Last week my father gave me his computer which is a 2 year old Dell running Windows XP Pro. It works great but this weekend I realized he never did Windows upgrades and only is using Service Pack 1, he never installed Service Pack 2.
Question: What types of problems might I encounter if I do all the up to date Windows upgrades including Service Pack 2 at this late date?
I have a Dell Latitude c840 Laptop which I love - especially as it has a superb 1600*1200 resolution on the monitor... however, it came with and still runs XP Pro on Service Pack 1.Having read loads of bad press about compatibility issues with XService Pack 2, I decided a year ago not to upgrade - but now I feel I am missing out on the new features in that release etc.So, I want to try an upgrade. Here's my quick qn... when one upgrades to Service Pack 2 using the built in Windows Update
The first thing is I keep getting a 'Windows Installer' box popping up which says 'preparing to install' when I check my Hotmail emails. This problem began after I had a windows update which turned out to be an upgrade to Service Pack 3, last week. As soon as I've clicked cancel on the Windows Installer box, I get an alert from ZoneAlarm saying Windows Messenger is requesting to access the internet.
The first time it happened I just let the installer do what it was trying to as I thought the service pack upgrade had made changes to some settings. But then it happened again as soon as I opened the next email (I only open emails from people who I know like my close friends or family by the way). So I'm presuming there's a problem somewhere?
Once I installed sp3, I could not get past the windows loading screen, so I started in safemode and uninstalled sp3 that way. My question is, does uninstalling sp3 remove sp2 as well. I can not see sp2 under add/remove programs, but my windows update history says I downloaded sp2 last May.
I have had Windows XP on my computer for 3 years, during that time I have had no problems with updates. A couple of days ago updates were running when I got the following message box. Service pack 3 setup. Access denied1! Microsoft will now un-install the current updates. At this point I was in a hurry to leave and shut off my computer thinking that when I started up again, the updates would resume their activity.......
Every time I try to download SP2 computer restarts during the installation, specifically when its making backup files. I got this error signature after the computer rebooted I have a Widows XP Home edition.
My friend just got the net however she cant use it because she needs SP2. shes on SP1 Shes using a wireless connection. she cant connect to the net to download SP2 then to SP3. so is there a way I can download it? then pass it to her via USB? Link to download?
If you go to Microsoft to download it it is old and it do't have all the updates. The Date Published is 08/10/2004.Is there any place to get the most updated version?
i have heard many good and bad things about teh new service pack and being a novice i am having a hard time trying to find a straight yes or no answer anywhere all im finding is very technical answers that i do not understand half of what people are saying
I have a retail version of Windows XP Pro without any service packs. Where can I download SP3? I looked at Microsoft's website but it is way to confusing. I think I downloaded SP3 but it said it was meant for IT professionals to be used on a network.
I have service pack 3 on my desktop pc with windows xp. is it possible to downgrade to service pack, my wireless usb adapter will work on it properly, This is what I was told to do by a tech at Linksys just now, although it worked fine last night, they know they have issues with service pack 3 on xp, and have not got a driver working yet for service pack So they told me to downgrade my pc to service pack 2 until they do have a good driver
I tried downloading service pack 2 and it messed up my computer and it takes a while to get onto it and the internet is slow. I can only use it in safe mode. Please tell me what to do, besides reboot the computer, for I have done that 2 times already.
I normally remove the updates/SPs from my Windows folder after a few days of running with the SP installed. All those packs can take up a ton of space. I move them to a separate folder for safe keeping for about a week, then, if all is well, I delete them. I don't think I've deleted the IE7 SP, but I don't know what the SP number is.
Is there any way to get a copy of service pack 1 OTHER than from Microsoft?....I bought my copy of XP Pro at a computer show and its license key is no I can't install the version from MS
Concerning windows XP i'm being promted with an update to install service pack 3 (SP3) i'm currently running on (SP2) i've researched on (SP3) but before installing the upgrade would just like to know from users already using (SP3) what their comments are.
I am unable to install windows xp service pack 2. I have downloaded it and it gets to final stages of instalation (performing cleaning) and then I get an error message saying that it could not complete installation. I have a proper copy of win xp and have used it for ages and registered it. The problems came when I got a new motherboard and it asked me to register windows which I did successfully. When I went to download SP2 it told me I had to register windows and to follow certain steps in the control panel.
I run sfc, I get a message saying insert your xp pro service pack 3 cd. The problem is that I don't have sp3 cd. What should I do? By the way, I don't have xp intallation cd, but I have manufacturer's restore cd which does not have sp2 nor sp3.
I never installed Windows Service pack 2 on my computer yet. Do I really need this installed? Also, do I have to shut down any programs before installing it?
Today I got a new computer, and set up a home network with my DSL connection. Well, I noticed that my older computer hadn't been updated in a while so I downloaded/installed all the new XP updates, including SP2. Well as soon as I did that, Windows would not boot. So I turned off auto-reboot when it encounters an error. Even worse. Now I can't even go into safe mode, unless it's the command line. So I decided, what the heck, I need to clean up anyways. And I try to reinstall windows, my CD won't load. So now I'm stuck with a nice blue paperweight that won't boot windows and I can't boot the XP CD. If anyone has encountered this problem, and fixed it, please reply. If not, I'm getting Redhat right now, and going to install that, format, uninstall and put XP back in. I was just hoping for an easier way out.
Right now I have SP1, an activated firewall with Norton Anti-virus and blah blah blah. I'm not on a network, am only online on dial-up and just use this computer for boards like this, Live Journal, nothing fancy, no P2P stuff. Considering these things, how necessary would it be for me to get Service Pack 2 and why?
I bought a new iMac recently and has been petitioned with Win.XP.I`m on the fence about downloading SP3 after hearing much that has made me leery of it.How do you folks out there feel about it at this point? Please kick me off the fence, one way or the other.
I installed sp3 last night every thing went fine after rebooting my system is slow,half my icons are messed up,when i go to my computer it takes aprox two min two find my drives,