Truncated Favorites Menu - Change?

Jun 10, 2006

I have been in the hospital and upon arriving home, I notice that when I click on Favorites in the menu bar (not the standard buttons bar)FILE-EDIT-VIEW-Favorites-TOOLS-HELP)I now get a truncated Favorites menu. I hate truncated menus. Can someone direct me to where I can change this back to the way it was?

Running IE 6.0.2900.2180 XP Pro with SP2.

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Truncated Dialog Boxes - Change Settings To Restore?

Aug 8, 2005

I am finding that many of the dialog boxes, which used to be normal, now display truncated. That is, portions of them, including various command buttons do not display, or only parts of the command buttons display. I'm sure I changed a setting somewhere to cause this, but I can't figure out what setting(s) will restore them to normal.

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Favorites Menu In Start Menu?

Jul 16, 2005

Is there a way to have the "favorites" menu in the start menu? Not just a shortcut to the "favorites" folder, but an actual menu that pops up and closes by itself, like in windows 98?

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Launching Favorites From Start Menu

Aug 14, 2005

I just realized a handy way to launch my favorites would be using the start menu. Only thing is that it launches in the same window that's open. Any way to get it to launch in a separate window. I am hoping that from reading about IE7, this will solve itself once you have tabbed browsing (eliminating the need for New IE window>Favorites>selection), but for now is thereanything I can do? Right clicking doesn't show me an open in new window unfortunately, so I don't know what else to try.

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File Paths - Pertains To Favorites And Start Menu

Jul 4, 2006

In C:Documents and SettingsUser I have 2 folders:

Start Menu

The files within the Start Menu folder, as an example, have the path: C:Documents and SettingsUserStart Menu.
If I rename the Start Menu folder to, say, xxxxStart Menu, and view path of the files in the folder again, the path remains the same C:Documents and SettingsUserStart Menu instead of what I expected to be C:Documents and SettingsUserxxxxStart Menu. The same applies for Favorites.

Additionally, I can leave the renamed xxxxStart Menu folder in Documents and SettingsUser and create a new folder of the same name (xxxxStart Menu) and it allows me to do this--even though both names are the same!

1) Is this normal?
2) Why is this?
3) Are these some kind of "special" folders that Windows XP treats differently?
4) Why doesn't this happen for other folders like Desktop, Cookies, Local Settings, SendTo, and Application Data?

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Move Favorites From CD Back To My Favorites Folder

Jan 18, 2005

I formatted my drive and reinstalled XP last week. I saved all the pictures in the My Pictures folder to CD and I also saved the Favorites to CD. I have learned (from Mr. Brody) how to put the pictures back in the My Pictures folder. I now need to know how to put the favorites back in the Favorites menu. Do I simply go down the page of links and add each link or is there some other way?

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Change Explorer Right Click Menu?

Jun 13, 2005

changed my right click menu in Windows Explorer/My Computer where �Search� is the top item.I would like to revert back to where �Open� is the top item and executes on a double click

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Change The Start Menu Text

Nov 29, 2006

guys im trying to change the text on the start menu from start to what i want
ive tried differrent things im wondering if theres a way to do it beside the application called resource hacker because i dont wanna touch the registry or explorer file.

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Change Search And Run Icons In Start Menu

Aug 12, 2002

It was impossible to get an Icon Package / Theme that would change ALL the icons in the Start Manu. The Typical Problem would arise with the Search and Run icons (I have disabled the rest...)A small search in the registry and I managed to identify the "keys" that control the default icons.To change them you need to get in the registry, and that can be done by going to Start > Run (or WinKey+R) and typing "regedit" (yes, without the quotes...)

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Change Bold Item On Right Click Menu

Sep 19, 2005

Like to change the bold item on the right click menu, how do I do that? For jpg images I want the double click behavior to be Preview which opens the Picture and Fax viewer, and not the Open item.

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Truncated Panels - Can Only See Half The Window

Feb 22, 2007

I am trying to install two different programs, but there's a problem. I am encountering windows or panels (or whatever you call them) that are cut off on the right side. I can only see half the window, so I cannot click the "next" buttons to continue the installation. It's like someone took an x-acto knife and sliced off the right half of the window. I also have this problem with my HP Printer Toolbox. I thought that maybe I had uninstalled a critical system font, but all the system fonts are there, except for Modern MS Sans Serif, which I can't find anywhere.

