Unable To Hide Names In Thumbnail View?

Jun 17, 2003

To disable names while switching to thumbnail view in Explorer, hold down shift and switch to thumbnail view.

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Changing From Thumbnail View To List View?

Jan 14, 2006

Whenever I save a picture from IE 6.0, the "Save Piccture" window always opens in a thumbnail view of "My Pictures". Is there any way I can make it open in the list view instead?

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View PSD Files As Thumbnail View

Sep 23, 2004

A folder full of PSD files. I have the folder on thumbnail view so I can easily find a look I wan't and choose it instead of opening up each one. The problem is that the folder is not generating a preview of the file anymore but instead shows the PSD icon. I just got a new computer and it is since then that this has stared, as on my old computer the previews showed up fine. Is this a setting I need to change somewhere?

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Thumbnail View Freezes XP

Oct 12, 2009

When using My Computer to view files, as it attempts to load thumbnails of .avi, or wmv. files either in the main window, or in the preview pane, many files cause the OS to freeze solid. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason, and sometimes the same file will work, then freeze the next time.The freeze requires a "press and hold" of the power button to turn off the system. I don't get a blue screen, the existing one just locks up solid, and my cursor becomes immobile. No keys will function, nothing.

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Explorer.exe Freezes In Thumbnail View

Aug 20, 2008

this past week for some reason when i'm trying to access a picture folder located on another computer's hard drive (it's networked), when in thumbnail view explorer.exe totally stops responding. it works perfectly in detailed view and other views, but with thumbnail view it doesn't function. i tried to delete a thumbs.db but there isn't one available.

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Explorer Crashes When In Thumbnail View

Jul 11, 2005

It's not all the time. Usually in folders with larger amounts of photos in them. Doesn't make any sense though. I have 1.5 gigs of RAM (PC3200 at that). I can't imagine my pc can't keep up with populating some thumbnails. Can anyone point me to some literature on this?

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Thumbnail View Popup Description

Mar 30, 2010

Up til recently, when I'm in Windows Explorer and looking at files in Thumbnail View, I hover the mouse over the file and a pop up window appears showing the Type, the Size, and the Date the file was created. For some reason now, only the Type and the Size show, but not the Date!

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Thumbnail View In My Documents Error - Unspecified?

Jan 5, 2005

Just recently I noticed that when I choose 'thumbnail' view in My Documents, along the top it says 'unspecified'. Here is a picture of what I mean: Is there a way to fix that -- at this point, I'm not even sure what should be there. :S It's not causing any problems, but I'm wondering if maybe it's a sign that something isn't right?

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Toggle Display Of Filenames In Thumbnail View

Aug 12, 2002

Would you like to turn filenames off to make more space for thumbnails? Did your thumbnail view unexpectedly stop displaying filenames?Toggle the display of thumbnail filenames by pressing the shift key when you open a folder or when you switch into thumbnail view.

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Thumbnail View Only Showing Image Icons In Explorer

Oct 24, 2008

I've been using XP SP2 and have never had a problem with thumbnail view in windows explorer - I turn it on, it shows me pretty thumbnails of any images, movies, etc in the folder. A few days ago, I noticed that it had suddenly stopped working for image files - video and html files still get a preview, but not images. It stopped working about the time when I installed an old version of Photoshop (7.0.1, the only one I had laying about for a quick job I needed it for...), and my efforts on Google seem to imply that it may be the culprit

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Image Doesn't Show On Thumbnail - View Videos On My Computer

Apr 2, 2005

My problem is that in my computer with windows xp I used to always use the thumbnail view in the windows explorer to know which videos where which and also for images. But then my computer got all screwed up and I had to reformat it and install the windows xp again and downloaded all the new service packs and stuff.But now, I go to either the windows explorer or my computer and for images I can see the thumbnails but for videos it only shows either the windows media or realplayer logo but no thumbnail image of the video. It is driving me crazy because I really need to be able to see the thumbnails in order to identity them fast instead of having to open all of them!

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Unable To Changeing File Names?

Aug 18, 2005

When I try to rename a file I get a popup. It says (if you change a filename extension, the file may become unusable). How can I rename it without it becoming unusable?

