PC Froze Up During .NET Framework 2.0 Update Installation
Oct 13, 2006
While trying to download and install the updates during the last Microsoft "Patch Tuesday" my PC locked up on the very last one KB922770. FIle name: NDP20-KB922770-X86.exe. A security update for .NET Framework 2.0. I waited patiently and still it did not install after 25 minutes. So, I had to shut down using the power button, rebooted and downloaded the file manually and tried installing it.
I have been installing each and every update from microsoft. I now get the Windows Update to install a security patch for Framework.net. It fails to install every time and comes back again and again to install. I did a very quick search on this problem and it seems there are problems concerning how Framework was loaded and what versions youo have.First of all, as far as I know, I have only loaded a new Framework version because a program I downloaded informed me I need this new version. I do not keep track of how I loaded Framework, what versions or anything. Looking as some of these proposed solutions require knowing a lot more about how you loaded them and what versions you have.
I have run live update and installed all updates OK except .NET Framework SP1.1 update.This will not install and there is no reason given why - it just says installation failed
I am attempting to install the .net framework and am having issues. when attempting to install i get the error 'Error creating process TempIXP000.TMPInstall.exe>. Reason: system32advpack.dll. I checked to see if the dll was there.
I went to the MS Critical Update page and saw the following Critical Update for my WinXPsp3. Does anyone know if it is a Critical Update? Must it be downloaded and installed? It is the largest update (248 MB) Critical Update I have ever seen and I wonder if it is really, really necessary to download and install.
My windows update utility is trying to send an update "Microsoft .Net Framework." It is a rather large file, around 70 Mb. The two computers in question are a netbook and an older computer I use to run ham radio programs. Both run XP Home. What is .net framework and do I need to run the updates?
I have a question regarding my most recent visit to WINDOWS UPDATE. While I found NO CRITICAL updtes for my system, there are 10 Optional Software Updates, three (3) of which are .NET FRamework 1.1, .NET Framework 2.0 AND .NET Framework 3.0 and I find this a bit confusing. It's as if Windows Update is telling me to install ALL THREE updates and I am not sure of THAT necessity!!! I seem to remember reading somewhere that if you install version 3.0 you "will be covered" with "it all" as it is the most recent and up to date version. However, I ask myself...."then WHY do they offer ALL THREE this way?
My Windows XP automatic update feature on my laptop keeps trying to install "Update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant 1.0 x86 (KB963707)" but each time it fails.
Win Xp sp3. I just received an update from Microsoft. On installation I got the following message "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 Service Pack 1 Security Update for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 (KB953297)" How do I either solve the problem or make the install shield go away? I note that I have higher versions of .Net Framework installed on the computer.
Can anyone tell me what this update is for which is considered high priority? I read what it says but still did not understand if I need it. I am only using this home pc. it is not at a business.
OS: Win XP SP2 Proc: 2.93 Pent4 Mem: 1024 Meg All security updates installed with exception of :MS06-033 (KB917283) which generates : "Error 25013. Failed to install assembly
WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework2.0.50727System. |Windows.Forms.dll because strong name signature could not be verified. Was the assembly built delay-signed?"Attempts to retry download fail.I do not know what it means nor do I know how to fix it
I cannot install .NET Framework 1.1 (which I need for several programs). I've tried for weeks to find a fix, but can't. It says ACCESS IS DENIED, PLEASE VERIFY THAT YOU HAVE ACCESS TO THAT DIRECTORY.error 1304 error writing to file c:windowsmicrosoft.netframeworkv1.1.43221033vsavb7rtui.dll verify that you have access to that directory.I am running on admin, and I have Windows XP Home Edition.I've also tried to install .NET 2.0, but also got an error.
I update my system but the Microsoft.net Framework 3.5 will not update, can someone provide me with help in doing so? I need to know what the difference is between the following as I do not know which one to download that would fix the issues I am having which is framework 3.5 wil not update:For Windows XP and for Windows Server 2003 Expand this imageDownload the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for Windows XP x86 and Windows Server 2003 x86 package now. (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en) Download the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update for Windows XP x64 and Windows Server 2003 x64 package now. (http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/d...displaylang=en)
My automatic updater keeps telling me I need to install the latest security update for Net Framework 1.1. I've tried a number of times and always get a failure report. The logs say Ox643 is the error code. Looking this up on the MS site was no help. Any ideas about how to get past this? I really don't need Net Framework ( I think), so would un-installing it be an option to remove the nuisance reminders about updating it?
My updates are set on notify and this update has downloaded but never installs and goes away. I have tried installing it many times but the yellow shield continues to pop back up saying it is there to be installed. This is on a fully up to date XP SP2 OS system, with Avast and is Spyware clean as well, on an older generic clone 600mhz AMD K6-III with 384MB Ram and plenty of hard disk space. Although it is a little slow and methodical it has never caused me any problems
Since I'm on dialup internet, I download Windows Updates from the Windows Update Catalog site and store them on my external HDD for installation later.
I have found something in the KB953297 Update I've not seen before. There appears to be more than one executable item in the downloaded package. See the attached screen shot.
The first begins with the word "all" with an icon typical of a setup executable. My guess is that is the one I should launch and it would install the appropriate software.
