Irritating Svchost.exe Anti Malware Running

Dec 28, 2008

I've been completely annoyed by idiot svchost.exe problems I have left Malware Bytes Anti-Malware running the whole night, foudn nothing, the next night, left the computer running AVG and nothing either everything with the latest updates and deepest/slowest scan
I downloaded Advanced SystemCare 3.1.1, found some crap along my computer, repaired everything and then restarted. Everything seemed to work great (a noticiably better speed) and then svchost.exe error comes up again, I installed ServicePack 3 and the svchost.exe error keeps cooming up, everytime with a different error code and about 5-6 of them.

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Emsisoft Anti-Malware Got 35 Trojans?

Jul 21, 2010

The guy who carries out any repairs or adds/replaces any hardware on my system told me about a great new security program he had found titled Emsisoft Anti-Malware. I downloaded this yesterday and noticed a feature called Hijack Free which I thought was probably similar to the old Hijack This, anyway I did a scan then clicked on a button for an online analysis which reported that I had 35 Trojans.

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Booting Very Slowly - Regular Checks Anti-spyware/malware

Jan 28, 2008

There is a computer at home which is booting very slowly now. Besides doing the regular checks (anti-spyware/malware, HijackThis, etc.) I want to be able to look at a log (or a log viewer) after boot to know exactly what in the boot process is taking so long, what exactly is being run/loaded and how long it is taking. Is there a way I can see that in Windows? Or any reliable Freeware/Shareware tool?

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Microsoft Anti Spyware Found Malware / IBIS Toolbar

Sep 12, 2005

I have XP Home and Microsoft Anti spyware found some malware (IBIS Toolbar) that was removed but on rescans, it shows up again, but now located in the restore points. I believe that I have to turn off System Restore and reboot and then turn restore back on and do a new restore point.

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PC Shuts Down When Running AVG Anti-virus Or AVG Anti-spy?

Mar 17, 2007

Windows xp home sp2, Intel 3.0ghz 512MB approx 15 months old.PC shuts down when running AVG anti-virus or AVG anti-spy ware. When either program reads C:/windows/I386 it intermittently powers down. I think there's a corrupt file in the main body of I386, but can't isolate it. I'm not sure which type of file should be in this area.

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Pc Won't Let Me Go To Certain Sites Like Paypal Or Anti-virus Sites, Malware?

Aug 2, 2009

when out of no where, I received those weird progams on my PC which are those fake Virus scanners and such. i then deleted it from the source, and ran my Nortan scan and my spysweeper, and they found nothing wrong with my pc. Now, the PC will NOT let me go to "important" sites. For example, Bank of America, Paypal, anti-virus sites, Ebay, etc. But will let me go to sites like Myspace or forums. I had my favs on my toolbar as tiles so its easier to access them, i had about 10 of them, and now only 5 remain after the whole thing happened, and the 5 that were removed were "important" sites. Almost every thing on my tool bar was removed, including File, Edit, View, Tools, and such. My search engine is still displayed though.

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Svchost.exe Running Windows XP

Sep 13, 2006

Running Windows XP Pro SP2 on a Toshiba Satellite 1800 Laptop Having problem with comp freezing up, not opening programs, extremely slow. CPU usage at 94% with svchost.exe with username "system". Anyone with any thoughts on whether this is actually part of Windows or trojan or malicious backdoor vulnerability

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Computer Running Very Slow / Svchost.exe 100% CPU?

May 28, 2007

ok my computers runing very slow and i did a search and came across this sight.i pull up task manager and it shows svchost.exe is at 98-100% this has ben going on for a month or longer ive ben takeing the one thats causeing the problem out the task manager.When i do that my sound go's with it. I have went every where looking for a fix found out my norton was kinda doing the same thing but i hope i fixed it today. id be very gratefull if i can get this fixed.

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Svchost.exe Running At 98% When Computer Starts

Jul 23, 2008

Lately my computer has been running very crappy and I have noticed when it first boots up after everything loads up, the CPU usuage is at 100%. Main reason is due to one of the svchost.exe files are using 98% of it. After about 10 minutes this goes away. But what would this problem be related to? I can post a hijackthis log if necessary.

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Running All Time Is Super Anti Spyware

Nov 24, 2008

I am using Windows XP, Explorer 6.At times I can hear something running and slows down or even stops what ever I am doing at the time.Sometimes just for a couple seconds but sometimes longer.Last night it ran for a longer period of time so I went Ctr/Alt/delete processes.I found that the svchost.exe system memory usage was running around 50,000 and normally it is around 19,500.I do not have any scans set to run automatic and the only thing that I have running all the time is Super Anti Spyware.