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Unable To See File / Folder Names In Specific Folders

Mar 20, 2007

I have had this problem for a couple of years now, even in a few different computers. I have a folder with files I am keeping, copying it from computer to computer when I change computers. In this folder I am unable to see folder/file names unless I mark them. This has irritated me to some extent since there are around 12-13000 files in this folder by now. I have asked around at computer-tech stores, and some of my more or less nerdy friends. One of wich is mostly always able to help me but not with this.

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System Folder Names Changing To Very Odd Names

Jan 4, 2006

I noticed recently that my system and other folder names have changed on their own! What the -h- happened? I have never seen anything like this before. These folders appear on all of my drives c:, d:, g: and they are random. It looks like they are of another language, maybe? Actually, the wording makes no sense at all...> It looks like most of these folders previously existed.

Things I have done: Ran Anti-V program + Ewido Suite = No viruses, trojans, malware, etc. Ran three adware programs (ad-aware, spywareblaster, spyware doctor) = Clear. Checked all running processes and startup tab in mscofig = no peculiar programs detected. Ran regseeker = Phenominal amount of invalid keys, etc. (3,000+) very unusual to the norm!!!

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Unable To View Error Log

Mar 5, 2005

In a previous thread, XP was scanning on boot. I worked the problem to death, converted all partitions to NTFS, and we finally gave up. We formated 120G C: and re-partitioned...went from approx. three 40G parts to one 50G (C:) and remainder approx 65G (E:). This install was done yesterday, and this morning, on first boot, it froze at a black screen (desktop is black), with a solid drive action light. Re-boots do not evoke a scandisk, but give a good boot to the desktop. I've tried to view the error log, but it won't show any of those tools...."not found", sys info, etc.

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Unable To View SP Version?

Mar 23, 2005

COMPUTER MANUFACTURED IN SEPT.2003 how can i tell if the Windows XP version that was installed on the computer had SP1 with it or not? i have updated EVERYTHING that could be updated at the Windows Update home and when i review my 'installation history', i see nothing they says anything about SP1 was installed. Does that say thw Windows XP already had SP1 already,so it was not needed to install/update? i did install SP2.

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Unable To View Firewall Settings

Aug 15, 2005

When I go to the control panel and select Windows Firewall, I am getting the following error message "due to an unidentified problem, Windows cannot display windows firewall settings". I wanted to check the status as my T1 internet connection has ground to a halt. Dial-up is OK. I have run Norton, Adaware, spybot, amd MS antispyware and look good there.

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PS3 Unable To View On New Sony DVD Player For My TV

Aug 19, 2005

I have burned this little 15 MB movie I created w/PS3 and I have no problems playing it on any PC w/WMP Ver 10, but when I burn a copy onto a CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-, or DVD+ and try to play it in my new Sony DVD/VCR
multi-format player, it won't play. The Sony supports regular CD's, DVD+ RW/+R, DVD- RW/-R, JEPG, MP3, etc, it's brand new. So who do you call Microsoft who created the PS3 software, Toshiba (new laptop w/awsome
mulit-dvd burner drive), Record Now (software that does the burning) or Sony who manufactured the DVD/VCR unit (new).Each tech seems to want to brush me off on the other.Like, is there some simple switch or something I'm not doing that makes a big difference when I want this movie to burn to a disk to be played back on
a TV?

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Unable To View Pictures On This Website?

Jul 29, 2005

Can not view pictures on this website http://www.joellusion.com/
I am running IE 6.0, on Windows XP have run spyware doctor, registry mechanic, microsoft antispyware. I have turned off firewall and pop-up blocker. I still cannot view his pictures. This is a website my nephew built. Everyone else he has checked with can view them with no problem.

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Unable To Change View On My Desktop Look Like Xp?

Jul 22, 2005

I was given a laptop by my company with windows XP loaded. If I log into the computer locally as an administrator, I get the usual XP view. However, when I log into the computer with my own user name and password, I get the old NT view. I get an NT view on the rest of the computers in house except the rest of them really are running NT. How do I change the view on my desktop to look like XP?

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Unable To View Pics On A Site Already Visited?

Dec 31, 2005

Using XP home edition. I recently joined a Christmas card site to send E-cards and everything went okay. Today I wanted to send a New Years E-card but upon revisiting the site, I found I couldn't view any of the cards and got a blank screen with a small red 'x' in the top left-hand corner. I refreshed the screen but no joy. Then I altered security levels to minimum to see if that'd fix things - it didn't so I altered them back to default.