I'm running XP Pro. Today I received a windows update notification (I have automatic updates set to inform me of available updates before installing). All the updates installed correctly except:Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 and .NET Framework 2.0 SP2 Security Update for Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, and Windows XP x86 (KB979909)and Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 SP1 Security Update for Windows 2000 and Windows XP (KB979906).A summary of the related knowledge base pages regarding the failed installations tells me to uninstall, then reinstall all versions of net framework on this machine. Then go back to the Windows Update web site to check once again for updates to the newly reinstalled net framework versions.
HP m7680n running windows xp, StandBy mode ran well first 8 months I had this machine then last month it stopped functioning. The error message is very specific; 'Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1.4322 Update' is keeping my computer from going into standby mode. I thought this would be easy to solve but I do not know, where this program is located or how to find it nor do I know how to uninstall it.
I admit to being a cheap SOB and have bought second han Dell Latitude D610 from work. For security they have COMPLETLY wiped hard drive and only reloaded original Window XP. I have neen working through all sorts of issues in loading all the drivers etc for a week of nights and have almost made it but I am having an issue in loading the MS update. I get the following message in automatic Updates window. "The following updates were not installed Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5SP1 and .NET Frammework 2.0 SP@ Update for Windows Server and Windows XP x86 (KB982524)"Are they important. I think I need them to get the Dell Program Manager to work to download all the drivers (I have done most by transferring to stick from desktop.)
I am running version 2002 xp SP2. I need to install microsoft.net 3.5 framework for a software program. I first had to install windows installer 3.1 and did so without any problems. then I started downloading 3.5 framework and got this error message.
[05/18/10,22:30:15] VS Scenario: [2] Failed to pass the Warnings/Blocks checks in CVSScenario::Start() [05/18/10,23:10:20] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603 [05/18/10,23:11:23] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed. [05/19/10,11:55:39] Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a. MSI returned error code 1603 [05/19/10,11:56:21] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0a is not installed.
This update won't install and I had trouble once before...a long time ago... installing this update. I went to Google for a fix and on some forum a tech told me to un-install the ver. 2.0 that I have on there now...reboot...and then d/l the new update. I didn't bookmark the forum unfortuneately. Now, my system won't even allow me to un-install the old ver. 2.0 so I'm at a loss as to what to do. Does anyone know how to fix this
I have this computer with Windows XP Service Pack 1.I am installing the patches and everytime the installation fails.Any procedure to follow in order to SUCCESSFULLY install the patches.
I have a peculiar problem. I can download windows updates, But the installation fails. I did everything what i could do. But no success. I am using IE 7 with Norton internet security suite 2007 (Automatic windows update option enabled in it).
hope someone can help me! I have windows XP and a while ago IE stopped being able to download, i have resolved that by reinstalling IE, however about the same time my windows update installations were failing and i thought it was because of my download problem in IE however now IE is fixed but i still cannot install windows updates.Before anyone tells me to go into tools, options, security blah blah, i have done that already but it has not resolved the problem. The error message i get is just a box that says updates were unable to be successfully installed then a list of the updates it was unable to install, but no reason for the error or number is given.
I get the error message "Installation failure. Error code 0x643" when trying to install updates for the Malware removal tool. I have automatic updates on my computer also Windows genuine advantage validation.
Basically today I bought a 250gb hitachi sata HDD, dvd drive and computer case, got home, assembled the lot. worked fine. Got my Win XP SP2 installation cd and stuck it in the drive... and started to boot it up... it read the disk just fine, but for some reason every damn time it gets to (Mylex EXR2000, 3000/AR160, 170, 352 Raid Controllers) at the bottom of the screen it just stays there and never progresses.
It's causing me so much hassle. I went into the BIOS, turned off all RAID related options since he doesn't even have a RAID. Then that did nothing, figured I would get rid of the SATA drive for now incase that was the issue, put back in the old IDE 20GB drive... same thing happened. Got another Win XP installation disc that i've used loads of times with no problems... but that one came with it's own error.... a missing file apparently? Anyways the PC is sat downstairs with the old 20GB IDE drive in it and the CD drive and not much else really. All raid options in the BIOS are disabled and my mind is falling to pieces.
Windows update shield informs me I need to install Office XP SP3. I click on it, but the installation hangs up halfway through asking me to insert the Office XP CD - which I don't have.
Went to Microsoft download page and clicked on full file version (SINCE I don't have the CD), but still get the request to insert the CD halfway through the installation. Since I can't complete the download, the update icon pops up every time I log on. Any suggestions?
For several weeks now I haven't been able to download/update Windows updates. I have been working with Microsoft Tech Support (via the telephone)for several days now and we haven't been able to correct the problem(s). My question is... can I use the Windows Installation disk to "fix" any problems my machine is having with the downloads/updates? Is there a "fix" option on the Windows disk and am I at risk in using it? I don't want to lose anything on my desktop because it is the way I want it at this time.
i was on my desktop, and a virus alert came up, asking me to delete it.my computer then froze and now when i turn it on, none of the 4 user icons appear, so i cant log on at all...not even in safe mode or any of stuff i tried.
Had to reboot my computer awhile back because it froze up and have had no volume since. I get the Coe 10 error code, I have tried to uninstall and reinstall the drivers, with no success. Also get a no media mixer error sometimes.
I had to reboot my computer because it froze up and when it rebooted windows 2000 is upside down, everything is upside down! Even the mouse movement is upside down.