Server Crashes Reboots Itself Or Hangs

Aug 29, 2005

I inherited a LAN with Win2000 RAID 5 as the main server. I am not IT trained and have learned some by reading books, papers, etc. but still have along way to go. Things run fine except that every 1-2 weeks the server will either crash with no BSOD just blackness and no response to keyboard or mouse, or it will BSOD and save a mini dump, or it will reboot itself and sometimes save a mini dump. I have no clue how to read these dumps.
There is never anything indicating any kind of problem in the Event log prior, but after I get a message saying the previous shutdown was unexpected. When the server crashes the other DC on that domain will not serve the clients although they share the AD. I have 2 other domains, both WINNT, and one disallows access when the main server crashes and the other domain I have no feedback on.

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Computer Crashes / Randomly Reboots

Apr 10, 2006

(World of Warcraft and Counter-Strike Source) as well as during startup and during desktop use, that my computer sometimes reboots itself automatically. Like pressing the restart button, or the screen freezes (occurs when playing Counter-Strike Source) and my audio emits a very high pitched stuttering sound and no commands work, and as such the computer must be manually restarted. I would greatly appreciate it if someone would be able to give me some clues as to what is wrong.I am currently using the latest free addtion of Zone Labs 'Zone Alarm' firewall and AVG free anti-virus + Ad-Aware SE Personal Spyware removal. These programs have not found any viruses on the computer, although sometimes during a virus scan with AVG the computer will automatically reboot half-way through the virus scan procedure.

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System Crashes And Reboots Often And W/o Warning/reason?

Dec 22, 2005

my PC has started rebooting without any seeming rhyme or reason -- and each time it restarts the disc check finds unhappy first i thought the crashes were because of system overload -- too many programs running and/or tasks i was having it do all at once. with no applications running - and it'll blip out and reboot all on its own. more than once.i know there isn't a virus; i run norton and i also went digging, just to be sure. i also finally had it checked out; they couldn't find anything specific. i've stripped about all i can think of from my start-up and have removed software i like but don't have to have, trying to make it easier on the computer.the 'crash' doesn't give any warnings or errors. my computer simply does a restart.

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Server Service Hangs On Startup

Aug 8, 2005

XP Pro, compaq laptop. Now, the Server service hangs on starting. Boot the laptop, a few services start (see first listed Info event), then nothing for 15 minutes, at which time the error is logged, then the Server service starts, and all is well.During that 15 minutes, the taskbar, Start menu, etc are all unavialable--the hourglass is in effect.I've tried the netsh ip int reset command, also the winsock reset command,without effect.

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System Hangs Then Crashes

Jan 29, 2007

Looking for some help, started having problems yesterday when i noticed that my PC took a bit longer to boot than usual.I've had a few crashed when writing to disk, i presume this as i was downloading a dj mix (perfectly legit, from a music forum!) and the screen would freeze, no error messages and i had to turn off. Same thing happened again, i defragged my drive and still has issues, almost freezing, stuttering but if i stop surfing, it recovers.System is C2D E6400, Segate SATA 160GB, 1GB Corsair value ram no over clocking.

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Hangs / Crashes On Start Up

Jun 14, 2006

Im new to the forums, some very helpful members here! just hope someone can help me! here is the problem i am having I have Windows XP Pro Service Pack 2, v2096. Version 2000. Anyway,when i turn my computer on from the power, the Windows logo appears with the bar going across loading as normal. Then suddenly it will either stop in the middle of the bar loading and will hang there and not Load up! OR the bar will just keep running across under the logo and nothing will load.It does this all the time, if you get a lucky day it will load up. but it takes HOURS!! does anybody know what the problem is or how it can be resolved?

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Crashes And Hangs On Brand New Computer

Apr 13, 2006

Recently have got a new comp with pretty good specs (xp media centre edition), and plenty of ram and memory. However I have noticied that now and again i will get a crash or a hang. Typically when i exit MSN messenger it will crash and stop responding. I have also noticed that sometimes my sound doesnt work. Then when i restart it will be fine again! I know this shouldnt be happeneing on a new comp but not sure how to solve this problem or even if this is in the right topic.

