Dec 29, 2005

I been able to find out the error probably has something to do with skyware. What can I do to fix it .I'm running xp home i also have system mechanic6 pro

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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DLL Not Loading

Oct 15, 2009

I am running Win XP.I just changed ISP's in the last week. I had opened a port when I got my new gateway. That all was fine. After a few days, I noticed the port was no longer open. When I checked my IP, it was no longer the new IP series from the new gateway. It was my old IP address from my Linksys router ( SUpport told me to run a refresh command for my TCP/IP which I did.

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RegEdit- Loading Bar Comes Up

Oct 15, 2007

After the WindowsXP loading bar comes up at startup..in the bottom right corner it shows the Windows Version..and it gives me a pop up message

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Keeps Loading At Startup

Sep 19, 2005

Hi, i'm having an issue where even when i close it then reboot normally,a window opens up on my desktop pointing to a certain folder i had open a while back ie. c est everytime i boot up and log into my account.

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Loading C:WINDOWSsystem32vbilfpot.dll

Apr 9, 2007

This mesage now appears at start up and computer runs slow. I am not an expert.

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Loading C:windowssystem32winsys16_070308.dll

Nov 30, 2007

i keep getting this error message every time i log on to my computer error loading RUNDLL c:windowssystem32winsys16_070308.dll Plus i can not do a system restore or a disk clean up.

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Loading C:WINDOWSsystem32uavbyvwv.dll

Feb 24, 2009

This error keeps coming up on one of my computers - desktop, made by my brother-in-law who's no longer in the consulting biz & lives several states away.I've signed on as Administrator, clicked Start, Run, msconfig, Startup tab, checked the Startup Item uavbyvwv, clicked Apply, closed, rebooted.Error message.Repeated the above, chose Disable All, Apply, too scared to reboot, but chose Enable All, closed, rebooted.Error message. If the box is checked, why is the error message still coming up? I'm reeeaaaly tired of seeing this message and am afraid my mouse is going to fly across the room.

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Loading C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ervsrkw.dll

Oct 10, 2009

Recently, at every start up I have been receiving the alerts shown below:Error LoadingC:WINDOWSSYSTEM32ervsrkw.dll The Specified Module could not be found.and Cannot find 'file:///'. Make sure path or internet address is correct

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Desk Top Not Loading

Jun 30, 2008

The icons on my desk top have recently been highlighted on the name portion of the icon before my desk top failed to load - I don't know if that means anything or not but thought I'd mention it. When I start my computer it begins the normal start up process and appears to be okay until it gets to the splash screen: Microsoft Windows xp Home Edition, that's as far as I can get, nothing on my desk top loads. I went into safe mode and ran a complete scan (Norton) for any viruses and there wasn't any detected. I did a registry repair too to no avail. Prior to this I tried a system restore to get rid of the highlighted icons on my desk top and for some reason and each time I tried it it said no changes had been made; I tried it again in safe mode and the same thing.

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Not Loading - Won't Install On Other HD

Aug 9, 2005

I have a problem...... My desktop pc running widows xp pro sp2 stoped loading recently. It would get to the loading screen with the blue bar and then hangs. i had been having a little trouble with the system recently and thought it was the hd. I have a new hd waiting for another machine so thought to install on that for the meantime. Unfortuantly xp will not install on this machine even with a different hd (loads all drivers, but stalls on the "setup is starting windows" portion), which makes me think it is a hardware problem. I have 2 sticks of corsair 512mb and have tried to boot and install with all possible combinations of 1 or 2 sticks but always the same. Before i go and spend money on replacing various bits of my system till I nail it, i was hoping someone on here could point me in the right direction. Seems to point to a ram problem but would both sticks go at the same time? If not would the MB be the prob, but everything else seems to woking fine......

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Loading Picasa Software

Sep 6, 2010

how am i down loadin picasa software?

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After Froze It's Loading Upside Down

Dec 11, 2006

I had to reboot my computer because it froze up and when it rebooted windows 2000 is upside down, everything is upside down! Even the mouse movement is upside down.

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SP2 Desktop Not Loading After Log-on (explorer.exe)?

Apr 19, 2007

I haven't been able to. Before re-formating my notebook, I would like to exhaust all possibilities.After login I see my desktop background image, then the taskbar flashes once and that is it. No desktop, no taskbar, no icons. I can use the task manager to run most programs, so I tried antivirus, adremovers, etc. That didnt help. Then I tried a system restore, but i get this message saying system restore could not load files from the points I had set as restore points.

