Remove Dual Partitions

Sep 7, 2010

i upgraded from windows 2000 xp pro...but instead of overwrite it created a dual boot......i want xp pro only...and the memory space that 2000 takes do i unintall or whatever...where i only have xp pro....don't forget i'm as dumb as a wise...i have dell compaq......if u need more as to specs..i'll find it..but difficult cause it locks up......

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Remove Dual Boot Option - Installed New HDD Partitions

Jun 11, 2007

Ok, so this week end I tried adding a new HDD on my XP machine.
This HDD had 2 partition on it (from a previous XP install on another PC) so I used the XP install CD to basically remove it and create a single partition on it (that's the only way I knew how to do it).However, while doing that, it ended up creating a dual boot config so that now, when I start my PC, I have to chose which OS to start:1) The regular XP install2) The one that never got installed on the new HDD since I only partitionned it.?

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Dual Booting XP - Lock Down The Partitions

Nov 20, 2006

I am setting up a dual boot system on my comp with two partitions. What I want to do is Lock down the partitions.

So say when I am logged into Windows XP disc C: I wont be able to read or write files on the Windows XP disc partition E: Both are parititioned as NTFS is this a possibility

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Boot Xp Instead Of Win 2000 Dual Partitions

Apr 15, 2010

i have Windows XP Home edition i got the "NTLRD is missing press ctlr alt del to restart" error i do not have a windows xp cd i found a Windows 2000 server CD and i installed windows 2000 on the same hard drive but on a new partition i can now boot Windows 2000 in my computer it shows two drives
C: and H:

c=Windows 2000

h=Windows XP

i found the NTLRD file online and placed it in H:now how can i boot windows XP instead of Windows 2000 ?

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Partitioned 4 Drive - Remove Partitions

Dec 15, 2007

I have a friend who's computer has 4 partitions on it. He has no clue how they got there, and I have zero knowledge of partitions. His C drive has like 13gb and is full, his G drive has the most and I think it's like 76gb and then he also has an H and an I.

Someone who was "trying to fix it" copied the C drive and pasted it to all the other drives, which didn't do anything except, well, make copies of everything. I spent a couple hours and just went through folder after folder and made one "KEEP" folder and cut/pasted everything into it. He went and bought a portable hard drive and we'll move everything over to it for safe keeping while we try to get those partitions out.

My question is, would it just be easier to reformat the whole thing? I have all of his docs and pictures, which is the biggest thing for him. He has a Sony set, and has a repair disk and his WinXP number. I have a OEM WinXP disk, so should I just go into the bios, have the computer boot to the CD first, then do a repair or reformat? And at what point do I remove those partitions???

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Remove/resize Partitions On External USB Hard Drive?

Nov 8, 2004

I have had a 60G external hard drive that has worked flawlessly for 2 years with both my desktop computer running Win98SE, and my newer laptop with Windows XP. This external drive was formatted with FAT 32 and NO PARTITIONS for all 60G. Because I have a Lot of music files and digital pictures, I have filled up the 60G drive, so bought an IOGear 160G external drive. This drive arrived partitioned into 6 partitions, of 20-32G sizes. This is completely wrong for how I want to use the drive. All my mp3 programs requires the library to be all in one volume, so I need 60-80G all in one volume just for music. IOGear support says that Windows XP does not allow volumes any larger than 60G in FAT 32. (This seems crazy since my older drive is all one volume and is FAT 32.

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Dual Boot Screen Remove

Jul 2, 2006

Installed Win XP in a hard disk and installed vista in another But I didn't like Windows Vista and just formatted the Hard Disk But now when I turn the PC on, the Dual Boot screen continues to appear How I make it disappear and make my PC only start with Windows XP?

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Remove Dual Boot Startup Screen - Retail CD

Aug 1, 2005

I recently brought a laptop with XP Home preloaded, but as I had a retail CD of XP
pro I thought I'd boot from that CD and run setup which includes a full reformat.
I now have XP pro up and running, but I get an annoying "dual boot" screen giving
a choice of XP pro and XP home! How can I get rid of this dual boot screen as XP
Home no longer exists?

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Remove Dual Boot & Leave NTFS Bootable?

May 24, 2006

A friend wanted to remove the FAT32 Win98 partition and leave his XP NTFS partition as the boot partition. He has used PM7 to delete the FAT32 partitin and move the NTFS t the front of the disk. However, it now does not boot. FIXMBR and FIXBOOT (from the Recovery console) looked as if they were fixing things but it still does not boot ("Invalid System Disk...").

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Trouble Dual Booting - Characters And Letters Go Blank On Dual Boot Screen

Jun 28, 2010

I have been trying to install Windows XP as a second OS as I already have Windows 7 Ultimate installed. Unfortunately, after I select a partition, format it, and reboot the system stalls on the screen after the BIOS that has something to do with a list of devices and such. After 10 or so seconds a few characters and letters go blank randomly on the page. I rebooted and selected my cd drive as the boot device and accidentally didn't press a button in time to boot and a bunch of highlighted numbers were thrown all over the screen and a random smiley face on one of the lines.

