Poor Dowmload Speed But 2Mb Connection

Mar 12, 2005

Although the tray icon says I am connected at 2.2MB ADSL, my download speeds are no better than when I had a 1Mb connection.All speed tests including Bts own show a download speed of only 126KB/sec.BT is unable to explain but believe its got something to do with my system rather than their service, which seems logical considering the tray icon shows 2MB connection.No antivirus running, only zone alarm.

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Internet Speed & Icon For CPU Connection

Mar 9, 2006

1. What are some of the ways I can measure my actual internet connection and see if my impression that it is suddenly slower can be tested? (maybe my cable modem is old?)
2. How can I put the "icon" in the bar at the bottom of my screen that shows two computers communicating back and forth?

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Slow Internet Connection Speed

Feb 17, 2005

I am using Windows XP Home Edition and a Smart Link 56kbps modem. I don't have a very good internet connection speed.

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Better Download Speed With Hardwired Connection Vs Wireless?

Mar 25, 2005

My guess is the router has a built-in firewall, which slows hemps download speed? I read 100Mbps with hard wired, and 54Mbps max with wireless.

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Download Speed - 3meg Cable Connection

Aug 8, 2006

What download speed does CNET support? I currently am running Windows XP SP2 and have a 3meg cable connection. I'm downloading 3DMark08 which is 576meg.The software is only downloading at 90k/sec. I did a download test at PCPitstop and got a strong 2.9meg. I feel like I've gone back to the old 56k modem days!

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Software For Increase Speed Of Dial Up Connection

Feb 17, 2007

Using a dial up connection to connect to internet. Its realy tiring and irritating to wait for web pages to appear, some times it will take ages for some sites like cnet, yahoo, so please anyone can show me a software which can speed up my existing connection by saving history or something like that.

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Poor Multicore Magnament

Aug 22, 2008

i have a Windows XP Pro 32 bit version with SP3 instaled, ive read multiple tweaks to increase the use of all my cores by windows but it doesnt asing threads to cores proportionally i have a Qx9650 at stock speeds for the everyday use.i made a test running Ultimate Zip cracker 4 times its a program made to work on single core procesors and they all run on the 1st core while the other 4 cores stay idle.they only way i can use the other 3 cores its asinging the affinity on the task manager but come on lets be realists i cant set the affinity to every thing i open.the ideal scenario would be if i open a program and the system checks that the 1st core its at 100% or nearly it should asing the task to another core but doesnt seen to work that way.so i mean whats the point getting quadcore if the windows will mostly squezee one core only.does anyone knows how to get windows split the work proportionaly on all cores?.

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PC Slow To Start And Poor Performance

Sep 29, 2008

Advise if I'm wrong. A donation will be made for a solution!

It has Bullguard Anti Virus and it updates on startup, basically it is so slow that until bullguard has updated you can't do anything at all and this takes as long as ten minutes at times. by comparison, my own PC also has bullguard and although its a little slow until it has updated, it only takes a couple of minutes.
This is a P4 2660 Mhz Dell with 1gig ram and using AOL Broadband. I ran a HJT log as soon as the PC would let me, whilst the bullguard update was still sunning and it is as follows:

Logfile of Trend Micro HijackThis v2.0.2
Scan saved at 08:35:21, on 28/09/2008
Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16705)
Boot mode: Normal

I can also take a log once the PC is fully up and running ,My only ideas regarding the slowness is that there is AOL spyware and computer check-up software running at times along with the bullguard so perhaps its just too much. Also, is the couponreport.net item in the log safe?

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Poor Performance Clean Install

Dec 30, 2009

Just done a clean install of a win xp system due to freezes and bsod's, after the install the performance is very poor, all the drivers are up to date, memtest has ran for 27 hours with no errors & i have also ran seatools for dos on a quick test with no errors, even connecting to a network via a lan cable is shocking and sometimes wont connect

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Apple Programming Purposely Poor For PC`s

Apr 4, 2007

I hate Apple for many reasons I can get into the rest of them later, but what I have noticed is Itunes runs just awfully on my computer when I have a dual core processor, 2gigs of ram, an nice video card, well you can see that below on my signature and there are times on mine and other decent machines when it runs slow. This didn't make me happy in the first place until I saw Itunes 7 something running on a four or five year old IMac while doing two or three other applications and it running fine. So my hypothesis is either one of two things, both being unfavorable. 1. That Apple purposely programs Itunes to run awful and hog system resources on PC's so that it will look like Mac's run better than their faster PC couterparts. 2. That they hire people who know little to nothing about programming to develop Itunes for the PC, which is basically the same thing just a deifferent method.

