Toshiba Notebook It Freezes When Loading Icons

Aug 16, 2009

This question is for my grandson - he has a Toshiba notebook XP and everytime he logs on to his account it freezes when loading icons etc. the guest account works reasonably well.This started when his cousin downloaded the new windows msn 8 and that's when the freezing happened, tried to delete the new program from the add and remove but it says it cannot do this (no idea why) We have tried to disable his own account but it wont accept his administrators password. which makes it impossible to change anything as it tells us we need the permission of the administrator.

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Toshiba Satellite Notebook Driver

Nov 29, 2007

Toshiba satellite notebook that has something wrong with the driver. When i go to burn a dvd now or even a cd it tells me to attach an external drive, or the area where you choose which location to burn to is greyed out. I can't seem to look up the model number on the Toshiba website, the number on my receipt is A70wb200e, while the number i brought up using the system itself is mfwt020acp08.

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2.5 Toshiba Notebook Drive / USB External Drive Not Recognized?

Mar 16, 2005

I installed an a 2.5 Toshiba notebook drive in a external enclosure and I can't get XP to recognize it. The drive spins up and the light comes on to indicate it is running but nothing is shown in device manager or My computer. It also is not shown in disk management.I have uninstalled the the USB drivers through the device manager with no change after rebooting. The USB ports work fine with my other external drive.The drive was working fine in a notebook that had a
cracked screen. It is formated in NTFS. What else should I be looking at to solve this problem?

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Loading Bar Freezes Just Befor Last Bar Appears?

Nov 25, 2009

Loading bar freezes just befor last bar appears. I will get a blank screen.

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Computer Freezes BEFORE Loading Screen?

Jan 4, 2009

I had a similar problem not too long ago where my PC would not load and I had to re-install windows. But now, If I try to press F8 it just ignores it and carrys on into loading windows normally, which causes the PC to freeze. This also happens when I try and boot from my windows setup disk. I have checked all the lights on my keyboard and they are all on and working whenever I press Caps Lock etc.As for Viruses etc. I had not downloaded anything new onto the PC since this last hapened and I have been running regular Anti-Virus scans every 2-3 days.

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Loading Screen Freezes After Repair Of OS?

Sep 27, 2009

I started getting BSOD when powering on. So I put in my XP disk and used Startup / Repair. It completed more or less successfully. However, when I boot up I get the Windows XP Home loading screen, the 3 green dots pass by 3-5 times, then freeze. I can get in via Safe Mode, and my apps seem to run OK.

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Freezes Randomly After Loading Qwest DSL?

Jul 31, 2005

I have loaded Actiontec from Qwest to activate modem for DSL. Ever since doing this, Wndows (any progam I may be running) freezes. It only happens when I am online. I can hook back up to my phone line, and everything runs fine. I am also running Norton Internet Security 2005. I am using Norton's firewall, not Windows. I have been tested by Qwest, and all my lines and connections show good or in working order with their system. So I am wondering where to start checking in Windows setups or preferences. Where do I begin to look for problems or conflicts.

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Pro Totally Freezes While Desktop Is Loading

Apr 1, 2006

My XP Pro freezes thoroughly, mouse and keyboard in place, and the machine appears to be in a coma. I must power down to get out of it.The freeze may take place while the desktop is loading, or it may wait for me to do a few thinks, but it doesn't take long. If I boot in safe mode with network it doesn't freeze.If I boot in other than safe mode, when the cursor is left at center screen (after loading my info) it takes several minutes to finish loading systray, desktop, etc.

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PC Freezes On Loading Bar / System Wont Boot?

Dec 10, 2008

I went away at the weekend, came back on Monday and the PC wouldn't boot. It gets to the point of the loading bar / splash screen and then just stops, the PC then has to be turned off or reset. It will boot into safe mode and seems relitively responsive, there are no signs of any spware of viruses and the last windows update was done in November.

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Loading Screen Freezes At A Certain Point On Startup?

Sep 2, 2006

It seems like ever since the first xp pro installation i made on this computer i have had nothing but problems. every time i turn on my computer, i see normal computer information before the windows screen, when the windows screen comes, the loading bar freezes at a certain point. It will sit at that point until i restart the computer by the button on the tower. Once it happens once, it will continue to happen until i reinstall windows using the cd. After i reinstall, it will boot up fine, but next time i restart my computer it starts all over.

