Wont Boot,format Install - Nad Deleted My Bootup

Apr 18, 2005

I tried to partition my hardrive but did the wrong one nad deleted my bootup, so when i try it jsut goes to the (safe mode, last good config ect) screen. so tied to format and got up to 40% It took a while to get to format because said invalid drive specification, and also bad command. Then tried to install windows 98, adn got to blue screen where it goes to format, then says insert disk, b ut disk was inserted.

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Deleted Everything Listed - Cant Bootup Now

Jan 4, 2009

I just finished reinstalling XP Pro SP2 (original recovery from Dell) on an Optiplex 330. Now at bootup it is showing 2 "Windows XP Pro" and is asking which one to run. I followed the directions when I started and I thought I had deleted everything listed. Can I solve this without Zeroing out the HDD and starting over?

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Need To Format A Hard Drive - Deleted Everything

Nov 25, 2008

My girlfriends computer is really the bed. I want to delete everything on the harddrive except for the os.

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Bootup Problems - Dual Boot Running

Dec 28, 2007

greetings when I start my computer it stops on a screen that makes me push the f1 key before it continues this has just started I have dual boot with 1 hard drive running linux and main hard drive running xp,I was having problems with the computer slowing down or staying to busy and run cccleaner a few days ago and it looked like that helped a lot but now a few days later I get the boot up problem

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Xp Bootup Menu Error (with Install Option) / System Crashed?

Jan 3, 2005

issue with friend pc, when he boots up he gets the menu that says along the lines of 1. boot xp home from hard disk 2.setup xp from cd so he has to like press 1 every time he starts up his pc. if he leaves it it goes thru some bumf and gives an error n reboots its cos i tried to reinstall xp at one point for him (other problems which later dissapeared) and the system crashed out on me before i could do it..

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How To Recover Deleted Grub / Boot Partition (Dual Boot System)

Oct 24, 2009

I accidentally deleted a partition and later found out that my system is dead....The only way I recover out of that is I reinstall Windows and then install grub again to recover the Linux partition. But I feel the delete partition is a very rapid process just taking seconds and in that I don't think files would be deleted, so I feel potentially I can recover the deleted partitions including the boot partition. But I don't know how to do it. Also now when the boot partition is deleted and the system is not booting up what should be done to recover the system and data?

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Format A HD - Install New HD In PC

Mar 14, 2005

My genius self thought that I could take a HD from one computer and hook it up to another and everything would be just dandy. I never thought about the configuration that the HD goes through getting the system specs before an operating system is installed. Now I have an error saying NLTDR not found... Press CTRl, ALT, Delete to Restart and I can't seem to find how to fix this problem. Well here is my real question for which I am searching for an answer. I have a HD that I took from a computer and I want to add it as a secondary HD to another computer. My problem is that the HD that I am adding has Windows Xp on it and I just want to format it so I can add it to my computer as a secondary HD. How do I format this HD before installing it on my pc?

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Sata Install - Format

Apr 20, 2005

This is the first time i have tried to format a sata drive. I put the disk in and boot from the cd and it goes straight into the xp splash screen it doesn't even give me the chance to hit f6 thats the first problem.

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Fresh Install PRO - Need To Format

Jan 11, 2006

What do I have to do to do a fresh install?? Do I just format the hard drive and restart with the XP disk inserted?? Is it that simple or is there more to it?

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Want To Install - Format - CLEAN

Dec 25, 2004

My current situation: C: 1.97gb/109mb free/Healthy System//xp pro installed (stupid me) D: 4.87gb/3.10gb free/Healthy Boot//xp pro installed G: 12.1gb free/Healthy/nothing on it yet. *3 are logical drives on one physical drive
I want to delete all partitions and put everything at C: and install xp on it. How am I able to this? Or do you have any of your suggestions about on how to manage the space. Last time I accidently installed xp on c, and it lagged like hell!

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Won't Install / Can't Format Drive

Mar 20, 2007

I've tried to install fresh version of Win XP pro. However, as XP tries to format to 100%, before formatting is complete, I get the error saying it cannot format the drive due to "drive damage." At first I thought it was because I had a dead Hard Drive. So I then used a spare drive I had on hand, but again got the same error. I then went out and got a brand new one, but again, got the same error. I now don't believe the hard drives are dead, but something else is wrong. I've tried using another XP home disc I had, and got the same error.

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Unable To Format And Install.

