Local Security Policy Error And Missing Tabs On Properties

Jun 28, 2006

I noticed that i'm missing nearly all tabs on properties, only general and summary tabs are visible. So at least security and compatibility tabs are missing and i need them. I noticed that when i go to Local security policy settings on Control panel>Administrative tools i get this error: and i think these problems are connected. So i need to fix that error and get the properties window working right again. Im administrator and running XP pro SP2.

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Local Policy Security Options Missing

Sep 11, 2005

I run WinXP Home SP2 with administrative rights. When I click Click Start>Control Panel Performance and Maintenance Administrative Tools, there is no "Local Security Policy" category in the right pane.

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Missing 3 Tabs In Display Properties

May 5, 2005

I just ran into a problem with my display properties. It occurred after a virus attacked my computer and reset the desktop to a false "blue screen of death". I was able to remove it Ad-Aware SE, but once i was working with the computer again, I found that the tabs under "display properties" were missing. They included "Themes", "Desktop" and "Appearances". I already tried reinstalling XP and carefully reinstalling the ATI drivers, but i still only see the "screen saver" and "settings" tabs.

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Tabs Missing From Display Properties

Aug 31, 2006

I reformatted my hard drive and after words of reinstalling OS I wanted to change my bachground so as usual i right click desktop and go to properties but there is nothing there but the themes tab! Does anyone know what to do to fis this problem so that I can set screensavers and change backgrounds?

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Missing Some Tabs In Display Properties

Sep 14, 2008

I am seem to be missing some of the tabs in display properties in control panel. I am running windows XP home edition. I picked up a virus and I had some other issues for a little while. I noticed when it started to infect and I pulled my internet cord in case it was going to try to get at any of my personal data. I ran my Norton 360 right away and after about an hour of running the scans and deleting some stuff, my comp started to work a lot better, but now I seem to be missing the tabs where you would change wallpaper and screen saver settings. There might be more, but I'm a casual computer user and I don't remember what the others might be Well looking at my norton history there were a few viruses:

Trojan.Zlob times 3
and one named simply downloader

Right now the comp seems to be working OK and all scans come back clear, so it's just the tabs as far as I know.

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Missing Tabs On Display Properties

Jun 4, 2005

Windows XP Home SP1. The only tab that shows on Display Properties is Themes. Desktop, Screen Saver, Appearance, and Settings are missing. Both with the onboard Intel vide chipset and with an ATI PCI card plugged in for troubleshooting. I remember something like this several years ago, but can not find anything in newsgroup or Microsoft searches.

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Missing Tabs On Display Properties (SP2)

Jul 9, 2005

I was downloading a picture from Webshot Desktop which was automatically installed as desktop wallpaper but there was an error in the installation. As the result some of the Display Properties' Tab are missing (themes, desktop, appearance). I've copied new desk.cpl file but it doesn't fix the problem.

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Tabs Missing On Display Properties Sheet

Apr 5, 2005

Running Win XP Pro on a AMD Athlon XP 2800+ with 512MB of DDR 2700 RAM.When I right-click on the desktop to make any changes (like wallpaper, or screensaver) all I get is the Display Properties box with no tabs.The sheet displayed is Themes. The selected theme is Windows XP.If I change the theme and click Apply, the tabs all appear. But if I close & re-open the Display Properties, I'm back to Themes with no tabs.There is a similar post here already, but no one has posted any solutions.

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Local Policy Not Permitting To Logon Interactively

Mar 6, 2009

I am a local administrator on two computers on a domain. I have compared all the terminal services local policy line by line on both computers and also RSOP.MSC on both computers are exactly the same. I checked all the areas in the registry for fDenyTSConnections and they are all set too. One computer gives me: The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively.

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Reset Local Policy Settings Without Logging On The Machine?

May 4, 2010

how to reset local policy settings without logging on the machine. The remote assistance is not enabled either.

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No Tabs At Display Properties

Jul 25, 2007

When i right-click my desktop and choose properties, the panel that opens doesnt have any tabs.The weird thing, is when i click on the places of the tabs, the tab switches, but they r invisible, and much much more smaller... like, every tab is about 3-5 mm in length, aqnd i have to be accurate, click on something i cant c, with a small size.Another thing, when i change any setting, then press "Apply", the tabs r back normally, but when i reopen the panel, they r gone.

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Display Properties TABS Where Did Go?

