My system has Windows XP with Service pack 2. I was having some problem with the "NMIndexStore.exe" and I get this windows notifier every now and then. I searched for a solution and I came to know that it is because of Nero Scout or an improper installation.,then I found to commands to stop the service and delete it. I have deleted the service. I found that the service was still active in the Task manager processes.
My windows automatic updates notifier wants me to download Service Pack 3. I have heard of problems arising from Service Pack 3 (I have XP). Should I ignore it or should I download it?
I cannot log into window XP automatically, everytime that i turn on my pc i have to click on my username (eventhough there's no password) in order to let window continue starting the pc desktop. I've check the pc system and the general information shown that the pc is registered to a user name "user" where my window username is something else "Vicky", could it be the reason? How do you change the information on the system General tab
What exactly do I have to do to keep my pc from going on standby?
I have disabled powermanagement in bios, in display settings under the Power settings they are all set to Never hibernate is unchecked but it still keeps going to standby
Every time you open an program or window in my wife's computer it immediately goes into hibernation mode. You can then go back into window/program out of hibernation, but then it immedaietly returns to hibernation.
One of my operatives is using a Windows 2000 SP4 PC, networked, and she's had problems shutting it down (which I've now resolved) but it's not locking when she's away from her desk, leaving it accessible to all. She assures me it used to lock.Before I delete her profile etc. I thought I'd ask on here in case it's a registry setting or something simple that I've missed.
I am not sure why or when but now CD's dvd's don't start automatically, I have to go to my computer and click on the dvd drive to start it. This happens with all disks, music movies and new software, even though I have certain programs set to start when disk is inserted they don't, like WinDVD is set to load when a movie disk is put in and now it does not start, so I am not sure what I did, but if anyone has a fix I sure would appreciate it. Win XP Pro SP2, AMD Athlon xp 3000+ 2.1 ghz 768 mb ram.GE force fx 5700 ve graphics card with 256 mb ram.Sygate pro firewall, and AVG virus protection free version, Problem happens with or without firewall and virus software on.
For some reason my computer is asking me to select the admin when I turn it on or do a restart. Is there any way to bypass that and just have the computer take me to the desktop automatically?
I'm having this problem where my computer keeps shuting down (automatically) when I log in, right when the applications are loading. The message that popped up varied quite a few times, when of the messages I've seen the most is: "imjpmig.exe-dll initiation failed" and "the application is shutting down".Also, how do you change your BIOS (I'm so used to Win ME) with XP? Which button do you press and when do you press it?
I have a acer travlemate 800 laptop, i cannot get past the welcome screen. I click on my user name and it logs in and then log back out. I cannot get past the welcome screen.
My PC automatically starts up at exactly 12:00 every night. It starts up and shows the login window. Really annoying. Does anyone have an idea on how to turn this off?
Following a recent update to internet explorer via Windows Update I find that my PC reconnects to my broadband service just moments after I have disconnected. I have checked the Internet Properties> Connections settings and changed this back to Never Dial a Connection but the same behavior persists. Can anyone suggest a cure or explain why my PC now does this?
In Win 98, I used tools to have my caps turned on automatically at every bulleted list and start of a new sentence or paragraph. but with Xp I still can't get it to work. In tools, autocorrect options, how do I get it to capitalise every sentence and the first letter of every bulletted list. Right now in XP Autocorrect, the first six boxes are checked but still does not work in the way I want it to.
Here's my problem: My computer can't boot up properly. It can get to the Windows XP moving blue bar page but it wouldn't boot up to the welcome screen and the OS. Instead my monitor blanks out, but the power signal is still on as displayed on the CPU.
Strangely if i leave my computer on like this, it will restart back to the DOS startup page and a cycle repeats. I tried restarting manually and the windows options menu turns up, telling me to choose various options to boot, including Safe mode, and Last Known Good. I tried going to safe mode, and last known good configuration, but it wouldn't work, it just somehow restarts my computer to the DOS startup.
When I switch on the main power, the computers starts automatically ie. without switching the CPU. The following message is displayed on the screen 'CMOS settings wrong.Press F1 to restore defaults and continue' Upon pressing F1 the machine starts. I do'nt know how to set CMOS settings right Time/Date settings change automatically.
