Small sound recorder disappeared and it's impossible to get it again even from the XP CD. What can I do? What happened? I had it since a short while ago. Exe is still inside Windows folder.
i am wondering if anyone knows if there is a way to adjust the length in which the windows xp sound recorder will record sounds from example a web site? currently it seems to be able to only record up to 1 minute of sound. i would like to be able to record the sound from a Internet video which is about 3 minutes long. does anyone know if there is a way to adjust the recording length?
I have an HP Pavilion a815n desktop PC with Win XP Home. Recently I noticed that Sound Recorder and calculator are missing. I tried researching HP website but without any luck on how to restore the missing things. The only way I know is to restore them is by installing XP again because I tried using Software restore CD that came with the PC but no luck.I have one hard drive that is divided in 3 NTFS partitions. One of which has OS and other two partitions are data drives. If I try to format system partition in order to reinstall OS, will my other two data partitions remain intact?
My son likes to play around with the sound recorder on my computer. For some reason it has quit working. It says not enough memory to complete this operation. Quit one or more application to increase available memory and try again.
Using XP Pro - go to start, programs, accessories, entertainment, sound recorder. I have used this sound recorder to record a message that I wish to email to a few people. After recording the message, I save it to my desktop. I then go to my email account and attach the file that I have saved to my desktop. The problem seems to be that what I am attaching is actually the address to my desktop and not the actual recording I am trying to send. In other words, what I am sending directs to "C:Documents and SettingsDavidDesktop". Anyway, I would really like to solve this problem and send the recording that I have been trying to do. All help appreciated. Thank you.
Not sure if this is the right forum but whenever I speak on teamspeak or even record myself with sound recorder, all the noises from my speakers, yes speakers, echo in the recording and its 10x as loud as it is in the speaker. For example, I'm talking on teamspeak and someone else says something, their words echo 10x as loud and they kick me
"Another application is recording audio. Stop recording with this other application and then try to record with Sound Recorder again." I have turned off all of the start up programs, restarted my computer, and even uninstalled TotalRecorder, which I thought was causing the problem.
I have tried to use Audio Audicity to record as well, but I get an error message there also, so something is really screwing everything up for me.
fro no known reason my sound has disappeared. I am running Dell, xp home dimension 3000 machine. I have gone to the control panel, opened sound and audio devices. The boxes are all gray on the sound tab so unable to access anything.
I have XP Home SP2 (of course a correct license, and with automatic Windows update). Suddenly the sound on my computer disappeared. The sound card drivers looks okay, but the volume and mixer programs seem to be gone. Maybe some other sound/audio programs and/or dll:s are missing too, I don't know. I can not install them again because the only disc I got from the supplier is a recovery disc so that the computer becomes as new (for 3? years ago), so that is not an option (it would take me a month to update and configure everything again, then). And there are no extra (for install purposes) windows sw on the harddisc. And I cannot find anything useful on Microsofts site and they do not have any useful support service for my problem as it seems. So, I am stuck and now need help from you guys.
There are a few things that contributed to the leadup to me losing my Device Manager and sound. First, about 3 weeks ago, I bought 2 sticks of Mushkin EM3200 DDR RAM (two 1GB sticks; 2GB total). Installed it, and it disagreed with my board in a big way (apparently it was the voltages or timings). I managed to get as far as "Verifying DMI Pool Data..." before I got one of two error messages: "NTLDR is missing. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart." or "Windows failed to load because the System32 folder is corrupt or missing." In each case, I popped in my Windows XP disc and fixed the boot record from the recovery console (I did not restore the MBR), and it booted right in.
At the time, Windows booted up just fine, but lately I've been having some funky problems. I've got one SATA drive (partitioned into two) which is my boot drive and one IDE drive that I just use for storage. Sometimes, with my IDE drive plugged in on boot, I can't get Windows to load by any means. Sometimes it boots just fine. When it boots fine, and I go into "My Computer" (either via the Start Menu or the icon on the desktop) it takes about 20-30 seconds to actually display anything (I get either the flashlight-over-folder animation or it just doesn't load). With my IDE drive unplugged, I get no such issues.
As well, the first couple of times I restored the boot record, I had no issues with sound at all. Then suddenly Windows started saying I had no sound device (my volume icon had disappeared, and the "Sounds and Audio Devices" menu in the Control Panel showed no output/playback device) although I clearly do have one. The weird thing is, I still got sound. Then I updated my sound card drivers (it's onboard sound; Realtek AC'97, pretty standard fare) and lost sound completely. All I get now is motherboard/PC speaker beeps. So I attempted to check the Device Manager to see if maybe there was just a device conflict. I say attempted because my Device Manager was completely blank. And I mean completely. All it showed was the title bar, menu buttons, and a white page. Nothing else. Zip.Just ran out to work and got an Audigy for $30 thinking it may just have been my onboard sound kicking the bucket. Installed it, booted up and tried to install the drivers. The driver installation program detected no Audigy in my machine (and I thought it wouldn't because Windows didn't pop up with the little "Found New Hardware Wizard" when I booted).