Apr 13, 2008

My laptop has been over run with viruses and I've taken out 10 but my laptop is still a mess so I want to do a fresh install. I backed up all my data and went to boot from cd after restarting but it won't boot. I changed the boot order so the cdrom is first but it doesn't spin or anything at startup....it just goes to the windows loading screen and doesn't give me a option to boot from a cd. I also have an external cd drive if that helps....but I tried that and I can't boot from startup. Is there any way I can reformat my hard drive without using the windows cd at startup?? What can I do to get my cd to boot? The cd drive works fine but I just can't get it to work at startup. I am totally lost without my laptop. I am having to use my moms computer to type this so someone tell me what all I can do to get my hard drive reformatted and a fresh install of windows put on my laptop.

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Format Hard Drive For Install

Jun 13, 2006

I'm having problems formatting a hdd to install Winxp. A friend gave me his old HP 743a comp (2.4 Ghz, 512 mb ram) because the monitor kept going black. I am fairly sure the problem was one of the CPU heatsink clips was broken and not allowing contact between heatsink and cpu. It doesn't go black now that I have fixed the clip. He removed his HDD, so I bought a second hand 10 Gb just to see if I could get the thing running. I formatted the HDD with a win98se boot disk. Everything goes well except I can't get the "start with cdrom support" page to come up. The Cd drive is a CD-RW/DVD combo drive (32 x 10 x 12 x 40x). Sorry I can't find the brand and model number at the moment. I did check up on it a week ago and it's only supported by win2000 and winxp. I was wondering if this could be the problem?

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Unable To Install Xp / Can't Format Drive

Sep 1, 2006

i just got a new harddrive and i am not able to install windows xp on it.the harddrive is a 250gb ide. scandisk shows nothing. after running the xp setup from the cd, it copies the files and reboots, after which i get the message: "A disk read error occured, press ALT CTRL DEL to restart".i can't format the drive, its got a lot of important data on it.

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Hard Drive Won't Format Or Delete In Install

Mar 4, 2009

I just put together a desktop with an Asus A7V880 mobo and after I installed XP on my Seagate SATA Baracuda 7200.1 120Gb harddrive I was running windows and it shutdown and said it had to shutdown to protect my computer and now I think there is some corrupt data onit that will not delete off the hard drive.I have tried many many differe nt things to delete the drive so I can reinstall windows onit.It shows up in my computer in the bios but not in windows windows and will not format either.I just bought a seagate 40Gb hardrive just like it for the computer also I have installed windows onit and it runs good ,but it sometimes tells me it has to studown to protect computer to but it will still reboot.I have ran Seatools on the hard drive and it finds errors on the drive and ask me if I want to repair them and I do and it shows them as repaired.It says passed after repair right,then I try to rescan it again to see if it fixed them ,but it the errors still show up again just like the first seatools scan.I have just about ran out of options on how to delete the hard drive.

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Unable To Format And Install Xp After Virus Attack?

Feb 7, 2010

I am having sony vaio vgn-fe8555e which is having default vista but i have degraded to xp sp2 and worked well for sometimes but recently my laptop got attacked by virus..i tried to clean but cudnt do and i decided to format and install the OS but unable to format and even boot and load windows(PC will get restart if i go for windows) and unable to read XP CD for installation

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Trying To Format Hard Drive To Install Windows XP Pro

May 10, 2007

I'm trying to format my hard drive to install windows XP pro,I currently am running windows XP pro.The problem is I can't format, when I try to format with a fdisk I get an error saying:"Your program caused a divide overflow error.If the problem persists, contact your program vendor."I also use windows XP CD and the problem with that is when it gets to the blue screen of windows setup it freezes.Anyone have any idea how to solve it and get my hard drive formatted.

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Format Drive Without Install Operating System

Jan 26, 2005

How can format the drive though without Windows reinstalling?

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Re-format With A Boot Disk

Mar 24, 2007

I have a computer with xp on it and i need to no how to re-format my computer i was told i need a boot disk from my k8 triton motherboard disk and if i do is there way of finding out how to make one and if not how do i get one so i can re-format.

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Unable To Format Harddrive And Install Operating System?

Sep 22, 2010

I have 65 Computers need to format and install new window for the deployment this weekend. But unfortunately, 3 of these computers cant format and install new windows using installation cd. It can detect and boot from cd but when I hit any key botton to boot from cd after a minute the installation screen turn black then stop installation but the machine is still up.

