2 install guides at link provided in the sticky state that XP Home CD is required, what if I don't have one, I have a Dell-provided "reinstall" CD for XP. Can I still use the same procedures to upgrade to SP2

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Uninstall Win Pro To Install Win Home

May 5, 2006

Hi folks, I sure could use some help pretty quick. I bought an upgrade version of Xp Pro on Ebay, looked great I got the holograph disk and all, with original manual etc. Microsoft says its not a genuine copy. Now I cannot find my receipt or any info on this to follow up on. So now I need to uninstall XP Pro and re install my XP Home version.I need help how to do this so I can be legal again and get updates. I cannot afford another copy of XP Pro.

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Reason To Install SP3 On Home IE6?

Jul 19, 2009

I've been using XP Home with IE 6 and SP2 for a long time. I read a long time ago about people having problems after installing SP3 so I never did. By the way, I do not like IE7. Is there any good reason why I should install SP3 if I plan on staying with IE6?

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Home On Harddrive After Install

Sep 14, 2007

Reformated and reinstalled windows xp. after instalation finished.i noticed i actually have 2 versions of xp home on my harddrive, how do i remove one without it effecting the other? i did this once before thur the reg ( i think) but i cant remember how.

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Home Edition SP2 Won't Install!

Aug 13, 2006

I had windows SP2 on my Compaq Presario SR1123WM before it crashed and went back to California for repair.I still have the CD to install the program.But it will not install, either from download from microsoft, or from the CD.I get an error message " Extraction failed.(ccyclic redundancy check)" And a few minutes later, I get the screen, " SP2 did not install," or some such thing. Anyway, I have tried 14 times to install this thing, but Microsoft tells me that Compaq is responsible, because it was OEM installed.

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New Install Cant Set Home Page

Jun 19, 2006

i had to reformat and install all new xp home every things working except i cant set home page to what i want.
sp2 all security updates virus free and spayware free

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Install Home To Replace Pro?

May 1, 2006

I want to put the original XP Home disc back on my computer to replace the XP Pro already installed. I get a message saying that the one I want to install is older than the one being currently used and that all settings will be lost. How can I safely install the old operating system (XP Home) without losing my data or installed software applications?

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Need Home Install Disk

Jan 21, 2009

I'm having a Windows installer problem that is giving me fits. I've tried everything I can find on line and nothing has worked. I'd like to do a repair install, but the only software I got from Dell will wipe out my system and restore it to it's original state. Since I've got the license for it that came with my computer, can I get an XP Home install disk somewhere I can use to do this? I'm assuming it's legal to do this - am I wrong?

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Fresh Install Of Win Home

Nov 18, 2007

I have never had this problem before but I am trying to do a fresh install of windows xp home on a dell dimension 2400 desktop. I deleted the current partition and then continued with the install. The computer is only currently at the "Installing Windows" portion right now and I started it at 10am this morning. So at my time it has been 7 and 1/2 hours so far. Its not frozen either. Does anyone know why it might be taken so long to install?

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Reinstall On Laptop - Wipe An Installation

Oct 14, 2006

reinstalling win 2000 on a laptop. In the past when I have needed to wipe an installation, I have just pulled the drive and put it into another of my machines to clean the hard drive to start all over and proceed that way. That being said, I have never done one with a laptop. I have a laptop that an aunt asked me to wipe. She does not remember the login password.

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2000 - Reformat - Wipe Out The Drivers

Jul 20, 2005

it came with 2000 and want to load XP. I loaded xp and it now has both on hard drive. it is a dell besides. If I reformat the hard drive, it will wipe out the drivers. I tried all I can think of to rid this computer of 2000, but it won't let me. I am considering reformatting and load only xp but not sure about drivers for a dell lap top. Are they the same as for a desktop?

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Operating System Key Wipe And Reload

Mar 22, 2010

I have PC which has Windows XP media Center 2005 edition, which I have a key for but I need to wipe it and reload it. However I don't have a disk for this but I do have one for XP home edition one, would this key be compatible?

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How To Wipe HP Harddrive With No Original Disks?

Jun 15, 2005

I want to wipe the harddrive of my HP Pavilion desktop and start from scratch. However, I have moved since I purchased it many years ago and I don't have any of the original disks.Is there any way to access a function in the harddrive to wipe what's there and just re-install what it came with at purchase? And will it be able to connect to the internet to get drivers, etc.? Sorry if this is a question that has been asked before... I am semi-literate when it comes to computers but I have never done a complete reinstall without the original disks that came with the system.

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Wipe Software - Instruction On Installing New OS

Feb 4, 2007

Anyone who remembers my posts knows that I have been having all kinds of problems with my Win XP Home for at least three months now. Most of it has been my fault, as I don't do my research and get advice from experts like this forum before I barge ahead and pretend like I know more than I do. I'm on a Sony VAIO, almost 5 years old. It has 80 GBs and 700+ RAM and another 512 chip waiting to be installed (I want to fix these other issues first). I don't have any kind of original XP CD, which has caused many problems, because my computer came loaded with the OS. I just have restore disks which take me back to 2002. I have decided to wipe my hard drive and install my Dad's XP Pro, which is also 2002. At least I'd have the installation disk. He has permission to use it on multiple computers. I plan to get all of the updates for it from Microsoft once it is installed - is that a problem? I will not upgrade IE6 to IE7.

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How Do I Wipe My Hard Drive Clean?

Feb 20, 2006

I need some one to take me step by step "SLOWLY" and tell me how I can wipe my Hard Drive completely Clean, as if it was right out of the box.I am not all that bright when it comes to computers.But come on.How tough can it be, if you are taken through it one step at a time? Please don't use computer Lingo while holding my hand through this. Just tell me as simply as you can, how a computer browser type of person can do this task all by themselves.there has to be some one out there that wants to share the secret?I have a few buddies who do it all the time, and when I ask them how to do it.they just say, that it is to difficult to explain as if it is a Big Dark Secret.I would Love to be able to do it myself.can some body tell me the easiest way to do it?

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How To Wipe Files & Programs Without Losing XP

Dec 28, 2008

Just was given a Dell Dimension L1100R with xp pro installed and a ton of the previous owners files and programs. It came with no installation CD so I am unable to reinstall. Is there any way to wipe all the personal files and programs without deleting XP and the drivers? I already have a dell dimension 8250 with an xp home disc but it won't install over pro.

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Reformatting - Won't Totally Wipe The C Drive

Aug 14, 2005

as some of you may or may not know.. i have had some ( ok ok alot ) of problems with my computer since the hydro kept flickering on and off a few weeks ago.. well my saga continues.. I decided to say screw it and reformat. well it wont reformat properly it wont totally wipe the c drive.. it will delete and or reformat the d drive partition.. but when i come back c drive still has all the program files etc.. i have tried to do it through system restore and type in reformat c: /fsintfs and that wont wipe it either.

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