Peecee Lock Up - Mouse Disappear

Feb 4, 2007

I am using Windoze 2000 pro and I've never had this problem before but my peecee is wanting to lock up after 20 minutes of use. The mouse will disappear and the computer will not respond to anything even a alt+ctrl+del

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Right Mouse Button Lock Up Windows

Apr 20, 2010

Most of the time when I try to use my right mouse button ( for example, right clicking on an icon, photograph, file name) will freeze up the system and it will become un-responsive right away.If I am doing a word doc, I can right click for spell check and that works fine, or right click the start menu.I have a Dell computer running XP service pack 3 with a pent D 2.33Ghz and 1 G memory. tried renaming Normal.dotm, as someone had suggested, but it made no difference.

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Lock Out / Screen Remains Visible But The Mouse Is 'frozen

Nov 13, 2006

At completely random intervals(e.g. 2 minutes, 3 hours, sometime during the day/night), the computer 'locks me out' - the screen remains visible but the mouse is 'frozen', the keyboard will not function, any discs in their slots will not release.The system will restart with no apparent problem until the next lock out.I've had a systems check done at the local shop and they are fairly certain that the hardware is not causing the problem.

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Num Lock Or Caps Lock Resets Computer

Jul 8, 2005

Why should a computer reset sometimes when the Num Lock or Caps Lock key is pressed? I have tried turning Num Lock off in the Bios to see if that would help. But same thing happens The system is as follows Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition BIOS Version DateAmerican Megatrends Inc. 07.00T, 02/04/2001 Motherboard MSI745 Ultra Processor AMD Athlon 1200 (BUT SHOWS UP AS 900) Keyboard DescriptionStandard 101/102-Key or Microsoft Natural PS/2 Keyboard.

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Lock My Account No Really LOCK

Apr 30, 2007

I am sure that everyone knows that you can lock your account in XP, blah, blah.But if I am doing something important, I don't want other administrators to be able to log me off!Is there a registry key/local poicy/other solution so that only I can unlock my account when I lock it?

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Random Times Mouse Click Freeze-Mouse Move Works?

Mar 30, 2007

I got a new computer and I have been having problems with my mouse. I have a simple optical wired mouse. During random times, my mouse click freezes, although my mouse can move and I can use the key board at this time, I cannot click or focus anything. To fix the problem I can control alt delete and exit the Task Manager, this fixes the problem.

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Device Manager Would Pop Up And Disappear

Aug 23, 2005

I was working with tech service to get my wireless router back up and running. after control panel, system, device manager would not come up. or if i tried again and again it would pop up and disappear.

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Task Bar Disappear On Desktop

Jul 18, 2005

Taskbar has been dissappearing off of my desktop while I'm working on the computer.

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Clean Up - Task Bar Disappear And Not Come Back

Jan 23, 2007

My wife's machine has been running slowly, and I am certain it is full of junk. Earlier I had improved things amazingly by uninstalling McAffee and replacing w/ AVG. Now it's all bogged down again, and a reboot does little to help. In addition, some Windows features have been squirrely for a long time, for example the Windows task bar likes to disappear and not come back. We've never been able to get Eudora (free version) to function properly.

Dell Inspiron 2600
Mobile CPU 1133 MHz
722 MHz, 256 MB of RAM

Windows XP
Home Edition v. 2002, sp 2

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 9:51:12 AM, on 1/23/2007
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5730.0011)..............

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Desktop Icons Disappear And Reappear

Jun 26, 2005

I keep on getting an error message saying windows explorer has to close etc. that asks you if you want to send an error report.Whether you do or not, all the desktop icons disappear for a couple of seconds then reappear only for the same message to come up again.On the more information tab it suggests I download windows XP SP2 but when I try that it wont download.It does begin downloading alright but then as its about to install it just says file could not be found.I don't know if its a coincidence but this only began after I was downloading a file on Warez that stopped downloading near the end and just said the file was corrupt. After that is when this problem began.I can continue on with whatever I'm doing on the computer but I have constant error message on front of me.

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Video Is Shown For A Split Second And Then Disappear

Mar 31, 2006

I have thought that my Internet explorer was messed up.So I downloaded Mozilla, I still think that it is messed up but I have another problem now, The thing that is messed up with internet explorer is when you go to a website like or street to watch a video on internet explorer it would show the video for a split second and then it would disappear, but when you went on to mozilla and went to any website with any video it was fine. so i thought it was a problem with internet explorer, then the problem proceeded to windows media player, the computer would rather free or restart itself with any program that played videos, so you would think the problem is with the video card, well that what i was thinking because i have been having this problem all night with windows movie maker trying to make a video it would restart itself, well i finally got so fedup that i sent the error report after it recovered from a serious error and it popped up a microsoft help page saying it was a video driver error, so i updated it restarted same problem so i went to display advanced did what it said same problem but the send error report popped up a different error this time said it was from a device driver but it didnt know which one and it wanted me to test direct draw, where it shows u black and white triangles and such and asks you if you saw them, well on the third part of the test where it shows a white ball bouncing full screen it showed that then flashed the blue screen with tons of words and restarted and same thing when you try it again, so my question is, what could this be? I just want to fix all of my video problems. I went into my device manager and it says that the device is currently functioning properly. And if you are going to respond please explain well because I am not very computer savvy I just know a little.

