I recently installed IE7, and I'm not sure if this is the cause of my problem, but ever since right around then, sometimes when I right click on my Google Talk icon in the right side of the taskbar, the Gtalk menu will pop up as always, but the taskbar menu (which says "Lock the taskbar", etc.) will pop up over it, so I can't access, say, the "Check mail now" command. This doesn't always happen, maybe 25-50% of the time. In addition to that, my Microsoft Excel Help will crash sometimes when I try to open up a help window in it, and sometimes when I open Winamp and am navigating through my music library, right around when I try to play some songs, Winamp will crash.If any of these issues are related, but they are all problems that happen between 25% and 50% of the time, and all started recently, around the time I installed IE 7.
I have a computer that has had XP installed on it for over one year with no problems.A few days ago it exhibited an error message "Initiated by NT Authority/System - Remote Call Service terminated unexpectedly" in 60 seconds it rebooted the computer.The process repeated itself whenever the computer was rebooted.I found news messages that others had had this experience when a certain virus was active in 2003 and concluded that somehow I had been infected. The Microsoft letters on the subject have not yielded anything that worked.( http://support.microsoft.com/kb/893086 for example)
I just installed Win XP on a freshly formatted C: drive of an IBM HDD using a slipstreamed XP disk.It appeared to install normally, loaded all the required drivers and configured without problems. But when booted and rebooted several times it shows a desktop with the standard background, BUT NO TASKBAR nor START BUTTON. The computer is ok because it loads XP normally from the slave drive.When I run the Task Manager it shows the startup files, explorer.exe and normal processes, but will not respond to the shutdown option.Since I can't access "Run", I can't run "Regedit" or any of the suggestions made to others.
With XP Pro SP2, I enable "Group similar taskbar buttons". I generally have my taskbar stretched 2 to 3 rows even so. Sometimes, when I have a lot of windows open, and the similar taskbar buttons group and stack themselves, so 1 button contains 2 or 3 open tasks, I can't get any action out of the buttons that represent multiple open tasks.
Any of the taskbar buttons that represent a single open task are fine. But any buttons that represent multiple open tasks don't respond. I have to do Alt - Tab to bring a task to the front, if it's one of the tasks on a button that represents a group. Or I can go to Taskbar Properties, and deselect "Group similar taskbar buttons".
I've just switched from 98 to XP. I find now that the window designations in the taskbar for my *browser windows only* are severely and unaccountably truncated. My browser is IE6. Even if there's only one window open, if it's a browser window, only one letter will display. Other windows will properly display the full name. I've turned taskbar grouping on and off with no change. I've also run the SFC utility, with no change. There is no such problem in my Win98 machine, and my security settings (and all other settings) are the same. I don't wish to upgrade to IE7.
I want to see all task bar buttons and not have them grouped. XP Taskbar menu offers check "Group similar taskbar buttons." I leave this unchecked, then Apply, then OK. XP still groups the similar buttons (e.g., Word doc1, Word doc2, etc.) instead of having these ungrouped.
I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".
I have a proble with my XP taskbar. The other day it switched from time to reflect time and DAY. Which increased the size of my icons and now they look like ish... Can someone assist me in getting rid of the day stamp? I only need to know the time.
Since yesterday upon startup I am finding the word "Dialog" in my taskbar and I don't know what it means. When right clicked, options are to move or close and when left clicked nothing happens. Can someone tell me what this is?
I have a Dell computer running Windows XP. All of a sudden Taskbar not functioning. I right click on it and nothing. Also CTL+ALT+DEL is not functioning as well.
I didn't make a wise decision. I used a clean up program called ET Remover and it was going to remove something from the registry. But when it tried to, it didn't work saying that it was being used by another program. So I went into the registry and took it out. Dumb.I'm not completely sure if that's why I have this problem, but it seems like a likely candidate. Under my taskbar there is a line which is not supposed to be there. I took a picture of it with my camera because it wouldn't show up in print screen. Made it red so it was easy to see in the picture. It has a shaking like effect. If I open a window of something and move it around I can see it moving in the bottom space. I also have a program called windows blinds, but I dont think that's the problem. It's not the monitor either. I ran a symantec scan, but I really doubt that could be it. I also tried a system restore to no avial.
I have windows xp Home ed.When I UNINSTAL programs there are icons still hiden in the taskbar. If I right clik on the taskbar, then I choose PROPERTIES, then TASKBAR, then CUSTOMIZE, there they are, divided in two sections: "present items" and "past items". How can I get rid of them, especially of the past ones? But if possible of the present ones too?
I cant get rid of Quicktime or Safely Remove Hardware. They are always there I have done the Right Click/Customize Notifications and then selected always hide to each but makes no difference I have also made the others i want to see always show and this still doesnt rid me of these pesky icons?