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Hangs On Restart / Shutdown Crashes On Startup

Apr 17, 2007

Working on a laptop for one of my friends, and came across few problems I couldn't fix.When attempting to properly shutdown or restart, xp (SP2) hangs on "Saving your settings"I searched this problem and found many similar problems, but no fixes.Most sites/forums reffered the problems to SP1.When turning on the computer, after login, it hangs, then crashes (taskbar dissapears as well as desktop icons)My quickfix i've been using while removing the viruses/spyware from the machine is kill explorer.exe and restart it, this crashes many services (and viruses) that were running on the starts fine in safemode, but still doesn't restart/shutdown and I don't know how to fix it in safemode anyways.The computer is fully updated XP SP2.

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Crashes / Xvid Movie Hangs Computer After Quitting The Program

Jun 20, 2007

When I play a DVD or xvid movie my computer hangs after quitting the program. Totally freezes, reboot required. I tried re-installing the latest ati drivers, latest audio drivers (ac '97) and the latest motherboard drivers (msi with nforce). Sometimes there's no audio either in the movies I try to play It's the same with PowerDvd, VLC and Windows Media Player.

I wonder if it could be the IDE cable? As I recall the dvd station and the hard drive with the xvid files I tried to play are on the same harddrive, forgot to try and play files from my SATA drive, but from what I can recall it has worked fine previously.
However, If i try to unpack stuff/burn stuff from the same harddrive it works fine.

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Explorer Hangs And Crashes When Get To "Send To"

Jan 12, 2007

Would appreciate it if you could help with this problem. When I open Explorer and try to send a file (any file) to another location, just as soon as I scroll down to "Send To" Explorer completely locks up.When I Ctl Alt Del to the task manager and go to applications it says "not responding". I have run Virus and Add ware without results.

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Problem Importing SQL Server 2000 - Bak Files Into SQL Server 2005

Sep 11, 2006

The procedure is as follows:

Right-click databases -> Restore Database

I mark 'from device', click the '...' button & select 'File' in the dropdown, then brows to the file itself. Under 'select the backup sets to restore' I check the only checkbox there, then in the 'To Database' I select the name of the database in the file (a new DB name appears there as you select the file).

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Unable To Sync To Time Server - RPC Server Is Unavailable

Aug 8, 2007

XP Pro SP2, all latest updates. When I reboot, I can correctly sync to a time server, but after an unknown amount of time it goes back to saying "The RPC server is unavailable" instantly after clicking Update Now, regardless of what server I tell it to sync to. I also noticed that if I view my nForce Networking Controller status, then click Properties and go to the Authentication tab, everything is greyed out. If I hit OK without changing anything (I can't change it even if I wanted to), a message pops up saying "An unexpected condition occured. Not all of your requested changes in settings could be made" and just goes back to that window. I have to hit cancel to close it

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Set Up An Application Server To Run Office From A Central Server?

Aug 1, 2005

I am currently working on a project and I am in need of a way to run applications off of a central server from an XP client. The applications that need to be run are from the Microsoft Office package. This is for a school project, if more information is needed I can try to provide it

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Build NT 4.0 Server On Primary Domain Server

Sep 26, 2006

I tried the net but couldn't find the info so I am turning to you guys. How do I make nt server in to a promary domain server?

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SP2: Explorer.exe Randomly Crashes And Always Crashes When In Folders

Feb 21, 2009

I am confused, but I will describe this best I can: explorer.exe crashes when viewing folders or anything built on explorer.exe (I guess) at exactly 11 seconds in on them. It also randomly crashes every couple hours. Im extremely confused by all this

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Terminal Server License Server?

Dec 21, 2006

I'm looking at setting up windows 2003 terminal servers all over the place to replace the awful thing people are currently doing here - vncing servers with one small shared password among everyone <holding my hands over my ears for the backlash>. Don't blame me, it's another awful legacy I have to get rid of...

