Sites Do Not Recognize The Password

May 20, 2007

I have 2 sites that do not recognize the password (yes it's the correct one) I then request a new password which I type in but the sites do not recognize the password?

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Web Sites To NOT Remember Name / Password?

Jul 29, 2005

What are the most common causes for web sites to NOT remember me (name/password) when told to do so by checking their web form? In IE, I've got "Privacy" set to medium and "Override automatic cookie handling" unchecked. It's a bummer to re-enter that stuff each time.

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Password Login To Sites Works Sometimes And Not Others

Dec 24, 2006

I can not log into my hotmail account, my account and some sites that are password logins. I can log into my profile page for yahoo, I can change the password on both so I know the login id is correct and the password is correct, but when I try to login to the mailbox, it says the password is incorrect. What is crazy is that I can login to other password login sites such as my online stock trading account and other sites...

but for yahoo, msn (hotmail) and some others, such as a forum web sites, etc. there is some glitch that does not recognize the correct password and let me in. One site asked why I hadn't logged in for a while and sent me login id and password, but when I went there and tried to log in ... could not. I keep getting same login page it is as if the password is not catching... strange way to put it, but with right login id and right password, why will it not recognize and continue on instead of kicking up the same window over and over?..............

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Changed Settings On Laptop: Wont Recognize Password?

Apr 8, 2008

I have one of my users pc's (running XP Pro on a Windows 2003 network), it boots up fine but whenever she goes to print the spoolsv hits 100% and we have to kill it. Of course without it she can't print. This has also happened occasionally when she opens an application, the spoolsv will hit 100%. Does anyone have any ideas? I need to get her printing again.

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Changed Settings On Laptop: Wont Recognize Password?

Oct 26, 2007

I recently changed a setting on my Dell laptop and now when I try and log on it doesn't recognize my password. I can't access anything on it. I receive a log on error.

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Hosts File Not Blocking Sites Properly / Sites Blocked In Options?

Sep 9, 2005

Is there any reason the hosts file should not block sites properly?Certain sites I have put in there aren't being blocked, and this is a problem. Also, does it only block the major site (just the and not all subdomains of that? (for example "")

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Connected To The Internet, Can Ping Sites, But Can't Open Sites In Firefox

Apr 5, 2007

I'm really clueless as to my next, step possibly a re-install of windows, i have a laptop and another PC both networked to my PC using crossover cables. 2 network cards in my computer bridged and ICS shared over the bridge. Both can access the internet with no problems using internet explorer, MSN etc. open web pages using Internet Explorer or Firefox sign into msn has once or twice since this problem started I have scanned with ad-aware and norton 2007 both up to date, found some things and fixed them but still not working.

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Pc Won't Let Me Go To Certain Sites Like Paypal Or Anti-virus Sites, Malware?

Aug 2, 2009

when out of no where, I received those weird progams on my PC which are those fake Virus scanners and such. i then deleted it from the source, and ran my Nortan scan and my spysweeper, and they found nothing wrong with my pc. Now, the PC will NOT let me go to "important" sites. For example, Bank of America, Paypal, anti-virus sites, Ebay, etc. But will let me go to sites like Myspace or forums. I had my favs on my toolbar as tiles so its easier to access them, i had about 10 of them, and now only 5 remain after the whole thing happened, and the 5 that were removed were "important" sites. Almost every thing on my tool bar was removed, including File, Edit, View, Tools, and such. My search engine is still displayed though.

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Can't Access Antivirus Sites - IE Switches To Ad Sites

Jan 3, 2009

One of the kids downloaded rapid antivirus and it's screwed everything up. I've managed to get rid of therapid AV, but it looks like I've got some malware/adware of some sort running. Attempts to get to symantec, mcaffee, avg, etc give site not available results in IE 7 - includes!!!!, but non-"fixit" sites like google and everything else in the world I can get to. Every few clicks, the url is redirected to an ad site. I've run adaware and trendmicro which found Troj_vg_fcx and removed it, but the problem persists.