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Linux Boot Loader Or Dual Booting - Dual Drive

Jan 12, 2009

I'm trying to dual boot 2 different installs of xp pro from 2 drives using the Windows boot loader. I've edited the boot.ini every possible way I can think of, but nothing works. I've done this plenty of times using a linux boot loader or dual booting from a single drive but I cant figure this out. I haven't been able to find any reference to this subject anywhere, but I think it would work. Anybody have a clue as to how to do this? I know I can use a different boot manager to accomplish this, I just wanted to make the Win boot.ini work. Or, does anybody know of a good boot manager if I cant make this work?

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Removing Dual Boot Setup - Dual Booting

Aug 29, 2009

I have dual booting on my PC with Vista home premium on a 500 Gb SATA disk and XP Pro on a 250Gb SATA, both internal. Vista no longer holds terrors for me and I'd like to get rid of XP and regain better use of the 250Gb HD. Can I just remove XP from the control panel in the XP boot or is it a lot more complicated?I don't really want to re format the XP drive as I'd have to transfer a lot of data and files

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Dual Boot With Dual Hard Drives

Jul 23, 2005

I have Win XP home installed as OEM software on the C drive of my PC.
I also have this OS as a Norton Ghost file supplied with the PC as a
"Recovery CD".
I have installed a second hard drive designated "D"
This all works fine.
I wish to install Win 2000 (which I have on a Microsoft cd) on the second HD.
I would then hope at boot - up to be given the choice of which OS to load.
Can anyone tell me what is the simplest way to do this?

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Dual Booting And Linux Dual Boot?

Feb 1, 2008

I am running Windows XP and would really like to share the hard drive with another OS "Linux" and dual boot.

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Want To Resize Partitions

Mar 8, 2004

I installed Windows XP Home on a barebones computer, and mistakenly made the partition for the C drive much smaller (1.96 G with only 33MB free) than the D drive (1.6 G used, 24.9 G Free). Now I keep getting low disk messages. I want to resize the partitions so that the C Drive is larger without having to reformat both drives if that's possible. The file system on the C drive is NTFS and FAT32 on the D drive.CPU is 1.3 Ghz Athlon with 120 RAM.

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How Can I Make Two Partitions One Again ?

Feb 11, 2008

I have a question for you all and I hope you can answer it.I have two partitions on my harddrive at the moment. The first partition is my C: partition, where Windows XP and all the applications are run from. These partitions were set up by the people that made my computer. I have about 4 % diskspace left on the C: partition and I want to create more storage space on the hard drive by removing the second partition.The second partition is a back up of my older hard drive.I have both backed up already on external harddrive and I use Acronis True Image 10 Home to make a weekly image of my hard drive.

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Deleting Partitions?

Nov 10, 2007

Hey there, i'm currently running on Windows XP with a 120 gig Maxtor Harddrive. During my last reformat I'm guessing I did it wrong and mistakenly made a second partition while leaving the old one intact. I've checked through all my biggest storage heaps for what could be causing my HD to be so full. But my multimedia section is only 28 gigs, whereas the harddrive is showing 85 gigs worth of used space.
Multiple partitions is the only thing I can think of. So is there a way I could find out if I have an extra partition, which one is the right one to delete, and the process of deleting it, possibly without having to transfer all my files. Any help would be appreciated.

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Optimal Setup For The New Partitions

Dec 12, 2004

I am going to re-format my 40 gig HDD for reasons you do NOT want to wade through I currently have four partitions on a 40 gig HDD, two bootable c: w98; d: XP Pro. The W98 partition is wrecked and I also have wanted to setup a linux partition so I can learn that system and play around in the "open source" universe, so now's the time. The question is, given my 40 gig capacity, what is the optimal setup for the new partitions

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Having Multiple Partitions Faster?

Jul 25, 2005

Does having multiple partitions on a hard drive speed up performance?

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Recombining Drive Partitions

Oct 25, 2008

Under my computer, I have two drives, C and D (empty). I have never intentionally partitioned my hard drive into the two drives, and have thought nothing of it until recently when I realised I have only 1GB of space left of the 45GB on the C drive.I was just wondering if there is an easy way of recombining these two drives so that I can have just one big drive back. I have heard that commercial products such as partition magic do the job, but I can't see much point in paying 70 for some software that will only get used once.

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Deleting Partitions When Formatting

Jul 16, 2010

So right now I want to format my computer and I am. Right now I am at the part where you can create/delete partitions. What I see right now is this.Unpartitioned Space 7MB D: Partition 2 [NTFS]182001 MB (181831 MB free) C: Partition 1(PRESARIO_RP) [FAT32] 8771MB (598 MB free), so I have two exact computers In my house and one of the disks I used to format wasn't working and was scratched so it got messed up at the end and I quit the installation.So now that up there happened Where do I install?Can I delete the other ones after picking the one I need to install in? And do I need to download something else after I delete those, like Partition 1.

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Three Partitions, One Hard Drive

Oct 8, 2010

XP home edition re-installed, it gave the hard drive three partitions, C, D, and E. C drive has 9.75GB the other two have over 60 GB. I need to put more back to C drive.