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Constant Error Message Becoming VERY Irritating

Mar 26, 2007

Every time I refresh a page in internet explorer or sometimes after waiting a few minutes I continuely get an error message saying, "Documents has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." It then has the text about telling Microsoft about the problem and then the buttons "Send Error Report" and "Don't Send"Well I've done both as you can imagine and I have also started looking at the file that causes the problem everytime I get the error window. It's always a different file, but it is always in the Temp folder.I have tried multiple times using Ad-Ware SE Personal to get rid of the crap on my system and I have gone into internet options and cleared out all history, cookies, temp internet files, and passwords. And I've restarted the computer after this, and to my dismay I still get the error message. The error doesn't seem to be doing any harm yet, but it does get quite annoying after loading a page having an error window pop-up, and giving no help or hint as to a way to correct the error.

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Computer Associates Anti Virus Program Is Running

Feb 2, 2006

For some reason Computer Assoc. program is running and I just cought it scanning but I don't recall downloading it. I have Norton utilities and don't need this other program. In the past zone alarm firewall asked me if I wanted to allow access and I checked yes because I was lead to believe it was part of my SBC Yahoo DSL. Now I know it's not. I disabled the program in the start up. I believe it can cause a conflict. Maybe I should uninstall it. I'm just puzzeled as to how I came to have this and why all of a sudden this program began asking for access

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System32 Folder Pop Up - Delete Bar - Svchost Things Running

Nov 24, 2004

problem #1. why do i always have the system32 folder pop up as soon as im on the desktop? its such a pain, for no reason it comes up... problem #2. why can i not delete the bar on the left side of the screen... its annoying too, and i tried alot of things too problem there too many svchost things running? i dont know what to terminate if i dont know what its doing other than eating tons of memory

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Malware Issues Lot Of Malware On My Computer

Nov 5, 2006

I have a lot of malware on my computer. I have run ad-aware, spybot, avg anti-spyware, and some others all in safe mode. Still I got lots of issues. Ran Kaspersky Anti-Virus and avg anti-virus, but like before lots of problems still.

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Un-installed McAfee: Finding Free Anti Virus Or Anti Spam?

Mar 11, 2008

Just got rid of McAfee since they have doubled on their prices from last year.Any other suggestion on what to buy or get for free?

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Zone Alarm Getting Expired: Finding Anti-Virus Or Anti-Spyware?

Feb 6, 2007

I currently have Zone Alarm Internet Security Suite 6 & it is due to expire in about 8 days. I was wondering what others of you used for anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewalls etc.I have heard that sometimes it's not the best idea to use a complete package, like ZA internet security suite, for the whole lot You hear a lot of conflicting info about them all, I've heard that AVG is good, Norton isn't, someone said windows defender was good.

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Finding Anti-spyware And Anti-virus Recommendations?

Aug 16, 2006

I've got a PC with Win XP SP2. I'm currently using Etrust antivirus and Windows Defender on it. But, I'm suspecting it's got virus and/or spyware that those two softwares are not detecting. Can anyone recommend me other good anti-spyware and antivirus software (preferably free)?

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Removed All Malware - Looking For Se.dll

Mar 14, 2005

Recently I removed all malware from a friends PC 'that I could find' with x2 spyware removal tools, sophos anti-virus app and manually looking through program files in explorer.Since doing this I have stopped all annoying pop-ups and IE is running a lot quicker but there is a RUNDLL message that I cannot get rid of:
Error loading c:Documents and Settingsusername locals settings empse.dll
The specified module could not be found.I have cleared out the temp file in hope that something in there was looking for se.dll but no luck.

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Update And Internet - Malware

Jul 18, 2010

I had a malware infection some time ago, which I hope is gone. Then later I had a firefox update and now all things have gone wonky. For some reason my internet connections reset to using a proxy. Once I unchecked that option in Firefox and also under LAN settings, at least I now have both Firefox and IE working again. But I can't go to Windows Update website, or really most microsoft websites. On either browser. They both give me error messages. I am suspicious that it has something to do with the malware but I don't know what to do.

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Log On Log Off Loop - Malware Virus

Sep 13, 2009

i had a malware virus that was removed by norton, its stuck in a log on log off loop, i tried a image file it did not work, next step in hard drive removal,can some tell me how the network 2 computers so i can change the registry to usernet or whatever

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Scanning For Virus And Malware

Apr 7, 2010

I had a friend over looking stuff up on the net on my system. One of the sites he was on was infected but my antivirus blocked it. When i restarted my computer it was running at a constant 50% cpu usage.went to task manager and saw one of my svchost.exe running at 50%. I closed it out then my cpu restarted on its own. When I got back on its still running at 50%. I tried scanning for virus and malware but it showed up as nothing. I used avast and malwarebytes.

