Torrent Sites

Jul 18, 2005

while reading through a thread i read a reference to torrent sites in relation to free software etc. Also on the same thread i read a reference to them being dangerous(viruses etc) im wondering what the dangers are and would i be doing somthing illegal if i was to download and use material from a torrent site(s) i googled and found many sites but no information as to whether its illegal or safe to use such sites/material. I sincerly appologise if im out of line but my thirst for learning begs me to ask this question.

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Opera .torrent Handeling - Capturing All My Torrent Downloads

Mar 20, 2007

opera is capturing all my torrent downloads but i dont want that to happen. I have another client i wish to use (utorrent). i have checked the file associations in windows and utorrent they are right. ? BUT opear still claims them? i have checked the plug-ins in opera and cant see anything for torrents?

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Hosts File Not Blocking Sites Properly / Sites Blocked In Options?

Sep 9, 2005

Is there any reason the hosts file should not block sites properly?Certain sites I have put in there aren't being blocked, and this is a problem. Also, does it only block the major site (just the and not all subdomains of that? (for example "")

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Connected To The Internet, Can Ping Sites, But Can't Open Sites In Firefox

Apr 5, 2007

I'm really clueless as to my next, step possibly a re-install of windows, i have a laptop and another PC both networked to my PC using crossover cables. 2 network cards in my computer bridged and ICS shared over the bridge. Both can access the internet with no problems using internet explorer, MSN etc. open web pages using Internet Explorer or Firefox sign into msn has once or twice since this problem started I have scanned with ad-aware and norton 2007 both up to date, found some things and fixed them but still not working.

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Pc Won't Let Me Go To Certain Sites Like Paypal Or Anti-virus Sites, Malware?

Aug 2, 2009

when out of no where, I received those weird progams on my PC which are those fake Virus scanners and such. i then deleted it from the source, and ran my Nortan scan and my spysweeper, and they found nothing wrong with my pc. Now, the PC will NOT let me go to "important" sites. For example, Bank of America, Paypal, anti-virus sites, Ebay, etc. But will let me go to sites like Myspace or forums. I had my favs on my toolbar as tiles so its easier to access them, i had about 10 of them, and now only 5 remain after the whole thing happened, and the 5 that were removed were "important" sites. Almost every thing on my tool bar was removed, including File, Edit, View, Tools, and such. My search engine is still displayed though.

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Can't Access Antivirus Sites - IE Switches To Ad Sites

Jan 3, 2009

One of the kids downloaded rapid antivirus and it's screwed everything up. I've managed to get rid of therapid AV, but it looks like I've got some malware/adware of some sort running. Attempts to get to symantec, mcaffee, avg, etc give site not available results in IE 7 - includes!!!!, but non-"fixit" sites like google and everything else in the world I can get to. Every few clicks, the url is redirected to an ad site. I've run adaware and trendmicro which found Troj_vg_fcx and removed it, but the problem persists.

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What Is Bit Torrent?

Nov 15, 2005

hi guys i would like to know what bit torrent is?

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BLUE SCREEN SITES (links To Sites That Have Fixes For Blue Screen Errors)?

Jan 22, 2005

I need some links to some sites that will provide information and also fixes for blue screen errors in Win NT/2000/XP. I will be using them on my website, which in turn will be used at my workplace. Thanks for any help that you can offer.

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Downloading OEM SP2? Torrent

Sep 11, 2007

I have been having problems with my computer and a frend told me to download Windows XP OEM SP2 using a torrent website and UTORRENT. However, i'm not sure if my computer is OEM or not, so if I downloaded OEM version, would this mess up my computer even more? Or shall i just download Windows XP SP2?

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Purchase Or Download Torrent / SP2

Aug 12, 2006

I am building a Core 2 Duo system in the next week but had one question. Is it worth it to waste 90 bucks on a XP Home Edition OEM disc when I can just go out and download a torrent. I really don't feel like spending this money, which I can use towards Vista or other parts.

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Bit Torrent Port Number?

Jan 24, 2005

what is the bit torrent port number? where it could be found on internet or i have to buy from shop or some ware.