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BLUE SCREEN SITES (links To Sites That Have Fixes For Blue Screen Errors)?

Jan 22, 2005

I need some links to some sites that will provide information and also fixes for blue screen errors in Win NT/2000/XP. I will be using them on my website, which in turn will be used at my workplace. Thanks for any help that you can offer.

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Indows XP Pro Installed On IBM T60 Laptop / Windows Password On Security Wizard / Incorrect Password

Feb 15, 2009

I have Windows XP Pro installed on IBM T60 Laptop.Whenever I start the Laptop up,the Windows Security Sey up Wizard appears and I wish to stop this appearing every time.In addition,if I fill in my Windows password on the security wizard the system says that I am using the incorrect password.Please can someone advise me how to solve these problems.

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Admin Password And Password For User That Ran Wizard Wont Work

Aug 5, 2007

I ran the network setup wizard on both computers, when i go to 'view workgroup computers' and click on the one i want to connect to i am asked for a password, i tried the admin password and the password for the user that ran the wizard -- neither worked .

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Cannot Log In In Some Sites

Apr 21, 2005

For two months now i cannot login in some site. I put my user name and password but the site not respond ( is something like refresh to the site). The strange is when i put different password the site can recognize that is wrong. The problem happens in specific web site and when i login from an other computer i can login normally.

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Cant Type Password Into Password Box On Logon Screen Win Xp Home

Dec 29, 2005

I have just installed a linksys wireless router onto my desktop computer to add a wireless laptop and for some reason, when the User Logon screen comes up. The hand cursor never becomes a cursor for me to type in passowords to user accounts. I went into safe mode and then into control panel and deleted the passwords for each user acct and now I can get into the accounts but how can I add the passwords again and be able to type them in. We have 3 user accounts on this pc and would like to have them password protected.

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Entering Password Takes Me Straight To Log-off And Password Re-entry

Apr 3, 2009

I was doing a clean up with Ccleaner etc and in my haste I did not take note of what I was clicking. Spybot Search and Destroy flashed up and I clicked to allow, or not allow as the case may be, to do something to, from what I can remember, 'WLON' or something similarly named. In any case, what happens now is that I fire up the computer, enter my password, the desktop briefly flashes up for a split second(no icons) and then it immediately logs off and goes to password entry again.

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Blank Administrator Password Pro - Invalid Password Response

Jan 15, 2006

My account on my computer (Win XP Pro SP2) is an Administrator account. Over a year ago, I got tired of entering my password because I an the only person that uses this computer. I did something so it would boot without the password screen appearing ( I don't remember what, but I think I left the password line blank).
Since the computer boots directly to my account, I am never prompted to enter a password; but if I use Power Options (and the computer sleeps), it wakes to the login screen and I cannot reenter my account. I have to reboot. On the login screen, I have tried leaving the password blank and entering every password I use, but I get an Invalid Password response.

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Torrent Sites

Jul 18, 2005

while reading through a thread i read a reference to torrent sites in relation to free software etc. Also on the same thread i read a reference to them being dangerous(viruses etc) im wondering what the dangers are and would i be doing somthing illegal if i was to download and use material from a torrent site(s) i googled and found many sites but no information as to whether its illegal or safe to use such sites/material. I sincerly appologise if im out of line but my thirst for learning begs me to ask this question.

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Web Sites Want Load

Nov 26, 2007

About half the web sites I go to get on will not load and an error comes up saying "it cannot display the webpage" and some do not even load. Some sites are even in my favorites that I look on daily and havnt been able to in about 4-5 days. I also use AIM messenger and it will log into my sisters name but not mine, I made another screen name and it still will not sign-in for me. I have ran kaspersky(sp?) in safe mode and nothing came up. I uninstalled that and now how AVG ran that and it found 2 trojans. I deleted those and re-started and still same problems. I have ran spyware and adware programs including spybot. Just went to a proxy site and I can access the sites through that proxy site that I couldn't earlier. So I don't know what the deal is, still need a fix because that was just to check.I'm not going to that proxy site anymore.

