Locating Web Email Accounts On Machines

May 10, 2006

Where could I go on my home XP machine to see if the 3 users are using web based email accounts (Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.)? I have 3 teenage daughters and I want to be sure I know who they are talking with. Each uses Outlook, also. Would there be files or logs in cookies or another file on the machine?

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Access Other Email Accounts With IE7?

Aug 9, 2005

I downloaded the IE 7(beta) and I really do like it! But I have one problem with it.When I try to access other email accounts such as yahoo, a message comes up say "Not Optimized".Then it gives me the option to go back to IE6 or Yahoo browser or Netscape.I want to keep IE7.What can I do so that I may be able to access other email accounts with IE7?

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Share MS Outlook Email Accounts On Two Computers

Nov 6, 2008

I have two users sharing one email account from two computers and different versions of MS Office Oultook.

One uses MS Office XP Outlook and the other uses MS Office 2003 Pro Outlook.

Just a day ago some emails arrived in the inbox of the PC with MS Office XP Outlook and did not show in the PC with MS Office 2003 Pro Outlook, wonder why, it has been okay since the day it was setup.

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Getting Email From Multiple Accounts On Outlook Express

Feb 12, 2007

I use Outlook Express 6.0 for the majority of my e-mail. I also have 2 other e-mail accounts. Is there any way I could see if I have any e-mail on these 2 when I open Outlook Express 6.0?

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Locating W2K Repair Using Boot Floppies

Jan 16, 2006

My W2K program is not a boot disk version, so you need to make a series of four (4) boot flopies. I need to get to the "REPAIR" option presumably located on one of the four floppies I made- question is, where is it located and how do I get to it?

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Home Networking Two Machines

Mar 31, 2006

Two XP Pro machines on a hard-wire network with SP2. The host computer (A) can see the shared files of the other machine (B), and the B machine can see the files for A. However, when I try to access A shared files from B, I get a message that I "might not have permissions." I'm the admin on both machines.

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E-machines Computer Have Virus

Oct 16, 2006

My mom brought me her e-machines computer today with the complaint that Windows won't load.I think it might have a virus.So I hook it up and turn it on and am greeted with the loading screen before it brings up a windows error screen prompt that looks like a DOS screen.It says how there might have been a power failure or a virus or God knows what, but it gives you three options for proceeding.1) Safe Mode.2) Start with the last known good configuration.3) Start Windows Normally.I tried starting with all three options and it starts to do each one and then restarts and takes me right back to the loading screen before presenting me with the same DOS-looking screen again and the same endless three options.

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Email Groups: Hide The Addresses While Sending Out An Email?

Sep 3, 2005

Can I create an email group but hide the addresses when I send out an email?

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School Uses Desktops - Machines Running SP3

Sep 23, 2010

I support 2 schools both have the same problem on different machines 1 school uses desktops the other laptops all different makes and models. All XP Pro machines running SP3. Error checking seems to enable me to log on as administrator (right click local c: drive, properties, tools, error checking tick both boxes run after reboot) this is done in safe mode. All windows updates installed (except annoying ones like windows search 4.0 etc) when the problem occurs I get "windows cannot load the user's profile but has logged you on with the default profile for the system. Detail - insufficient system resources exist to complete the requested service" followed by "userinit.exe - Application error The application failed to initialize properly (0xc000012d)." then the system hangs and i have to force shut down. This has happened after the error checking has completed, logged in as normal and reboot and the problem comes back! I've ran, MRT (Microsoft malicious removal tool), Symantec, AVG and malware bytes and found a big fat nothing!

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Convert Physical Machines To Virtual With Disk2vhd

Oct 19, 2009

The Windows Sysinternals group at Microsoft has released Disk2vhd that is a free physical to virtual converter. Disk2vhd allows you to create VHD (virtual hard dive) files from physical drives on your computer while your system is online. The VHD files generated can be used in Microsoft Virtual PC or on Hyper-V server and you will have an instant clone of your machine running virtually.  This is perfect for duplicating a production server for a development virtual machine that you can use on a different computer.