Jun 3, 2005

Awhile back when my computer was going cuckoo ( i think because my daughter went on that stupid kazaa infectious website!!!) Somehow pictures from a folder that had nothing to do with screensavers or wallpaper suddenly appeared as choices. Well i couldnt figure out how they got into that d.p. tab much less delete them but somehow i stumbled across a way to disable so no one could change it. well needless to say can't figure out how to enable it and was wondering how to fix it.

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Desktop Properties - Tabs Gone

Aug 10, 2006

When I right-click on the desktop and choose Properties, all I get is a drop-down box to select a theme - no tabs for screen saver, etc. I tried the "Restore All Display Tabs" solution at kellys-korner-xp.com, didn't work. The tabs do appear if I boot in safe mode, but changes aren't saved. I've run virus and spyware scans (including the scans at ewido.net), nothing picked up.

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Get File Properties Tabs From CMD Prompt

Apr 30, 2008

Does anyone know of a way to get the file/folder properties page from a cmd prompt as though you have just gone and right-clicked the file/folder in the gui, The reason I ask is because I may have a user logged in and need to look at the file/folder properties (specifically the ntfs permissions) and because they are logged in as a user account and have no access to the folder they cannot even see the security tab of the properties box. So I need a way from the command prompt to open the properties box of a file/folder (as I have done a runas to get an admin prompt inside their user gui session. Looking at security settings in a cmd program may also be of some interest if anyone knows that either

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Lost Tabs In Display Properties

Apr 26, 2005

I had a version of the Fraud.c virus, and have removed it, but in the process deleted some contaminated files that I probably needed. I don't know which ones, but now I have lost three of the five tabs in my Display Properties menu box. Can I fix this wthout a repair reinstall? I still have my screensavers and wallpapers, even my themes, its just that I can't access them through the Display Properties menu box.

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Display Properties Tabs Disappeared

Jan 8, 2007

I'm running windows XP with service pack two in a AMD Duron with 800Mhz, and 128MB of RAM. Also, I'm sure I'm spyware/virus free. Ok, the problem is that my computer doesn't show the tabs for my "Display Properties" (the window that you get when you Right-click you desktop and select "properties"). All the tabs are gone! And I need them back.

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Disappearing Display Properties Tabs

Nov 30, 2005

I have attached 4 files below to illustrate what is going on.... don't worry about the discoloration as I had to save to 256 to get the pic sall enough to paste here and the color has nothign to do with the problem. I am running XP SP2 with system restore turned off and mission critical information so I really want to avoid a rebuild and don't want to install ontop of whats in use. Missing Tabs.bmp - this is what I see when i open up the Display properties (notice all tabs missing!)

Missing Tabs - black outline.bmp - If I hit the left and right arrow keys notice the little black outline its almost as though the tab is there just VERY small, I did click in those general areas and each one I click on it will change so its almost as thought its really small and the 5 tabs only occupy the far left of that bar......

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Display Properties Dialog Box - No Tabs

Aug 21, 2005

Below you will find all the help offered so far that has not worked. But I have a question. THe guy says go into the registry and delete those keys. I looked and they are not there in the HKLM are. However they are in the HKLU. So do I delete them out of there. And will this bring back my tabs that I am trying to get back. Does any MVP know...........

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Can't View Various Tabs Of Display Properties Pop Up

Jul 7, 2006

I am not able to view the tabs-Theme, Desktop, Screensaver etc. on my win Xp, Service Pack2. What i view is a blank space in place of tabs and the Theme tab details. I can't move on to other tabs.

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Computer - Properties Blank Tabs

Dec 6, 2004

My XP machines has blank tabs on any property I want to view.

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Display Properties - Dialog Box Without Tabs

Mar 9, 2005

when I right click the desktop and choose properties, the "Display Properties" dialog box appears but it doesn't have any tabs. The only thing showing is "Themes". No "Desktop" tab, no "Appearance" tab. No Tabs at all. I havn't installed any new video card drivers or any new software. Also, I noticed that if I switch themes (XP to Classic) the tabs reappear. But when I close the box and reopen it, there gone. It almost looks like the "Display Properties" box has been resized. I say that because when the tabs are there,(after a theme switch), and I click on the "Appearance" tab, the "Effects" and "Advanced" buttons at the bottom look a little "cramped". Actually the bottom of the "Advanced" button is missing(hidden). But when the tabs at the top are missing the two buttons look normal. Is there a way I can resize the "Display Properties" box?