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Not Loading Properly - No Icons - IE

Jun 23, 2006

when I went to turn on my computer it will only load to my wallpaper. No icons, nothing but the wallpaper. I get a message telling me that IE has encountered a problem and needs to close. I have tried system restore and tried to reinstall windows but it will not even load the restore disk. All the user accounts on the computer are doing the same thing.

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Slow Loading Of My Computer

Oct 4, 2008

When I start my laptop,it starts normally,desktop icons are shown.However, I cannot access My Computer icon until the icon of my computer is shown in the task bar.

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SP2 And IE - Web Pages Stop Loading

Dec 7, 2004

Since I installed SP2 everything seems OK except I now notice that some web pages will load only part way then stop loading. If I use Firefox and go the same page it loads immediately. Is there some security setting I should aware of that prevents some pages from loading? The last page I had a problem with was one associated with Paint Shop Pro - hardly a suspicious website. I like Firefox, but unfortunately my password manager (Norton) doesn't work with it.

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Not Loading - Black Screen

May 23, 2005

It is just a backup drive to be used for video editing -not a primary drive. However, once rebooting I get as far as the windows boot screen and then it hangs. The screen goes black, my monitors power down and nothing happens. Occassionally it reboots on it's own accord but instead of seeing the usual dos prompt screen all I get are some nastly looking blocky patterns. I usually have to turn the power off at the wall when this happens. I get no error messages on the screen at any time.

The good news is I CAN BOOT IN SAFE MODE! This is the difference I have found with other similar problems posted. I can boot in 'safe mode' and 'safe mode with networking' no problem. I can see all my HDD's and everything seems fine. From here I've tried doing system restore several times with no effect.

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Update Not Loading After Reinstalling

Feb 24, 2007

I just reinstalled windows. After going thru a-lot of problems (tried to install windows on SATA drive without having a floppy) i succeed. I thought that was the end for my problems (for now at-least) and started installing my drivers. also formatted all the other partitions and restarted the computer. Before restarting everything worked properly. When the computer booted and the windows loading screen went on I thought it'll take it a few seconds, but it went for like 10 minutes and didn't stop loading. I decided to grab something to eat and went for about 10 more minutes. when I came back it was still loading so i decided to restart.

When windows got to the safe mode screen i decided to choose try the last best setting and it helped. windows loaded properly but didn't have the drivers i installed before, so I installed them. restart again and windows not working again. back to take the last best setting and back to windows working. I did it step by step (installing a driver and rebooting...) but didn't installed RAID controller and USB driver.
Since i don't need them i decided to not installed them. but my problem occurs when i try to update windows. Internet Explorer stops working as soon as i go inside "windows update" or "microsoft update", but i know it worked before i did the first restart. Also going to the Automatic Update tab in System Settings gives me an error.

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At Boot Up Loading Bar Would Freeze

Nov 30, 2007

Ever since i bought the PC i had a trouble every now and then upon bootup, the xp loading bar would freeze. I would restart select the option to start in safe mood. Then would reboot and start normally. Happened maybe 4 or 5 times in the six months i have had the PC. However i turned it on today the same thing happened so i started in safe mood and still had the problem when i tried to reboot. Next step i went to msconfig and removed all non essential startup items. Then repeated the reboot step and still no luck. Since then i have tried to reboot a number of times. Now the next problem is my PC now freezes when i click safe mode.Anyone have any idea as to what can be done or what could be broken.

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Disk Management After Loading

May 2, 2005

I'm testing XP2 on a lab at my office network.I have added program exceptions for
c:windowssystem32dmremote.exe:*:enabled and I've also added port exceptions for ports 135 and 445 and I'm still unable to use Disk Manager to manage remote computer.I keep getting the following message: The Disk Management console failed to conect to the remote computer because the Disk Management remoting sevices is not in the Windows Firewall exception list. Add the Disk Management remoting service (dmremote.exe) to the Windows Firewall exception list and try again.

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Hangs At Loading Screen

Jul 11, 2008

I am sorry i cannot give you the complete specs for the pc that is in trouble. However it runs an 80gig, cd drive, is about 4 years old, 64mg graphic card, 1.25g ddr ram 133, running xp. not sure home or pro. I would think home version. This system belongs to a friend who knows less than i. He recently had troubles with his system and I ran a few cleaning programs and made some adjustments to the system for better performance.Simple things such as choose for best performance, ccleaner, defrag the system and thats about all. Though I could not defrag drive D partition. A message said it had errors and needed or recommended it be scanned upon restart. So we did.