I cannot install any software.Messages like file missing.Cannot open installer pkg.Contact your vendor etc. I do'nt have the installation cs availablewith me.However when I try to repair/reinstall with the help of my other win xp cd, i get the message 'key no. is wrong.I cannot format the c: drive from within.
I have a campaq notebook that runs windows xp, when I start up it does fine until I click into the user name. Once it gets to my screen the windows installer automatically pops up and tells me it is preparing to install photogallery which to the best of my knowledge I don't have. It atempts to install until a screen pops up that says omething about needing a cd to install. If you cancel out it tries it atleast 2 more times. It is really agrivating me as it takes almost ten minutes to get through all of this before I can do anything else. If someone could help I would be greatful. I already tried to unistall the program and it isn't there.
I am really without a clue, the only hardware modification I have done is install two more 512mb sticks of ram. I had two and installed 2 more all same type Kingston ValueRAM 512MB 184-Pin DDR SDRAM Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200). So now I am running 2 gigs of ram. It rebooted and I got the boots screen to choose type of boot.....last good config, ect....I chose normal and it gave me the xp windows screen with the horizontal progress graphic and then it kinda hangs on a black screen for a bit and finally it will give me the user/password window.
When i log in my window XP, it just log off automatically. Even in Safe mode. Even when i log in with Administrator account. So what can i do? I have to use my computer as soon as possible.
Every time I boot my computer.A lot of my program window folders open up automatically.I included a screen shot of what it looks like when they open on startup. I have done the MSCONFIG thing and gone to startup.
this is rather annoying, at random times my computer automatically turns off. sometimes it restarts but other times i have to repeatedly press the power "on" button in order for it to turn on again. why might this occur and is there any solution?
The ati2dvag display has stopped working normally. Save your work & reboot the system to restore full display functionality. The next time you reboot the machine a dialog will be displayed giving you a chance to upload data about this failure to microsoft After computer is on 15 minutes or so it everytihng appears to be in safe mode. It isn't but that is what it looks like, words are HUGE Computer is also shutting off every 15 mintues or so, it is a new Toshiba Laptop which is running Windows XP.
everytime I boot my computer up it just logs off, I click the log in, and then it just goes off again. this happens in all modes, safe mode, networking mode, iv tried just about everything.I tried to use my xp disk and it doesnt load it, I have set it too boot from the disk aswell, and it makes no difference it just loads as normal and then logs out againIv made a boot floppy disk, and it lets me get to a form of DOS screen, but its useless, all the commands dont work, I have put the xp disk in, and tried too use the dos too install xp but it doesnt do anything
I click on the little yellow shield, and it says there's an update waiting. I tell it to Express Install. It does, and says it's finished. Later, I click on the shield again, and the same update is waiting to be installed.
Message displayed during installation:
Initializing installation... done!
Installing Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 1.1 Service Pack 1 (KB928366) (update 1 of 1)...
I've "installed" this update at least three times. And I've already got SP 2 installed, so why does it keep wanting to install something from SP 1? How do I make it stop?
during formatting my pc stuck on 27% for more than 15-20 minutes .i don't know why it stuck ,after that it proceed formatting automatically.after all hurdles pc works correctly but i m confused why it stuck on 27%
Fresh install of XP, I deleted the main user just so I could use another name. Well I restart and now everytime I get an error message saying that the password is incorrect, I press accept, then it shows me the blue logn screen where I can choose the other account.Where can I make Windows not try to automatically load the previous user, and automatically load the new one?
It's not my computer, it's my friend's computer. He is unable to get passed the windows login. We have tried all 3 logins including the administrator and guest accounts. On all of them, it automatically logs back out even before getting to the desktop. Also, booting into safe mode produces a BSOD with stop error message. I'd just reformat it but my friend doesn't want to lose all of his data.
there was a whole bunch of porn on my Win Media player 10, I no longer can open an albw by hitting send because send does not exist in the drop down menu , stuff like burn list, and rip do and I have never had it like that. The worst is that there are files now on my puter that I cannot open because they say they are password protected, like the winZip and some other stuff I am using XP sp2 I have Pen 4 1.80 ghz and I am pretty low on mem ihave been using an accelerator til i get paid to buy some memory, a recent new thing I did was I d/l'd WINMX I tried emule but Norton sent me a notice of something being unsafe so I removed that, I installed Skunk RealArcade but right away these probs I am speaking of started so I dumped that.