Runner Error: BackWeb.dll: Error Code 126

Jul 27, 2008

I receive an error code every time I start up my computer: Could not load the target dll "BackWeb" directory does not exist on my computer. I recently allowed someone access to my computer for a time and came home to it being full of popups/errors etc, so I did a thorough clean with AVG and TrendMicro, and now no longer receive any virus otifications in scans. Registry errors and spyware still come up though, which I am continuing to try to take care of with CCleaner, Ad-aware, and Spybot S&D. Now, This was probably a corrupted .dll file, and considering the error message, it seems likely.

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"Runner Error: Runner File Name Updates From HP.exe

Mar 7, 2007

Running Windows XP getting this message upon boot: "Runner Error: Runner file name (updates from HP.exe) lacks a '-' (the app id separator)" I believe I started having this message after a bad bout with spyware after going through a series of pretty invasive steps to eliminate it. Since then I haven't been able to access any built-in "help" indexes, nor can I access "msconfig" or some other things that I usually access via the "run" command. I think I have a pretty widespread problem here but I really don't want to reformat.

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Runner File Name Error

May 4, 2005

AT STARTUP I GET THIS ERROR: Runner file name(compac connections.exe) lacks a "(the app id separator) CAN ANYONE HELP ME OUT WITH THIS PROBLEM?

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Runner Error Message - File Name Hp.exe - Can't Duplicate Keyboard

May 18, 2005

At startup I get a pop up Runner Error message saying: Runner file name (Upates from HP.exe) lacks a ___ (the app ID Seperator). Where I have typed "___" it is a symbol I cannot duplicate with my keyboard. It looks like " with a - underneath. Is this update from HP important? How do I fix/eliminate the problem/pop up message?

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Periodic Runner Error Messages Stating Back Web

May 15, 2005

I run spy-bot and it comes up with back web,but can't seem to get rid of it.Also,i get periodic runner error messages stating something about back web.

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Tried To Fix Backweb Error By Deleting File W/Back Web Now Computer Is Frozen

Jun 23, 2005

I did a google search on the runner error -Invalid Backweb Application ID "137903"-. A website told me to run a search for programs with "backweb" in them and unistall/delete them. I deleted one program (application?) from the C:/ drive and now my computer is frozen. The mouse moves; however, I am unable to open anything including the recycle bin so that I can put the program back on the computer. I have tried to restart and it still happens.

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Error Codes - Where To Find Error Code Definitions

Dec 18, 2005

Can anyone tell me where to find Error code definitions?

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Blue Screen Error? Error Code Is 1000-0146, 1000-0141

Nov 14, 2007

when i booted my laptop its display ctrl+alt+del to restart the pc , nd when i run diagnostic utility it shows dst error , error code is 1000-0146, 1000-0141
Msg : unit 0 :ide status failed status byte =64
control code=1
msg=no additional sense information
now wht to i do?
to resolving this problem..

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Getting "Backweb.dll" Error Upon Every Startup?

Oct 1, 2007

Everytime i start up my pc i get two "Backweb.dl" errors.

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Code 12 Resource Error

Jul 23, 2007

I have Been fixing a donated old pc and installing a new hard drive.So need to put a new bios so it can read the 40 gig hard disk.Everything worked and boot properly except when I installed the sound card and Ethernet Card keep getting the error code 12 resource error. Don't know what to do should I configure something in the bios or should I looked for another bios file.

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Missing Cd Rom Error Code 39

Jun 22, 2005

missing cd rom error code 39

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Adds East Code By Error

Sep 3, 2005

I have problems with my registry WINXP sp2 adds east code by error

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionFontSubstitutes]
"Comic Sans MS,0"="Comic Sans MS,204"
"Courier,0"="Courier New,204"
"Microsoft Sans Serif,0"="Microsoft Sans Serif,204"
"Times New Roman,0"="Times New Roman,204"

and now I see some letters of the Spanish alphabet in Russian... (, , , or,, ) how I undo this thanks for its aid

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No Debugger Found - Error Code 0x2(2)

Jan 31, 2006

After installing a couple of programs I was receiving this "Application has generated an exception that could not be handled" it asks to press ok to terminate and cancel to debug. Once I press cancel to debug it comes up with "No debugger found. Registed JIT debugger is not available. An attempt to launch a JIT debugger with the following command resulted in an error code of 0x2(2). Please check computer settings." How do I fix this problem? I am running a Dell Inspiron 6000 laptop with WinXP Home.