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Cant Open Some Sites

Jan 14, 2005

I cannot open (never ever could) ANY .TK in IE or FF. I used to be able to access all those listed but the .tk, until a few days ago those meetthe1337 sites and ALL bitedesigns stopped loading. please help! i moderate those meetthe1337 forums and really need to be able to access them!

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Strange Way To Get To Different Sites

Jun 2, 2005

What i am experiencing is when i have my home page up---i try to go to a different site and the page will close only way to get to a different site is hold the ctrl key down and then click on a site i want to go to. I tried going to add/remove to try and repair ie6 but it will not let me repair it. I also tried to over install ie6 and says i have latest version- i can't even uninstall ie6--not sure why? This is what i have: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) as i said it is strange having to hold the ctrl key sown togo to other sites.

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IE Cannot Reach Several Sites

Jun 16, 2005

For the last 4 or 5 days I've not been able to connect to several sites including:, windows update (and several other MS related sites,) and connections to a number of sites have slowed to a crawl.The XP SP2 upgrade was over a month ago and I've had no problems related to that other than my computer slowing down a bit.What really throws me is this occurring on two different computers using different O/S's. I've checked the IE security settings tab and the advanced tab on all three machines (they are all set to default)

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Lost Password - Compaq Saying Password Expired

Aug 19, 2005

I got Compaq Armada 1592 Its screen said password expired, enter old password, then the new password. I entered old password, tried all sorts of combinations of upper case, lower case I thought I could just bypass that screen and start as new user, but apparently

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Password Only Log In / One User And It Will Change Based Upon The Password

Jun 2, 2010

I am currently trying to set up a log in for xp where the user changes based upon only the password you enter. in other words there will only be one user and it will change based upon the password you enter. i also want to be able to tell who logged on and when.

for example say i setting up a business computer that 20 people will use but i don't want 20 accounts i only want one and each people will have a different password and based upon the password they enter i will be able to tell who downloaded what and installed what by knowing who logged on. thanks for the help

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Cookies From 3rd Party Web Sites

May 9, 2005

I keep getting 2 cookies from 3rd party web sites that interfere with my surfing. Other than changing the privacy settings to HIGH. which blocks cookies I want ?

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Cookies- Does Not Allow Access To Certain Sites

Oct 27, 2006

Having deleted all cookies IE 6 "XP" friends computer does not allow her access to certain sites where before she had to log in, using her original password ,Tesco etc.

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Browser/Cookie Sites I Can't Log On

Oct 5, 2006

I upgraded the Grisoft AVG 7.5 Anti Virus program. Some sites I cannot log on to at all. Some sites , like this one, I can log on but it won't remember me & I have to log in again. I am constantly getting the Security Alert banner on the screen. The one about the certificates. I tried going to the Elder Geek for IE repair but it said I need the Service pak CD and I don't have that.

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Rundll32.exe & Alg.exe Are Trying Connecting To FTP Sites?

Aug 12, 2009

I am seeing this, rundll32.exe & alg.exe are connecting to FTP site it seems its hacked

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This Page Cannot Be Displayed On Some Sites

Jun 23, 2005

I get this message on some sites but not all.

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How To Auto-login Sites?

May 8, 2006

How can I auto login/stay logged in to sites? Like forums, I usually get logged out after 1-2hrs, does changing the cookie expiration date/time help, how can I do that?Is there anything that logs in automatically for me(without clicking), not just to save passwords?

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Ftp Programs Can't Connect To Sites - IE

Dec 13, 2004

I am using Windows XP Pro on my system and just recently I ran into a problem where my ftp programs could no longer connect to sites. I tried connecting to those sites using IE and it works using IE but any ftp program I use havent been able to connect

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IE Website Will Not Load Sites

Jul 25, 2005

Whenever I log on to certain websites especially my bank sites IE and firefox both will not bring up the sites after I have put in my username and password. It starts to log on to the site and then it just stop. Is there anything in my internet option settings that I need change?

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