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Hard Drive Partitions Are Gone?

Sep 8, 2005

1st post here and I hope someone has answers. THis is new to me. Ihave a 200gb HD. I have it partitioned into 5 partitions. Onepartition for my C: OS, D: Software, E: Games, F: Storage, G:Graveyard. Well I do this so if anything happens to my OS, I canreinstall and all my other info is safe. After the reinstall of myOS, everything was perfect, I had some issues with my G drive andaccess denied but I managed to take ownership. Well I installed someupdates etc last night and did some restarts without any issues. Idecided to do a disk check on G upon next boot up. Well I just bootedup this morning and only my C drive exists now, All my software whichis installed on my D drive is now inaccessable as well as all theothers. I went to Computer Management and it shows the rest of mypartition as 175gb of FREE SPACE?

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Hard Drive Partitions Gone?

Sep 7, 2005

I have a 200gb Seagate SATA HD. I have it partitioned into 5 partitions. One partition for my C: OS, D: Software, E: Games, F: Storage, G: Graveyard. Well I do this so if anything happens to my OS, I can reinstall and all my other info is safe. After the reinstall of my OS, everything was perfect, I had some issues with my G drive and access denied but I managed to take ownership. Well I installed some updates etc last night and did some restarts without any issues. I decided to do a disk check on G upon next boot up. Well I just booted up this morning and only my C drive exists now All my software which is installed on my D drive is now inaccessable as well as all the others. I went to Computer Management and it shows the rest of my partition as 175gb of FREE SPACE? Anyone has any ideas? There is no way that the rest of my drive is formatted as I never touched it so I assume it is still there.

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Pc Merge To Drive Partitions?

Dec 22, 2005

i'm running xp proffesional sp2 i'm wanting to know how i can merge my 20gb system drive back into to one. it is currently split into two called: local_disc C - 11.2gb system_sav E - 7.69gb (this drive partition is blank and has been formated) i would like to merge these two partitions into one.

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Two Partitions On Usb Thumb Drive

Sep 30, 2005

I have two partitions set up on my usb thumb drive. On the first partition it is a version of Linux (Slax) that I use for emergency boots the fs is Fat16. On the second, I have a standard Fat32 filesystem. But, when I plug in the drive while in windows, only the first partition shows up. I have made both the partitions bootable.

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Partitions - Unpartitioned Space

Apr 9, 2006

I had C: and D: and sense windows keeps be ing gay and needing reinstalls of fresh copies, I loose my games on C:. I dont have enuf space on D: to put games. So when I reinstalled XP today, befeore i installed I gave 2gb of unpartioned space to C: and now I cant access the other 30 or so gb. 1. How can I retrieve this 30 gb? A. Put it on D:? Or make a G Drive? ty

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Missing Drives And Partitions

Sep 11, 2005

I have a Windows XP home setup on a pentium IV system. I have two hard disks partitioned to give 3 partitions on one and two on the other. Quite often when I start windows it appears to boot normally but in Explorer I can only see the home partition. Explorer runs very slowly and crashes. I've checked for viruses, run adaware and spybot but can't fix it. I have AVG and sygate personal fire wall running.

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Installing Over Vista No Partitions?

Oct 11, 2009

I, as do most, hate Windows Vista. Even after turning off the UAC and removing components that i found unnecessary, I still found problems. I much prefer Windows XP. Instead of manually removing components, security settings, etc., I decided just to remove Vista itself. I have searched and searched for a forum all over the internet and all i can find are threads about partitioning of about replacing vista on a laptop (which apparently has SATA driver problems or something to that effect). So I was wondering a few things:
1) Is there a way to install XP over Vista directly?

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Hall.dll Fix / OS Is Running In Two Partitions

Mar 15, 2008

I recently just fixed my computer so that I have two OS's running on two partitions.My new OS works fine, but the original one i can't get into because I get an error saying that hal.dll is invalid or corrupt.I figured that I need to repair my boot.ini to fix this problem, but that requires an OS CD, which sadly did not come with my computer. Is there a way of getting my operating disk? or is there another way to repair the boot.ini without the CD?

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Cannot Reinstall OS After Deleting Partitions

Apr 25, 2005

I am wanting to re-install windows as the computer no longer boots into windows.I have gone through the full f disk and format c: scenario while deleting creating partitions and then insert the CD to boot from so that the xp installation can begin.I feed the correct sata drivers and it finds the hard drive. here is where it goes wrong, I delete all the partitions listed and create a new one with the full 125gb of space. It then asks what i wish to format the partition with and i select NTFS. It goes to the screen signaling that it is beginning the installation but goes through it very quickly! as is complete in about 10 seconds, at this point it comes back and says "setup was unable to format this partition. The disk may be damaged "make sure the drive is connected to the computer etc etci don't think the drive is corrupt as it was working before i tried to restore my pc to a previous restore point when the pc was fully working after getting the pc back from a friend with missing registry files. (At which point i forgot the installation was also corrupt due to missing windows files, and not when i had successfully re-installed xp before lending the pc to a mate)

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