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Screen Freezes When Loading The Operating System?

Jun 28, 2006

I got this problem that my computer just stops when loading WindowsXP I got the Computer today and i installed WindowsXP but when i try to start up the computer just it freezes while loading. I tried to re-instal it but still it again freezes.

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System Freezes When Loading User's Settings?

Jun 21, 2009

I am using multiple user accounts in WinXP so I enter a password every time to log-in. when the pc is turned on, win boots to the log-in screen, I enter the password, press OK and then the whole process freezes on the screen saying: "Welcome, loading user's settings..."once, I was waiting for 30 minutes and nothing happend. still that screen, I can move with mouse, but there is no clock sign next to the mouse cursor. HDD light on my PC case is not blinking, it seems to me like HDD thinks it has nothing to do.I can solve this only with reseting PC (using the reset button). no ctrl+alt+delete or something.after reboot it works just always fine. password, OK, loading and I am in.

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Can't Install Pro On Computer - Stops Loading / Freezes

Oct 3, 2008

my names Neil and I'm from Washington state, Ive had problems trying to install xp pro on my computer. Let's see so far ive tried everything from different hard drives to taking out all hardware not needed. I've even went online and downloaded killdisk to reformat my drives so that they are completely reformatted. Let's see...every time I try to install xp pro this is what i do. First I go into the bios and redirect the the cd to main boot then my hard drive then my floppy, in that order. I reboot my computer with the xp disc in the drive. Following that I create a new partition and begin the install, it installs all of the files it needs to run xp setup, then it comes to the screen that says it has to reboot, it does and then it comes to "hit any button to boot from cd" I dont hit anything. It continues to the next screen, the loading xp screen, and it always stops loading there and freezes. If someone can help that would be great! Itz driving me crazy, and I really really want to fix this pc myself, instead of bringing it to a comp shop.

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Booting - Loading Freezes And Blue Error Screen

Jan 2, 2006

When I boot my computer up my computer is freezing up once in a while at the loading screen with the blue loading bar. The bar goes across about three times and the on the fourth time it stops and freezes and nothing happens after that. Once in awhile it will go to a blue error screen witht the following codes: 0x0000008E (0xC0000005, 0xF9787C09, 0xF9677FE8, 0x00000000).

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Freezes On Startup, Loading Bar Below Logo Stops Moving?

Sep 1, 2009

The past few days I've been having issues with my desktop where when I turn it on, it runs through BIOS, and then begins to boot windows xp, but after maybe 10-15 seconds of loading windows xp, the loading bar beneath the Windows XP logo (it has three little blue boxes that move from left to right) will just stop moving. If I reset the computer it then asks to go into normal booting, or safe mode, safe mode booting always works but even when I system restore it doesnt seem to work. Out of maybe 50 times where the loading bar has crashed, its only properly loaded about two or three times.

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Computer Freezes At Loading Screen / Blue Bar Hung?

Oct 18, 2006

My dad installed some program on his computer, didn't like it, and uninstalled it. After that, his computer crashed and I haven't been able to get passed the screen with Windows XP Professional and the moving blue bar and then it freezes. Last Good Configuration doesn't work; it ends up at the same place and the blue bar stops also. I System Restored it to the day before he installed the program; once again, the blue bar stops moving.Could this be a hardware issue? Virus (unlikely)?

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Not Loading Properly - No Icons - IE

Jun 23, 2006

when I went to turn on my computer it will only load to my wallpaper. No icons, nothing but the wallpaper. I get a message telling me that IE has encountered a problem and needs to close. I have tried system restore and tried to reinstall windows but it will not even load the restore disk. All the user accounts on the computer are doing the same thing.

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Icons That Are Not Loading In My Task Bar

Oct 4, 2008

I have icons that are not loading in my taskbar. When I check msconfig, under startup, everything is checked to be loaded. However, no icons are loaded even though task manager shows the services loaded and running. They seem to come and go at random.

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Desktop Icons Not Loading Neither Is Start Bar?

Nov 6, 2008

hi ive had this problem for bout a month now everytime i log on the start bar or icons never appear. i had my mate look at it but he could not resolve the issue. i need to get to important files such as rental agreements. i got the full avg software ran it but still no luck seems all viruses are deleted to my knowledge.

