HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...Run Folder Loading Services Randomly?

Apr 3, 2007

I run Sygate Firewall and I've always had it set to block all network activity until the service is loaded. It used to be the first thing that loaded, but a while ago after installing other programs, it started loading last. I know the order in which registry folders run their keys, but do keys within the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE...Run folder load their services randomly? If so, is there a way that I can set the order by which these start so that Sygate starts up first thing after I log in? I can think of a way to do this by deleting all the registry keys except one that will call a batch file to load all the other keys, but that's not really what I'm looking to do.

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Computer Randomly Reboots - Services.exe Keeps Crashing

Nov 16, 2006

I use Windows 2K, my computer randomly reboots saying that SERVICES.EXE has been terminated and will restart the computer in 60 seconds. If you switch the time back, it says "will reboot in 365 day." I have a question, is this a virus, or is my computer just stupid?

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System Services Not Loading

Aug 13, 2007

I'm experiencing some strange behaviour with my XP SP2 PC. This morning I ran microsoft update, and saw that 2 security patches hadn't been installing for about a month. I decided to boot into safe mode to try and get them, but then it asked me to reactivate windows, which I did over the phone and now all fine on that front.
However, the problem I'm now having is that certain services aren't loading when XP loads. For example, the desktop appearance, along with windows explorer, for example, looks like it's win98, i.e. no fischer price look, just plain old grey boxes. Also, the network services aren't loading so I can't get online with my router. Another: when I try opening help and support, I get the following message: Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem, start the service names 'Help and Support'.I'm not running in safe mode, and msconfig shows me as being in normal start up - load all drivers and services. In the services tab there are only 4 services running, which I'm pretty sure is seriously fewer than any machine running normally.

Unfortunately I can't run system restore: for some reason it's only got two saved in total, one that I did about 10 minutes ago, and another system one, about 15 minutes before that. Fortunately, NOD32 seems able to load, and a scan reveals no viruses. One more crucial thing: after I initially went to msconfig to arrange a safe boot on next boot (I have a usb keyboard so can't f8), I got a blue screen of death. So perhaps some boot files have become corrupted?

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Randomly Reset Folder Views / Folder Types

Feb 23, 2007

I have a recurring problem on Folder Views / Folder Types that has been bugging me for a long time. You can customize a folder with a "folder type" - Documents, Pictures, Music, Video, etc - which comes with a default view and a list of default attributes most relevant to the type (artist and album title for music, dimension for video, etc). You can also setup so that the settings are "memorized". However, the memory seems to be quite short term for some of my folders. They tend to randomly reset themselves and there seems to be a consistent but unrecognizable pattern. For example, my "My Documents" folder is always changed to a pictures folder, while some of my music folders are changed to video

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Freezes Randomly After Loading Qwest DSL?

Jul 31, 2005

I have loaded Actiontec from Qwest to activate modem for DSL. Ever since doing this, Wndows (any progam I may be running) freezes. It only happens when I am online. I can hook back up to my phone line, and everything runs fine. I am also running Norton Internet Security 2005. I am using Norton's firewall, not Windows. I have been tested by Qwest, and all my lines and connections show good or in working order with their system. So I am wondering where to start checking in Windows setups or preferences. Where do I begin to look for problems or conflicts.

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Easy Way To Reset All Of Services Under Services

Jan 9, 2005

Is there an easy way to reset all of the services under services.msc back to their default settings?

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Hard-drives Not Loading / Pc Extremely Slow Not Loading Properly

Jul 16, 2008

I got a new motherboard installed because my old one fried itself and the pc was reformatted and windows was reinstalled. Since then, it was working fine. The start-up time had also lowered considerably and it was working perfectly for once.One thing that's been happening for a while, my computer started taking longer to start-up. I figured it was just all the programs etc I have installed. Then, I have this one external drive that I got connected internally. There were times where it wouldn't recognize this drive; it wouldn't show up on My Computer. Otherwise, it was perfectly fine. one of my most important drives (E) has been missing for the last 2 days. it hasn't shown up even once and i'm really worried i've lost data and need to recover it.

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Services.msc And Help Function Not Available?

Jul 31, 2005

After removed serveral spywares, I cannot launch the services.msc (Computer management still fine, but not service page) along with "Help and support" from start menu. Also pressing F3 key in Explorer for "Find" function with result close down of explorer.exe.They seems startup for a split second and then close itself without notice. My guess is it has something to do with HTML/DHTML pages.

