Virtual Memory Change Brings On Blue Screen

Jun 18, 2005

I have set aside a partition on a computer to be Virtual Memory. It is something like 1488 MB. When I went to change the Virtual Memory settings so it will use this partition, I got a blue screen and had to reboot. I kept working with it and finally got it to accept 100 MB for the lowest and 1400 for the highest setting. However, after reading more, I think the 100 MB should have been higher. It won't let me change it to anything else

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Low Virtual Memory - Cant Change

Sep 14, 2005

I am having repeated messages with low virtual memory for my desktop. I'll have programs stop working with low memory messages, can't load another program message, things wont print. I reboot, and all is fine for a while. I'll go into the control panel to increase the virtual memory. It was set at 764mb. I changed it to custom 3000 mb min,4096 mb max. rebooted. went back to control panel and virtual memory was still at 764 where it says total paging file for all drives current 764. but higher up in the panel it says c: 3000-4096. How do i get the memory problem solved?

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Unable To Change Virtual Memory

Jan 13, 2005

I am using a P4 1.5 MHz system with 512 MB RAM, 64 MB Gforce MX card, new 80 GB hard disk with 4 partitions each 20 GB. My OS is, Windows XP with SP2 installed. I am getting error that my virtual memory is low(page file size). When I change the settings using the System icon in the control panel, still it reports the page file size as 0 MB only. I re-booted after changing, tried System Managed Size option. But still the page file size remains as 0 only.....

When I press the set button after the new settings it shows the changes for the drive and then asks to reboot. After re-booting it says "Either no page file or virtual memory too low" I tried re-booting in safe mode too. Still the change is not effected.

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Increase Virtual Memory -custom Settings Change

Aug 25, 2005

I am trying to increase my virtual memory and am doing so the way I am
supposed to by running "control sysdm.cpl" and going to the appropriate steps
and then restarting my computer. What is happening, though, is when I go back
to it my settings are saved in the "custom sized" places as the new values I
put in, but the "currently allocated" amount doesn't change at all. Shouldn't
the currently allocated amount change to the minimum I designate in the
custom allocation box?Right now, the only way to get my graphics program to work faster is by overloading my memory so that Windows will automatically increase the virtual memory.Why don't my custom settings change anything?

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Want To Change Virtual Memory To Custom Page File Size

Dec 7, 2007

I am running Windows XP, i want to change my virtual memory to custom page file size, can someone tell me the ideal minimum and maximum sizes recommended.

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Virtual Memory Low Message / Windows Virtual Memory Minimum

Dec 10, 2004

I keep getting the error message that my Windows virtual memory minimum is too low. I have Microsoft Windows 2000 and the following settings: total paging file size 205 MB; minimum 2 MB; Recommended 190 MB; Currently allocated 205 MB; current registry size 21 I'm not the system administrator so I can't change these numbers. I also couldn't find the pagefile.sys that someone suggested looking for. My IT guys don't know what's wrong; they reformatted my computer but I got this error message again. What should I tell them to do?

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Virtual Memory Error / Virtual Memory Is Low

Dec 23, 2005

My OS is Windowns XP. Lately while on-line, I have been getting a "virtual memory is low" error message and then my computer either locks up or I am booted off AOL. Can you tell me what might cause this type error? I have noted added any new software in weeks. The last install was my IPOD Nano.

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Virtual Memory Is Low - IE Takes Up Memory

Dec 6, 2004

I was running Outlook, AIM, and IE at the same. After a few moment, I'd get this following message:

Your system is low on virtual memory. Windows is increasing the size of your Virtual Memory Paging file. During this process, memory requests for some applications may be denied.

When I hit OK, all my applications would close, except my Outlook. I'm running Win2K with 512 memory. My computer is only 1.5 years old. I didn't play any games or download anything so it's not heavily used. But why the message then?

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Virtual Memory And Memory Leak ?

Jun 21, 2008

I don't really have a problem on my hands, but I would like to ask a few questions relating to Virtual Memory and Memory Leak.

I downloaded a game back in December, but hasn't been installed as yet. I heard that it is created using "C++" or "C" (whatever it is), and I learned that it has a memory leak. My Virtual Memory was running low (it may already have beforehand) by the time the game was installed. My computer crashed two days later as a result.

But some users haven't experienced any problems with the game. My question is, is it a better idea for me to install the game on a CD-ROM or USB Drive and play it from that media type (instead of from the hard drive) so that I can protect my PC from crashing due to low virtual memory?

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To Know Virtual Memory And Memory Usage ?

