Hardware Drivers And Applications Cd

Dec 1, 2008

I just finished a re-installation of windows on a fairly old computer. got windows installed through the original windows cd, but i have lost the drivers and applications cd. I cant do anything without any drivers. cant even hardwire to the router to d/l drivers.....any help??? anyone know where I can get a copy of the drivers/app cd? Its a gateway, so old, they dont really care enough to help.......any help would be much appreciated.

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Running Slow / Added The Drivers And Just A Couple Of Applications

Apr 26, 2005

I completely reformatted my HD and reinstalled windows. I added the drivers and just a couple of aps. Now my computer is SO slow. Aps take a good 30 seconds to open as do web pages. There is the odd time where something will open quickly (seems random) but not too often. I ran Hijack this, spybot and adaware and found nothing nothing to find.

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Touch Not Working / Bad Drivers Installed Drivers Over Bad Drivers

Oct 9, 2010

How do I uninstall all drivers associated with my (windows xp) touch pad. Touch Pad is not working / bad drivers installed drivers over bad drivers.

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Video Drivers Messed Up - Device Manager Display Drivers Update Can't Find

Aug 17, 2009

video card on my laptop messed up somehow, i can see a exclamation mark on the device manager in the display drivers tab... now im searching to update my driver but cant find any sources that would suit xp windows now everything is very laggy cuz it shows im not using any video card or something like that anyway?

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Home Firmware Drivers: System Recognizes The Drivers Wont Install?

Jul 30, 2005

I purchased a SIIG PCI firmware adapter. It has no drivers and says that it will use Win XP drivers. Well I installed the board and booted the pc, Win XP
recognized the hardware but could not find any drivers. I tried unplugging it manually, installing it in another card slot with no luck. I took it back to
my pc dealer and he plugged it in his system and had no problems. I decide to try another brand, an IO Gear GIC1394.

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Pro Drivers: System Crashed Installed New Copy / Missing Drivers?

Nov 3, 2007

A friends HP Media Center PC m7077c crashed. Had no recover disk, etc. Installed XP Pro SP2 and I need drivers (according to Device Manager). No sound is obvious but video controller is not. Video seems okay. Where do I find drivers for this machine. XP Pro, Home and MCE are different OS's ... as far as my experience. The drivers are not the same.

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Installing Drivers For Graphics And Wireless Network Card Drivers

Jan 1, 2006

Whenever i install drivers on my pc, (i've tried graphics card drivers and wireless network card drivers) my pc stops working. When i installed the graphics card drivers, i tried testing the graphics on a game (counter-strike) but as soon as i got into the game, the pc flashes a blue screen, and reboots. I cant see what the blue screen says because it flashes on and off again to quick for me to read it. I decided to uninstall the graphics card drivers, and the game worked perfectly, but the graphics were REALLY bad. So i thought i might need to update some other drivers, so i tried to install my wireless network card, but when i finished installing the drivers when i had to restart my computer, it flashed the BSOD.... AGAIN! I need help urgently as im going to a LAN gaming comp called "rezidue" and its on in 2 weeks, i need my pc fixed by then! All these problems started when i upgraded my CPU. Everything was running smooth, and i was happily playing along on my computer, when i was asked what my FPS was in counter-strike, and i was all "mine are 65!" and there like "wow that sucks, mines 130" so i set out on my epic quest to get better FPS then everyone else and MAN THAT WAS A MISTAKE. I upgraded from my celeron 2.8ghz cpu to a P4 3.0ghz HT cpu, and thats when things started messing up on me. My entire system is as follows (incase it can help someone help me) P4 3.0ghz HT CPU, Microstar P4 motherboard, 128mb Nvidia Geforce mx4000 AGP x8 graphics card, 256MB ddr ram (recently brought new 1GB ddr ram off ebay just for rezidue! should be here soon!) TP-LINK 54mbps wireless network card) And last but not least

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Home Edition: Finding Suitable Drivers?

Jun 18, 2005

I am trying to find drivers for sound because I reinstaled the Windows HP Home Edition and I can't find the suitable drivers.

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Drivers For Pro: Downloading Software Asks To Download Drivers?

Jun 25, 2010

I just recieved an IBM laptop while downloading some software, it was suggested by the site that I should download all the updated drivers. I am very wary of this advice because I don't want to fix something that doesn't seem to be broken, but at the same time, I would like to be up-to-date. I am running XP Pro, how I should proceed? And where I might safely download such drivers?

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How To Add Drivers To Default Drivers Installations List

Aug 8, 2005

Is there anybody who can tell how I can add a driver so that windows Xp recognize this and does a unattended installation of the hardware device (a example is a USB mouse) But the Windows XP is alreay installed so, I am not really looking for a sysprep solution?