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Download Blocked By Security Zone Policy

Jul 26, 2008

All of a sudden I can not download any programs, music files etc. I just get the above message in my Mozilla Firefox download screen. The same thing happened when I tried Internet Explorer.

I am running Windows XP and using Firefox 3.0.1. The problem is that Download blocked by Security Zone Policy, I have gone into the Internet section of control panel and reduced the zone protection to the minimum. I have turned the firewall in McAfee off. These actions did not have any effect. I am not aware of any other program on my computer that would cause this to happen. I use Sypware Doctor, but I disabled that also. My computer is set to load Windows updates automatically and that would be the only software updated I might have loaded.

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Local Security Settings Interfere With IE 6.0

Dec 17, 2004

Is there any local security settings in Windows XP that could interfere with Internet Explorer 6.0 with all current service packs installed?

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IE 6.0 Sp2 And Local Intranet Security Level

Jul 1, 2005

using: IE 6.0 sp2 on IE Local intranet whats the default Security level for the zone?Medium or Medium-low.

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Missing Tabs Under Display

Aug 25, 2005

i have managed to lose the tabs under my appearance settings. The only one available are screen saver and resolution. Can anyone help with this. I think i managed to get a virus, i have since cleaned everything up, but still unable to retrieve a desktop.

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Taking Ownership - No Security Tab In Properties

Jan 11, 2006

Im trying to take owner ship of a folder in windows XP on a different drive. Problem is when i go under properties there is no security tab. I am logged onto an account with administrative privies,

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Tabs Are Missing In Display Property

Oct 15, 2008

Display Properties, it's missing all the tabs. It always opens into the same window (I think either the Themes or the Appearance tab/window). Then I found out he still has his tabs and that you can access them with the keybaord (hitting Tab until the tabs are selected, then using the arrow keys to navigate from tab to tab), the tabs are just too small to be seen or to be accessed with a mouse. I don't think this is caused by a virus or spyware because I did a virus check and ran tons of anti-spyware software (Adaware, Spybot, Ashampoo, AVG antispyware, Windows Defender, Trendmicro) and it hardly found anything. I also don't think there's anything wrong with the registry because I ran Ccleaner. I just recently ran sfc /scannow from the command prompt and that did nothing either.

I noticed that when I have Display Properties open and I change to a certain theme and click Apply, then all the tabs will suddenly appear. I'll hit OK, which will close Display Properties, and I'll think the problem is solved. Then when I open Display Properties again, it has no tabs again. I'll change the theme again, click Apply, and suddenly the tabs are visible. But once again, they'll only be visible for as long as I have Display Properties open. When I close it and open it agian, the tabs are gone again. I think I'm onto something here and that I'm so close to resolving this.

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Re-installed IE / Open File (local) Security Warning

Sep 14, 2005

I just re-installed IE and since then have been getting the"Open File: Security Warning" messages for most programs.I try to run (local ones, NOT downloads).I did disable this before, but have forgotten how to. Googling for the answer only came up with how to disable this for files on a network (by adding to zone) and when downloading files in IE. Could anyone tell me where in the registry this can be disabled? Also, I have Home Edition, so no access to gpedit.msc

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Security Tab In File Properties Doesnt Show

Jul 10, 2005

If you click on a folder and right click it > properties, I have a network with XP Pro Service Pack 2.Has anybody any ideas for it to appear?

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All Display Tabs Missing On Home Edition

Nov 13, 2007

I'm currently on another computer, oddly enough, when right clicking on the desktop and clicking on Properties only brings up the Theme selection. Plus, I've tried: Start?Run?type ?mmc? (without quotes)?File?Add/Remove snapin?click the Add button?select Group Policy?click Add?click Finish?click Close?click OK?expand Local Computer Policies?expand User Configuration?Administrative Templates?WindowsComponents?Windows Explorer and disable "Turn on Classic Shell". That does not seem to work, as I cannot do anything right at Group Policy. It seems as though Group Policy is nowhere to be found. I also tried downloading a .reg file which is suppose to "restore all display tabs" and it did not work.

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Missing Tabs On Display Property Button

Jul 30, 2008

I recently was attacked by a virus or a very aggressive program. It changed my desktop background to read that my system is infected. when I right mouse click on the desktop, I no longer have the tabs for desktop or screensaver.

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