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Code 12+system Has Recovered From A Serious Error

Mar 20, 2008

Problem with a HP Pavilion t760a with intel 915p chipset and a Puffer-UL8E(PTGD1-LA) Motherboard. Windows XP SP2. I nstalled new Ram (2x1GB) ,tested it, pc worked fine. Then installed a new Graphics card..An ATI Radeon HD 2400XT.Now there is a yellow exlamation mark against one of the "Microsoft UAA bus driver for high definition audio" and the computer if left idle will reboot by itself and load with this message.." the system has recovered from a serious error...etc" and I get an error code 12 message.."windows could not find enough resources ....disable something else to free up "(something like that)

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No Pc Sounds - Tried To Troubleshoot And Get Error Code 39

Jul 8, 2010

i have no cd rom now, tried to troubleshoot and get error code 39,i have no system sounds either, but can speak in the mic and be heard.if i reset the pc to factory settings will this solve the problems?

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Device Manager Error Code 47

Aug 30, 2005

I am trying to get my usb flash drive to work, and I get this error message. Windows cannot use this hardware device because it has been prepared for "safe removal", but it has not been removed from the computer (Code 47). To fix this problem, unplug this device from your computer and then plug it in again.The only problem is, is that i don't have the device plugged in. I tried uninstalling the device and restarting, but there it is again at the start up. When I plug the device in, the computer will not read it.

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Device Manager Error Code 32

Feb 23, 2008

I get the following message when I go to device manager and look at my cd rom drive, which has an ! on it."A driver (service) for this device has been disabled. An alternate driver may be providing this functionality. (Code 32)"Recommended resolution The start type for this driver is set to disabled in the registry. Uninstall the driver, and then click Scan for hardware changes to reinstall or upgrade the driver.On the General Properties tab of the device, click Troubleshoot to start the Troubleshooting Wizard. If the driver is required, and if reinstalling or upgrading does not work, change the start type in the registry using Registry Editor. For more information, see the Registry Reference in the Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit I have done extensive research on this and all the work arounds that have been suggested do not work for me. The only course of action I feel is possible for me is to edit the registry. I have not been able to find any directions on how to do this short of buying microsoft's "Windows 2000 Server Resource Kit" which is suggested in all my research. This book is Hugely expensive.

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Apr 27, 2010

I have been receiving a bsod error lately it says BUG_CODE_USB_DRIVER I Have Done Lots Of Searches On Google But Nothing Has Helped Me Out So I Am Asking My Self. Here Are Some Pics Of My Error Report.

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Cd Writer Driver Error Code 39

Sep 28, 2005

my computer with xp was running fine until i found that it was not showing my cd drive. I've checked the neccesary connection and they were all fine. the device manager shows the drive with a yellow sign giving error code 39 which says that driver is corrupt or missing. now my cd drive is a plug and play and does not have any driver bundled with it. uninstalling and reinstaling the drive wont help. xp detect the new hardware at the start up but again same problem.i wanted to reinstall xp but since cd drive is not available i tried to run it from hard disk. but it too was not running.

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Advent 4211-b With Error Code

Nov 26, 2009

i am currently serving in afghanistan and into my first 2 months of my tour and my advent 4211-b netbook has broken. i tried restoring settings on it via the tech guys software installed on my netbook and it crashed half way through, so i restarted it and ever since it goes onto a blank screen saying.Windows Boot Manager
Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:

1. Insert your Windows installation disc and restart your computer.

2. Choose your language settings, and then click �Next.

3. Click �Repair your computer.

i have a usb stick and have tried to download windows xp recovery disks and try to re-boot it that way but nothing works! pressing enter and esc just restarts the computer and takes me straight back to this page. i need help asap. i only have a few days where i can access the internet to try and find solutions and then im back girlfriend tried to speak to "the tech guys" from pcworld and they didnt want to know, they just told her that i need to bring it which would take months for me to recieve back out here, surly there is a way for me to fix it out here isnt there?

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Update.exe Extended Error Code

Oct 20, 2005

While looking through c drive to locate the cookies folder, I went into the windows folder and I found a stack of notebook entries all very similar.The title is copied and pasted from the last line in one of the notepad texts.I looked at some of the others and they are all alike.I have no iea what this is.Can anybody shed some light on this please?

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Blue Screen But No Error Code

Feb 3, 2006

When I start my computer (WinXP SP2) if fires up but hangs with a blue screen after I log in with my user name and password. I don't get any sort of error message; just a blue screen. I cannot do anything but turn it off. Not even the mouse will move. This happens everytime I start the computer.I have a Peer to Peer LAN connection between the above computer and another one running Windows 2000. If I connect via remote desktop from the 2000 computer to the WinXP computer it logs me on everytime and I never get the blue screen.I wonder whether anyone would have any idea how I can fix this as I don't want to have to keep RD to the XP computer from my 2000 computer.