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SvcHost Is Eating All CPU Time - Poor Ststem Performance

May 19, 2007

I've glanced thru previous threads and am unable to find much luck with this We have a Sony Viao laptop running Windows XP Professional, service pack 2. The system appears to boot normally; until Windows is finished loading. That's when we notice the CPU fan begin to rev and very poor system performance.Opening the Task Manager, we quickly see that the CPU is running at 100%, and the processes tab is showing "svchost" to be the culprit.Knowing this, we've run the standard adware/anti-viral scans that only found tracking cookies and SpamBuster, which have been nuked from the system; yet the situation continues.

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New Install Of Pro - SP2 - Poor Quality Main Screen And Halts

Dec 28, 2006

Have rebuilt my desktop, new mobo, 160G HD, 1G Ram. Mobo is a fujitsu that is listed on the HCI, but needs external video card - using Geforce. Win XP-SP2 from Tiger/OEM version. Did the install/format Hd, install finishes, restarts and does a particial boot -- Win XP main screen comes on, then screen flashes over to a poor quality XP main screen, and halts. Restart in Safe Mode, boot starts but when main screen should appear, horiz. lines and blue text type symbols, as if Geforce video card not being functional.

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Find Processor Speed / RAM And Hard Drive Speed Configuration?

Sep 25, 2005

How do I find my processor speed, RAM, and hard drive speed/configuration?

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Move A USB Device From Low Speed Port To High Speed

Mar 22, 2009

I'm connecting my iphone to usb and get the "this device can perform faster...." message telling me to disconnect from the current port and connect to a hi speed port I know which is hi speed port, but cant figure out how to disconnect and then reconnect it

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Improve Internet Speed - Maximum Download Speed

Apr 16, 2008

I am using a DSL connection with a maximum download speed of upto 2MBPS but i usually recieve it for about 1-1.5MBPS. I have tried using Download Accelerator softwares to increase my speed but wuth those some spam also come into my computer so i am not using it anymore. Is there any way by which i can increase my internet speed by doing some changes in Windows internally. Also while using sharing sites my speed tends to fall to about 45KBPS.

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Boosting Up PC Speed And Downloading Speed

Apr 21, 2006

How can i Boost up my PC speed and downloading speed,Although i used some Optimizers but it also occupy my disks memory spaces and speed down the OS similarly for Booting Time.

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Speed Up Lan Network Speed

Jan 25, 2007

i want to speed up my Network file transfer as fast as "whatever"is there any way that i can do using script or software or anythin Local area connections speed: 100 Mbps

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Cable Connection Wont Work: Internet Connection Breaks After 15 Minutes?

May 25, 2006

my cable is not working properly.Every 15-20 minutes my internet connection is broken even though the modem is online and there is no problem with the cable coming into my house. I have to reset the cable modem and then it works for another 10-20 minutes until the next cut. Ive had this problem before (last time i changed computers) but cant remember how it was resolved. I already talked to my ISP support but these guys are brain damaged or something and cannot even comprehend my problem and all 3 actually concluded that i had somehow contracted some killer virus immediately after connecting my computer and this virus was the root of my problems

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Error Disabling Connection / Not Possible To Disable Connection

Aug 18, 2006

I go into network connections, then I try to disable my lan connection and enable my wireless and bamm."Error Disabling Connection- It is not possible to disable the connection at this time. This connection may have one or more protocals that do not support Plug-and-Play".

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Bridge Connection On Local Area Connection

Oct 22, 2008

I have tired to get rid of this bridge connection that is on my local area connection. I try to remove it with the bridge connection area and all it says is "To create a Network Bridge, you must select at least two LAN or High-Speed Internet connections that are not being used by Internet Connection Sharing." I have AT&T hig speed internet and tired talking to them and they said it was on my end, plus I spend two hours on the phone to someone who doesn't know much english and not alot about computers. So can someone please help me. The only way I can connect to the internet is through the my D-Link router which sucks

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Local Area Connection - Network Connection

Feb 28, 2008

i havn't (Local Area Connection ) in network connection in my computer why ?
what I must to do to make (Local Area Connection)?