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Cannot See IPSEC Services

Jun 21, 2005

I have installed multiple VPN softwares on my Windows XP SP2 these months to access my corporate network, and they seemed work fine, but, may be, some of them were not compatible with XP SP2. I recently started wireless networking as well, and I thought some VPN softwares disturbed my wireless networking sometimes and I have decided to uninstall those VPN softwares.I had some difficulties to uninstall them, but at last I have uninstalled them. Now, I cannot see "IPSEC Services" in my services window at all. I can see "lsass.exe" under C:WINDOWSsystem32 directory. However, I do not know how to re-create "IPSEC Services".

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Services How Do I Access?

Aug 12, 2008

I am trying to access Services in Windows XP by "run" "services msc" "OK" and nothing happens. Anyone know?

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Removing Services To Speed Up Pc?

Feb 17, 2005

Can I get rid of some of these services to speed up my computer? Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.0

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Svchost.exe Network Services

Jul 3, 2005

Everytime I connect to the internet, any application I start which uses the connection doesn't work or is really slowed down util I end 'svchost.exe network services in task manager' How do I fix this? I 'm running windows xp service pack 2 with a broadband dsl connection

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BITS Started Using Services.msc?

Jan 19, 2006

Just wondering. When I set BITS, Background Intelligent Transfer Service to automatic & started using services.msc, after a while, maybe days later, it goes back to manual & stopped. When I look at it seems to suggest that I could set it either way. Since I never seem to get windows update automatically, although I do get them manually, I just wanted to try this setting to see if it would work for me. . Running win xp pro, sp2, dell dimension 2350, 1 GB mem, 2.0 GHz, cable modem. Usually run daily auto scans with MSAB & AVG7. Also have AdawareSE, Spybot, Spyware Blaster.

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After Disabling / Bunch Of Services

Feb 18, 2008

I am having problems with my shared printer. I do not use a local area connection for anything except just printing, but it appears I disabled a service i shouldn't have to get it working.

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Startup Changes Using Msconfig.exe And Services

May 9, 2007

Dell XPS T450, 576 MBWindows XP Pro OSI'm trying to make some startup changes using msconfig.exe and services.msc from the run command line. Despite running under an administrator login, I get a message to the effect that I don't have administrator privileges to run these commands.

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Repairing Damaged Services

Aug 16, 2005

I have a Toshiba tablet PC XP2;It boots up very slowly and I have narrowed down issue to two services which
when enabled cause the problem.Workstation and Network Location awareness services.When disabled, the machine boots fine. But is useless unless the services are started manually.

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SERVICES.exe Has Generated Errors

Jun 24, 2008

The last couple of days, my computer randomly gives me an error messages that says SERVICES.exe has generated errors and will be closed by Windows.You will need to restart the program.An error log is being created.Then, a shut down box pops up that tells me my computer will shut down in one minute... and there's a timer on there that counts down and when the minute is up, my computer shuts itself down and restarts.I've run Adaware, Spybot S&D, SuperAntiSpyware, and cleared my temporary internet files, etc. It's still doing it, and it's getting on my nerves because I can't get ANY work done. It's doing this like ever 30 minutes or hour or so.

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Could Not Load - Run Egedit / Services.exe

Feb 10, 2008

When I start my laptop, there are 4 pop-up windows saying: "Windows cannot find 'C:DOCUME~1MYNAME~1LOCALS~1services.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search." "Could not load or run 'C:DOCUME~1MYNAME~1LOCALS~1services.exe' specified in the registry. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry." "Windows cannot find 'C:WINDOWSSystem egedit.exe'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the Start button, and then click Search."

"Could not load or run 'C:WINDOWSSystem egedit.exe' specified in the registry. Make sure the file exists on your computer or remove the reference to it in the registry." In addition, there is an icon at the botton of my screen that says SQL Server Service Manager: "Stopped - \YOUR - some numbers - MSSQLServer". What do these all mean? I've tried antivirus software

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IE SP1 Report Services As Missing

Apr 26, 2007

Just wondering if anyone knows why hijackthis reports many services as missing? When they are loaded and present (as far as I can tell) This is Windows XP x64

Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 , Scan saved at 7:03:25 AM, on 4/26/2007, Platform: Windows 2003 SP2 (WinNT 5.02.3790) , MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP1 (6.00.3790.1830)

Running processes:
C:Program Files (x86)Spybot - Search & DestroyTeaTimer.exe
C:Program Files (x86)McAfeeCommon FrameworkFrameworkService.exe
C:Program Files (x86)McAfeeCommon FrameworkUdaterUI.exe.....

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Services Changes Triggered Lock-down

Aug 7, 2008

I just want to be able to remove some photos and documents and then I can wipe the HD clean and start over.I have used Safe Mode to try and return the Services to their Defaults, but I'm not being allowed to do anything that would help me, either when I log on as myself or I log on as adminstrator, the only 2 users of this computer. My connection to the internet is via satellite, and I assume that company has Permissions to also change Services.

