ICQ.com As Starting Page

Aug 12, 2002

All you people that hate that ICQ reconfigures the startingpage in IE to there homepage. Here is the solution.Click on the start button, then click on run.Type regedit and press enter.Browse to this point in the register: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMirabilisICQDefaultPrefsBrowserPage.There you will find a string called Explorer.Double click on it and enter whatever homepage adress you want.Thats it, icq will never change your starting adress again.

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Starting Screen Hangs For Over A Min Page

Sep 26, 2005

I have windows xp home edition service pack 1 with all the updates, i can't install sp2 because my hardware (even with bios update) will not accept it and i had to reinstall windows after not being able to boot from installing sp2...but that is another story. After doing some recent updates my computer now hangs for about a minute before entering windows, it hangs after it reaches the blue screen that says "windows is starting" than finally you see "welcome" and it loads. I'd like to think of myself as a power and advanced user so i did the basics, checked the startup, disabled services, ran norton, used microsoft antispyware did a registry check, used tuneXP to defrag the boot.ini and used bootvis. The comp sure as hell restarts fast but bootvis says that "log on service" takes 168.7 seconds that is just not good.

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MS Word Starting When Starting Computer

Jul 10, 2005

I have Windows XP and MS Office XP (2003) loaded on my PC. Whenever I boot up the PC, 3 sessions of MS Word open - 2 sessions have a new (blank) document open, and the 3rd session just shows Word as being open (no new document).I went to Documents and Settings | Application Data | Microsoft | Word | Startup to see if there was anything in the folder prompting Word to open the 3 sessions. The folder was empty. I then clicked Start | Run | msconfig | Enter to see if Winword.exe is in the Startup folder. I thought I might see it in there 3 times – one for each of the Word sessions that are opening whenever I boot up the PC. Strangely enough, Winword.exe wasn’t in the Startup folder at all – not even once.

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Send Multi Page Fax From Word / Power Point - First Page Slide Appears FAX

Dec 19, 2008

When I try to send a multi-page fax from WORD or Power-Point, only the first page or slide appears in the FAX. This is a recently developed problem. I've successfully sent multi-page FAXes in the past.

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Error This Page Cannot Be Displayed - Send Greeting Card Or Access Web Page

Sep 5, 2006

I continuously get 'ERROR this page cannot be displayed' when I try to send a greeting card or access another web page. What is going on? I tried to fix and enabled all that I thought was necessary on settings.

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Have Windows XP. Dell Desktop - Page Fault In Non Page Area

Jul 6, 2009

I keep getting blue screen with page fault in non page area at start up. How do I fix this? I have Windows XP. Dell desktop.

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Simple But Annoying. Web Page Shortcuts Just Open A Blank IE Page

Apr 1, 2005

I often right click in IE and select Create Shortcut.It puts a shortcut and my desktop to that page. This mysteriously stopped working. The icon appears on my desktop with the page title and all, but when I double click it, it just opens up my browser and loads about:blank.In the shortcut file's properties, and then gives me the file's size, location,etc.but it doesn't list the URL anywhere. It's just getting on my nerves having to copy a page's URL to a text file on my desktop if I want to remind myself of something.

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Page Fault None Page Area...Blue Screen

Jul 3, 2005

I was listening to some Good Charlotte, and in my D: and all the sudden I get a blue screen sayin page fault none page area... I also got this problem when I tried to reinstall Media Player 9. It sounds like some system file is triggering tihs

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Page Fault In Non Page Area - Tried A System Restore

Nov 3, 2009

in a fit of "I'm going to clean all the old junk off my computer"... I accidently started to remove something connected to ATI. Then the computer froze. Now when I try to reboot I get the blue screen with the Page Fault in Non Page Area message. I have tried a System Restore

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Slow Computer Start Up - Page Get Page Cannot Found

Jul 12, 2005

My computer is slow at start up and when I try to go to a page I get page can not be found please try again.