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IE Opens On Its Own And The Taskbar And Icons Disappear

Jun 11, 2007

I was on Opera (as I am now) and IE just opened itself automatically, which I haven't used for ages, so I closed it straight away and assumed it was a spyware thing, so would scan my PC tomorrow. But when it closed, I got the eggtimer pointer and my taskbar disappeared and all my icons disappeared. I was going to print screen and save it, but because my taskbar has disappeared and my start menu cannot be accessed by the start button (as it went with the taskbar) or the windows key, I can't get to photoshop or paint or anything.

Anyway I think you get the idea, I can only use the programs that I had open which is Firefox and Opera. Anyone else encountered this, and know of any way to counter this, without restarting (as my PC doesn't like restarts, but that's a whole different kettle of fish)?

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Some Programs Disappear In Safe Mode

Aug 30, 2006

When go into safe mode, all the desktop icons don't always appear and that makes the reason I went into safe mode unworkable. Is there some way I can get all the desktop icons to appear in the safe mode? I'm trying to run one of my software programs from the desktop. I also wanted to install some software in the safe mode and when the setup icon didn't appear I was unable to do the install.

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Desktop Icons And Task Bar Disappear

Apr 18, 2006

Lost desktop icons and task bar. Can get to things by using task manager. How can I fix this?

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Programs Disappear From Start Menu

Jan 18, 2009

Running Windows XP Pro SP3. For the past couple weeks when I click on START/ALL PROGRAMS the programs menu comes up for a few seconds and most of the time before I can select a program the menu disappears from the screen. I know of other ways I can get to the program I want so I am in no big panic. This problem is frustrating.

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Task Bar And Desktop Icons Disappear

Feb 18, 2008

My son has a Dell dimension 9100 The taskbar/start and all the desktop icons disappear and then reappear every 10-4 seconds All programs can still be accessed through start if you r quick enough!! otherwise throught the task manager. The system will not start in safe mode, only get a blue screen in safe mode, asdvising to run CHKDSK, which we have. Is the hard drive on its way out?? or does this sound repairable?

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Show System Files That Disappear

Aug 12, 2002

Like to know where all of the system files went?  Such as the pagefile, autoexec.bat, etc. In any folder that contains files.  Click on the tools menu and select folder options. Then click on the view tab. Locate where it lists Hide protected operating system files and uncheck it.Click yes on the box that will pop up.Click OK.

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Task Manager Disappear Automatically

Aug 29, 2006

Hey ermm i have been having this problem for a week now when i do cntrl + alt + del the task manager comes but goes automaticly in 2 seconds.

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Desktop Icons Disappear And Reappear?

Feb 16, 2006

when I close Control Panel, my desktop icons disappear for a view seconds and then reappear. Same thing happens when I close a folder which has a shortcut on my desktop.
I am not sure if this started directly after I uninstalled Norton 2002, and installed AC-Antivirus.
I also noticed that my machine got slower.
I have scanned the PC for viruses and spyware, and it seems to be OK
My machine is a HP Pavilion 540n with Win XP sp2 Home Edition, 512 RAM DDR. Pentium 4 1,60 GHz

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Control Panel Icon Disappear

Jan 7, 2009

I am running XP with SP2.My Control Panel icon has now disappeared.

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Disappear Desktop Icons And Tool Bar

Aug 12, 2005

My problem is I have nothing on my desktop, no icons no tool bar. I cannot right click to get to properties. I can Control. Alt, Delete to get Task Manager and start a new process. After browsing for an application, I can get to any rogram/processor, but this is REALLY annoying. I have done a restore to 2 days ago and that didn't help. This just "happened" after the computer had been in use, screen saver turned on and then when I went to use it again, NOTHING.

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Toolbar Disappear On Task Manager

Jul 21, 2005

I am running xp pro and I have adaware se professional plus spyware eliminator. this happened before and I had to reformat the whole drive. I think spyware chews up my tool bar. When I do CTRL-ALt-DEL to bring up Task Manager, The top part is missing where it is listed--File, Option , Help etc. How can I get it back? Why did it happen? How can I prevent it.

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Disappear System32 File In System

Sep 7, 2005

Hi my problem is i can't view system32, cant find it anyware, cant explore to it or anything.

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Explorer.exe, CCApp.exe (NIS) At 100% CPU, Taskbar Toolbars Disappear

Dec 8, 2004

Every day about once or twice, I get extremely annoyed after my computer reaches 100% CPU usage and stays there, most of the times forcing me to sit in front of it, ending processes on Task Manager until finally I'm able to restart, taking 10 minutes of my time, especially because when I return to Windows after rebooting, my 4 toolbars in the taskbar, including 40+ shortcuts in the Quick Launch bar, disappear, forcing me to manually reorganize them (which I do with help from the latest screenshot I've taken).