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Truncated Registry Key - Cant Open Or Delete It

Oct 21, 2007

I have a rather strange registry problem that I can't seem to fix. It's a truncated key in the HKLM/System/Control Sets(all)/Control/Media Categories/ and the key has been truncated ie. {C1j8C09B-11D8-4fa5 and the rest is gone. Regedit can't open or delete it and exporting the category cleans it up but the import still includes it since it can't be deleted. Error message is "Cannot open {C1j8C09B.... Error while opening key." Do you have a method that might accomplish the fix. It's not causing any harm yet since it resides in an area that defines speaker jacks that I don't use but I really want it clean and a reinstall is out of the question with 30 years of custom data and op sys mods.

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Start Menu Display - How To Change Settings As Default

Aug 4, 2005

I like to see all the programs in my start menu, not just the ones recently accessed. How do I change the settings in XP to see all as default?

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IE 6.0 Right Margin Truncated Printing Online Pages

Aug 1, 2005

I've been unable to find the (assumed) setting that no longer enables me to print any online page without the right margins being cut off...sometimes up to 1.5 inches of the page. So frustrated that I started using Firefox 3 months ago but the freezing after a day of use or using Acrobat drove me away from that browser.

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Truncated NewsGroup Names On Outlook Subscription List

Jun 25, 2005

Only the first few characters of the newsgroup names appear in the Outlook Express "Newsgroup Subscriptions" list. How can I make enough of the group name appear so that I can tell what groups Outlook is
trying to show me?

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Batch Files Accept Only Truncated Folder And File

Jun 17, 2005

I have a batch file which copies key folders and files between hard disks - It would seem that although it will accept only truncated folder and file names (e.g. progra~1) for the source, sub folder and file names are written to the target drive full length. Am I right in thinking that source names have to be written in the truncated form (after all it is, basically a DOS command)? if not how can this be done?

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Favorites Folder Has Another Favorites Folder Inside

Apr 30, 2007

I mistakenly copied the XP Favorites Folder within in itself twice. Now when you go to C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersFavorites you see two more Favorites Folders inside the original.When trying to delete the extra two Favorites Folders we get an error message Favorites is a Windows system folder and is required for Windows to run properly. It cannot be deleted.Is there a way to delete these two unnecessary Favorites Folders within the original?

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Computer Turning Off: Log Entry Is Not Valid/ Entry Truncated?

Jul 21, 2005

my laptop keeps turning itself off. I run Panda AV Software. On restarting I get these messages :program files/panda software/panda titanium antivirus 2005/ firewarll/travlog log entry is not valid local settings/temp/Dfd70e.tmp log entry is not valid. entry truncated local settings/temp/Dfd71D.tmp log entry is not valid. entry truncated

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Truncated Window Designations In Taskbar - Taskbar Grouping On

Jan 21, 2008

I've just switched from 98 to XP. I find now that the window designations in the taskbar for my *browser windows only* are severely and unaccountably truncated. My browser is IE6. Even if there's only one window open, if it's a browser window, only one letter will display. Other windows will properly display the full name. I've turned taskbar grouping on and off with no change. I've also run the SFC utility, with no change. There is no such problem in my Win98 machine, and my security settings (and all other settings) are the same. I don't wish to upgrade to IE7.

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IE6 Favorites?

Apr 15, 2008

For some reason, I can no longer utilize my favorites in IE6. My home page will load, and when I click on a link within my home page I can go to that site, but when I click on a favorite, all I get is a blank page. This happened some time back and I did a successful clean install which solved the issue, but I don't want to go that route again. I just did a regular install, but that did not fix the issue.

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Adding Favorites

Aug 12, 2007

I add a Favorite to IE.
It's OK to add a new Favorite Folder, but when press final enter, it hangs IE for ages, the hard drive goes bananas, and FINALLY it comes back to life, entered.
I do have a lot of favorites. Is there a Tweak for this?

XP Pro
1gig Ram

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Need Instructions On How To Trf Favorites From IE

Mar 6, 2010

Need instructions on how to trf. favorites from I.E. to safari. Need icon to click on to take me there.

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Favorites Won't Delete

Nov 19, 2006

Just a simple thing-but it's annoying me!! When I have no further use for a 'favorite' in my MSN browser, I delete it as normal in organise favorites, but when I log in again - it's there once more. Tried lots of times but they still return to haunt me. I'm running Windows XP SP2 with all relevant updates installed. Has someone got the answer to this problem for me?

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Cannot Save Favorites XP

May 20, 2005

I've updated from ME to XP and have just finished setting it up. The only problem I've found is that I cannot save Favorites. When I go to Organise/Create Folder I get an error message 306.