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BSOD:Page Fault In A Non Page Area

Mar 18, 2010

I got this error when I installed Advance System Care and when i scanned my USB with noob killer. Then the P.C restarted and it started to displays the page fault in non page area. The problem is when i boot in window xp cd it display this BOD error and when i boot Safe mode and Start windows normally it only reboot the P.C. So there is no way i can access the control tab window xp

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Reduce Zoomed Page When There Is No Page Icon

Nov 18, 2007

how can i reduce the zoomed page when there is no page icon that shows possible zoom sizes?

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Home Page Not Filling Page On Sides

Oct 13, 2008

The picture i`ve included shows an orange edge on the sides. Is this normal or can it be changed?http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?i...eensizeik0.jpg

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Page Can Not Be Displayed - Open New Page From Link

Aug 24, 2005

i am having trouble when i try to open a new page from a link. it is not happening all the time but enough to make it annoying. it may be my security settings but i am not sure, that is why i am asking for help. it also won't let me open sponsored links from google etc.

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Open Home Page - Page Cannot Be Displayed

Sep 11, 2005

when I connect to the internet (dial up), my home page doesn't come up, instead I get a "page cannot be displayed. If I right click on my ISP provider and click "open home page" then it will come up. I've tried various "solutions" yet still have problem. Even when the home page is up, the other is lurking behind it.

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While Loading Home Page - Blank Page

Oct 31, 2006

I am using a computer with Win98se on it, but have been given one with XP Home loaded on it,which is a new "learning curve" for me. I like Excite as my home page,but am having trouble loading it on the XP machine. I have checked these forums and Googled it, but can't seem to find an answer to my particular problem. When I attempt to load Excite,all I get is a blank page with a left and right arrow and pause button in the middle left of the page. The address is correct on the address line.

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Remove Page Number From Just One Page

Jun 26, 2010

I have a 300 page document. I need some of the pages NOT to display the page number.For example: In Chapter I the page number does not appear in page 1 but page 2 will be have page number 2. I want to do the same thing at the beginning of every chapter.

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Starting Up It Gets Hung Up At "Windows Starting Up"

Mar 25, 2007

For about 2 months my computer (Sony VAIO desktop, Pentium IV 1.39 mHz, 512mb RAM, Windows XP Pro, SP2) has been acting strange. I have checked the system for viruses and spyware with AVG and Symmantec and others- with no luck. I also did a Windows repair; it only got worse. I also used reg scrub.First, when starting up it gets hung up at "Windows starting up..." taking about 3 minutes to finally get to the user selection page. Once I login, it takes another 2minutes to fully open up. At that point, my mouse has a constant flicker and takes forever to open up IE (6.0). If I leave the computer for awhile, when I come back and move my mouse to wake it up- it has some new problems: I cannot type in numbers (num lock has no effect), when I type letters, they are in all caps (caps lock off), and when I go to my desktop to select a program to start, it highlights all of the icons and says basically "do you really want to start 38 programs at once".

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Getting "Page Cannot Be Displayed" Page On Second Browser?

Mar 24, 2006

I'm having an issue I just can not understand. When I have two IE browsers open, I sometimes get the "Page Cannot Be Displayed" error on the second brower. When I try to go to the same page as the working browser I get the samel thing. It's like the second browser is not connectted to the internet.After shutting down both browsers several times and even rebooting sometimes, it will eventually work fine.

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Pop Ups Now Starting

Dec 24, 2005

I recently downloaded a program, now I'm getting pop ups which I never really had before I ran Adaware & spybot.can someone check my hijack this log and advise me if something should be removed?