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Error Code 0xc0000142 While Shutting Down

Sep 8, 2007

About 2 weeks ago I was having a problem with my internet connection. So, I restarted my computer. Before it restarted it did an automatic CHKDSK and started back up, and that's when it all started. It started up fine until after I logged in. It took about 5 minutes until I heard the startup tone. Until then it just showed the blank desktop image. Then, I saw an error message having to do with McAfee saying it had not been able to start. Finally, the desktop images came up. Then an alert came and said no connection found, when there's a perfectly working router in front of me. Then another alert said this "Microsoft .NET Framework" on top. In box it said, "An unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click quit, the application will be shut sown immediately. The operation completed successfully." Also, while shutting down my computer, this error came up: error code 0xc0000142. Also, my internet and Wireless LAN are definitely switched on!

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Computer Crashes Error Code 1000000a?

Feb 7, 2009

My Computer at work is crashing randomly It always seems to crash when I have something important to complete or in the middle of and I loose my work.
I'm running XP Pro. the best thing I can start with is the error code and the minidump file. Error code 1000000a, parameter1 99f62b9f, parameter2 00000008, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 806e642b Error code 1000000a, parameter1 9664d1c7, parameter2 00000008, parameter3 00000001, parameter4 806e642b

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Failed Updates - Error Code Ox8007005

Dec 9, 2007

Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)

When trying to get updates Microsoft windows Installer 3.1 fails to install and I get the following Error Code ox8007005.

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Update Log Into Messenger - Error Code 800706ba

Jun 11, 2010

I'm slowly going out of my mind with my ageing laptop...! Im running windows xp home and recently upgraded to sp3. Im not sure if the update caused it but since since then I cant:

1) Install any updates from microsoft either singularly or multiple...
2) Log into messenger.... keep getting error code 800706ba scoured the net for solution and tried most of them..(install-uninstall-cleard/deleted cache etc)
3)Some weird display characters/lines. on startup a lot of characters have been replaced with others....
4) Word documents start with a warning that document could not be registered

Im running zone alarm security suite v8.0.059.000 up to date Not sure if this helps but.... on my search for answers, I have found a number of issues my windows installer was not correctly installed (trying to sort out updates when I found this out) so is now fixed dcom server process launcher is missing presumed lost in Services.msc

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Error Code - Ox80072efd When Trying To Update Defender

Jun 3, 2008

XP Pro sp3. installed windows defender yesterday, but when i try to get update, i get that error..I did a forum search here, followed the instruction there in, but still cannot update defender. I can connect to the update site, and download updates, so i know its not a problem with connecting with the microsoft site.

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Error Code 10 For Geforce 4 Video Card

Apr 19, 2004

geForce4 video ti-4200 apg 8x will not finish install of drivers says can not be fixed with xp trouble-shooter contact the manufacturer Code 10.

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Code 41 Error - Usb CD Drive Doesn't Work

Dec 26, 2003

I was wondering if anyone could help me with this: A while ago I installed Easy CD Creator 5 on this computer (Sony pcg fxa53 running XP with an INTERNAL Matshita 720 CD/RW-DVD drive). Ever since then, I got the following error in device manager: Windows successfully loaded the device driver for this hardware but cannot find the hardware device. (Code 41)

I have since deleted anything to do with Easy CD Creator 5, but that hasn't help. I can't restore or "roll back" the driver either. Also, the drive spins just fine. Furthermore, I just tried to install a Philips USB CD drive and that doesn't work too!

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SP2 Installed Update - Error Code KB930494

Aug 25, 2007

Feel better now, Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2 (build 2600)is installed on my computer, I am aware that update (KB930494), is critical and necessary to maintain security integrity within my system yet it will not load regardless of what I do, (disabled all virus protection; spyware protection...etc) and any other installed program that may interfere, still I cannot load this update and only this update. I have a detailed analysis of my system (BeLarc), every KB****** (windows update) is installed per the 08/14/2007 Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary and functioning beautifully except for this one. It will not load and does not give a detailed sheet message either. It simply states that that KB930494 was an unsuccessful update....

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Blue Screen - Error Code 0X00000024

May 22, 2010

I read previous threads. My problem(s): Hard drive checks out. Problem started with "unable to defrag due to system files..." Found what I thought was problem software, tried to remove it, it froze up, I attempted to cancel it, I shut computer down. Start up gave 0X00000024 (0X00190292, 0XBA4D9840,0XBA4D953C, 0X804EF920). I tried booting from Windows CD. When I tried to get recovery console, it asked for admin. password. I don't remember ever setting one. I attempted to recover or reset by methods on "tweaking with Vishal". Didn't work.

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