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Outlook Express Email - Not Receive Email

Aug 27, 2005

I just got a new computer with WinXPHome. All works OK except I can not receive my email into OE 6, all email stays with AT&T's Webmail, which I do not want to use. My old Win98 computer has no problems with getting my email. The settings on both computers are the same. I have disabled NAV email scanning. I have no idea what to do. I like OE, and want to continue using it.

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Clean Install / Pre-loaded" Machines With 2 Partitions

Jan 31, 2008

I was given a brand new Compaq Presario SR1910NX recently (I have 2 other heavy duty computer I use for video-editing, etc.). It is one of those "pre-loaded" machines with 2 partitions (one for OS; other for backup). The operating system is XP Home and plenty of bloatware. I don't plan on doing anything fancy with the machine - just some basic stuff like maybe a music server, check email, I would like to do a clean install with Windows XP SP2 (primarily to get rid of the partitions, bloatware, and upgrade OS).

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Home "server" Wont Prompt For Password For All Machines?

May 3, 2008

I am using XP Home as a "server" to just host some files for everyone to access. We do not have enough in the budget right now to upgrade to XP Pro or 2003 and I was wondering if anyone had a fix for this. When I am on a client machine and try to access the "server" it will prompt for the Guest password. I type in the Guest password I assigned and it shows me all the shared folders. The only thing is that it doesn't prompt for the password on all machines. EX: Client1 prompts for pass, but Client2 doesn't. I have all the windows firewalls turned off.

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Three Accounts In PC

Apr 23, 2005

On our PC there are 3 accounts.The second account [my son's] has in the notification tray, the time and then underneath the time is the day of the week.
Now, I can't find anywhere to enable/disable this in the date/time options window.
One other thing...if I go to start menu>properties>choose classic start menu, then according to the pic there should be a blue margin on the side of the start menu saying: Windows XP. Well in the second account this is the case, but in my own account this blue margin isn't present. While I'm aware these are not extreme issues....it's just I like to know what is going on with things.

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No More Admin Accounts In Pro

Mar 22, 2007

I've got a user accounts issue. Recently I noticed my main user account (the only one besides the default ones) has lost admin rights. I don't know why, but it could be because I changed its name recently, via userpasswords2. I didn't change it's account type though. Still, if I open up the user accounts panel, it now says it's a guest account.Now that wouldn't be much of an issue, if only the admin account wasn't disabled. And of course I can't enable it, because I don't have the rights. Safe mode didn't help either, and I can't do a system restore.

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Remove On Of The Accounts?

Sep 24, 2007

I have 2 Administrator accounts. How can I remove one of them? I tried control panel/user accounts while logged in as "Administrator", but it won't let me remove the other admin account.I am running WinXP Pro.

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Someone Messed Up With PC Accounts

Oct 16, 2005

I was away of my PC for about a week, and when I came back I found out someone changed my admin password and made another limited account. My dad said some of my cousins were using my computer but I've asked them and they say they don't know anything.Right now with this account I'm limited to tons of stuff, I can't even download programs. Is there a way to retrieve my admin account?

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Pro User Accounts

Feb 23, 2008

i am trying to restrict users on winxp, but not able to do so. i would like to restrict logon hours, restrict ie usage (not only parental controls, but be able to let the user still be logged on but without internet), restrict downloading, and restrict install/uninstall programs, pretty much lock like in a corporate environment. it is 1 pc with 3 users.

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Cant Get To User Accounts

Jun 11, 2005

I want to make a new user account and every time i click on user accounts in the control panel nothing comes up.

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Regular Email Pop Up Mean?

Oct 13, 2006

I was just at a site where i wanted to enter a competition, and therefore had to send an email.I clicked on the 'send email' link, i received this message: you need to create an account before proceeding, would you like to create one now?'I clicked on 'yes' and was asked, 'what type of account would you like to create?' the choices being: regular email[pop]IMAP,news,import email opera web email[ i use the opera browser.The only one of those that i understand is the opera choice, so i clicked on that. That took me to my opera email account, i thought,fine.however, there was no sign of the email address that i need to be able to send them a message.now i'm sure you've come across this yourselves, it crops up for me every so often, when it does, it puts me off whatever i was trying to do, and i give up.what should i do? what does regular email[pop] mean?should i click on these other choices?why, when i click opera, am i not given the email address?

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Where To Respond To A Email?