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Unable To View And Save My Saved Pics?

Aug 30, 2007

im having problems saving pictures Iv got a Packard Bell Windows XP Intel Pentium 4. Anyway my son plays on Toontown and one of his friends made him a little pic of his Toon but when I tried to save it then look at it again I couldnt! I right click on pic>save to my pics>save. But when I try to view it,it will not let me or it says that there is nothing to preview!

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Unable To View .pps Files To Open / Eidt?

Aug 9, 2008

I can't get .pps programs to open, I have microsoft power point viewer 2007.

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Unable To View .ppt / .pps Files In Home Edition?

Aug 23, 2005

I do not have PowerPoint on my new Dell computer. I have received some .ppt and .pps files and when I try to open them it spits the dummy! Is there a
way to vew these files or do I have to buy a PowerPoint package?

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Unable To Set Mass Per Folder View Options?

Aug 12, 2006

I have my Audio Files in a folder Called Mp3s, Which contains subfolders of genres which then contains subfolders of artists/albums etc. Now, For My Computer I have veiw settings to Detail / Groups.For the rest of the computer I have View Settings to List. However for the specific D:/MP3 Folder I would like to Have Details and my own columns. How do I set it so that I can have all my folders in D:/MP3 Are in Detail + my colums view without Overwriting the defualt all use list..?

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SP2 And IE7 - Unable To View Sites In Internet Explorer

Jan 28, 2008

i'm runnin XP SP2 and IE7. the problem i'm having is that ever since i moved i have been unable to view sites in Internet Explorer because I keep getting Apache Server at go.microsoft.com Port 8100. I have tried to reset the settings in Internet Options to manufacturers spec but that yielded no results. I can use internet explorer fine on the guest account, however it is indeed..a guest account. The issue isn't such a big deal since i use Firefox anyway, but it is annoying when i rip a CD to my computer and am forbidden to access CDDA for covers, song titles and such.

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Unable To View Desktop Icons & Toolbar

Jul 19, 2010

On startup i have nothing but a blank screen ( with nothing but the HP invent default pic ) and have to enter via task manager to run anything.

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Unable To View Web-site Data: Popup Failed To Appear?

May 18, 2010

When I open my internet explorer 8, I go to my home page (www.Windstream.net), I am only able to see the top part of the web-page, above the green line. All the news clips and data on the rest of the page do not appear. When I go to www.MSN.com or www.YAHOO.com, both pages appear as they normally show.
When I go to my bank's web-site, and try to login to do my online banking, the pop-up login fails to appear.

Another example is when I go to www.ADOBE.com, and select the "downloads" tab, then Adobe Reader, the page goes to the right place, but the yellow bar asking for permission to install Active-X never appears, and the pop-up that tells me to click here to begin download never appears.I am running AVG9.0 (free version) and Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware I tried removing IE8, which put me back at IE6, but I had the same problem. SO I downloaded and installed a fresh copy of IE8, but I have the same loss of data on my screens. This happens in IE6 and IE8, so I suspect that I am over-looking something obvious.

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Unable To View JPEG Attachments In Outlook Express

Aug 20, 2005

I suddenly find that I am unable to view .jpg file attchments that I receive on my e-mails -- I am using Outlook Express. When I attempt to view I receive a message "action is only valid for products that are installed".I looked thru help and options but unable to find anything to reslove

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Unable To View .pps Files After Critical System Updates?

Sep 17, 2005

I am having trouble viewing power point slide shows people send me via email.I recently did my critical and security updates and since doing that it hasn't worked to view these files..they worked before the updates. When I try to open a .pps file I get this message:This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Create an association in the folder options control panel.

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Unable To Play Or View Avi Files After System Restore?

Apr 2, 2007

recently i did a system restore to fix some problems that came up after my siblings used my computer. before the system restore i could play avi files no problem, but afterwards the media player can only play the sound.ive tried several movie players such as divx, windows media player, klite movie player, and vlc. all of them can play the audio but not video.i updated my divx codec and downloaded a new fddshow codec but it didnt work. k-lite codec pack comes with a whole lot of video codecs to play any movie format, but it still doesnt work.

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