The culprits are explorer.exe (surprise, surprise ), other times CCApp.exe (Norton Internet Security 2005's user session manager), and last time rundll32.exe, which I closed and then, believe it or not, firefox.exe was taking 100% CPU (I'm sure it has nothing to do with Firefox though, maybe a problem with an extension since I have more than 35, but I doubt it). I do not use Internet Explorer, and I don't have any viruses (just checked last night).

Also, spyware is out of the question here (checked about 3 days ago and I'm doing fine, in fact I haven't had any type of spyware in 3 or 4 months (since switching to Firefox it's almost like spyware doesn't exist, what a coincidence), other than tracking cookies, and I've checked with both Spybot and Ad-Aware SE 1.05 with all the most thorough settings).

I'm running Windows XP Home Edition with SP2 on a Dell Inspiron 5150 (3 GHz P4, 512 MB RAM, 40 GB HDD), nVidia GeForce FX Go5200 graphics card (latest nVidia drivers), latest BIOS from Dell, etc....

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Remove Hardware Safely Icon Disappear

Nov 11, 2009

I could not find the key in the registry that controls the initialization bar so I could turn on again the icon that controls all the USB devices.

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.dll File Disappear Due To The Loading Of A New Video Driver

Aug 3, 2005

I had a .dll file disappear due to the loading of a new video driver. I have googled it and downloaded it, but I don't know where to place it within my windows directory tree in order to solve the problem. I have tried to place it in the windows root directory, the windows/system directory, and the windows/system32 directory, all to no avail.
The .dll file is MSVCP71.DLL.Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Desktop Icons Always Disappear After First User Is Selected

Aug 12, 2009

Desktop ICONS always disappear when first user is selected, Computer motherboard is ASUS M3A78PRO/w AMD Phenon Quad Core 9500 CPU with 4GB Memory. OS is XP Pro. I am utilizing the on-board graphics card only. When I initially built and installed the XP-Pro Operating System, the system installed and worked perfect. After approximately six (6) months of use, and while attempting to utilize IE 8, the pop-up screens would only display in white, without any information. After working on the IE 8 problem for a week, I finally decided to scrubbed the hard drive with zeros an accomplished a clean install. Same problem appeared again. I accomplished a Mem-Test on the memory without any problems.

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Desktop Icons & Taskbar Disappear After Logon

Apr 10, 2005

I'm working on a Dell desktop with Windows XP Home at this point I don't have other info to give you, there are 3 users on this machine and anytime we log on to any of the accounts the program starts normal and everything comes up normal and then the desktop icons & task bar disappear for 3 to 4 seconds and reappear, this will happen several times until either everything comes up and stays or disappears for good, if I use ctrl/alt/delete and get to the task manager I can start explorer.exe and everything comes back to normal, as soon as we log off and log back on we get the same thing all over again, ran Ad-Aware SE Personal, Registry Mechanic, Spybot Search and Destroy, Xoftspy, cleaned everything up with the same results,

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Re-install Of Wmade Video Card Disappear

Dec 24, 2006

My video card has just flat disappeared. For the record I'm running a generic pc rebuild with a new mother board, Athelon 2400,a Radeon 9600 video card,WXP Home (vers 2002,includes servpack2). It's been working fine for several years.I installed the new WXP ,replacing the embedded one that came with my pc. I went to Windows Update and downloaded everything they said I needed. I began to have a problem with a video game so I went to the source (ATI)and downloaded new drivers for my card,(3 years old.) But install failed,giving me"Try to set up your display adapter with a standard VGA driver before running setup.". Then I discovered I couldn't find my card anywhere. Display manager doesn't list a Display Adapter. "Settings/ Adapter" says unavailable for each item, and properties says "unknown", but it's working properly. Properties/Hardware does not list it. Somewhere in there Troubleshooter ended up saying "null" straight across the board but I dont know where it was. Belarc even says "none detected".I cant restore to an earlier point because there isn't one. And the kicker is, I dont have the cd's for the video card.

I found a very similar problem in the archives from 2004 that said XP install's it's own drivers (checked add/remove and yeah,their gone) but it also said un-install the display adapter in device manager,but, it isn't there.The card is working,obviously,but not to the level it should be. I remember somebody once saying "when you start having trouble,think about what your last download was." Mine was all those updates from windows. I didn't include the Belarc info cuz I'm long-winded & ran out of room.

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System Hangs And Icons Disappear After Start Up

Dec 5, 2008

A Dell Dimension 8200, I can start the computer just fine in safe mode, but when I try to log in normally it lets me type in my password and then either just hangs after that saying loading personal settings or it'll get to my desktop background, but no programs will appear and it will just hang there. I've deleted any old programs I could find in safe mode and the only thing I've recently installed is a Java update. I also used system restore to go back before the Java update and I'm having the same problem.

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Disappear Start Menu And Desktop Icons

Oct 10, 2006

I got a client that sent me a hp pavilion 533w, and this thing is screwed up badly. The start menu, & desktop icons don't show up at all. I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del and run everything thru Windows Task Manager. Here's another thing, he has a WINDOWS Folder on his 20gig and another one on his 50gig. Ive tried everything from Windows OS CDs to Run format, WIN CD Repair, and all I get are errors. Give me a hand.

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