Im running Windows XP and my HP printer has stopped working. I get an error message regarding the print spooler not working. I go to the 'PRINTERS" folder and it shows that the re is no printer installed. Im wondering if I did something to cause this. I use the free version of Abexo Registry Cleaner as well as Zoftspy SE (purchased version) which I use daily. I have used Ad aware but I've deleted it. A short time ago I did have a Trojan (ad installer?) but my NAV deleted it. I still get messages from NAV that attempts to hijack were blocked by the NAV firewall. Also, the System restore wont work, whether I turn it off and restart it not at all.
Print spooler stopped. Tried to correct it by going to Start>Run>services.msc>Print Spooler.. startup type set to Automatic>Service Status set to Stopped>pressed START and got error message as follows, Error 1068 The dependancy service or group failed to start.Windows XP sp2, 512 ram. Trying to install Lexmark x3450 printer but can not change setting on print spooler to start.
I have a Gateway PC. I have a Lexmark 7170 printer. When I try to add a printer, I get a message that says the printer spooler service is not running. I tried run->services.msc, selecting printer spooler, and setting startup type to automatic. I then selected dependencies, and got a message that says this service depends on the following: LexBce Server, Remote Procedure Call. What else can I try? I should say that I just had work done on my PC and the Computer Repair Place left it like this.
Im running XP Professional, SP 2, on an Intel P3 1Ghz, 512 MB of RAM.I deleted my old Lexmark printer after I installed a new HP. Now my printer wont work. I tried restarting the print spooler and nothing. I checked the dependencies and both boxes are 'GREY' (closed) and show no dependencies listed.Im thinking I deleted some files or file required to operate the spooler/printer? Or is it possobly spyware or something causing this problem? I did perform a registry cleanup after the installation of the new HP printer.
WIN XP SP1 with a brother mfc attached. has been operating normally, now suddenly cannot print, or do anything other than view installed printers in control panel-printers. Message box says 'print spooler is not installed'.Can i reinstall the print server without a full WIN XP install?
At start of each session first doc from any app prints normally 2nd and subsequent docs stall in print queue for 2 to 3 minutes. Have gone through HP who suggest that problem is with spooler. Can't find any updates on MS sites.
I am running XP and have been for some time with no problems, recently my printer began playing up (saying that it wasn't able to communicate) that problem seemed to go away after a while. Since then my computer has been 'getting stuck' after it prints a document.It would print the first document but then nothing after that, i found that the print spooler was showing that the just printed job was marked in status as being deleted... however it would go away and nothing else would get printed. i played around with active processes and found that I could delete the 'deleting' process and get the printing going again.
When I try and open a printer I get the error message "operation could not be completed, print spooler service is not running."I've looked round the forums and tried some things. I can get the spooler service to start by starting it under admin tools, and also by typing 'net start spooler' in the command prompt. It starts up, and for a few seconds it runs and I can access my printer, but within half a minute is stops running again, and I'm back to where I was. So I am unable to print at all.
I have an old dos app that needs to print to a hp laser 2300 have setup "net use lpt1: \computernamepname /persistant:yes changed bios settings to parllel mode to epp,ecc and ps2 setup share on printer and checked spelling type "net use" shows lpt1 -> ok turned bidirectional printing on and off tried to print directly to printer turn spooler off. deleted all printers and drivers and reinstalled from HP
prints fine from all window applications. when you try to print from the dos app with spooler off nothing. when you try to print with spooler on you can see a job go to spooler then a second job will appear and the first will delete this will loop-continue until you cancell all print jobs. after this happens once. Windows applications will not print any longer. Does the same thing as the dos app have to reboot to fix window apps.
I am trying to install a printer, but the Print Spooler service is not active. I have attempted to activate the Print Spooler service every way possible, but always recieve this error! Quote: Could not start the Print Spooler service on Local Computer. Error 12: The access code is invalid.
My PC (XP SP3) suffered a rough recovery from a malware infection. I.e., certain services (like Print Spooler) no longer run.The malware is gone, but when I go into Computer Management and try to restart the services (like Print Spooler), an error message pops up saying "Cannot start service in Safe Mode"However, it is definitely not in safe mode. So, there must be some internal flag that says otherwise. Restarting XP in safe mode and then in normal mode doesn't un-stick it.
We are facing the problem of spooler service not working and even though started manually it keeps on stopping automatically all of our pc's with windows xp in the network.Can anybody please provide a solution to this problem?
My computer has stopped working all of a sudden. It does not even start when he turns it on. It was working perfectly the night before and when he turned it on the next morning, it just did not start. He says that it never gave any warnings or error messages and this was the first time. Could this be due to the power cord or the power supply?
I decided to clear the dust out of the inside of my computer tower today. After cleaning out all the dust, I turned on the computer for the first time and I noticed the fan on the side had stopped operating. But I have a Nokia Tower/case if that is of any help to anyone. It's the colourful fan on the side which has stopped working.
My USB devices were working fine untill I went to Windows Updates and downloaded all the latest updates. This is when all my problems started. Now when I plug in a USB device I get a balloon on my task bar stating that my "USB device is not recognizied". I have done all the troubleshooting. I have XP PRo with all the latest updates.
I am running XP with SP1 and SP2.My high speed USB 2.0 stopped running at high speed. When I attach a device it indicates that device would run faster on high speed.