1. I've got to set up a Terminal Server Licensing server and was thinking about putting this on my second domain controller. I was wondering what would happen in this server dies, though. Is there some way of having resilience in this scenario? Perhaps a second Licensing server or something, the way you have 2 or more Domain Controllers?

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Browser Crashes, PC Crashes, BSOD

Mar 5, 2010

I started getting browser and sometimes PC crashes. At first it seemed to be browser related. But the PC would also crash when idle. I tried disabling add- ons in Firefox and opening in safe mode. Tried using Chrome but it would crash with the message that Flash had malfunctioned. Then I started getting Stop messages and BSODs.I hadn't installed and new hardware and, I don't think, installed any new big programs except for updates to existing ones.

I emailed a few of the mini dump files to a friend. He said they didn't specify which drivers were causing the problem. But it might be something to do with the video or the network card. I rolled back drivers. No change. I updated drivers and uninstalled lots of programs. For a month everything seemed stable. Then the BSODs started to return. Infrequently at first but then more regularily. Sorry the story is a bit confused but it is difficult to remember every detail of what happened and the order I did things in.

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Can Not Access The Server Using Server Name

Mar 3, 2009

I Cannot Access The Server Using Server Name (\Server01)But I Still Can Access The Server Using It is IP Address (

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My Computer Reboots Itself Over And Over?

Feb 2, 2009

i recently made a changeto my boot.ini file as i was advised to do so by another person in another forum as it was corrupted my omputer wont start,it loads up the white text then at the screen where it should load the windows bar thing,its just black and then it reboots,worse still i cnt press f8 or anything because that doesnt work on start up,nothing does,pressing delete to setup,no,doesnt work,nothing happens.also i tried to insert windows disk but that wont even boot,it doesnt even notice it in the drive.can anybody help me,there must be some way round it

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Computer Reboots Then And There

May 30, 2005

I booted her up and all is good. after doing something it froze. so i rebooted. it came to the screen that asks 4 safe mode etc I clicked the BEST PREVIOUS Settings thing. then it starts scanning for the scan disk. after its done it loads for a few sec then the pc just reboots then and there. I tried all other safe mode and normal etc options too.i tried skipping scan disk but no help Whats wrong? i don't wanna reinstall XP.

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Reboots - Err 1000000a

Aug 17, 2009

Xp, svc pack2 - reboots every so often.Error codes Error code 1000000a, sometime the parameters change, usually: Error code 1000000a, parameter1 00000009, parameter2 00000002, parameter3 00000000, parameter4 804e5730 Previously received a few:Error code 1000000a, parameter1 fedff990, parameter2 000000ff, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 804dc169.attached is the latest dmp file (zipped.)

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Reboots Whenever Cpu Is Running At 100%.

Jun 18, 2005

My pc reboots whenever the cpu is running at capacity. The error report shows that there is a problem with a driver.

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Constantly Reboots Itself

Mar 15, 2006

An interesting problem. I have a box here that constantly reboots itself. Firstly I thought it may be a cmos problem, so I drained the cmos by removing the battery. Nope. Then I forced the bios to find hardware (I think it's eecd?). No problem finding hardware, but constant reboot. I thought it may be a hard drive problem so I changed the h/d. Nope, still constantly reboots. I took out the cdrom. Nope. I then low level formatted the h/d (the box worked just fine for this, using a cd with the format program, booting from the cd) tried to install a new o/s rebooting again during the install, after several tries got the o/s in the puter boots to the point of xp starting, then reboot or teases the heck out of me by actually opening xp to the welcome screen - then reboot. The box uses XP, the pwr supply is good and I am at a loss.

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New System But Reboots Itself?

