I don't know why, but I've noticed that all the programs in the start menu with links to websites don't show the IE7 icon. Why is that. I've also noticed in the system32 folder that the shell32.dll shows up many times with numbers beside them. I have shel32(3).dll, 4,5,6 + the original shel32.dll. I don't think it's normal. How the hell did they duplicate like this? And how do I correct the situation with the icon association in the start menu?
no IE icon on desktop or in programs. i have internet access through verizon. i recently got windows update to install IE7 in the hope that would restore the icon/program but the only way i can access the internet is via the verizon browser. i clearly installed IE7 because now the "sidebar" of my verizon browser says that "sidebar i currently not compatible with IE7...". so why can't i get the IE7 icon in my program list or desktop?
When I turn on my PC, a message pops up; Windows - No Disk Exception Processing Message c0000013 Parameters 75b6bf7c 4 75b6bf7c 75b6bf7c.I cannot close the dialog box, or end the process. Please help me.
How do i get rid of the stupid little printer icon in my taskbar? it is a network printer (set up on another ocmputer and im networked with that computeR)
Every time restart windows the language bar icon comes up in the taskbar and hten i uncheck it and everytime it comes back how do i permanitly get rid of it?
I'm not sure if this should be in the Windows XP forum or the software forum, so please excuse me if I chose the wrong one.I've been having this problem for awhile now, and it isn't urgent but quite irritating.For some time now, my volume icon has refused to appear in my taskbar. Every time that I want to change the settings I have to use START -> RUN -> sndvol32.exe, I have tried going into Control Panel -> Sound and setting it so that the volume control will appear in the taskbar when windows starts, but for some reason this setting is wiped when I restart the computer. (I'm not sure if its actually control panel -> sound b/c I'm on a campus CPU right now so I can't check it, but I'm sure you know what I mean... if not I'll repost later when at home)
If anyone has any ideas, please don't hesitate to throw them up here. I am clueless and this is really pissing me off now
I want to remove the network icon (2 pc's) from my taskbar. I have unchecked the box in the propertis that says "notify me when this has no connection,,," but it's still there. Any suggestions?
I just recently installed some new hardware on my computer, almost everything, new motherboard, CPU, memory and GPU. After the upgrade, when I click on a program on the taskbar, the window for that program does not come up on top of my current window, however the taskbar icon blinks orange. I have to close/minimize my current window to see the new one.
This pc is running xp pro and connected directly to a dsl router. I have two icons in the taskbar one is 'local area connection' as normal. However the second is labeled 'internet connection'. When i double click on it the click on properties, "This connection allows you to connect to the internet through a shared connection on another computer".There is one other in the building connecting to the internet - but theres not meant to be any inter-pc networking going on.In the meantime - since first discovering the above - when i now click on 'internet connection' it wont display.
Hp pavillion 2.7 ghz 1.5 gig ram 80 gig hdd all updates and sp3. Ran virus scan ,(avast) ok. malware bytes scan. ok. have zone alarm. Whenever I right click on an icon on desktop or in a window the little please wait hourglass appears...and never goes away . zone alarm icon in taskbar at bottom freezes and avast icon as well. I can hear my hdd periodically run. Ctrl-alt-delete does bring up taskman. if i look at performance cpu useage goes in sine wave form from 3-4% to about 35% up and down. every so often it peaks up to mid 80% then goes back to cyclying. at this point taskman locks up if I try to close it out.reboots don't help. I have not installed anything new in a while
My laptop is running windows xp home edition. it's packardbell, i bought it recently and updated service pack 2. since then it plays music for couple of minutes and sound goes off along with the volume icon on the taskbar. i tried control panel - sounds - show icon taskbar, but it doesn't work until i restart the comupter. i don't understand what could be wrong.. hardware or software. if it's hardware then the sound icon doesnt' disappear all of a sudden with out an error message.
on my computer I have had a "safely remove hardware" icon in the task tray that I cannot remove or get to operate successfully.
the problem is that whenever I've attempted to "stop" the hardware I always get a message saying, "The ****device cannot be stopped now. Try stopping the device again later. The device is described as "generic volume", with what appears to be some form of identification number.
please tell me whats this how I can remove it and the icon from the taskbar
P.S. - I've newly learned that this "device" with it's icon in the system tray is the hard drive (by comparing the associated ID # indicated in the "properties" window with the hard drive # in the device manager window). I certainly don't want to remove the hard drive, but does anyone know why an icon for this device would appear in the taskbar, or know how to remove the icon only?
With XP Pro SP2, I enable "Group similar taskbar buttons". I generally have my taskbar stretched 2 to 3 rows even so. Sometimes, when I have a lot of windows open, and the similar taskbar buttons group and stack themselves, so 1 button contains 2 or 3 open tasks, I can't get any action out of the buttons that represent multiple open tasks.
Any of the taskbar buttons that represent a single open task are fine. But any buttons that represent multiple open tasks don't respond. I have to do Alt - Tab to bring a task to the front, if it's one of the tasks on a button that represents a group. Or I can go to Taskbar Properties, and deselect "Group similar taskbar buttons".