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Toshiba Requires - Toshiba Software

Feb 14, 2010

Installing XP home on a Toshiba A150 S2194 Laptop.Does Toshiba Tech Requires Toshiba Software installation for registering with MS / Validating the 25 digit key install sticker on the laptop caseI have a TOSHIBA A105 S2194 laptop with no recovery disks.

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Not Loading Start Menu And Desktop Icons

Feb 1, 2006

Out of nowhere when I log into Windows, it loads the wallpaper but refuses to load the rest of the desktop (start menu, desktop icons, etc.). The only way I can browse the computer is by opening the task manager and running a new task (opening the C drive).

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Systray Icons Stop Loading - Local Area Connection

Feb 12, 2005

I have a few icons in my systray that I'd like to stop loading

1. A double monitor icon with a big red cross, that when hovered over displays '' Local area connection, a network cable is unplugged ''

2. Volume button.

3. Safely remove hardware button.

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Computer Freezes / Attacked By Viruses / Missing Desktop Icons?

Sep 22, 2008

my computer got infected with a malware or two. I honestly forgot what they're called but one of them was called rogue. something. A few of my desktop icons got deleted and sometimes I wouldnt c the start button or the computer wouldnt detect the main harddrive and various other errors. It also gave me fake anti virus ads I installed many different programs to remove it but none were successful, except Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware.Now, my computer has been so unstable that I dont even feel like it's a new computer.

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Boot Freezes At "Loading Your Personal Settings"

Sep 13, 2005

Most of the time my XP Pro Sp2 system freezes upon booting and will not get past the "Loading Your Personal Settings" screen. I can do a hard restart two or three times and encounter the same thing. However, I can boot into the desktop in Safe Mode, and when I restart after that everything is normal.I'm booting into an administrator account, using the welcome screen with no password, and loading very little upon startup, basically Norton AV and Firewall, that's it.No virii, no spyware, no trojans, etc. All hardware diagnostics perfect

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Cleaning Out Notebook

Oct 2, 2007

It's a Gateway computer. It is the 200X series running XP Pro and fully updated. I am looking for advice for taking all my data, music, email off the hard drive and leaving the computer with the operating system, office, norton and maybe a couple of other basic programs. I do not need to transfer all my data to a new machine. Do I need to go all the way to a reformatting of the drive to clean out my data files?

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Choosing A Notebook Between Two

Apr 20, 2005

I am getting ready to buy my first laptop computer and don't have a clue as to what I should be looking home computer is a Dell, and I am somewhat happy with it, but I have noticed that the Dell's laptops are quite expensive...more so than the other brands....I am looking for something not higher than $1,600...I have ruled out Gateway, as I have heard too many horror stories...especially with their customer service.

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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Notebook Is Switched Off For Some Hours

Mar 28, 2007

I have a hp pavilion model having windows XP home. Since few days I have problem while initial start up. I get the message PXE-E53 No Boot file name found followed by error message - No operating sysyem found.If I switch on and off several times the notebook starts normally with Windows XP. After it is on there is no problem afterwards. But I have this problem always when the notebook is switched off for some hours.

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My Notebook Stops Responding

Jul 19, 2006

I have got DELL Inspiron 6000 notebook, 1.6 GHz 590MHz FSB Intel Pentium Processor and 1GB RAM with Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Service Pack 2 installed.Since couple of weeks my notebook stops responding for 4-5seconds like it stops responding to my keystrokes and mouse movements and clicks. Even the music stops playing during that time.

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Sudden Slow Down On Notebook

Sep 27, 2010

The problem I got is that suddenly my trusty notebook started taking 10 minutes to start up while it usually took it 30-50 seconds, I really hope this is not a hardware/RAM issue as I don't have the money right now to buy required parts to fix it and my job depends on working in my computer. And in case it's useful here is a logfile of hijack this I just did.after the 10 minutes it takes it to start, it works as smoothly as it have always done,

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Dead Touchpad On HP Notebook Running XP

Jan 4, 2007

I've got an HP Pavilion ze4400 on which the touchpad doesn't work. I can't be sure whether it's a faulty device or if drivers aren't installed. In Control Panel, under Mouse, Hardware, only one device (the USB mouse I'm using) shows up. I'm not sure what the standard touchpad driver for HP notebooks is. Going through the Add Hardware Wizard and telling XP that the device is already installed, it then gives me a list of installed hardware to select from. I don't know what that driver is, if it's even in there. what the driver is this

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