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Cannot Delete Torrent File

Aug 22, 2005

I have a folder created on my desktop that I had used to store bittorrent files. Just the torrent files themselves, not the actual file. I have no need for this folder anymore, but I'm not allowed to delete it. Whenever I try I get an error deleting file message. Under the folders properties it says there are zero bytes in the folder, although there are two hidden files inside the folder. Both files basically dont exist. They're both 0KB. The file names are CAJP5ZM6. and CA6R4JV0. I've tried booting into safe mode, that didnt work. I've tried closing out explorer.exe and trying to delete through the msdos window, didnt work. I've tried the program MoveOnBoot. Didnt work. So basically I've tried everything I could pull up a search on. There has to be a way to get rid of this folder and files, but how do you delete what is essentially already deleted? I've also tried the program dellater. Basically the same as moveonboot. Neither worked. The folder and the 2 files themselves are for some reason read-only files. When I try to change that attribute of course I get that cannot find file error message. I'm stuck, theres no file left. ZERO KB. Just two hidden icons basically. Windows doesnt notice that they're just garbage.

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IE7 Install - Downloaded The Torrent

Sep 22, 2007

i am currently running Windows XP SP3. its a beta SP3 or something. i downloaded the torrent when i heard that it was leaked. anyway, i was fooling around with IE7 and i accidentally uninstalled it and my current internet explorer version is 6. But now, i can not install IE7 again! I get the Installation Can Not Be Complete error message.

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With Bit Torrent And Norton - Popping Up Asking Want To Block?

Jul 20, 2005

while im uploading something from bit torrent, norton, is always popping up asking me if i want to block it or permit the bit torrent program. even if bit torrent is on my permit list, its always asking me, and its bugging the crap out of me, while im trying to type something, the damn window keeps popping up, im already having a hard time typing this.

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Virtually All Torrent Downloads Are Corrupt

May 18, 2006

I'm seriously confused. I'm using utorrent, but I don't think that's the problem. Every single thing rar'd I d/l gets a CRC error, Could it be windows firewall? My d-link router? Bad motherboard?

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System Mechanic Pro 7 Safe To Torrent?

Mar 14, 2007

is a system mechanic pro 7 safe to torrent. will it mess up my system.

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Intranet Connection Dies With Bit Torrent

Mar 7, 2006

I posted this here because I assume it has more to do with my actual computer setup than anything else, but I apologize if I am mistaken.I am currently running WinXP SP2.I have this problem in that quite often when running my bittorrent client (Azureus), I just lose connection with my router and I cannot regain connection uintil I reboot the router...even rebooting the comuter doesn't seem to do the trick. This happens with certain trackers more than others, but only with bittorrent, and not even at extreme upload or download speeds. I can be uploading at 20kb/s and downloading at even less and lose it, when at other times I can be uploading files to web host at 200kb/s without problems.

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Getting Slow Downloading Speed While Using Bit-torrent?

May 8, 2008

I'm having a problem with Windows.Download speeds are really slow.For example, i download @ 30KB/s from rapidshare! Thats really slow!And i have run a lot of tests and my computer is NOT infected. I have no programs using my bandwidth,when im not downloading anything, Windows says there are no connections open and there are no transfers.Now, i do get to download at full speed using Orbit but downloading without it takes ages.If i have to update a program, it takes ages

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Downloaded Torrent File: Unable To Delete?

Jun 30, 2009

I recently downloaded a torrent file to my desktop. I immediately noticed the file did not look like it was supposed to, and the file is 0 bytes in size. I tried to delete the file, but I get an error message (Cannot Delete File: Cannot read from the source file or disc). If I try to rename the file, it stays highlighted and the error message will not go away. I have to reboot to get the error message off of my desktop. When I click on properties, I'm told the type of file is: "File", and the size, and size on disc is 0 bytes.

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Bit Torrent - Doesn't Move Or Start The Download

Oct 22, 2005

On my old computer, i ran bittorrent and downloaded LEGAL stuff off of, but for some reason now i'm on my lapotp and none of the things want to download it just doesn't move or start the download. I AM running Norton, would this do anythign?