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Need Graphics Drivers, And Sound Drivers

Oct 10, 2007

I recently reformatted my computer, after it went FUBAR on me, and now I am having some glitchy scrolls whenever I scroll down web pages, and I have no sound, it's the same thing that happened the last time I reformatted it, and it was like 5 months ago, so I can't remember the damned names of the drivers. Any help? I have windows xp home edition, and my graphics card is an ATI.. I remember something on the lines of CCC Catalyst Control Center.

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Need Drivers CD / Accidently Uninstalled The Drivers

Apr 27, 2005

I accidently uninstalled the drivers for my Sony CD-RW CRX160E and Samsung CD-ROm SC-148C players. I have tried to roll back the drivers but there was no backup. Since my Windows XP was installed by my work and I no longer work for that company I am a bit stuck as to what to do.

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Found USB 2.0 Drivers - Motherboard Drivers

Oct 4, 2005

i have problems finding drivers for my motherboard.. i need usb 2.0 drivers.. my mb is a asus p4p800-x, i searched 4 drivers in many sites, like asus.com, but i haven't found yet..where can i found USB 2.0 drivers o

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IDE Drivers - Bus Mastering Drivers

Jun 3, 2005

I think i have a problem (not sure if i really do) I have win xp+sp2. When i go to My computer-properties-device-device manager-Controllers IDE ATA/ATAPI, and press '+', I see this line NVIDIA NForce 2(tm) SPP/IGP ATA Controller is this normal? should i seen something else?

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Ad-on DVD Applications Significantly Better Than OEM?

Dec 4, 2006

Are pricey add-ons like Win DVD7 Platinum or Power DVD 7 significantlty better than the HP DVD Player or Media Center. This is a new HP Media Center PC with DVI and Digital Audio. The display is a 30" hi-def monitor/TV combo and the audio runs through a 1000 watt Pioneer Home Theatre.

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Ie Applications Stopped

Apr 17, 2006

Recently, all of my applications which need some kind of Internet survice have just altogether stopped working. The router I have works perfectly fine and has been since I got it in November. It's just that every time I click on Mozilla, AIM, AIM Triton, or even Internet Expolorer nothing happens. I have tried right clicking too. Everything else on the computer works EXCEPT for those applications. I checked and the router is secured and working.

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No Video Or Audio On Pop-up Applications

May 23, 2007

I have a dell Inspiron 6000. I cannot get audio or video to work on sites that use pop-ups for them. For example, I cannot use most online radio streams or access video clips on cnn's website. This occurs with both Firefox and IE. The pop ups do appear but there is no video/audio.

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Cannot Open Windows Applications

Feb 2, 2006

To find a windows explorer error message. When I click close on the error, the same error pops back up.
I finally got the error message to stop on startup and the computer worked fine but now when I access any windows based programs, windows explorer, my computer, control panel, IE 7, my computer puts the error message back up.
When i click "close" windows explorer does not go away, the error message just does but it still prohibits my access to these programs (which really really annoys me).

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OTF In The Folder Not Showing Up In My Applications

Jan 14, 2009

I can't seem to get much information on wacko.gif Just built a new rig that is running XP x64 with latest drivers and updates, specs are below. Installed my otf's (openType fonts) and have tried 2 different type managers (Extensis Suitcase and FontAgent Pro 4) to get my fonts to activate and they are not activating.

This lead me to check the windows font folder and I noticed that any OTF in the folder was not showing up in my applications (photoshop etc). So I double click on the fonts and I am getting a "the requested file /path to font/ was not a valid font file" message. I installed the fonts directly from my cd so I know the fonts are valid.

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Applications Wont Launch Sometimes

Jul 19, 2007

EXTREMELY ANNOYING problem I'm encountering... I'll turn on my PC and 1/3 times nothing will launch. What I mean is, I'll click on a shortcut and the little cursor will display the thinking symbol as if it's aunching, my HD (or cpu?) will click, then nothing. Nothing happens. Every single application is like this, including a Ctrl-Alt-Delete, I can't even launch task manager, or My Computer... NOTHING. Everything that is open currently works fine though, I can browse places in firefox, change songs in winamp etc. I just can't launch new applications or shutdown my computer. I'll go to start -> turn off computer -> shut down, and nothing happens. I have to manually force restart my PC everytime this happens and it's really getting bothersome. I don't know what to do guys or what could be causing this, I really don't want to format

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Several Applications Need Manual - End Now - On Shut Down

Aug 24, 2006

On my work PC running XP SP2 when I do a Shut Down or Restart on about a dozen apps I need to Click the End Now button. I have a second PC at the office on XP SP2 and one at home on XP SP1 and on those I don't even see the window for the apps shutting down. On top of that the system can't take them down itself...I MUST click the "End Now" button.