It all went well. Finished 5 of 5 then the next part it stuck at 0% and didnt recover from it. We waited say 40 minutes and still nothing so we restarted the system. It loads but hangs at the loading screen.I cannot use the xp recovery disc as it needs a password to get access and we do not have one. The system was bought from someone long ago. So recovery is out.Safe mode hangs when it gets down to mentioning the graphic card details and no other option will fully load either.Can anything be done here to get XP to boot?In the mean time I am currently setting up xp on another hdd and am going to try and retrieve as much data as I can from the crippled system. But if I can get it working then I will not have to sacrifice a HDD and not loose all of the outlook data etc.

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Computer Turns Off When Is Loading

Aug 28, 2008

Every time i start windows it turns off no error messages or anything like that it just turns off anyone have any ideas on how to fix it ?

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Boot From My Cd - The Setup Is Loading

Aug 3, 2009

My friend told my about TinyXP (windows xp with a lot of crap left out = fast)
I don't know if I can give you the link where I got it because maybe that will be seen as advertising.But whatever, the problems I have don't have to do with the TinyXP specific I think, they are also occuring when isntalling a normal windows XP versionWhenever I boot from my cd, the setup is loading But after that, I get: the setup is starting and then BOOM, blue error screen:Quote :A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your

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Stuck On Loading Screen

Jan 19, 2005

A few weeks ago, I was having virus problems on my computer, along with various other problems, such as Norton not working. One of these problems was that I would boot up my computer, and it would be stuck on the Windows XP loading screen with the little green bar forever and would not load the user screen. However, I could get the computer to boot up in Safe Mode with Networking and could get just about everything to work fine. Thinking that the problem with loading was a virus that had erased some of my system files, I reinstalled Windows and reinstalled Norton correctly along a Sygate firewall. Everything was running fine, I was running Spybot and Ad-aware every day and a full system scan weekly, but today, I started having the loading problem again. I have no idea where to start fixing it. I am currently running Safe Mode with Networking, so I can use the internet and most of my other programs, but I want Normal mode back for obvious reasons.

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Loading Xfantbfm.dll - Spywarewise

Apr 12, 2007

So my laptop is running windows XP, and I just got a bit of an infection, spywarewise. This was over the weekend, and now whenever i start up my computer, i get a message that says
" Error loading C:windowssystem32xfantbfm.dll, the specified module could not be found."

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Icons That Are Not Loading In My Task Bar

Oct 4, 2008

I have icons that are not loading in my taskbar. When I check msconfig, under startup, everything is checked to be loaded. However, no icons are loaded even though task manager shows the services loaded and running. They seem to come and go at random.

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Wireless Icon Is Not Loading

Dec 27, 2008

How do I know if my laptop has a wireless card or not? The wireless icon is not loading in the system tray so I think I may need a card that I can plug in.

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Firefox Not Loading Images

Aug 16, 2005

Just to start off with, I searched the forums and came up with this thread which seemed related to my problem but didn't solve it:Just finished moving and unloaded my computer yesterday. Everything is running fine but for some reason Firefox doesn't want to load a lot of images from different web pages So far I've noticed it specifically on IMDB.com and Fotki.com.It has also happened on some other random pages but I can't think of them offhand.If I open the exact same page in IE it loads almost instantly. Like I mentioned earlier, I followed the advice in a different thread an cleared the cache and history to no avail. Using Firefox 1.0.6 and XP SP2.

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Stays On Loading Screen

Feb 5, 2006

I was surfing on the web and my computer froze on me (Everything froze besides my mouse). So when I restarted my computer, everything was fine until I got to the loading screen (screen with the windows logo and the loading blue bar). I've waited for the longest time ever but the blue bar would keep moving while windows doesnt even bother to load up.I've tried running Windows in safe mode but its still stuck at the loading screen.

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Explorer.exe Not Loading At Startup

Jul 24, 2005

I've been smacking my head against this problem for about a week now. No one I know seems to have the answer either. I was asked to clean up a computer for a friend of my mother's. It had over 3,000 virus, ad, spy, etc. (I have it repeatedly testing clean now). When the system came to me it took well over 10 minutes to boot into Windows (Win XP Home, SP1) but once Ad-aware and Spybot started removing things it no longer boots all the way into windows. After selecting a user (any user) it loads the wallpaper but not the desktop icons or taskbar. CTRL + ALT + DEL shows that nothing is frozen and if I click "New task" then type "explorer" everything loads up just fine. I've tried a system repair, restore, and upgrade. I think it's definitely time for a fresh install but I'd like to know how to fix this without a reinstall if that is possible (especially in case I ever come across this again.)

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