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Bit Torrent Downloads - Dont Load Up The Installer

Jul 2, 2008

Have got bit torrent and the problems is that have recently downloaded the software for warrock an multi media massivley role playing game it says that its at 100 per cent but when click on it it dont load up the installer. The file says its 602 mb and its uploaded 207mb so how is this 100 per cent? Under status it has seeding?

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Dreading Instalation. Is There A Hacked Install Torrent?

Jan 8, 2009

I have a genuine Windows XP Pro license. However I have an ancient disk, and every time I install it after a major upgrade, it takes FOREVER and leaves me wide open to security risks during the live updates etc. Is there a trusted SP3 updated DVD Windows torrent with bells and whistles like winzip, codecs, updated chipset drivers and all of the other free utls everyone uses preinstalled installed? I know there are 100's around, but figure 95% of them are trojan tastic. I went to and frankly, something inside me died when I went looking for anything resembling an updated version of Windows I can download, mount and use with my key.

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Desktop Board D845GEBV2 And D845GERG2 Torrent

Sep 14, 2009

I am looking for this IntelĀ® Desktop Board D845GEBV2 and D845GERG2 BIOS.

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Standby Or Hibernate - Will P2P (emule Or Torrent) Fall Off

Mar 2, 2007

I use P2P and my machine runs overnight, 24 X 7. I have also noticed a sizeable jump in my electricity bills and then that's obvious. I was planning to cut down the power consumption[ @ nights] by keeping my XP either on 'standby' or 'hibernate' mode. Question is , will my P2P[emule or torrent] fall off with either of these two getting activated? Basically my ideal situation would be power consumption + P2P running in the backgrd.

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Cannot Log In In Some Sites

Apr 21, 2005

For two months now i cannot login in some site. I put my user name and password but the site not respond ( is something like refresh to the site). The strange is when i put different password the site can recognize that is wrong. The problem happens in specific web site and when i login from an other computer i can login normally.

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Web Sites Want Load

Nov 26, 2007

About half the web sites I go to get on will not load and an error comes up saying "it cannot display the webpage" and some do not even load. Some sites are even in my favorites that I look on daily and havnt been able to in about 4-5 days. I also use AIM messenger and it will log into my sisters name but not mine, I made another screen name and it still will not sign-in for me. I have ran kaspersky(sp?) in safe mode and nothing came up. I uninstalled that and now how AVG ran that and it found 2 trojans. I deleted those and re-started and still same problems. I have ran spyware and adware programs including spybot. Just went to a proxy site and I can access the sites through that proxy site that I couldn't earlier. So I don't know what the deal is, still need a fix because that was just to check.I'm not going to that proxy site anymore.

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Cant Open Some Sites

Jan 14, 2005

I cannot open (never ever could) ANY .TK in IE or FF. I used to be able to access all those listed but the .tk, until a few days ago those meetthe1337 sites and ALL bitedesigns stopped loading. please help! i moderate those meetthe1337 forums and really need to be able to access them!

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Strange Way To Get To Different Sites

Jun 2, 2005

What i am experiencing is when i have my home page up---i try to go to a different site and the page will close only way to get to a different site is hold the ctrl key down and then click on a site i want to go to. I tried going to add/remove to try and repair ie6 but it will not let me repair it. I also tried to over install ie6 and says i have latest version- i can't even uninstall ie6--not sure why? This is what i have: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) as i said it is strange having to hold the ctrl key sown togo to other sites.

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IE Cannot Reach Several Sites

Jun 16, 2005

For the last 4 or 5 days I've not been able to connect to several sites including:, windows update (and several other MS related sites,) and connections to a number of sites have slowed to a crawl.The XP SP2 upgrade was over a month ago and I've had no problems related to that other than my computer slowing down a bit.What really throws me is this occurring on two different computers using different O/S's. I've checked the IE security settings tab and the advanced tab on all three machines (they are all set to default)

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Cookies From 3rd Party Web Sites

May 9, 2005

I keep getting 2 cookies from 3rd party web sites that interfere with my surfing. Other than changing the privacy settings to HIGH. which blocks cookies I want ?

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Cookies- Does Not Allow Access To Certain Sites

Oct 27, 2006

Having deleted all cookies IE 6 "XP" friends computer does not allow her access to certain sites where before she had to log in, using her original password ,Tesco etc.

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