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Cant Open Folders Or Run Applications - AVG?

Jan 3, 2008

2 days ago, I used add/remove programs then Norton Removal Tool to remove Norton AV, and replaced it with AVG Free. My PC seemed to work fine until yesterday: upon booting, AVG automatically tried to update and ended up reporting "something bad happened..."; Not sure if AVG issue is relevant but now I CANNOT OPEN FOLDERS or APPS!

Now about 9 times out of 10, when I try to open a file or app, the screen icons and background pic disappear momentarily, and nothing opens. If I manage to open a folder, it seems my PC hangs up similarly at the following task (sometimes I get my RCA Lyra icon suddenly showing up in the toolbar). BTW I experienced the exact same problem a couple of times before the AVG install but rebooting would always fix the issue. Not anymore! It took many reboots but I was able to get AdAware to run - found nothing - and Maintenance Mechanic 6 - showed PC Repair is needed but hangs once it gets to reading the disk index. I tried deleting Lyra, but it won't let me (hangs once I manage to open the add/remove program page).

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Can Transfer Applications On Old HD To New Computer

Nov 14, 2006

I built a new computur and now that its up and running I'd like to get some of the apps from my old computer on to the new computer. Trouble is some of the install disks have been lost/misplaced since the old computer was 6 years old. I saw with XP you can transfer the contents of an old HD to a XP setup but it seems to suggest that you do this while you are installing XP not afterwards. Is it possible to transfer these applications to the new computer?

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How To Safely Install Applications?

Jan 27, 2007

Does anyone know of a list of best practices or third party tool(s) for safely installing and completely uninstalling applications in Windows XP? I want to be able to install applications into Windows XP so that if the app were to corrupt my Windows installation, I can remove it completely and restore my Windows XP back to a ?good? state. I've installed hundreds, maybe thousands of apps on Windows XP platforms. I've tried all sorts of methods for installing apps. These methods include:

? Running Windows in a ?clean boot? configuration: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/310353
? Creating a system restore before each installation
? Using tools that monitor installs and supposedly provide a way to uninstall apps like Advanced Uninstaller Pro: http://www.innovative-sol.com/uninstaller/index.htm? Etc., etc............

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Applications Running Behind The Desktop

Mar 19, 2007

setup the new 19' LCD, re-staged XP on the desktop machine. Setup a nice wide screen desktop, remember selecting something in the CP about don't show the icon's and the rest is history. Menu wise all is fine, window apps work fine, ex. start -> run -> notepad, yet a start -> run -> will show the black window open, then disappear. Same with taskmgr, if you do 2ce, you get the taskmgr is already running yet you don't see it, nothing near the time, <ctrl>-<alt>-<del> shows nothing. I can however do a start -> run -> edit <enter> and get the edit screen. Somewhere there must be a setting to just say, desktop, stay behind! Even created a new user, logged in as that new user (default desktop, etc.) with the same results.

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Adding Applications To Startup

Aug 19, 2005

How do I add MS Office shortcut bar to startup?

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Higher Priority For Applications

Jun 9, 2007

Is there a way to make applications start with a higher then usual priority automatically? I routinely run video encoding in the background which will eat up both the cores on my Opty 170. As expected, this makes certain things sluggish to use. But, I wanna make it so the applications that I actively use (Firefox, MSN, and AIM) have an above normal priority.

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Display - Nvidia GUI Applications

Jul 31, 2007

I am having display problems with two applications under winows XP. The control software that comes with my Asus MB called AIsuite and also the Nvidia GPU monitoring program. Both use those fixed graphical interfaces (ie not windows standard) a bit like winamp etc. Both show very messed up interfaces on my system with icons in wrong places, text running off edge of GUI etc. I was suspicious it was to do with my windows font settings so removed cleartype and insured size was set to normal. However, the glitches still show up.

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Combine Applications And OS Install

May 23, 2007

Is there a way to combine the installation of apps and the OS and automate it on a single DVD besides disk imaging? Also is there a way to make a SP2 XP install disk with all my updates because the one I have only has SP1?

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Warnings In Applications Event Log - Get Rid

Jun 26, 2005

I have recently begun to receive warnings in my applications event log that I do not understand. They always come in pairs, Event ID #1001 and #1004, and they always occur three times in rapid succession, but seem to have no apparent effect on my system.

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