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Format Driver Install Home Upgrade - Can't Considered

Aug 22, 2006

I purchased a used computer with Windows XP Pro installed. I would like to format the drive and install my new version of Windows XP Home upgrade. How do I carry out the process? I can't seem to install Windows XP Home because this is not considered an upgrade.

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Guide To Format C: Drive - Boot From Cd?

May 3, 2005

I need to format my harddrive and re-install XP pro, but I don't know how to do it, do someone out there know where to find an easy guide to boot from CD. Cause it would be nice with a print so I can format my computer step by step. I'm not so brainy when dealing with BIOS.

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Xp Deleted From Boot.ini

Mar 22, 2007

what's happened here is that on a failed attempt at reinstalling XP with a copy (after restart it asks to insert the XP SP2 disc) I went into boot.ini to delete the "windows xp professional setup" option but accidentally removed the actual XP entry instead. Now it gives me no option to start the computer normally, even when going through safe mode, the only option is to start up with the XP Set up. Is it impossible to get into the computer through the OS now, because none of my XP Set Up discs are working as they're all copies, my original is now in another state with my father.

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Removing From Boot Loader Menu Even Format Drive D?

Nov 1, 2008

I had XP pro loaded on my boot partition and wanted to get rid of it. I deleted the entire volume D:, but my boot loader menu still lists that OS. Of course it can't boot to it any more, but I don't want to see in the menu at startup. What files are left over from that OS instance that I need to remove?

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Can Boot A Program From A USB Flash Drive To Format Both Partitions

Nov 21, 2009

I have installed 2 different operating systems (xp and vista) on my hard drive on seperate partitions without flagging 1 of them to boot (aka it doesnt boot at all.) I want to completely format the hole thing and just put xp on the 1 hard drive with no partitions.

My problem is that my computers CD drive has broken and it does not have a floppy drive, I want to know if theres any way i can boot a program from a USB flash drive to completely format both partitions so i can install xp (I already know how to boot xp off a USB flash drive.

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Boot Options Discarded: Drive Wont Format?

Oct 23, 2007

I am trying to format my PC as it has been affected by Spyware and malware.
I set CD-Rom as boot option but when PC reboots it do not start formatting irrespective of presence or absence of CD in CD-Rom. Similar thing also happened when I set this option for Floppy Drive. How Can I resolve this problem.
I have formatted PC once before the CD I have with me. But now I want to make new bootable CD. Can you please suggest me the procedure and resources to get (software/program) to be included in CD from Internet (freeware program). So that the CD will format the drive cleanly and clearly. It should format C (program file drive) and other drive like D, E F.

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Userinit-exe Deleted - Media Boot CD

Aug 7, 2008

After I log into my computer at my windows login screen, it instantly kicks me back to the login screen. After reading several posts online I have come to believe that my userinit.exe file has been deleted or that virus has somehow altered it. I want to reinstall a copy of the file from a windows xp media boot CD, however I only have a friends recovery disk and it is for his brand of computer so it doesnt recognize it when i boot my system. I dont have a floppy drive, is there any other way to get a dos prompt at start-up so I can manually extract userinit.exe to system32? Should I slave the drive on a different computer and copy and paste it?
Windows XP Media Center Edition (SP2)

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System Uses 10 Minute Boot Up / Deleted Unnecessary Items?

Sep 29, 2008

It takes 10 minutes to reboot my computer! 10 minutes later I m cleaning out temp files and cookies and the like, deleting old profiles, cleaning up MSConfig and Defragging AND moving anything that looks important out to his network share.

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Deleted Nameless Partition: System Wont Boot?

Aug 16, 2009

My Dell Inspiron B130 Windows Xp SP3 had only one internal hard drive, it was broken up into Drive C and two nameless partions that I did not make I accidentley deleted one of the namless partitions and now my windows XP SP3 laptop is no longer bootable. My computer just says no bootable drive found. I think I deleated some important system data My personal data on Drive C appears to be still there is there any way I can recover the system data or make my laptop bootable again without losing all of my data?

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Should Format Hard Drive Using Quick Format Or Not

Oct 8, 2005

I need to get my HDD reformatted with the help of a paid technician.Couple of weeks ago he used the quick format method & asked him if that would make any difference & he said really not.I have the doubts though. I kind of wonder why would Windows then give a choice if there really wasn’t any difference?

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Converting Wave Format Into MP3 Format?

Feb 26, 2006

how to convert a file in Wave format into a file in MP3 format? The file is a personal voice recording.

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