Sep 28, 2007

virtual memory and memory usage i need to know how to know this 2 perfomances and if we need to otuch something to upgrade memory and best usage for your pc.

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Blue Screen Crash - After The Memory Dump

Jul 9, 2009

I had a blue screen crash and after the memory dump it came up with this error message:
BCCode : 1000008e BCP1 : C0000005 BCP2 : 80564C3A BCP3 : F3C5ABD4 BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 3_0 Product : 768_1

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Physical Memory Error - Blue Screen?

Sep 19, 2006

add some more ram to my Laptop which was working really well,
untill today when i turned it on.

blue screen showing "Physical Memory Error" please contact techincal support.

so i thought it had to do with the Ram so i removed it. same error MSG was displayed, blue screen showing "Physical Memory Error" please contact techincal support.

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Getting Blue Screen For Physical Memory Upon Restart?

Mar 9, 2007

I am running XP Pro and have been getting the bsod physical memory dump for some time. I have replaced all the memory in the machine, thinking that could be it, based on what I was told.Now, I get this almost every time I reboot. I have the event logger going so I will post what it says.I even took pictures of the screen when it happened just today. I would love to know what to do.Error code 100000c5, parameter1 0c2148bc, parameter2 00000002, parameter3 0000, parameter4 8054a832.

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Blue Screen Memory Dump? Disable BIOS

Dec 13, 2007

Have a Dell Dimension 2350 at home with XP as the OS. Rarely use the PC because it is on NetZero's free dial-up. Has current CA Internet Security Suite too.

Getting the blue screen occasionally when I start NetZero's free dial-up program. The blue screen will appear right as the PC is trying to open up a Internet Explorer window, after the dial-up connection has been made successfully. The blue screen states to disable BIOS, but I don't have a clue how to do that

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Blue Screen Of Death On Laptop / Due To Installed Memory

Jan 16, 2008

I have been getting the blue screen of death on my Dell Inspiron 600m running Windows XP Home Edition Version 2002 SP2 w/ Intel Pentium M processor 1600 MHz 299 MHz, 1 GB of Ram (only hardware not factory - installed recently). I was given this laptop as a Christmas gift as the donor received a new one on boxing day It was given to me with this error and I suspect it is from the new(er) memory installed but cannot be certain as I have no references to go on. I had enough of this reoccurring error very quickly so I reinstalled the OS clean and fully updated the system with Microsoft updates including SP2, the computer also has quite a bit of expensive software I installed and is virus free according to trend micro IS PC-cillin 2007.The memory that came out of this unit is in with the laptop bag stored in the new memory packaging, the new memory is: Times Two(2) units = KTD - INSP8200/512 (512MB Memory Module) Equiv. Dell(R) P/N: 311 - 1356 (Sodimm DDR Inspiron) whatever that means! The old memory that was removed says: Again Times Two (2) units = Infineon HYS64D32020GDL-7-B 32M x 64 SDRAM - B2V40212332G - PC21000S-2033-0-A1 - 256MB,DDR,266,CL2

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Blue Screen Error Message Re Dump Of Physical Memory?

Oct 24, 2007

I run Windows XP and keep finding that when I leave my PC unattended for more than 10 minutes I get a blue screen with a scary message regarding the dumping of physical memory. The error codes in the message are as follows:

stop 0X0000008E, 0XBA40721F, 0XEBC267C, 0X00000000, videoprt.sys - address BA40721F base at BA401000 Date Stamp41107d08

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Unable To Boot Without Seeing Blue Screen Showing Lack Of Memory

Jun 17, 2005

Im currently in the process of bringing my PC back from the brink. St present I am unable to boot because a system32/hal.dll is not present. Before this I was unable to boot without seeing a blue screen showing a lack of memory. I have been having problems for a few weeks now. At first just a little slow down and the occassional crash, but it has recently escalated to large scale slow down and fatal errors causing the pc to reboot. From the performances menu in Task Manager I can see large large CPU usage peaks with the processor running at 100% consistantly with no programs running. Simil;arly, on startup the PF usage is settled around 200MB but gradually increases over a matter of minutes until it is 2 or 3 GB+. This is usually about when the system declares a fatal error and reboots itself.

The only process that appears to be taking processor power at these points is svchost, that will usually run between 0-1%. I have been aprehensive to end this though as I know it to be a core process. I also had similar problems with lsass.exe. I researched and figured it could be the Welchia Worm or MSBLAST.D virus but have found no trace with any anti virus software. I tried the suggested treatments regardless with no success. A couple of days ago the problems got to the point where no prgrams would open and the system rebooted every few minutes. I managed to rectify this by reinstalling windows, but it appears to have been short lived. Now, after a fatal error the PC has been unable to reboot.