My ipod shuffle which has been working normally up until this point is now only recognized as SMTP 3500 - personal class recovery device
I have tried updating the drivers and have had no luck.
What happened was this: I loaned my computer to a freind and told him, "Don't install anything without checking with me first!" He did, for about half the stuff I took off after I got it back.And my alt-tab has stopped working. The thing is, it works fine for the other profile on the computer. I'm assuming the problem is a registry setting somewhere. I looked and compared but I couldn't find anything out of line. So now I'm at a loss. I know I missed something somewhere. Oh, and I'm using WinXP SP1 on a Compaq Presario 2100, which I update on a regular basis.(This is a loptop I use as a "loaner," not my good one with all my personal stuff on it, by the way. Maybe I should get a copy of Norton Ghost before loaning it out again.?
I'm running Windows XP Home Edition and right out of the blue my USB ports [all 4 of them] on my 'puter are not working. I first noticed it when I was trying to get info off one of my thumb drives. I inserted it and the thumb drives light comes on for about 2 or 3 seconds and then goes out and now when I try to print something, I get the USB error on my screen.
I am using WinXP and my PRNT SCRN key fails to capture the screen image, I know it should but it doesn't. Therefore when I try to paste into PAINT, WORDPAD or MS WORD with the PASTE command or with CTRL+V nothing happens. I have checked this theory by tapping PRNT SCRN or ALT+PRNT SCRN or SHIFT+PRNT SCRN and then gone to CLIPBRD EXE. to view the captured screen, but nothing is on the clipboard. I can copy and paste in other programs but cannot copy the desktop screen using the PRNT SCRN key. Any suggestions on how to turn on this feature?
For some unknown reason my screensaver just stopped working about a week ago. If I hit the preview button it works fine but when I wait for X amount of minutes for it to turn on it never does. I use it so that it will log me out automatically and auto turn off my monitor after so long, it is very handy.
my keyboard got messed up and stopped working. When I was messing around with the back of the tower to try to fix it, I somehow killed my sound off too. Eventually, I got a new keyboard, but after adjusting with the stuff on the back of the computer tower the sound still didn't work.
Since my sister's computer specs and mine are the same, I checked out the device manager on both of the PCs to see what was missing from mine. I found out that it was a "Realtek AC'97 Audio" listing. So of course, I google it up and download what I find. However, after installing it, it still doesn't work. It doesn't even show in the device manager! And to make matters more confusing, when I start up my computer, it says that I can press Shift+F10 to configure it. When I do that, a DOS-like menu pops up where I can change a few options but nothing I change will get the sound working.
When I go to Accessories --> Entertainment --> Volume Control, it says that there are no active mixer devices available.
I don't think it's related to viruses or spyware. I've scanned multiple times with TuneUp, Spybot, Ad-aware, Norton, and a few other programs.HiJackThis information:
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 5:58:14 PM, on 9/5/2006 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180)
(Also, I have no clue why it says WinNT 5.01.2600 on the platform listing. That started happening when I was working with the TCP/IP connections, though it's not important as of now.)
If you need me to post any other hardware listings or, well, anything about my computer, just ask.
The sound on my PC stopped working about a week ago. Hadn't installed anything in at least the few weeks before it stopped. I decided to re format the PC a few days later thinking that it would be fine, which initially it was, am running XP professional. Windows did all its updates as per normal and the sound stopped again.
Reinstalled the PC yet again to try and get to the bottom of things and this time went through things a bit more slowly. Did it's first lot of updates, was fine after those. That was yesterday that they updated. Tonight installed Service Pack 2 and thats when it has stopped.
In the Sound and Audio Devices section of the Control Panel it is saying there is no audio device installed, yet I had installed it via the CD that came with the motherboard. Soundmax sound on an ASUS k8v SE deluxe motherbord. why something like this may have happened?
I downloaded Diskeeper 2007 Pro Premier for a free 30 day trial, decided I didn't want it, uninstalled it and now my XP Pro Defrag has ceased to work any longer. I get some weird message that it can't initialize and that I must have downloaded a different version . guess the two were fighting each other. Point is, can I download MS Defrag as a stand alone (Googled but no luck) or do I have to reinstall XP all over again... Also, is MS Defrag good enough are does Diskeeper do a better job for the averge home user?
System Information: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Intel Celeron Processor 1000MHz 996MHz, 256Mb of RAM External Modem, Connected via LAN Cable
I bought myself a LAN Cable.I plugged the LAN Cable into a single port router (one computer at a time) through an external Modem, and it worked great for about a month. I tried to open a page, and a message said: Problem Loading Page. It had all the usual [U][U] and, but mine was correct. In the Taskbar (bottom right hand corner) it came up with an image two computers with yellow dots transferring between them, and then it changed to two computers with a caution sign. I hovered over it and it said: Limited or No Connectivity. So I did the obvious thing, checked cables were plugged in, unplugged cables, restarted modem, restarted computer e.t.c. but it still said Limited or No Connectivity. I went into Local Area Connection Status, and it said, Limited or No renew IP Address, click "Repair". So I clicked repair, and it said could not renew IP Address, please contact Service Provider. I rang the service provider, and they said unplug everything plug it in and retry... This didn't work. Since then I’ve tried things I’ve seen on Forums, and on websites:
I was listening to the audio on my laptop through headphones. Today my audio just stopped working. The headphones belonged to my friend and I can't find mine so I can't to even test to see if it is the speakers. Does the computer think the headphones are still plugged in by chance?