High Price Of Vista

Jun 16, 2006

With the Vista Ultimate rumored price of $450. Neowin did a survey. 442 of 1338 said that $299 was a fair price. While 861 found it a better idea to pick it up on the street for $10 bucks.

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Price Variations In Different Versions Of Xp ?

Nov 7, 2007

Why do some versions of Windows XP Home edition cost ~£60, when others cost ~£170?

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Unable To Get Review On Price

Sep 20, 2005

I am considering this computer sold by shopNBC.com but I am unable to get a review or product evaluation on price, performance or support.

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Xp Home - OEM Or Retail: Difference Besides The Price?

Mar 5, 2007

What is the difference besides the price. Oem is 90.00 and retail is 199.00. Why?

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Big Price Difference: Selecting From OEM And Retail?

Mar 20, 2007

Whats the difference??? I just want to install an OS on my daughter's system (I'm building). There seems to be big price differences just looking at XP home. I thought I should stay with retail because I have so little expertise and thought the package would be more complete (less for me to be expected to know

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Reasons For Price Differences For Home OEM?

Dec 10, 2004

Looking to install a fresh copy of XP home on a computer that's been formated.Found these two prices.I they look like both will work with a clean hard drive but the price difference is a lot. I was wondering if someone could enlighten me on why.

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Price Of Home EU User Licence?

Feb 1, 2009

Does anyone know what the selling price of just the licence is, without the software?

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Buy Retail WinPro At A Cut Rate Price?

Jul 27, 2005

Download the "Corp" version of Win XP Pro, file-sharing or torrent, and then run validation, fail, and get MS to sell you a retail copy of 1/2 price. Do the same thing, download Corp XP Pro. Burn a copy to CD on a computer it isn't install on, make up a receipt, and go to the Library and do a search of newspapers for computer shows from a couple years ago.Fill out the forms MS gives you and send in with the CD and receipt, and get MS to send you a retail copy for free. OK, I'm not really advocating anybody doing this, just trying to make a point. If someone is gonna pirate XP to begin with, what makes MS think that people won't be doing things like this? Why isn't retail XP sold at the price that is being offered to people with pirated Windows to begin with?

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Dual Boot Vista/XP - Vista/XP With My HP Media Center Purchased In 2007

Sep 17, 2009

I'm trying to make a dual boot system Vista/XP with my HP Media Center purchased in 2007 with Vista pre-installed. Inside Vista I created the partition for XP (disk D and rebooted with the 'XP Pro SP2' inside. After selecting its correct partition for installing it copies all files on hard disk and it reboots in order to start its installation, upon rebooting and starting first time from hard disk, it says that there is an error in the system and stops. If I install only XP on the system it works correctly even though some newest hardware is not recognized. I had already made a dual boot two years ago with a 2007 XP Student Edition and it smoothly. If it is due to the XP version being too old that maybe cannot deal with the boot record created by Vista
Or perhaps such an old XP cannot recognize a boot hard disk that is not C:?
Is there a way to bypass this point (perhaps fixing the boot record) in order to continue correctly the installation?
Thank you,

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Dual Boot XP+Vista - Originally Had Vista Business Edition

Dec 31, 2007

I originally had Vista Business edition on my laptop and decided to dual boot with XP. So far I created a partition on the same drive (C: ) as Vista and installed XP on it. how do I choose between Vista and XP when my computer boots up? When I turn on my computer it boots straight into XP and doesn't show that menu where it gives me a choice of which OS I want to boot

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Dual Boot Vista And XP - Risk Of Vista Interfering With The XP Partition

Jun 8, 2006

Can i put Vista on a computer as a second operating system and dual boot with XP? Is there a risk of Vista interfering with the XP partition

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Dual Boot And Vista - Vista Based System And Then Load XP

Jan 28, 2009

Is it possible to have a Vista based system and then load XP on the same system and switch between the two. I know mac's have something similar to this but i have an HP dv7 pavilion notebook with an AMD Turion x2 Dual-core mobile RM-70 2ghz processor, 4 gb of ram, ATI Radeon HD 3200 graphics chip set, and 156GB of free harddrive space

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XP-Vista Dual Boot Set Up - Free VISTA BUSSINES Upgrade

Feb 13, 2007

just ordered a new pc that is on its way pre loaded with WIN XP PRO SP2. It also come with a free VISTA BUSSINES upgrade. I want to set up a dual boot system when i get my VISTA disk. should i use partition magic and set up a new partition for vista or is there a better way of doing this

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Dual Boot: To Vista - Created A Separate Partition For Vista

Dec 13, 2007

I initially started with XP and created a separate partition for Vista, installing Vista on the other partition, Vista sees the (XP) Earlier version of windows. When I choose XP, I get the following error: NTOSKRNL.EXE is missing or corrupt. If I repair the XP with fixmbr - I end up screwing up Vista. Then when I repair Vista, it end's screwing up XP

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Internet With Vista Cuz Of Bs Security - Dual Boot Xp/vista

Dec 15, 2006

does ne1 know if vista can dual boot with xp no problems yet only wonderin cuz we are very close to vista, and i want it. i cannot use my dorm room internet with vista cuz of bs security shit.