Reinstalled XP and since that moment the audio disapeared. I have a clone from ECS, model M925, board V7.3 with XP SP2 but sound card is onboard. Recently bougth a new Inland sound card requiring me to disable the onboard sound device and I did it but still nothing. The device manager is still showing a not-working PCI simple communication controller. The new pci sound card still is dead. How can I fix this problem?
I just got my first DVD recorder and am wondering what would be the best brand of DVD I should buy so I don't end up with very many coasters. While I am at it should I buy DVD-r or DVD+r so my DVDs can be played in most DVD players out there.
I am looking for something for recording DVD's that is better than Nero, cause I am not too fond of the new Nero edition. v7.5.1.1. Please let me know if you know of any other program that can record files to CD and DVD like Nero does.
have a sony drx-830u external dvd recorder. when i go into my comp., it shows it as my f drive. when i try 2 open it, it says f is not accesable, incorrect funtion. when i hit properties + have a blank dvd in drive it says it,s full? when i go into device manager it says it,s working properly.
When I open a window it is too small and it shows a lot of desktop. I will stetch it to the right size and go file and close but when I open it again it is small again. What gives?
I have read all the posts I could find here about going to Win 7.So I know I need to have a clean install done.Will be taking comp to comp store,learned the hard way to stop doing things when I'm not sure what I am doing.My question is,since Win 7 will be 64 bit,can I install 4GB of ram instead of the 2GB that XP only supports, mobo says only use 2 GB,a GB in each slot but I'm hoping that is because of XP, the mobo is 64 bit capable, in that it supports both 32 bit and 64 bit.And should I get a new small HDD to have the XP moved to,or can all the files and folders from XP be transferred to Win 7?
When I open certain programs, for example the preferances program for my printer, the window is too small and I can't read everything in there, and it does not have a maximize box to make it larger. how can I fix this? Is this a windows problem or an application problem?
When i open programs such as google, netflix, local library and most all pages they do not fill the entire screen. I always have to click on the maximize button. How do i remedy this issue? Running XP Pro... Athlon Xp 2600 2.08 Ghz with 512 Ram.
One day, not sure how, I pushed some key while on a credit card website and all of a sudden the font became very small (like half the size of this) !! It affected every site I go to. I don't really know how to explain it, but I can't read most websites anymore including this one.
Fonts are way too Small and the choice of Colors I can hardly see to Read anything here anymore! Sometimes,some things are just best left alone I know ever who did all this worked hard and meant well
I need to download powerpoint, not the full version, a disk from school that I need to look at. I asked before, got a small version trial, don't remember that opened it. When I installed the new hard drive, forgot about powerpoint. Now I need it for a picture sent to me. It only took a minute or less to download the version of powerpoint
When I click on a link which asks me to send an email, a small screen comes up headed New Messages. The From and To fields are already filled in correctly when it appears but when I type my message/request/whatever, along comes another screen headed Dial Up Connection and then Connect (my ISV.) My name again is correctly filled in with a space saying if I want to change this password what password? to enter it in space provided.
I have tried every known password which I have ever used and when I press to connect, another little screen pops up telling me that it is 'unable to establish connection.' how to get around this? I end up copying and pasting the original link into my btYahoo mail box and sending it that way. A tad long winded
The ability to drag any small window with all the contents. Not just the outline of the window. I have tried again and again to get it to stay on and checked, all to no avail. I don't understand why. At the desk top I right click anywhere to get to very small window with (properties) at the very bottom. I then click on Properties and get (Appearance). Next I click on appearance tab to get to the window that has the (Effects) button. Next, I click on the effects tab and look to see if the little bitty square next to (Show Window Contents While Dragging) is checked. And it is never checked. So I check it to get the effect of dragging the contents with the window as I move it around the screen.
When a subsidary window pops up in various programs they are too small, and i can't view the entire box.On the left side and in the bottom of the window there are several boxes that i can't view the entire content of. sometimes, depending on the program, i'm able to "fix" the problem by resizing the box, but other times the boxes are not resizeable. It's getting to be really frustrating.
I am using XP and would like to know how to make My Computer, My Documents, Recycle Bin and Control Panel open in full screen as all other items do. It really annoys me that they open in a small screen meaning I have to maximise them every time I open them.
Just a few days ago when I browse the internet, the text of the websites I visit has become smaller than usual. Small to the point of having a hard time reading them. I have not changed any settings nor has anyone else used it between the time it was normal and when it starting doing this.