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Internet Connection Wizard - Dialup Connection

Jun 24, 2005

I recently reinstalled Windows XP Home on a friends computer, but when I went
to create their dialup connection to the internet, I couldn't.I went into the 'Internet Connection Wizard'. Told it that I was connecting directly to the internet. Then I told it I was going to set up the connection manually. But whenever the option comes up to setup a dial-up or broadband connection, the dial-up option is greyed out and unselectable.In device manager, it shows my modem as being fine. It's installed with no conflicts.

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Cant Connection To Internet - Tried Direct Connection

Apr 13, 2005

I got a Toshiba with windows XP.. Its an older laptop and runs slow.. which is fine for what i need it for.. It is connected through a Dlink Cable modem. Recently moved and had a DSL connection of 3 years no problems. Had to switch to cable broadband. The lights all light up solid no problem. Network cable connected to no problem. Problem : NO internet

Unplug netowkr cable from cable modem (get the network cabled unplugged in windows, so it is seing the modem or atleast talking to it)Tried using the windows xp network srtup wizard. I did that hub one (connected thourhg a hub) and i tried the direct connection (goes from modem to computer).

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Remote Desktop Connection: "virtual Private Network Connection"?

Jul 11, 2005

I've been trying to use Remote Desktop to connect from my home computer to my office network's machines. I've followed all the instructions except for the part where it talks about getting a "virtual private network connection". Not sure if I have this part done right. Not even sure if this is the problem. Is there something that needs to be set up before being able to connect from a home computer to an office machine?

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Speed Up IE 6.0

May 6, 2005

I have been trying to speed up my computer. I've defraged, scanned, deleted unnecessary files, etc. I have Windows XP. Here is my hijack this log if that is of use. I would appreciate any help. Most programs seem to be running faster - but IE is still sluggish.

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Checking FSB Speed

Feb 24, 2005

Is there a way in XP, or in BIOS on a computer running XP, to check the actual FSB speed? Is it indicated in BIOS? I have a vague memory of checking it once but I can't remember if I checked it on the machine or just read the number in the manual.

If BIOS, or another source on the machine, tells you an FSB speed, is that the actual current clocked speed, or is that some kind of factory standard number that the MoBo provides as a spec?

I'm having some confusion as to what my actual FSB speed is. The manual says it's 400 on some Dimension 2400 machines but 266 on mine, but I swear I read XP or BIOS telling me it was 400. If there's a way to check directly I'd like to do that.

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USB2.0 Is 1.0 Speed Instead 2.0

Nov 29, 2008

I freshly re-installed my window xp home edition. Unfortunately, can't get my USB to work at 2.0 speed. all of them at USB1.0 speed now. My XP is SP3 and frequently updated. I've tried to update USB driver through Device Manager but still does not solve the problem. Now, the file transfers take hours.

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Best Tips To Speed Up?

Dec 2, 2008

I have a DELL Precision 360 PC with 2 Hard Drives of 500GB, three CD/DVD Drives and 3GB of RAM. My processor is Intel(R) Pentium (R) 4 CPU 3.00 GHz and four 21" Monitors. I have Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002, Service Pack 3. Two Graphic cards: GeForce 7300GS and GeForce 6200..My question is: which are the top tips, the best tips to speed the system up?

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How To Speed Up Computer

Nov 28, 2007

I suggest you read the TSG Rules, we take copyrights seriously here. Don't copy large articles from other sites here.

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Want Computer To Be On Speed

Feb 2, 2008

I have a quick question. And thank you all by the way. Everyone is so helpful here! ( I am new oh and inexperienced at computers!) I want to speed up my computer. i was reading a book and it said there are some tools to help speed it up such as disc cleanup, Disk Defragmenter, and Chkdsk?? My computer is really slow so im trying to see whats wrong with it. I have done all the virus stuff. Oh and I deleted a lot of unused programs which I thought would make it so much faster and free up some space but when I went back under the C folder in program files, it was only like one less mb or gb whatever it is. haha cant you see im not that good with this stuff! Anyway, for disc cleanup... will that speed it up? I dont want to delete anything. Will it delete stuff? as for the chkdsk. should I do that to see whats wrong and what is disk defrag. Should I do that.

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Computer Needs To Speed Up

Apr 30, 2008

Got xp sp2 and the problem is it takes so long to do anything and it freezes and locks when open more then one browser why is this? What can download to make it run quicker?

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