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Run Out Of Idea To Fix Windows Services

Dec 22, 2008

I ran out of idea how to fix my windows services. This image show my windows services is set to automatic. At first it starts smoothly, but after a few mins or an hour it will stop. i don't know why, it stops at random times. and i'm already frustrated of starting the services manually over and over again. I tried reformatting my windows. I have 2 pcs' in my house, same windows use ( windows xp pro sp2 ) The other pc is AMD, it works fine there , and that is my first pc by the, The windows services doesn't stop at my AMD pc. But here in my Intel , i keeps on stopping, everytime I turn on the pc, then windows starts, a few mins later the services stops again. I already reformatted twice. reinstalled everything correctly but its still the same. I tried updating my drivers but no luck, tried also looking for other drivers but still the same.

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Services.exe File - 70% CPU Huge

Dec 31, 2006

For some reason, my services.exe file on my computer is hogging my CPU, usually holding around 70% of my CPU usage. I'm not sure at all why this is happening. I recently installed a Kensington Bluetooth adapter, could that be the problem? I started having this problem a few days ago, about 5 days after I installed the adapter...

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BITS Not Being Enabled In The Services.msc?

Dec 2, 2006

I have been having problems with .msi and other Windows Installer files. The first problem was based BITS not being enabled in the services.msc - and thus it was fixed. Some msi files, such as Apple iTunes updates and the simple usage of Windows Defender, are hindred unless I manually open services.msc via Run, then start Windows Installer Service; which has been set to start with the startup, and to do so automatically.I don't know why it's failing to start, but it is.

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Cannot Use Any Services / Have No Task Bar / Key Does Not Work

Oct 7, 2007

I cannot use any windows services.I have no task bar, my windows key does not work, I cant add/remove programs, when I try and make a new profile in case this one is messed up I get just a blank box when I click on the user profiles in control panel.In the task manager where it shows user name they are all blank and it shows under users no one is logged on.I cannot transfer files either tried putting stuff I need on a removable drive but they wont copy or drag/drop.

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How Do I Start System Services?

Feb 3, 2008

How do I start System Services? I've just gone to look at System Information, because I need to know what my graphics card is, and it says 'Windows cannot open Help and Support because a system service is not running. To fix this problem start a service named Help and Support'

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Cann't Install Fax Services

Apr 27, 2005

I have had the Fax services running fine on my computer before, however just recently I had to reinstall my printer drivers and for some reason the installed Fax also disappeared. In the Add Windows Components screen, the tick is now missing from Fax services. If I tick the box, it looks like it is installing the Fax services software, however on going back into the Add Windows Components screen the tick is still missing and I cannot install a Fax.

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Pc Is Behaving Quite Randomly

Apr 12, 2005

My pc is behaving quite randomly. I have this new page appearing as a wallpaper on my desk, saying stg like "your pc is infected by spyware blabla, sign here...", and besides, when I check into my task manager, I have a lot of .exe starting and stopping randomly and constantly, so my cpu is constantly between 60% and 100%. This is the main pb, but of course, there are several others, like the pc shutting down and restarting without notice, a front page "about blank" that I cannot change when I start internet explorer a.s.o
I ran the Ad-aware 6.0, Spybot S&D, CWS, but nothing helps

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Pc Turning Off Randomly

Jan 12, 2009

i am using XP and my isp is AOL,when using a games site called pogo,my pc just randomly stops,no shut down,and it only happens when playing pogo,it uses java,which i have uninstalled and reinstalled the latest version, i've had an error message about dump files and was pointed to this site and told to upload my last dmp errors,

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PC Keeps Randomly Rebooting

Oct 17, 2007

This has been going on for a couple of months now.The PC would just reboot all of a sudden, usually when we pop in a CD in the drive, or log on to another user account. When we try to turn the PC on, it takes about 5-10 reboots before it goes on to the Windows logo (or whatever you call that). I'm worried that it might be a virus. I tried Trend Micro's Online scan and left it for a while only to find that the PC reboot in the middle of it, and now, I can't get the scanner to work anymore (I keep getting this error message.) Also, to be honest, we usually leave the PC on for days on end, so overheating might not be so out of the question. Aside from overheating, I just wanna know what else we have to troubleshoot for regarding this problem? Is it possible that a virus is causing it? That's all, I just need a troubleshooting checklist.

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Xp Randomly Crashes

Aug 26, 2006

im leaving my newly built winxp comp on overnights. but when i come back it has crashed with this black screen showing a lot of what looks like id numbers.

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NT4 Event Log Services - System Log Is Full

Sep 4, 2006

Dialog box with Event Log Services - System log is full.
It looks like the Disk is full and I can't find anything to remove until I talk to the user.
How do I address this message.

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