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Computer Not Starting Up

Feb 10, 2006

Today I did an update on my norton security 2005 and updated my ewido suite. After I updated both of them I restarted my computer in safe mode so that I could run ewido because for some reason I was getting a notification that I had a keylogger on my computer. I kept blocking it but it kept coming back. This is the first time anything like that has ever been on my computer. I put a 56k modem and aol on it because I moved and I dont have cable modem here and thats when I started to have problems with my comp. Well, when my computer went to start back up it froze, so I manually restarted it. When it started back up it came to the screen asking to start up in safe mode, safe mode networking, safe mode command line, last known working conditions, and normal start up. I tried to start in safe but it started loaded everything and froze up while it was doing its check. It did the same thing in all the safe modes. So I tried it in the last known working option and it went to the Windows XP black loading screen and finished loading then turned to an all black page and froze up again. I tried doing it in normal startup mode and it froze up again after the Windows XP loading screen. It froze on the all black screen again. So, now it wont get any further then that screen. I took out the 56k modem and tried and it still didnt work. Everything seems to be running in the computer. Its not hot. I have not downloaded anything on my computer if a few months. I havent even open any attactments in emails in a few months. Oh yeah I cant get a HJT log or anything since it wont start up in any open. I have windows xp pro sp2..

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Computer Starting Up By Itself

Mar 27, 2005

I have tried looking through this site, without luck to fix this.
on a Dell OptiPlex GX1 running XP, this computer is starting up by itself, is this a schedule problem, power managment, or bios or something else?? sorry not a virus, have done housecall, plus have nortons on it,
had another computer do it, never worked out the problem, didn't believe it till I was sitting beside it and it started by itself.

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Starting My Computer?

Oct 22, 2005

I have a used computer that will not boot up it has windows XP but nothing happens it boots saying error "pocessor disabled" then it trys to boot then it just resets itself any ideas the bios also has some password on it that I cannot figure out

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Computer Not Starting

Jan 16, 2006

When I started the computer everything seamed to start except my LCD monitor was not getting a signal from the computer the screen was black. After trying a couple of times I hooked up an older 15" monitor. I seemed to get a signal in the beginning but after minutes the screen was black. I booted the computer again in Safe Mode and the computer booted OK. I tryed Safe Mode a few times and it booted OK each time.

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Re Starting Computer

Apr 10, 2006

How to launch the windows desktop without going through the user select page. I know that it is just a matter of customizing the way i log on but i can't remember how it's done.

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Computer Not Starting Up

Oct 17, 2008

I recently increased my virtual memory and after that my pc is not starting properly and i have to choose last known good configuration for starting it

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Computer Not Starting

Nov 15, 2008

Just now, my toshiba satellite a105-s4342 laptop was installing a bios driver from toshiba drivers website. During installation, my computer froze, for like 10 mins, then I rebooted and the computer just stayed black. Nothing is loading in the background, I know that for sure. I tried using the Recovery and Applications/Drivers disc but it only works after you load the bios screen.

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Computer Keeps Re-starting

Dec 30, 2008

Every time my computer starts up it goes to the desktop and it re-starts it self. im running it in safe mode rite now and it seems to be working fine.
how can i fix this??

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Pop Up After Starting My Computer?

Jun 5, 2005

When i turn on my computer, Notepad pops up with some kind of a code


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RPC Service Not Starting

Dec 7, 2005

Have a XP Home PC here, and a number of services are not starting including the RPC service. Saw on an earlier thread this may be related to the DCOM service, but this won't start either.Have run a Hijack this log and there's nothing to report there, system restore doen't work because it's one of the many auto start services that don't start along with windows installer. The link below shows a conversation with a guy who has the same problem as me only he had to rsolve his via a re-install. Don't mind doing this if that's what's needed, just would love to be able to fix it!

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Winpro W/sp2 Starting Up

Mar 21, 2006

My wifes computer runs WinXP pro w/sp2, the computer boots up fine but when windows starts the winXP logo is all misconfigured, and it takes about 15 - 30 minutes for windows the completely start. The logo screen will look different each time windows is started. I will try to recreate the screen.This is a crude recreation of the display.I have gone as far as doing a complete format and clean install of WinXP and other programs. I still get the same thing! Could it be a faulty video card? (this one is integrated in MB). the MB is an ASUS A7N266.I will try using a spare video card to ruleout that possibility. If it is not a graphics issue what else? CPU, or MB. I saved many files to a USB drive I use for backups, is it possible for a boot sector virus to reside in the My Documents folder?I kept Norton AV, SpyBot SD, and AdAware upto date and tried to run scans frequently; however, these my not catch everything.

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