Oct 24, 2006

I come to you with a rather strange problem. I come to you because I have no idea where to begin diagnosing such a problem. I just ordered parts for a brand new computer, built it, and am now running it very happily. However, within the past few days (the computer was finished being built about a week ago), it's started randomly rebooting while undertaking routine tasks in Windows. There seems to be no logical software-related pattern to the reboots so I have no idea what's causing it. It happens thus: audio skips for a few seconds, I hear a click inside the computer, and then it just restarts.
As I said, there seems to be no software pattern to the reboots... The only recent hardware change is that I've put in the Firewire card (it came in later than the rest of the computer, so I ran a few days without it). I almost want to suspect the Firewire card is causing such a problem -- is that reasonable?
In addition to that, I have an external USB hard drive that's failing... it's connected via the Firewire, and one of the restarts happened when I turned off the drive. Assuming that means it's one of those two, could it be the hard drive or the Firewire from that?

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System Reboots Itself Automatically

Dec 6, 2005

I am really without a clue, the only hardware modification I have done is install two more 512mb sticks of ram. I had two and installed 2 more all same type Kingston ValueRAM 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200). So now I am running 2 gigs of ram. It rebooted and I got the boots screen to choose type of boot.....last good config, ect....I chose normal and it gave me the xp windows screen with the horizontal progress graphic and then it kinda hangs on a black screen for a bit and finally it will give me the user/password window.

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System Reboots When I Try To Print

Aug 21, 2005

I have a Sony Pentium 4 and Windows XP Professional. Things were working fine up until about 3 weeks ago when suddenly the system would reboot when I tried to print. The error message would take me to the Windows Update page and tell me to update the ethernet adapter, which was erroneous as it referred to an adapter I don't have. I've tried to delete the printer, but when I open the printer folder in Control Panel the system reboots before I can delete anything. I've upgraded the driver for the printer, which is an Epson C62. I've tried a system restore

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System Reboots After Cloning

Jan 31, 2010

I cloned a desktop with dual boot for windows xp and windows vista in the respected order. after cloning, I went to an identical desktop and make the image restore so that it will be similar to the other one. I did this to save time installing and updating again which take so much time. after the restoring of the image is done, the system rebooted and represented the dual boot options (1. earlier version of windows, 2. Windows Vista) but when you click any of them it wont work and it will reboot in endless loop

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Sys32lsass.exe Reboots My System

Apr 23, 2005

I specifically get this

NT Authority/System

e:windows sys32lsass.exe

with 1073741819

it gives me about 45 seconds to back up then reboots my system.

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App Or Way To Determine Why System Reboots?

Jul 5, 2005

I have a XP system that I thought I had fixed (random rebooting) this is pasted from my last post....

Now the machine.... Antec case with true 380s power supply, ABIT AV8 board,2 sticks of pc3200 512 mb ddr400 ram , Amd Athlon64 3500+ (not oc) ,Nvidia geoforcefx 5900xt card running XP Pro with SP1 installed.

What I have tried ...ran antivirus , ran spywarecleaner, defrag, ran memtest,adjusted to failsafe defaults in bios , flashed the bios, tried diff combinations of slots for memory, upgrade driver , upgraded via 4-1 drivers

A couple days ago figured it must be power supply (brand new one too) so I started unplugging devices ..second cd rom and fan pulled and everything has been running great since.Question before I drop $60 on power supply what should I look for , where is a good supplier and most important do you think this will solve the problem.

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System Reboots At MCE Setup

Sep 25, 2005

I am trying to reinstall windows using Windows Media Center Edition 2005. I ran the compatability wizard and everything seems to check out. Whenever I boot from cd, I get a black screen that says Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration. It stays there for about 5 seconds then reboots. If I attempt the same thing with WinXP Pro SP2 it loads fine.

I tried removing some ram, my extra dvd and hard drives, the external devices, and the pci cards. Still the same problem.

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Runs Then Halts And Reboots

Sep 20, 2009

I have receintly purchesed a hybrid-self built computer, rather relyable and fast, but since i brought it home it would periodicly stop in mid function and reboot all while case lighting uninterupted. I tried to replace oem powersupply with a much more capible one of 700w and still system will stop in mid-function and reboot as if reset

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