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Get Rid Of The Vista Boot Loader: Removed Vista?

Jul 26, 2008

I was dual booting XP and Vista but didn't want Vista anymore. So I got rid of Vista, and that's all said and done now. Problem is, the boot loader is still coming up telling me to choose between "Earlier Version of Windows" and "Windows Vista". How to I get rid of it without using Vista's boot manager?

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Dual Boot With Vista - Currently Running Vista

Mar 3, 2008

I'm currently running Vista on a raid 0 array, and want to dual with XP. I have two partitions, one with vista and the other that I tried installing XP on. After it finishes the initial installation and restarts it says to press any key to boot from the CD. I wait without pressing anything and than it says that there was an error reading the disk. If I remember correctly, after it restarts it goes strait into windows setup. This happens every time I try restarting, but I can get back into vista by putting the hard drive to boot first. In vista I can see the other partition where XP was installed, and inside is just a folder titled WINDOWS and it seems like all the windows files are in there

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Vista To Home Go Back To Vista

Jun 18, 2008

It had Windows vista in it and she had someone put Windows XP in it. It now has a virus and my friend wants Vista put back in it. I have a cd here that says TOSHIBA recovery and applications / drivers, Satellite A130/ A135 series, Windows Vista Home Basic 32-bit. I put this cd in the rom and restarted. it did nothing. just loaded XP up again.

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Keep Pro 32 Or Go With Vista Home 32 Or Vista 64?

Dec 7, 2007

Hi All. My problem is this. I have a legal copy of XP Pro (OEM) installed on this computer. The hardware is very dated (about 6yrs, AMD 1800+, AGP 2, PC2100 ram) and I want to upgrade to new stuff. So being a good citizen I called Microsoft and ask the question, "How do I legally install the legal copy on my new equipment while uninstalling it from the old?" The old hardware is not going to be reused, just to old and slow. Two reps from M$ told me that I could not use my legal copy with the new hardware while one said that I could but had to uninstall it somehow while online so they could verify and activate it for the new stuff. They never got around to telling me how to do that. I take that as a no that they won't allow the 2nd use. So what OS would you choose at the moment? I think I am going to try to reuse the current copy. If that doesn't work I'll repurchase, but which? XP Pro, XP Home, XP 64, Vista, Vista home, Vista 64? I understand that SP1 for Vista has gone into beta so it shouldn't be long to get that. If anyone has some input or experience I would greatly apperciate it. Does anyone think that this is wrong? I'm not trying to cheat M$, as I said it is a legal copy. Any Microsoft employees out there? If I want to reuse a piece of hardware no prob right? Seems to me to be the same thing. Anyway tell me what you think and thanks.


PS: By the way I use the machine for general purpose computing and gaming which is why I need to upgrade. I have been getting Fragged alot in UT2K4.

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CPU Usage Always High?

Oct 31, 2005

I recently kept getting a blue screen everytime I tried to restart my computer. This happened with my old computer and I ended up having to get a new Hard Drive. Well I was able to fix this problem by booting in safe mode and system restoring to an earlier date. Well now my CPU Usage is always running high, over 30% almost aways, dipping all the way up to 100% sometimes. This is when I have nothing system heavy running, I have Dual 3.2Ghz EE processors and 2GB of Ram.Well I was getting a similar problem last month, it was because of the trojan vundo. I got vundo off a couple weeks ago and no more CPU Usage problems. Well I didn't go THAT far back in system restore. So I did an updated Norton Scan, and updated Adaware scan and an updated spybot scan, still gettin the problem. It's doin enough that I cant watch videos with th epicture being jerky and sometimes it freezes my IE for 15 or so seconds.

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CPU Usage Is Too High: Help

Dec 25, 2005

I notice sometimes that my computer usage will jump to a very high percent. Most of the time between 60-100%. I get this when Im not doing anything, if theres nothing running (That I know of). Sometimes if I have more then 1 IE or FireFox box open. It will jump to 80%. Can someone help me find out whats going on?

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CPU Usage VERY High

Feb 10, 2006

I'm hoping I can resolve an issue here. First let me start out by apologizing for this long post, but i'm trying to get as much info out as I can.Recently i've been having big problems with my computer running VERY slow, my computer takes 5 minutes to boot up when normally it would only take 1, my mouse moves very laggy, and I can't start up any programs without having to wait minutes just for it to start. When I look at the performance monitor, my CPU usage is anywhere from 50%-100%...and i'm not even running anything! First let me get somet things out of the way. First off I have a laptop with AMD Athalog 64 2.5 ghz processor, 1.0gig of ram, and a ATI X600 mobility video card. I've had my computer for a little over a month so it's not outdated or anything, and all of my drivers are up to date.