May 28, 2006

I don't have a clue to where to respond to a email i got from a asmin cookiegal? I got a email saying i better watch out or i'll be banned from the forum.I didn't mean to insult anyone but a post i recieved was not very kind either so maybe i over reacted.As for me asking about why i would be banned from ANOTHER forum not this one cookiegal said forums don't ban people for no reason well, they did for me and the one that got be banned was a friend of one of the mods! on drphil.com

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No Sound On Email

May 5, 2005

I have been getting some very nice emails on Yahoo mail. They are supposed to have sound. I have sound on everything else on my computer. I have Windows XP Pro installed. I also have Stopzilla, Spyware Blaster, and Spybot. Would the problem have something to do with one of the blockers? And if so, how do I fix it? You can tell everyone that uses the computer does not like popupads. And we surely don't want to be infected with viruses and all that other bad stuff.

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2 User Accounts On 1 Screen?

Oct 12, 2006

Is this possible? If so how can i accomplish this?

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No User Accounts On Screen?

Aug 23, 2007

I really hope that someone can help me, I can't seem to log on to my laptop. I am using an XP operating system on a toshiba laptop.

When my laptop boots up, I get the standard blue screen that tells me to log onto my user area but for some reason my user area has vanished, i.e. I have nothing to click on. I normally only have one user area and it does have a password but it is not there.

If I press Ctrl+Alt+Del a "log on to windows" bos appears with my user name already but it will not accept my password.

I have tried rebooting in safe mode but still no user administrator (or indeed my own) user area appeals for me to click on either.

With nothing to click on there appears no way for me to actually get into windows.

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Shortcut For The User Accounts

Apr 4, 2005

Does anybody know the shortcut for the User Accounts, where you can change the properties for the accounts that goes into the Run Dialog Box so that you have more options e.g. power user etc. instead of the main options Administrator or limited account.

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Recycle Bin And User Accounts

Sep 11, 2006

I'm using windows xp pro on a dell inspiron 6400, and I have two issues. One is that when I put a file in the recycle bin it is instantly deleted and can not be recovered. When i drag it to the recycle bin it asks if I am sure I want to delete it, I say yes and it is gone. However, I would like to be able to put things in the recycle bin and remove them later. My other issue is that I am not asked for a password when I turn the computer on, however when I lock the screen my password works there.

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Cant Make The Accounts Limited

Dec 8, 2006

I'm basically the admin for a couple of computers my moms has at her business.I've installed log me in so i can log in remotely. Someone in her business keeps uninstalling them from all the computers. I cant make the accounts limited because the programs they use has to run with admin privileges. Is there a way to:1. Remove the accounts ability to install/uninstall programs.2. Remove the accounts ability to access the notification area in the task bar to kill background programs.3. Remove the accounts ability to access the task manager.

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Admin Accounts Won't Login

Aug 25, 2008

One of the office computers never had a password for the administrator account, and it was the only account ever used by everyone. We set a password and created a limited user account. Now when the admin account is attempted to be logged into the message: "C:windowssystem32command.com incorrect parameters" appears. However the limited account will log in fine. When the system is started in safe mode, the admin account can be logged into.I expect that a malware/trojen/whatever may be the culprit. Prior to the issue, Spybot removed 526 problems, but 25 needed a reboot before Spybot could remove them. I ran hijack this and saved the log before any "cleaning" of the system began.

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Users Accounts - ASP.NET Machine A

Jan 11, 2007

I have notice that their is a account on my system that I did not create.
It's called (ASP.NET Machine A...) where did this come from and does it have something to do with IE7. This account is listed as a Limited Account and is password protected, but does not show up on start screen only in Control Panel Users Accounts.

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Can't Access Users Accounts In XP

Jun 23, 2006

The Users Account will not open.Everything else in the Controll Panel is accessable except AudioHQ, using a Audigy2 ZS sound card, and Windows Media Connect.Don't know what the latter 2 are.I can access Users Accounts in Safe Mode with the Admin account. Checked and my User Account has Administrator Privalege. How can I get access to the User Account?

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How To Control 2 Different Accounts At Same Time?

Feb 26, 2009

I want to control my Windows XP account (like remote desktop) while my father using the computer? or How can you control 2 different accounts with remote desktop? (both of them remote!)

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