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Malware And Hijacks Cannot Use Internet

May 3, 2005

Pc running 2000 professional which I think has been hijacked and has perhaps other malware problems. I don't know 2000 at all. Programs work and you can hook up to the internet, but as soon as you do, according to the connection status, it is sending out bytes by the thousands rapidly and receiving some bytes and therefore I cannot download anything to fight what I believe are hijacks/malware etc as the line seems jammed and all the programs say unable to download. You cannot also it seems hook up to his home page. Email jams up as well. I managed to copy the "hijack this" program from my laptop to his pc and thus I can post this log of his pc.If we can stop the hijack etc and I can download from the interent, I will update his Norton, download ad-aware and spybot and spyblaster and show him how to use these to prevent this in future.

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Is Wucltui.dll And Wuaucpl.cpl A Malware?

Jul 21, 2010

i was wondering if these two was really a malware. coz this two was detected by my avira at the start up.are there any errors on my system? or this two was really infected?

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Computer Is Infected From A Malicious Malware

Oct 24, 2006

computer is infected from a malicious program which always prompt to download a antimalware program. it happened when my friend tried to browse a porno site, nfortunately, my pc doesn't have antivirus or any internet protection... what should i do? when i open my internet explorer, it gives me a new defualt home page which informs me that my computer is infected and i have to buy their software to eliminate the problem. i believe my internet explorer is infected with a malware virus

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Really Slow Netbook - Virus Or Malware

Nov 9, 2009

Niece's netbook (Asus EeePC) running Windows XP has rather suddenly slowed to a real crawl. Think 5 minutes for a right-click menu to open, for example, instead of a split second. Last night I summoned the patience to start up the already-installed AVG virus scanner, and while it took hours and hours, it found zero problems. Ran CCleaner, no change.The desktop, icons, etc. etc. look correct and nothing seems awry except for the intolerable lack of speed. I realize it could still be a virus or malware, although I'm thinking of other explanations as well

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Malware Or Adware - Page_fault_in_nonpaged_ Area

Jul 26, 2008

I had some malware or adware that I got rid of , I think. In the process, I may have made a mess of things and now I have this blue screen appearing regularly with the message: "page_fault_in_nonpaged_ area " along with some instructions to disable bios memory options such as caching and shadowing and it often reloads. There are also some 0x00000050 type numbers that change each time.I also upgraded to service pack 3 with no change.I can usually hit function 8 and I am back in business unless I let the machine sit idle when the blue screen reappears. I reinstalled XP with no different results.

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Ewido Detected 4200 Malware

Aug 20, 2006

I recently ran a scan in ewido and it detected 4200 malware however it won't delete or fix any of these problems and the log is too big to post on the forums.

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Crashing - Pixelation - Procedure For Malware

Dec 2, 2008

After waking from hibernation, my system has been freezing or crashing. The video is also fuzzy and slightly pixelated for a minute, then it clears up. Sometimes after the crash, I'll get a message floating on the screen "Set resolution to 1280 x 1024" or something like that. The screen has been set the same since I purchased the computer. I did try resetting the resolution, and I am still crashing. I followed the procedure for malware and came up ok.

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Can't Browse To Add Networked Printer After Virus / Malware

Jul 31, 2005

Neighbor's Dell 8250 PC. XP Home. Comcast. Linksys WRT54GS. Cleaned the PC a month ago, installed Norton 2005, WiFi setup on her new Dell laptop (also running XP Home), shared the printer, everything worked GREAT until she got hit with a NASTY piece of malware. Popups like mad .... she soon discovered she could no longer print from the laptop. I Installed Microsoft Antispyware, found and cleaned some stuff. Then
rand Trend Micro's online spyware scan, found even more. Popups gone, system is stable, but we still cannot print via the laptop. Printer is shared properly and operating normally via the desktop.

Checked USENET and - began suspecting Windows Firewall was compromised. It was OFF (and I know it had been ON before), all settings were dimmed out, message @ top: "For your security, some settings are controlled by Group Policy." User is a local administrator. Can't run Policy Editor in XP Home, but I found
reference to PolicySettings.xls, which has registry keys for every OS.....

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Cannot Open .exe Files - Infected With Some Type Of Malware

Dec 21, 2008

I believe one of my computers is infected with a virus. I have virus removal software (malwarebytes), however when I try to open the .exe file nothing happens.It seems that my computer can no longer open .exe files and thats a serious problem for me in getting rid of the malware on my machine.

So it seems that I have 2 problems now.

Problem #1. My computer cannot open any .exe files.

Problem #2. My computer is infected with some type of malware

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Very Slow Boot Up - Spyware/malware/viruses

Jul 25, 2008

I get the Windows XP splash screen, then sometimes it takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes to boot up.
I checked the startup folder and the services/.exes running during bootup. Nothing out of the ordinary, but maybe i do not know what im looking for.I know that it is NOT spyware/malware/viruses....just recently it has become slow and i have no installed any software or anything

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