I did a viruscan on my computer which took very long b/c my CPU usage was very high, and nothing negative came back when I did so. I ran adaware and removed all of the adware I had.still didn't fix the problem.
After trying both of those things I decided i'd try to restore my computer to an earlier point. it was successful. That was a couple days ago when I was having this same problem. Well here we are present date, and i'm having the same problem again. I tried restoring my computer to an earlier point again, but this time it resulted with some troublesome problems, apparently an important ATI file was deleted or something (not sure exactly) and I couldn't boot my computer up in normal mode, I had to go back into safe mode and rollback the drivers for my computer to even boot up. That was approximately 30 minutes ago, and here i am now. Obviously restoring didn't help this time because my computer is very slow at the moment.

I don't get it, because both times this has happened, it comes out of no where. My computer will be running just fine, then 'BAM!' out of no where my CPU usage is out of the roof. I'll try restarting, closing everything on my toolbar nothing works. Speaking of toolbars, mine is pretty empty, it's not overloaded with a bunch of crap, mostly just important stuff like firewall and virus scan. I can't imagine that restoring my computer is the only option here. There has to be something that is causing this, that i'm not detecting. Originally I would have guaranteed it was a virus, but McAfee Virusscan isn't picking up anything. And it's obviously some software issue, because when I tried restoring my computer a few days ago when I was having this problem, everything ended up working normally after that. This time when I tried it though, there was no luck.

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CPU Usage High

Feb 19, 2006

Ive noticed that for the most minmal ofpc tasks my cpu usage alwasy jumps to 89-100% which in turn slows down my PC? does anyone have any ideas how i can lower that?

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CPU Usage Is Too High

May 22, 2006

My CPU Usage is too high. My computer is running really slow because of it. I looked under Windows Task Manager/Processes and System is taking up about 50% of the CPU Usage. It is not a virus because I have been through a whole thread in the Security section and they said I have no infection. This does this off and on. I have been having this problem for a while and then it stopped. I just restarted my computer and it just started again.

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What To Do About High CPU Usage?

Jan 2, 2007

This question is actually going to be for a friend of mine mostly and secondly for me. We have the same issue.We both have Norton Antivirus 2007 and the latest updates We both Have Zone Alarm Pro and the latest updates We both have all the latest drivers for all our hardware and use third party driver toolkits just to be sure about it We both Recently formated and reinstalled windows and made sure we have all the latest windows updates We both scan for viruses and other types of malware religiously For some strange reason my computer will be completely idle and out of nowhere the CPU will start running high (fast).I mean, it's literally out of nowhere because there are no changes in whatever i am doing. I will leave the computer completely untouched, without being connected to the internet and the CPU will just go off on its own running at high speeds out of nowhere. I don't even have a screensaver.

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Very High Cpu Usage

Nov 23, 2007

this problem just happened today.. my cpu usage seems to spike to about 50% every 5-10 seconds, and it's become unbearable to work with.i scanned with avg and it detected nothing.. i believe the problem stems from something called services.exe because when i ctrl alt del, i can see in processes that it spikes up to a high amount of cpu usage. i did some googling and haven't found much help on the issue.

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High CPU Usage With Everything

Sep 16, 2006

I formated my pc, deleted the partitions, recreated them and installed 2 OS of XP in each partition (same way and thing as I had b4). This time my cpu approaches 100% with nearly anything, from opening a window to scrolling down. Everything I do raises the cpu. The only thin I installed are the drivers for motherboard and antivirus. I checked the pc with 3 diff programs for viruses and nothing came up. I can do nothing! Plus I got this windows poping up telling me that I got system critical errors and that my registry is corrupted (?)

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Why High CPU On Start Up?

Mar 19, 2007

For the past couple of weeks every time I turn on my PC and 'go online' within a few minutes the pc sounds as if it is downloading updates or similar ; but it isnt. It stops if i go off line . while this is is happening , which can last 4 or 5 minutes the CPU usage ia very high so the system is painfully slow. I have scanned for spyware etc but all seems ok . how can i find out what it is 'doing'. and more to the point how can i stop it ?

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Add High Usb And Firewire

Sep 13, 2005

Hi. Don't know exactly where to go to ask this question, but I want to add a Hi Speed USB 2.0 and firewire 3.5 in. drive to my computer tower in the empty bay What kind of connection should I be looking for on the motherboard.

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Pf Usgae Low And High

Apr 1, 2006

I have noticed in the last few days that when I go to Task Manager is shows my PF Useage to sometimes be as high as 1.06 GB. I am also getting a message that indicates my Virtual Memory is low and that Windows is increasing it? I also notice my CPU goes from 2 or 3 per cent to 60 or 70 percent.
When I reboot the PF useage will drop to a much lower number.I have done a total virus scan, scan with Spybot and Ad-Aware in addition to the AOL spyware program. I also run Spyware Blaster. I also did a system restore to a point last week.Can anyone offer any explnation about these matters or have any suggestions as to what is going on and what

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Explorer.exe Mem And Cpu Usage Very High

Jun 29, 2005

Windows has been running really slowly sometimes and i've ran spybot, adaware and a couple others and its still running slow. when i went into task manager it said explorer.exe mem and cpu usage was very high; cpu was 99 and mem was over 100k

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