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Is There A Way To Back Up Favorites?

Jan 31, 2007

I was wondering if there is a way of sending all of the sites on my favorites to a disc driectly from the favorites file or do I need to write all of them down?

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Favorites In New Page?

Oct 24, 2006

I am trying to open each Favorite in its own Window? Tried CPanel>IEoptions>Adv>Re-Use Windows for Launching Short Cuts. NOPE Tried Folder Options in MY Computer>C:>Docs&Settings>Fav. NOPE

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Exporting Favorites From MSN Explorer 8 Or 9?

Jul 17, 2005

I'm trying to export favorites from MSN Explorer. I use MSN as my ISP and I'm unable to figure out how to export my favorites. How can I do this in MSN Explorer?

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Moving Favorites To New Computer

Mar 8, 2005

My daughter bought a new computer (DELL with WIN XP) She asked me to take the files from her old (hardly working) computer, which had WIN 98, and get them onto the new computer.This didn't prove as easy as it sounded. The floppy drive didn't work on the old one, and no CD burner.I zipped the folders and mailed them to her Yahoo email (which can be openned on my computer and her new one), then openned and unzipped them on MINE and burned them on a cd.This worked good, but the FAVORITES folder couldn't be burned on a cd, it kept saying the file names (urls) were too long and if burned it wouldn't work after.So, I left that unzipped in her email. Today, she unzipped it, and (as I suggested) copied and pasted the folders/url links from the old favorites folder into the new one. This works, they open in the folder (in MY DOCS) but they don't show on the desktop, like START>FAVORITES I think in XP there is a different way of showing this (I haven't looked at it much and have never used anything over 98SE, myself).Anyway, is there a way of getting the favorites (urls and those in folders) into the favorites on the new (XP) computer so they show up like the new ones she is putting in? I looked in google and one place said to export the old FAVORITES folder to a floppy (I couldn't do, it didn't work) and then IMPORT it in the new one.If it has to be imported (and not dragged, or copy/pasted) can't it be imported from the unzipped folder or somewhere else?

Is it too late to save on a floppy (from the unzipped folder on the new computer) and import it, if it has to be done that way? I have been thinking of it like fonts. you can install fonts, but you can also unzip them and drag them into the fonts folder and they seem to go in and work just as well.Can favorites (links) be dragged or copy/pasted into the FAVORITES folder on the new computer and have them show up in FAVORITES on the desktop? Maybe it has to be shut down and restarted first? Maybe I'm missing something. I've never done this before, but putting the old FAVORITES in the new FAVORITES folder seemed like it would work.The original files/folders have been deleted from the old computer. They are in Yahoo mail as a zip file and can be unzipped and are all there. Can they be exported to a floppy from there? Then imported into the Favorites folder, if it has to be done that way?

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Moving Favorites To A New Computer

Apr 5, 2008

I have Windows XP on my computer, In a few days I am buying a new Windows computer. Can I export my Favorites to a floppy disk? If so, how exactly would I do it? Then on the new computer how exactly would I import my Favorites from the floppy disk to the Favorites in the new computer?

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Favorites Won't Return To Folder?

Mar 6, 2010

Used to be that when I was searching through folders in favorites that it would return to that folder when reviewing the different web pages within that folder. Now I have to search for the folder each time I view a page within the folder. I have XP SP3 with IE8. Is there any way to change the way favorites works (options)? I hate that favorites closes every time instead of staying open while you're trying to find a particular page. Seems its gotten less friendly through the years.

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Favorites Folder Need To Recover

Apr 9, 2007

lost my windowsxp home,a friend offered to install his copy and said it would worked until i found out my copy wasn't those 2 yrs all was fine,lost contact w/friend.Now couldn<t download xpservice pack 2,and the recently purchased norton anti virus would not work.was told needed to get new xpcd.was ok with that but not wanting to loose data had my bussness parter's boyfriend who work on pc take my desktop to save all my datas on an external drive.when went to pick up pc the external drive could not be read.I was devastated.thru a recovery program he was able to recover pictures and emails from my original drive and he transered all into a new external drive.but my favorites folder wasn't not recovered.and i had a bunch of adress from months of research that i really need.he tells me there is no this true?one more question,i had some back up of that folder on cd,now that my pc is all ok(genuinexp etc)do i just put these cd and re-instal those save favorites?I learned my lesson and want to make regular weekly back-ups,which program are best.faily new at this.

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