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Blue Screen Of Death / Dumping Physical Memory To Disk

May 19, 2010

My computer was working a minute ago. I decided to restore it. I put the disk in, except it belonged to my other Sony computer. The computer message was that it was the wrong disk. So I took it out. I rebooted the computer and got the blue screen of death it says Dumping physical memory to disk and started at 0 and got to 60. I figured it'd explode at 100 LOL so I better shut it down. I rebooted several times but that always comes up. I rebooted and hit F8 I think it is which gave me the option to reboot the hard drive, a floppy, or the DVD drive. I did one at a time, rebooting in between each choice. I still have that screen. Did I totally ruin my computer? Oh sigh.I can get to nothing but that screen. No control panel.I then figured I couldn't make it much worse, so I put in the Windows XP disk to just install Windows XP again, but the computer wouldn't even pick it up. The disk was spinning, but the screen remained the same.

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Blue Screen Indicating - Physical Memory Dump Complete

Jun 13, 2005

I am a computer science/engineer major and I know somewhat a lot about computers, but this is my first time seeing this blue screen. My computer will start up to the compaq screen then goes to windows xp and then it flashes a blue screen for a split second. I was able to freeze it, but do not know how i did it, but it said something about a cretain system32 file is corrupt. there is a corrupt hive. complete physical memory dump complete. contact tech support or system administrator. right now, I am out of town and i have been reading about it and they say something about using a recovery console. I do not have my XP disk with me. I was wondering could I use anyone's XP disk and how do i fix this problem with no disk or using a XP disk?

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Blue Screen Shown With Message Memory Dumping Started

Oct 16, 2005

When start my PC, it shows upto Windows Logon Screen and from there a Blue screen with Memory Dumping Started message occurs. I don't know what needs to be done. When I tried to re-install the windows, the Hard Disk got crashed. I replaced the Hard Disk and when I tried to install the Windows 98/2000/ XP, I faced the same problem. I tried installing windows thru different machine assuming problem with my Mother Board. But the same was repeated.

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Blue Screen Memory Dump - Registry Cannot Load The Hice File

May 16, 2010

Error Message reads:

Stop: C0000218 {Registry File Failure}

The registry cannot load the hice (file)/SystemRoot?System32/Config/Software or its alternate

It is corrupt, absent, or not writeable.

Begining to dump Physical Memory Physical memory dumped complete

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Change Motherboard Shown Blue Screen

May 24, 2005

Get the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH if you change the motherboard. How to do it and boot into windows so that I don't lose any information on the hard drive?

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Causes Virtual Memory To Get Low On PC's?

Jan 28, 2007

Hi, What causes virtual memory to get low on PC's

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Cpu Gets To 100% - Low On Virtual Memory

Mar 30, 2005

I was having trouble open some sites like I changes Browsers From IE to Fire fox and that seemed to solve that Problem but trying to open some Emails in OE are still having trouble. My computer seems to freeze up the Cpu gets to 100% and a message pops up saying I am low on Virtual Memory.

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Very Low Virtual Memory

Jun 23, 2005

How effective is it?I remember it used to work wonders for my old mac LCII.If iv'e got the hard space to spare, would it be worth setting aside, say, a couple gigs of virtual memory or should I not bother?

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Virtual Memory?

Jul 30, 2005

I don't understand virtual memory. I keep getting a message that I'm too low on virtual memory. Is it something that corrects itself? Also, I can't get anything on the disc cleaner. I've followed directions, but it shows up on the taskbar and I can't get it to open. I have Windows XP.

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Virtual Memory Too Low

May 22, 2007

Can you tell me why I keep getting this message and how I can stop it from happening again?

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Virtual Memory Is Low

Apr 5, 2007

What does it mean when my computer says "Virtrual Memory is low"?

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Virtual Memory Is Low

Oct 19, 2008

I have been receiving messages that my virtual memory is low. The computer is running slowly and frrezing at times. I ran a scan with a programme called RegCure and it found 996 errors. Of course I have to pay for the programme to remove the errors. Does anyone know if this programme is any good, or is there another one that would do the job - maybe a free one? My operating system is Windows XP.

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Virtual Memory Low

Jan 11, 2006

How do I fix this constant problem? I think that is the root of my problems! I have 512meg of memory! It shouldn't be eating that much memory correct? How do I stop this?

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Out Of Virtual Memory

Aug 22, 2007

What it virtual memory, what does it matter, and how can I free some up; my computer says that I am "out of virtual memory".

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