I've just switched from 98 to XP. I find now that the window designations in the taskbar for my *browser windows only* are severely and unaccountably truncated. My browser is IE6. Even if there's only one window open, if it's a browser window, only one letter will display. Other windows will properly display the full name. I've turned taskbar grouping on and off with no change. I've also run the SFC utility, with no change. There is no such problem in my Win98 machine, and my security settings (and all other settings) are the same. I don't wish to upgrade to IE7.
I want to see all task bar buttons and not have them grouped. XP Taskbar menu offers check "Group similar taskbar buttons." I leave this unchecked, then Apply, then OK. XP still groups the similar buttons (e.g., Word doc1, Word doc2, etc.) instead of having these ungrouped.
I want a single desktop click to enable/disable windows XP taskbar auto hide.I can do this if I write a script for the AutoHotkey macro tool to open the relevant dialog box and then check or uncheck the appropriate check box.I'd like to open the dialog box with a command line from AutoHotkey, or a similar operation. Right-clicking the taskbar even in the program is uncool.The catch is, I can execute any CP dialog EXCEPT this one as a command line, either passing a dialog parameter to Control.exe or else using a *.cpl file name with Control.exe or directly. But I can't find "Taskbar and Start Menu".
I was wondering how to fix this problem, the icon for internet explorer in the start menu shows up as an unknown file icon. The icon on the desktop for IE shows fine but when i try to click on it, it creates a shortcut for internet explorer. if click on IE from the start menu, it opens IE with no problems.
I'm going to ask a question which is something related to programming in windows.. Is there a way that i can add my own icon to the existing file and folder icon like dropbox.Changing desktop.ini is the only way for changing folder icons??How can i add my own icon to the existing file icon(like a tick on below every file icon).
i had attached a snapshot of the icons in my icon tray..pass few days back i found this "X" icon in my tray and i cant remove it and also it doesnt display anything..
After looking at the display settings and closing them, my icon disappeared. A file search on all *.cpl files show that the display.cpl file still exists and I can create a shortcut to the desktop and run the program.But, I'd like my icon back.I believe the problem was created by having all my icons underlined so I only have to do a single Left click to bring up the program.
I've winxp Home with SP2 system, yesterday my daughter had installed the program 'MS Plus' from the XP Installation CD which was not installed earlier in the machine. My OS is original, but to-day on opening the system I'm seeing that the icon of Hard Drive(E : Drive)to which the program was installed went missing and in its place another icon (which generally represents for any unidentified file) has taken its place.
I have a proble with my XP taskbar. The other day it switched from time to reflect time and DAY. Which increased the size of my icons and now they look like ish... Can someone assist me in getting rid of the day stamp? I only need to know the time.
problem setting the CD/DVD icon to return to it's normal icon in My Computer. It currently has the Audio CD icon. I've played an audio CD awhile ago and since then, the icon has remained. This icon is causing problems when I open a Data CD. When the Data CD is inserted the Audio icon emains. When I click on the icon, Media Player starts. I have disabled the auto-run or auto-play setting prior to this problem. I would have to right-click and select Open to get to the data files.
Under Windows Explorer, when I click on the icon, it shows the contents of the data CD but the Audio icon is still present.
Just wondering why when you drag an IE http short cut to the desktop, it does not display the site logo icon. Sometimes, they will show and others not. I have had them even come and go after different sessions. I log on to Internet both through work firewall and at home on network through firewall and in motels through open and firewall protected isps.
Since yesterday upon startup I am finding the word "Dialog" in my taskbar and I don't know what it means. When right clicked, options are to move or close and when left clicked nothing happens. Can someone tell me what this is?
I have a Dell computer running Windows XP. All of a sudden Taskbar not functioning. I right click on it and nothing. Also CTL+ALT+DEL is not functioning as well.
I didn't make a wise decision. I used a clean up program called ET Remover and it was going to remove something from the registry. But when it tried to, it didn't work saying that it was being used by another program. So I went into the registry and took it out. Dumb.I'm not completely sure if that's why I have this problem, but it seems like a likely candidate. Under my taskbar there is a line which is not supposed to be there. I took a picture of it with my camera because it wouldn't show up in print screen. Made it red so it was easy to see in the picture. It has a shaking like effect. If I open a window of something and move it around I can see it moving in the bottom space. I also have a program called windows blinds, but I dont think that's the problem. It's not the monitor either. I ran a symantec scan, but I really doubt that could be it. I also tried a system restore to no avial.
I have windows xp Home ed.When I UNINSTAL programs there are icons still hiden in the taskbar. If I right clik on the taskbar, then I choose PROPERTIES, then TASKBAR, then CUSTOMIZE, there they are, divided in two sections: "present items" and "past items". How can I get rid of them, especially of the past ones? But if possible of the present ones too?
I cant get rid of Quicktime or Safely Remove Hardware. They are always there I have done the Right Click/Customize Notifications and then selected always hide to each but makes no difference I have also made the others i want to see always show and this still doesnt rid me of these pesky icons?