I would like to add some icons to the task bar on the bottom of the monitor. For some reason, they just don't want to stay there, keep jumping back. Have a Compaq Presario, windows, home, xP, sp2
I have a problem with my windowXP and IE7. I donot know what it is. After using the computer for a few hours, I cannot make a right click on any link in the IE7. Sometimes I cannot right click on the taskbar either. It is even worst when I cannot open any new console window i.e cannot open new window explorer, cannot open chat log. Has anyone ever got the same problem? And does anyone know how to solve it. Note that I have just reinstalled my Window a few days ago. However, after installing since the svchost runs continuously, I followed some guides on the net to unregister/register some services. Not sure, if it causes problem or not but at least it can stop svchost from running continuously.
The taskbar at the bottom of the screen is twice as big as it should be. Usually you can unlock it and put your mouse cursor at the top and drag it down or up. this one you can drag up but it won't go down. The clock had the time, day, and month and year stacked up that might be why, how do you change that to just the time? or how would I get the task bar back to just one that is the size of the start button like it should be?
Is there a way to put an icon like the Explorer icon in Windows 98, at the lower left hand corner in XP? I have a client who refuses to upgrade to XP and this is one of his biggest complaints
When i extend desktop to 2nd monitor it works very well, however i don't see my taskbar and stsrt button. I look back on main monitor and the taskbar is there but no desktop icons. How do i get both on monitor #2. Also can i use my TV via the S-video connection as a monitor without having the 1st monitor attached? My tv is 5yr old Mitsubishi that does not have DVI or VGA inputs. The PC is new Media Center HP with Nvidia vid card to allow TV out. It has only S-video and DVI and 1 VGA outlet, no composite out. I tried S-video out via red blue and green adaptor but could not get signal with RCA connection.
Here's a screenshot. You can see how some aspects of the OS are changed (because of the theme), but the taskbar looks like it's in classic mode
I've tried applying the theme with StyleXP, but it wasn't compatible with my build of XP. I've also tried using TuneUp Utilities Styler, but that didn't help either. I've checked Taskbar->Properties->Start Menu, and it was set to "Windows XP", not classic
The date quit showing when I hovered the cursor on the clock. While playing around with it the entire Start, taskbar, notification, and clock ended up on right side of the screen. While trying to fix it, it disappeared. I rebooted and it came back on the right side. How do I get it back on the bottom? Once back on bottom (hopefully), how do I get the date to show (it's hidden under systray. I can see a small sliver peeking up)?
How do i get rid of the stupid little printer icon in my taskbar? it is a network printer (set up on another ocmputer and im networked with that computeR)
Every time restart windows the language bar icon comes up in the taskbar and hten i uncheck it and everytime it comes back how do i permanitly get rid of it?
my computer is not able to display on the language bar on the taskbar, when i go to cntrol panel, language bar preference is not in active mode, 2ndly i have the problem with CD/DVD Drive, when i insert the CD/DVD containing medias like Movie, songs etc, my computer can't read.but it can read CD/DVD containing Datas like softwares.
I had to restart my computer after it finished a spyware scan. It restarted just fine, but I noticed a lot of things wrong once I logged on. 1)can't minimize programs to the taskbar. They won't show up if I try to minimize them, but I can access them by using alt+tab. 2)can't hide inactive windows, no circle with the arrows to click to minimize. I've tried right clicking on the taskbar and going to properties, but when i click hide inactive icons, and click apply nothing happens. Also when I click the customize button, the customize notification menu is empty. 3)I have no sound. I went to the control panel and checked on the sound and audio devices. I went through all of the tabs and they all said there was no device, but when i checked the hardware properties it said everything was working properly. 4)when I access the task manager and click on the processes tab, the user name column is empty. Usually there is either administrator or system.Other than these problems, everything else works fine. I recently installed something before my computer restarted and I uninstalled it and restarted it again and the same problem was there. if anybody knows what to do I would be extremely greatful.
I somehow got my taskbar to be two lines. I can drag it down to hide it, but I cannot get it to go back to one line. If I click the mouse on the top line of the taskbar, I get the double arrow, but cannot seem to get it to go back to one line.
I have a gateway notebook running Windows XP. There are 2 user accounts, each with administrative rights. I recently installed SP2, defragged the hard drive, and cleaned up some spyware and adware with spybot and adaware. I am also running Norton Anti-Virus and all definitions are up-to-date. (This is my college daughter's computer). All ran fine after doing this, but after the next boot, the taskbar completely disappeared. I was finally able to get it back, but only by selecting the quick launch toolbar. If I deselect the quick launch tool bar, the whole taskbar goes away. The real problem is that programs no longer show up on the taskbar when they are opened (Word, Excel, IE, Trillian, etc). And, if I open a program, and then minimize it, it goes away completely as though it were closed, but if I open task manager, the application is still running. I have to close the applications from task manager. The really odd thing is that this is only happening on one of the user accounts (my daughter's). The other user account is functioning normally. Short of creating an additional user account or using system restore and starting all over, does anyone have any ideas on how to repair this?